© MJH 1998 for Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project
Business Directory

Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publisher, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by M. M. Wolfe & Co, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.
Armada - Buda - Butler -
Elm Creek - Gibbon - Green Dale -
Kearney - Luce - Mahila -
Majors - Miller -
Nantasket - Odessa -
Peake - Pleasanton -
Prairie Centre - Ravenna -
Riverview -
St. Michael - Sartoria -
Shelton - Stanley -
Stevenson - Sweetwater -
Armada, a village in the northwestern part of Buffalo county, about 30 miles from Kearney, the county seat. Population, 100.
Anderson P N, genl mdse.
Fox H W, agl implts.
Gale M, hardware, agl. implts.
Harbaugh B F, justice.
Maddos & Potter, genl mdse.
Millspaugh J, harnessmaker.
Milton W A, blacksmith.
Pease H S, drugs.
Wilson Mrs, dressmaker.
Buda, a station on the U.P. Ry., in the southern part of Buffalo county, five miles east of Kearney, the county seat. Population, 25.
Gasdell J C, agl implts.
Hubbell J, justice.
Leonard T, blacksmith.
Sammon W C, sta agt, postmaster.
Butler, a postoffice in the south-eastern part of Buffalo county, 14 miles from Kearney, the county seat.
Leiniger Geo C, postmaster, genl mdse.
Elm Creek, a station on the U.P. Ry. in the southwestern part of Buffalo county, 16 miles west of Kearney, the county seat. A good bridge here spans the Platte river. Churches holding services here are Catholic, Methodist and Episcopal. Population, 275.
Ambert W G, restaurant.
Anderson C T, carpenter.
Arendt Geo, sta, tel and ex agt.
Baker Thomas, painter.
Beecroft H D, genl mdse.
Bishop James, blacksmith.
Brown D I, justice, ins.
Carpenter E O, saloon.
Carter J H, barber.
Case G G, phys.
David John, carpenter.
Davis Frank, blacksmith.
Dermody John, prop Pacific Hotel, livery.
Dietz C N, lumber, R N George, mgr.
Dougherty Robt, restaurant.
Elm Creek Sun, R N Volk, ed, pub.
Farmers & Merchants Bank,
Ben H Goddell pres., Geo Messick cashier.
Ferris Alden jr, hardware, agl implts.
First National Bank, J J Bartlett pres, R A Lumley cashier.
Fischer C W, confectionery.
Fischer W G, groceries.
Forristall J M, atty, real estate.
Frank J W, phys.
Gieselman F, meat market.
Gieselman Grace Miss, dressmaker.
Hammille W S, atty, real estate.
Hogue G W Mrs, dressmaker.
Houghton H, blacksmith.
Kearney Milling & Elevator Co, David McComb mgr, grain.
Kinkade George, carpenter.
Lamson Wm, hardware.
Leak W S, justice.
McCall F, roller mill.
McCall Frank, genl mdse.
McComb & Backus, harnessmaker.
Madsen B F, lumber, coal, grain.
Nantker H, drugs.
Pacific Hotel, John Dermody prop.
Potter E W, postmaster.
Potter E W & Co, drugs.
Potter R K, livestock, real estate.
Reeve B F, genl mdse.
Reid Orlie, shoemaker.
Russell Pharley, prop Elm Creek Hotel, livery.
Smith M H, billiards.
Snider George, agl implts.
Upton S, furniture.
Folk M E Mrs, millinery.
Waples G W, jeweler.
Waples G W Mrs, dressmaker.
Wilich Bernhardt, wellborer.
Woods & Nichols, blacksmiths.
Gibbon, in the southeastern part of Buffalo county, on the main line of the U.P.Ry., is 13 miles east of Kearney, the county seat. It has a population of 1,000. The grain and cattle shipments are among the important features of the place. The people are energetic and prosperous, and fully alive to all the requirements of business. They have a fine school building which cost $20,000, and is an ornament to the place. Among the industries are a cheese factory, two flour mills and a creamery. The churches are the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and United Brethern. The hotels have comfortable accommodations. The Buffalo
Beacon is a newsy, intelligent paper.
Ashburn, D P, prop Gibbon creamery, postmaster, atty.
Ashburn, J N, stationery.
Avery Bros, pumps, windmills.
Babcock L J, hardware, stoves.
Beck & Fisher, real estate, loans.
Berry Spencer, confectionery.
Bever L W, jeweler.
Blanchard F F, painter.
Bovee W L, painter
Buck L S, confectionery.
Buffalo County Beacon, S C Bassett, editor.
Carson D, prop Pacific hotel.
Carson J C, phys.
Carson W H, editor and pub Gibbon Reporter
Chapen M V, veterinary surgeon.
Clifton Mary Mrs, boarding.
Colwell A K, pumps, windmills.
Cowles E H, stock breeder.
Danner C A, blacksmith.
Davis I N, C Putnam mgr, flouring mill.
Day U A, carpenter.
Dean Cyrus, poultry, live stock.
Downing Elevator Co, A M Truckey mgr, grain.
Drury J D, barber, billiard hall.
Eastman J M, carpenter.
Evans Geo E, atty.
First National Bank, J H Davis pres, H F Flint cashier.
Frederick P E & Son, live stock.
Furgason Bros, livery.
Furgason R E, contractor.
George A D, genl mdse.
Gibbon Cheese Factory, Isaac DeClark, mgr.
Gibson A F, flour mill, agl implts.
Greenawalt W A, jewelry.
Harrel J W, groceries.
Havill D T, second hand goods
Henderson E, phys.
Hite D H, drugs.
Holdey J G, dry goods.
Ingles D F, sta, tel and ex agt.
Kelley & Marsh, harnessmakers.
Kirk Thomas, coal and agl implts.
Krisher J H, shoemaker
Leisy S A, genl mdse.
McCubbins Henry, live stock.
McMullen C W, barber.
Moore J A, live stock and livery.
Noble M H, drugs and groceries.
Pacific Hotel, D Carson prop.
Powell F W, painter.
Randall Wm, genl mdse.
Rogers W A, apiary, stock breeder.
Stapleton Geo, blacksmith.
State Bank of Gibbon, C C Holloway cashier.
Steere S D, phys.
Swinyer & Co, pumps, windmills.
Greendale, a postoffice in the western part of Buffalo county, 20 miles* west of Kearney, the county seat.
*Green Dale was about 12 miles west and 10 miles north of Kearney.
Luce, a postoffice in the eastern part of Buffalo county, 25 miles from Kearney, the county seat.
Mahila, a postoffice in the northern part of Buffalo county, 12 miles west of Ravenna, the nearest railway station.
Majors, a rural postoffice near the central part of Buffalo County, 20 miles north of Kearney, the county seat. Population, 20.
Carpenter E W, postmaster.
Higgins S G, blacksmith.
Stover A J, justice.
Miller, a new town on the line of the Kearney and Black Hills R.R., in the western part of Buffalo county. The postoffice and a number of business houses have been removed from Armada to this place.
Cherry A A, postmaster.
Nantasket, a village in the eastern part of Buffalo county, on the Nantasket branch of the U.P. Ry.,
Odessa, a station on the main line of the U.P. Ry., in the southwestern part of Buffalo county, 10 miles west of Kearney, the county seat. Population, 50.
Brown Wm L, postmaster.
Gursinger G M, sta agt.
Ireland W W, blacksmith.
Rall C, justice.
Richards H, justice.
Peake, a post office in the northern part of Buffalo county, 18 miles* north of Kearney, and six miles south of Bentora.
*(Peake was about 13 miles north and 4 miles west of Kearney, but the reference to Bentora, which became Hazard in Sherman County, is incorrect.)
Pleasanton, a newly established town created by the extension of the U.P. Ry. branch, west of Boelus, in the northern part of Buffalo county, has a population of 50. The county seat, Kearney, is about 40 miles* due south.
*(Kearney is about 20 miles due south.)
Prairie Centre, a rural postoffice in the western part of Buffalo county, 12 miles north of Kearney, the county seat. Population, 10.
Newberry N, postmaster.
Ravenna is pleasantly situated on the Loup and Beaver rivers, in the northestern part of Buffalo county, on the G.I. & W. division of the B.& M. R.R., of which it is a passenger and freight division. There is a connection with the U.P.R.R. by a branch line to Howard. The town has a population of 900 inhabitants, and is steadily growing. A round-house, elevator, creamery, lumber yards and two good banks -- First National Bank of Ravenna and State Bank of Ravenna -- a first-class hotel -- the Palmer House, T. Macombe, proprietor, who enjoys a large patronage. The
News is a live paper and fully represents the interests of the district. Several churches and good schools are well represented.
Bass C B, editor Ravenna News.
Bentley S N, phys and druggist.
Bohae & Kase, harnessmakers.
Boyle Henry, furniture.
Cass C B, justice.
Chicago Lumber Co, W G Hyer mgr.
Clark James A, livery, justice.
Commercial Hotel, Amos Jones prop.
Cronau Bros, hardware.
Davenport C N, drugs.
Diehl & Rudy Misses, millinery.
Dryer Fred, live stock.
Eckerson & Dunkin, genl mdse.
First National Bank, capital $50,000, O M Carter pres,
WW Pool vice-pres, F E Shaw cashier
Geist V, agl implts.
Hale C A phys.
Havlicek F W, saloon.
Hedglin C Wm, barber.
Henman W F, livery.
Henry R, restaurant.
Hershberger W R, jeweler.
Hlava Gust, shoemaker.
Hlava Joseph, tailor.
Hochreiter T, saloon.
Hughes J H, mgr Kendall & Smith.
Hyer W G, mgr Chicago Lumber Co.
Jones Amos, prop Commercial Hotel
Kaspar B, saloon.
Kendall & Smith, J H Hughes mgr, grain elevator.
Krajicek Frank, tailor.
Kufus H A, real estate.
Mrkvieka Frank, restaurant.
Macombe Thomas, prop Palmer House.
Mellett John E, atty.
Mener Bros, livery.
Mingus O D, confectionery.
Morrison D, painter.
Osburn D W, flour and feed.
Palmer House, Thomas Macombe prop.
Piderit W C, jeweler.
Pospisil Joseph, cigar mfr.
Rankin H H, hardware.
Ravenna Creamery Co, props Ravenna Creamery.
Ravenna News, C B Bass editor.
Richmond D M, drayman.
Sears F W, agl implts.
Shaw F E, insurance.
Shebl Joseph, wagonmaker.
Shellenbarger A T, groceries.
Sherman A T, laundry.
Sigourney S D, meat market.
Simon & Benesh, genl mdse.
Smaha Bros, meat market.
Smith Jay t, attys.
Spevacek Joseph, hardware.
State Bank of Ravenna, L J Dunn pres, H O Sitler cashier.
Taylor F E, agl implts.
Theissen J, blacksmith.
Tyner C W, sta, tel and ex agt.
Wheelock H, drugs.
Wicher A W & Co, lumber.
Wilkinson & Lovegreen, dry goods.
Wilsey F P, postmaster.
Wolback S N, genl mdse.
Zimpfer Louis, bakery.
Riverview, a postoffice in the north central part of Buffalo county, 12 miles southwest of Ravenna, and about 18 miles north of Kearney, the county seat.
St. Michael, a station on the Nebraska division of the B. & M. R.R., in the extreme northeastern part of Buffalo county, 28 miles from Kearney, the county seat. Population, 40.
Allen J S, sta agt.
Brodger F E, genl mdse.
Brumwell C E, postmaster.
Pierce S C, blacksmith.
Sartoria, a postoffice on the South Loup river, in the northwestern part of of Buffalo county, about nine miles southwest of Hazard, on the Newcastle branch of the B.& M. R.R.
Shelton, in the eastern part of Buffalo county, on the main line of the U.P. Ry., 18 miles from Kearney, the county seat. Its population is 1,000. Grain and live stock are mostly shipped, and a large trade is done in these commodities. Several new brick blocks are the notable improvements. The churches are Methodist, Presbyterian and Adventists. Civic societies, A.F. & A.M., I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W., K. of P., and G.A.R.
Anderson Wm, bakery, confectionery.
Bailey C S, harness, agl implts, justice.
Beecher R, phys.
Bencler L E, grocery.
Bentley W H, wagonmaker.
Blakeway Libbie N Miss, millinery.
Bromley A, grocery.
Carleton G W, sta, tel & ex agt, livery.
Cottage House, C R Marble prop.
First National Bank, Geo Meisner pres, A H Sterrett cashier.
George J R, grain, flour mill.
Guffey, Fine & co, genl mdse.
Gumprecht E O, saloon.
Gumprecht Otto, billiards.
Hancock O C, confectionery, restaurant.
Harman J M, postmaster, justice.
Heatherington J H, genl mdse.
Hedges & Junk, lumber, grain, agl implts.
Henlan J C, furniture, undertaker.
Hostetler E O, real estate.
Hostetler M A, genl mdse.
House M A, dentist.
Kearney Milling & Elevator Co, F Ellis mgr, grain.
Kithcart James, livery.
Lee M G, hardware.
McDermott E J, blacksmith.
McElvain C D, jewelry, stationery.
McKinley L, barber.
Main L P, atty.
Marble C F, prop Cottage House.
Matteson H H Co, genl mdse.
Meals Bros, meat market.
Merdinger Geo, billiards.
Morgan C W, painter.
Morris A H, drugs, stationery.
Mosser Simon, brick mfr.
Murphy & Dickinson, real estate.
Neeley David, real estate.
Nethercut M E Mrs. millinery.
Oliver Ed, genl mdse.
Peck Thos. veterinary.
Phelps M L, lumber.
Quilty P J, tailor.
Reed Bros, pubs Shelton Clipper.
Shelton Bank, Geo Mortimer pres, S H Graves cashier.
Shelton Clipper, Reed Bros props.
Smith C H, carpenter.
Smith E L, phys.
Smith J P & Sons, hardware, agl implts.
Southworth L P, live stock.
Starbuck Isaac, confectionery.
Steven James, harnessmaker.
Stockwell L, live stock.
Swayse B M, saloon.
Tague M Mrs. carpet weaver.
Taylor T J, live stock.
Tillotson Amos, saloon.
Tooley John, wagonmaker.
Underwood D W, livery.
Vandyke O J, shoemaker, auctioneer.
Watter J H, blacksmith.
Stanley, a postoffice in the western part of Buffalo county, 12 miles northwest of Kearney, the county seat.
Stevenson, a flag station on the U.P.Ry., five miles west of Kearney.
Sweetwater, a village situated in the extreme northern part of Buffalo county 25 miles north of Kearney. The products in the vicinity are
chiefly grain and live stock. In June, 1890 a disastrous cyclone visited this place.
Watertown, a station on the Kearney & Black Hills R.R., and the present terminus of the road.
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