MJH, Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project © 1998-2010
In Section 14 of Armada Township
It is said that Watertown cemetery was started by
Armstrong and Boyd families in the 1800's.
View in 1999
At some time in the past it was neglected and was left in disrepair for many years,
until in 1998 a young man by the name of Charles "Chuck" Day
from Miller took it upon his shoulders to speak with the County
Board of Supervisors and start the long
process of rebuilding the Watertown Cemetery.
It now has a fence, sign and flagpole,
and an area commemorating fallen soldiers of all wars.
A few tombstones are remaining, but at least 20-30 people are
believed to be buried there--work continues.
Tombstone photos
If anyone knows of photos of the Watertown Cemetery from early
times or of persons buried there, please contact Mona Houser.
Thanks to Charles Day of Miller, Weldon Bramer, Amherst, and Marcia
Dahlke, Bertrand, for their persistence and hard work! Thanks, too, to
the Buffalo County Board of Supervisors for their part in restoring this cemetery.