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Journal of Proceedings
of the
Anti-Horse Thief Society of Buffalo Co.
Center Precinct June 23, 1879

Persuant to call, the inhabitants assembled at the School House in School district No. 28.

On motion A. H. Edwards was called to the chair and T. Willhelmy was chosen Secretary.

The Chairman stated the object of the meeting when on motion it was resolved to organize an anti-horse-thief Society.

On motion the election of Officers was deferred till the next meeting.

On motion the house proceeded to elect or choose a committee of three to draft a Constitution and By-laws. A.H. Edwards, M. W. McBride and T. J. Mahoney were chosen as Said committee.

Then adjourned till Friday June 27, 1879 at 7 O'clock P.M. sharp

[signed] T. Willhelmy

June 27th, 1879

Society called to order by previous chairman and L. D. Forehand was called to the chair and A. H. Edwards chosen Secretary.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Com. On Constitution and By-laws reported a Constitution and By-laws in readiness which was read and on motion of G. N. Smith each article was read and considered separately and the following Constitution and By-laws were adopted as amended.

See pages 4-20

After signing the Constitution and By-laws on motion proceeded to the election of Officers with the following result, vis.
Captain - L.D. Forehand
Lieutenant - T.J. Mahoney
Secretary - A.H. Edwards
Treasurer - T. Willhelmy
Trustees - G.N. Smith, W. F. McClure, John Berry

The Secretary and Treasurer were instructed to procure books and paper necessary for their offices.

On motion the Captain and Lieutenant were directed to procure a brand not to exceed in size the diameter of a half dollar.

On motion our next meeting was to be held on Saturday evening July 5 on account of the 4th of July coming on Friday. Then adjourned.

[signed] A.H. Edwards

July 5th 1879

Society met - L.D. Forehand in the chair, minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The Secretary presented a bill of one 15/100 dollars for books and paper - bill allowed and an order drawn on T(reasurer) for the amount.

The Captain presented a bill of  75/100 dollars for brand - bill allowed and an order drawn for the amount.

On motion the Treasurer was allowed further time to file his bonds.

Bro. McClure offered the following amendment to Sec. 1st Art. I of the Constitution, viz: Provided that this society will not be responsible for any horse or mule that is not kept within twenty miles of the place of meeting of this society.

Capt. appointed as riders E.H. Andrews, A. Thompson, W.F. McClure, T. Willhelmy and W.B. McBride.

The following names were proposed and elected to membership, vis: J.P. Hartman, Sen., Jas. Vansickle, D. Crable, G. Rachel, A. Johnson, A. Thompson, and Jas. M. Smith.

On motion the Secretary was instructed to notify those not present of their election and notify all the members who had not paid their dollar to do so by the next meeting of this society.

Then closed.

A.H. Edwards, Sec.

Aug. 1st 1879

Society called to order by the Secretary and W. F. McClure elected chairman for the evening, the Capt. & Lieutenant both being absent.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer's bond was accepted by the Trustees.

The amendment to the Constitution was taken up, altered and amended to read as follows (See Sec 1st of Art. I Constitution as it now reads.)

On motion a committee of three was appointed to ascertain the cost per hundred of printing our Constitution, By-laws, also to advertise our meeting and report at our next meeting. G.N. Smith, E.H. Andrews, and A. Thompson were appointed said committee.

A motion was made to G.N. Smith that not over one hundred and fifty dollars should be paid by this society for any one animal, which motion was adopted.

On motion those who had signed our Constitution or been accepted as members at our organization and had not yet paid their dollar should be granted further time but should not have their horses branded by the Society's brand till the dollar was paid.

Then adjourned
Receipts of the evening $10.70.

A.H. Edwards

1879 Sept. 5

Society called to order by the Capt. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

L.D. Forehand proposed Geo. Fleharty for member application, balloted for and elected.
A. H. Edwards proposed W. H. Pettit, applicant balloted for and elected.
A. Thompson proposed S. M. Brigham, applicant balloted for and elected.

Committee on printing Const. & Bylaws and advertising made a verbal report that they had not ascertained the expense of printing, etc. Then on motion the committee was discharged and on motion of E.H. Andrews, A.H. Edwards was appointed to fill the vacancy. The proposed amendment of Sec. 1st Art 6 Const was taken up and amended to read as follows (See Sec 1st Art 6 as it now reads)

Receipts of evening $7.25.
Then closed.

A.H. Edwards, Sec.

Oct 3rd 1879

Society called to order by A. H. Edwards and A. Thompson chosen chairman; minutes read and approved.

Committee on printing Constitution and By-laws reported the Const., etc., [is] ready for distribution and presented a bill of six dollars for the same, which report, after considerable sparring and many motions which were lost, together with considerable fun, was adopted and an order of six dollars drawn on the Treasurer to cancel the bill.

On motion the secretary was instructed to levy an assessment of one dollar on each member of this society in order to replenish the treasury.

The following Resolution was offered by W.F. McClure, viz.
Resolved that Art 5 Sec. 1 shall be altered to read as follows, The admittance fee for membership into this society shall be two dollars for each member, which Resolution according to our Constitution was laid over till our next meeting.

Receipts of the evening 75/100 dollar
Then adjourned.

A.H. Edwards, Sec.

Nov 7th 1879

Society called to order by the Sec and in the absence of the Captain and Lieutenant G.N. Smith was called to the chair.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Resolution offered by W.F. McClure at the previous meeting taken up, and after considerable discussion was adopted.

President declared a recess of five minutes.

After recess A.R. Thompson moved that the Treasurer be ordered to loan the money in his hands at ten per cent per annum interest.

Receipts of the evening $6.50
Then closed.

A.H. Edwards, Sec.

December 5th 1879

Society call to order by the Capt. L.D. Forehand.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

L.D. Forehand proposed H. Mack and on motion the applicant was admitted to membership on the payment of one dollar as he had sent in his application previous to the society raising the admittance fee from one to two dollars but was not presented till tonight. The candidate was then balloted for and declared elected.

L.D. Forehand presented a bill of 75/100 dollars for a second branding iron, bill allowed and an order drawn on the T. for the amount.

On motion the motion of A.R. Thompson adopted at the meeting of Nov 7, 1879, in regard to the loaning the money of this society was rescinded.

Then closed.
Receipts of the evening $8.50

A.H. Edwards, Sec.

January 2nd 1880

Society called to order by the Secretary, the Captain and Lieutenant both being absent. E. H. Andrews was called to the chair.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

On motion our hour of meeting was changed to 7 p.m.

Then adjourned.
Receipts of the evening $0.00

A.H. Edwards

February 6th 1880

Society called to order by the Capt.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Bro. Mahoney proposed Addison Johnston, applicant balloted for and declared elected.

A.H. Edwards presented a bill of 25 cts for paper. On motion bill allowed and an order drawn for the amount.

The following question was selected for discussion at our next meeting, viz.
Resolved that it is more to the interests of the farmers in this vicinity to purchase their horses than to raise them.

Receipts of the evening $4.50
Then closed.

A.H. Edwards

March 5, 1880

Society called to order by the Captain.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

W.M. McClure presented the application of D. M. Fulner, applicant balloted for and elected. W.H. Petit presented the application of W. H. Shoefelt, applicant balloted for and elected.

Then discussed the question proposed on the previous meeting.

G.N. Smith offered the following for discussion at our next meeting, viz.
Resolved that it is more profitable to the farmers of this vicinity to raise corn than wheat. And the question was adopted for next discussion.

Then closed.
Receipts of the evening $5.00

A.H. Edwards

April 2nd 1880

Society called to order by the Capt.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The following resolution was adopted viz.
Resolved that G.N. Smith be requested and authorized to procure fuel and lights for our meetings and present his bill at the end of the quarter.

Then proceeded to discuss the question. On motion the discussion of the question was to be continued at our next meeting.

Receipts of the evening $1.00
Then closed.

A.H. Edwards

May 7, 1880

Society called to order by the Captain L.D. Forehand.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The question for discussion was then discussed by Myers, G.N. Smith, J. Vansickle and E.H. Andrews advocates for raising corn, and W.F. McClure, L.D. Forehand and W.B. McBride advocates for raising wheat.

On motion the Secretary was requested to notify all who had paid their admittance fee and had not signed the Constitution and By-laws, that they must do so at or before our next meeting.

On motion H.J. Mack was required to pay the assessment of one dollar. On motion J. Vansickle dues ---lted to April 1, 1880. [This last sentence was apparently added later. It is written in very tiny writing, some of which has faded. Scan of the sentence. If you can decipher it, please contact me.]

On motion no person shall be allowed to have his animal branded unless he has a receipt from the Sec. that he has paid his admittance fee and signed the Const.

Laid over then closed.
Receipts $2.00

A.H. Edwards, Sec.

June 4th 1880

A quorum not being present, adjourned one week.

A.H. Edwards, Sec.

July 2nd, 1880

Society called to order by the Captain.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

L.D. Forehand proposed the name of J. M. Frantz. Candidate balloted for and elected. On motion the delinquent members were allowed until next meeting to pay their indebtedness. Secretary report read and adopted. Treasurer then reported, adopted also.

On motion A.R. Thompson's name ordered erased from the Constitution.

Election of officers followed. Proceeding to an informal ballot, G.N. Smith was elected. On motion the Lieutenant was nominated and balloted for which resulted in the election of W. F. McClure. E.H. Andrews was elected Secretary. Then proceeded to ballot for Treasurer which resulted in the election of T.J. Mahoney. Election of Trustees are as follows - H.J.Mack, L.M. Brigham, W.H. Pettit.

A.H. Edwards then presented a bill of $.15 for postage. On motion the bill was allowed and an order drawn on the Treasurer for amount.

On motion the hour of the meeting was changed to Eight O'clock P.M.

Capt. then appointed Riders as follows: E.H. Andrews, L.D. Forehand, T.J. Mahoney, W.B. McBride, H.J. Mack.

Receipts of the evening $5.75

E.H. Andrews

Sept 3rd 1880

A quorum not being present - adjourned.

E.H. Andrews

October 1st 1880

Meeting called to order by the Capt. G.N. Smith.

Minutes of Aug. 6th read and approved.

There being no proposals for membership, proceeded to unfinished business. A motion was then made and carried, that we carry over members that are delinquent until next meeting and that the Sec. to notify the same. A motion then followed to changed the hour of meeting from Eight O'clock until Seven, carried.

The Receipts of the evening $3.25 which was received on dues.

E.H. Andrews

Dec 3rd 1880

Meeting called to order by the Capt. G.N. Smith.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

A motion was then by E.H. Andrews that all members delinquent more than two quarters, after being notified, should be suspended. Motion carried.

A motion then offered to instruct Sec. to purchase paper, postal cards for Society, and an order drawn on Treasurer for payment thereof. Carried.

Receipts of evening $2.25.

E.H. Andrews

March 4th 1881

The Captain having other business, Society was called to order by the Lieutenant W. F. McClure.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Motion of previous meeting, that all members delinquent three Quarters be suspended, carried. Mr. Geo. Fleharty, Mr. W. H. Shoefelt and Mr. J. VanSickel were declared suspended.

Secretary was instructed to notify members that were more than one Quarter in arrears for does to A.H.R. S.

L.D. Forehand then offered a resolution as follows, That Sec 3 of article 5th under head of fines and dues shall be amended to read as follows, That if any member becomes delinquent to the Society for dues for more than one Quarter, he shall be dropped by the Secretary without any further action of the Society. Motion laid on table until next meeting.

Receipts of evening $3.50.

E.H. Andrews

April 1st 1881

Meeting called to order by the Capt. G.N. Smith.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, except the word dropped be changed to suspended.

The resolution of the previous meeting was then taken up and considerable discussion followed which resulted in the mover withdrawing said resolution. W. J. McClure offered a resolution as follows, that article fifth Sec. 3 under head of fees and dues, be amended to read as follows: At the end of each Quarter, if any member fails to pay his dues or fines promptly, he shall be suspended from all benefit from the Society, until his dues are paid, unless the society should otherwise direct. Said resolution was laid on the table until next meeting.

Receipts of evening $2.25.

E.H. Andrews

May 6th 1881

Meeting called to order by the Capt. G.N. Smith. Roll called by the Secretary.

Motion of previous meeting was then taken up, and discussed. Carried to read as follows: That Article 5 Sec 3 under head of fees and dues, be amended to read as follows: At the end of each Quarter if any member fails to pay his dues or fines promptly, he shall be suspended from all benefits from the Society, until his dues are paid unless the Society should otherwise direct. Sec. requested to change by-laws accordingly.

Receipts of evening $1.25.

E.H. Andrews, Sec.

June 1881

Meeting called to order by the Capt. G.N. Smith. Minutes read and approved.

Reports of Secretary and Treasurer were offered and accepted.

Then proceeded to elect officers. T. Willhelmy was elected Capt. and refused to serve. Mr. McClure nominated and elected. Mr. Pettit was elected Lieutenant, and E.H. Andrews Sec. T.J. Mahoney was elected Treasurer. Trustees Pettit, Forehand, G. Smith.

A motion then followed that all members be notified of their dues, and that if they do not pay, they will be dropped. Carried. Remarks by members.

E.H.A., Sec.

July 1st 1881

Meeting called to order by the Capt. W.F. McClure.

Minutes read and approved. Then proceeded to new business. The Treasurer's Report read and adopted. Motion offered to give Treasurer until the next meeting to file bond carried.

Next motion read as follows that the Sec. notify all members more than one quarter in arrears for dues and if they do not pay by next meeting to expel them. Carried.

Remarks by members.

Receipts of evening $2.25.

E.H. Andrews

Dec 2nd 1881

Meeting called to order by the President. The Sec being absent. Proceeded to other business.

Moved and carried that the Treas. granted another [sic] to file his Bond.
Receipts of evening fifty cents.

Forehand, Sec. ProTem

Feb 8th 1882

Meeting called to order by Captain W.F. McClure. Minutes of Dec 2nd read and approved. A motion carried to extend the Treas. old bond through this term. No further business being brought before the Society, except discussion on delinquent members.
Receipts of evening $2.50.

E.H. Andrews

June 2nd 1882

Meeting called to order by capt.

The following Resolutions were offered by L.D. Forehand, and laid on the table until next meeting. Resolved, that Sec 2 article 5 be suspended for the time. Resolved, that Sec 1st of the Bylaws be amended to read as follows: The Society shall meet the first Friday evening of each Quarter, beginning July 1st 1882. The meeting shall be held at the School House in Dist. No. 28 Center Precinct. Also resolved, that Sec 4th of the By-laws be amended to read as follows: The Capt. or Commander of the company may call a special meeting at any time when they may deem it necessary to do so.

Then followed Election of Officers which resulted as follows:
W.F. McClure, Capt.
G.N. Smith, Lieu.
L.D. Forehand, Sec.
S.M. Brigham, Treas.
Trustees: A.H. Edwards, J. Smith, T. Willhelmy

It was thought best to let the Society's money for 10% giving the Treas. first chance. A few more remarks for the good of the Society and closed.

Receipts of evening $3.25.
E.H. Andrews

July 7th 1882

Meeting called to order by the Captain William F. McClure.

The resolution presented at the previous meeting passed June 2nd was then read by the Secretary and after considerable discussion a ballot was then held and was declared lost by the Capt. There being no further Business fore the Meeting it adjourned.


A Special meeting was called by the Captain Nov. 2nd 1882 and the following business was handled on the different claims against the Society incured in the pursuit of Horsethief were presented and allowed as follows:
Captain William F. McClure, $3.75; F. Wilhelmy $3.00; E.H. Andrews $3.00; G.N. Smith $3.50; L.M. Brigham $3.14; L.D. Forehand $3.54. Total expenses $22.43. The Captain was then instructed to draw an order on the Treasurer for the several amounts and pay the several claims.

There being no further business the Society then adjourned.


April 5th 1883

Meeting called to order by the Captain William F. McClure. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

G.N. Smith then moved that we proceed to the Election of Officers for the ensuing year. Carried.

The present officers were nominated as candidates for the ensuing year and there being no other nominations a ballot was held which resulted as follows: W.F. McClure, Captain
G.N. Smith, Lieut.
L.D. Forehand, Secretary

The meeting then adjourned.


June 6th 1884

At a regular meeting of the Center Precinct Anti-Horse Thief Society, the Captain William F. McClure in the chair, the following business was transacted. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The Society then proceeded to the election of officers.

William F. McClure was nominated for Capt., there being no other nominations. He was declared duly elected.
Theodore Wilhelmy was nominated and duly elected Lieut.
G.N. Smith, Treasurer, and L.D. Forehand, Secretary.

The Captain then appointed E.H. Andrews, A.H. Edwards, and Pettis as Trustees for the Society. The Captain also appointed as riders the whole entire Company. Members of the Society were warned by the Captain to have all horses and mules branded or the Company would not be responsible for any losses.

No report was read by the Treasurer, he not being present. Remarks were made by several of the members. There being no further business the Society adjourned until its next regular meeting in October.


Oct 1884

There being no quorum, no meeting was held.

L.D.Forehand, Sec'y

January 1885

There being no quorum, no meeting was held.


January 16th 1885 - "Special"

A meeting was held and the Following Business was transacted. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer not being present no report was made by him. The Society then adjourned until the 23rd.


[No more entries in the journal.]


We, the undersigned, believing it to be our right and duty to protect our horses and mules from the ravages of thieves, and believing furthermore that we can much more effectually do so by assisting one another, do hereby agree to form ourselves into an association; and do hereby agree to abide by and support the following Constitution and By-laws.


Article 1st. Membership.

Sec. 1st. - This society shall be known and designated as the Anti-horse-thief Society of Center Precinct, of Buffalo County, Nebraska.

Sec. 2nd. - Any person desirous of becoming a member shall have his name proposed by a member of this society, and his application shall be voted upon.

Article 2nd. Officers

The officers of this society shall consist of a Captain, Lieutenant, Secretary, Treasurer and three Trustees, who shall be elected annually, by ballot, at the last meeting in June and enter upon the duties of their duties [sic] the first meeting in July.

Article 3rd. Duties of Officers.

Sec. 1st. - The Captain shall be the Presiding officer at each meeting of the society, appoint a suitable number of riders for pursuit, have supreme command of the same in preparing to pursue a thief, or in the pursuit of the same; appoint a leader for each squad of men sent out, and plan all arrangements for the speedy pursuit of the thief, as soon as possible after he has received notice that a horse or mule belonging to any member of this society has been stolen. He shall also draw all orders on the Treasurer, and, together with the Lieutenant, appoint as many riders as they may deem advisable.

Sec. 2nd - The Lieutenant shall render the Captain all the assistance in his power in making arrangements for the pursuit and capture of the thief; and in the absence of the Captain shall perform the duties of the Captain.

Sec. 3rd. - The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of each meeting, keep a list of all the names of the members, notify all members in arrears for dues, levy all assessments; conduct the correspondence fo the society, attest all orders drawn on the Treasurer by the Captain, and at the end of each quarter, or at the next regular meeting thereafter, notify the society of the names of all members who are in arrears for fines, dues or assessments, and pay to the Treasurer all moneys of the society which may come into his hands by virtue of his office, taking the receipt of the Treasurer for the same.

Sec. 4th. - The Treasurer shall hold in trust all moneys belonging to this society, pay all orders properly drawn on him by the Capt. and attested by the Secretary, and should the Captain need money to pursue a thief, he may loan him from the funds in his hands belonging to this society, such funds as he, together with the Lieutenant, may call for, not exceeding thirty dollars at any; one time; provided the Captain and the Lieutenant shall give their joint note to the Treasurer for the amount loaned them; he shall also before entering upon the duties of his office, give to the Trustees of this society a bond with two or more good and sufficient sureties which shall be approved by the trustees; the face of said bond shall not be less than two hundred dollars; he shall pay over immediately to his successor in office all moneys, books, papers, or other property belonging to this society in his possession or under his control.

Sec. 5th. - The Trustees shall see that the Treasurer gives a good and sufficient bond before entering upon the duties of his office; and perform such other duties as the society may require of them.

Article 4th. Riders

Sec. 1st. - Each rider shall, when commanded by the Captain, immediately appear, mounted on a horse or mule, at the place designated by the Captain (unless otherwise directed by the Captain) and there await orders.

Sec. 2nd. - Each rider, when on duty, shall implicitly obey the commands of the Captain.

Sec. 3rd. - Should a rider refuse or neglect to obey the orders of the Captain, the Captain shall report the fact to the Secretary who shall at the first regular meeting of the society thereafter report the same to the society, and the Lieutenant shall appoint a committee of three members, who shall notify the accuser and the accused to appear at a time and place designated in the notice, at which time and place they shall investigate the matter and report their decision at the next meeting of the society, and if the committee report him guilty the society may fine, reprimand, suspend, or expel him as the majority of members present may determine.

Sec. 4th. - Should any rider feel aggrieved or deem the Captain's orders oppressive or unjust he may appeal to the Society for redress.

Article 5th. Fees and Dues

Sec. 1st. The admittance fee for membership into this society shall be one dollar for each member which fee shall in all cases accompany the application and if the applicant is rejected the money shall be refunded.

Sec. 2nd. - Each member shall pay quarterly to the Secretary the sum of twenty five cents.

Sec. 3rd. - At the end of each quarter, if any member fails to pay his dues or fines promptly, the Secretary shall notify him and if, at the next regular meeting of this society, his fines or dues still remain unpaid, the Secretary shall state that fact to the society and he shall be expelled, unless the society should otherwise direct.

Sec. 4th. - The quarters shall commence the first of July, October, January and April.

Sec. 5th. - When the Captain is notified that a horse or mule is stolen from any member of this society, in good standing, and shall refuse or neglect to promptly take all measures in his power to capture the thief and horse or mule he shall pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars as the society may determine.

Article 6th. Assessments

Sec. 1st. - When a horse or mule is stolen from any member of this society in good standing and the riders fail to find the same, the Captain, when he is satisfied the animal cannot be found, shall report the same to the society and the Captain shall appoint three disinterested members of this society who were acquainted with the horse or mule who shall assess the animal at its actual cash value, as near as may be, and report same to the society, and the society shall require an order equal to the amount of the assessment to be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of him whose horse or mule was stolen, provided that not more than one hundred and fifty dollars shall ever be paid for one animal.

Sec. 2nd. - Should it be the Captain's horse or mule which is stolen, he shall report the fact to the Lieutenant, and the Lieutenant shall as far as that case is concerned assume the duties of the Captain.

Sec. 3rd. - Should there not be sufficient funds in the treasury to pay the full value of the order the Treasurer shall notify the Secretary of the amount of the deficiency and the secretary shall proceed at once to levy an assessment equally upon each member to supply the deficiency.

Sec. 4th - When a member receives notice of the amount of his assessment, he shall within thirty days pay the same to the Secretary or his name shall be erased from the Constitution.

Sec. 5th - When there is less than thirty dollars in the treasury, the society may order the Secretary to levy a per capita assessment of a specified amount to replenish the treasury.

Article 7th. Remuneration.

Sec. 1st. - The Captain and riders shall each receive two dollars for each day's actual service of himself and horse, while in pursuit of a thief, or returning from pursuit and are under orders of the proper authority, said money to be paid from the treasury of this society; provided, however, that no compensation shall be allowed for the first day's service.

Sec. 2nd. - The actual necessary expenses of the rider and Captain while on duty shall be paid by the society.

Article 8th. Duties of members

Sec. 1st. - When any member of this society ascertains that his horse or mule is stolen, he shall immediately notify the Captain of that fact, and the Captain shall forthwith make and execute such plans for pursuit as he may deem proper, provided the horse or mule when stolen is within twelve miles of the place of meeting of this society.

Sec. 2nd. - Any member refusing or neglecting to obey the demands of the Captain in carrying out this plan of pursuit, shall, on complaint of the Captain or any other member of this society be dealt with, and may be fined, reprimanded, suspended, or expelled by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of this society

Sec. 3rd. - When a member has cause to believe his horse or mule is stolen, and it afterwards is ascertained that the animal had strayed and was not stolen, the owner of the animal shall pay one half the expense of the pursuit, the society shall pay the other half.

Sec. 4th. - After a member has received pay for his horse or mule, he shall have no further claim on the animal provided it should afterward be found but said animal shall belong to the society and the society may dispose of him or her as a majority of members present at any regular meeting of the society may direct; said animal, after it is found to be placed in charge of the Captain till the next regular meeting of the society provided that after the animal is found the former owner shall have the privilege of redeeming it by paying to the Treasurer of this society the amount of money he received for it and interest on the money while from the time he received it till paid back to the Treasurer the rate of interest shall be ten per cent per annum.

Article 9th. Amendments

This Constitution may be altered or amended by a two thirds vote of all the members present at any regular meeting of this society, provided a written notice of such alteration shall have been given at a previous regular meeting.

BY-LAWS. Meetings

1st. - This society shall meet the first Friday in each monthly at the school-house in school district No. 28 promptly at 7:30 O'clock P.M. unless the time be changed at a previous regular meeting.

2nd. - Promptly at the hour the Captain shall call to order, and if the Captain is not present the Lieutenant shall take the chair, and in the absence of both, the society shall choose a chairman pro tem, who shall serve till the Captain or the Lieutenant shall arrive.

3rd. - Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

4th. Special meetings may be called by the Captain, Lieutenant and Secretary provided at least twenty members of the society shall be notified of such Special meeting and on the application of ten members shall be called, as above specified.

5th. - Any member wishing to withdraw from this society may do so by stating his wish in open meeting and if he is clear on the books and no assessment is about to be made, his request shall be granted.

6th. - No order shall be drawn on the Treasurer of this society unless ordered by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of this society.

7th. - Any member may be fined, reprimanded, suspended, or expelled for disorderly conduct, refusing to obey the Captain, or for continued absence from the meetings of this society.

8th. - No persons, except members of this society shall be admitted to its meetings.

9th. - No member of this society shall be eligible to an office in this society who makes an effort to obtain one.

10th. - All horses and mules belonging to members of this society shall be branded by a brand adopted by this society, and if sold to a party outside of this society, shall be counter-branded and no charge shall be made, or fee required, for branding or counter-branding.

11th. - No pursuit, unless voluntary, shall be made for the recovery of any horse or mule which is not properly branded by the brand belonging to this society.

12th. - The brand of this society shall be a semi-circle, the counter-brand, a circle.

13th. - Should a horse-, or mule-thief be captured, it shall be the duty of those who captured him to bring him to trial and justice as soon as the law will allow that the County may be put to the least possible expense.

14th. - These By-Laws may be suspended for the time being by a unanimous vote of those present.

15th. - These By-Laws may be altered or amended as provided for altering or amending the Constitution.

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