Nicole Carr submitted these items which appeared in the Shelton Clipper. Her grandmother had saved this issue because it was the last one published by the grandmother's grandfather, Frank Reed. It is dated November 2, 1911. For more information about Frank Reed and the Shelton Clipper, see the Reed biography in Buffalo County and Its People.
(From Page 1)
United Evangelical Church Services. ![]()
Mrs. Smith Entertains ![]() Some weeks since someone borrowed a rain coat from Mose Kithcart and have since neglected to return it. Mr. Kithcart is expecting the rainy season to set in most any time and asks the borrower to return the coat soon. ![]() The annual inspection of Company A, Second infantry, will take place at Kearney at 8:00 p. m. on Wednesday, November 15th, by Major Louis H. Gage. ![]()
Raise the Tuition Price This raise in rate has become necessary since the price formerly charged was lower than the actual cost per pupil to the district for the education of pupils within the district. The former price was and has been for a number of years, lower than the rate charged by other schools in surrounding towns and was also lower than is provided by the state law. The raise in price is only a few cents and will work no hardship on persons outside the district. The Shelton public schools have long been recognized as one of the best in the state and people will willingly pay the additional tuition charge. ![]()
A Brute ![]() Albert E. Tague of Shelton and Miss Elsie May Witters of Gibbon were granted a license to wed by the county judge Wednesday. The ceremony took place last evening at the home of the bride southwest of Shelton. ![]()
HALLOWE'EN FITTINGLY OBSERVED The Epworth League of the Methodist Church held a social party at the E.C. Warren home a mile south of town which was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed. The Young People's Social Circle of the Baptist Church gave a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitford which is said to have been one of the most enjoyable affairs of the season. Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Underwood entertained some twenty guests at a ghost party at their home. Whist and other games provided entertainment for the evening and refreshments were served. Some twenty-five of the many friends of Miss Mae Turley gave her a surprise party on this evening and the little folks thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the affair. Games were played by both out doors and in and the people of the neighborhood realized to the fullest extent that Hallowe'en had arove. ![]()
Coyotes are Plentiful. ![]()
The public schools at Gibbon were closed this week on account of an epidemic of small pox which broke out in that place a week ago. A strict quarantine is being enforced and the physicians expect to check any further spread of the disease. |
NOT AN APOLOGY The Clipper is so good a paper all the time that we do not think it necessary to offer any apology for its appearance or its news service. It may be not as good as usual this week owing to the fact that the editor, F.D. Reed, is confined to his home by sickness. However, the paper is in the hands of its friends and we trust it will meet with expectations of its many readers. [Note --Frank Reed died 9 days later, November 11, 1911.] ![]()
Basketball at Wood River The first half of last Friday's game was Shelton's. Our two forwards had their own way against the two guards, and kept our score in the lead. Were it not for a defective goal-basket, we would have won the game through a large lead in scores in the first half, since we failed to make four different field goals due positively to the defective basket. In the second half, Wood River strengthened their guards and put in a strong forward. The score alternated several times in favor of each team, and the time expired while Wood River happened to be one point ahead. Both the referee and the umpire were somewhat lenient in calling fouls, there being three called on Wood River and two and Shelton. The Shelton players were Gertrude Lyle and Grace Bliss, forwards; Flora Ashton and Leona Turton, centers; Cecelia Hilgert and Sara Reynolds (captain), guards. Effie Washburn and Nina Lutes did not play. Superintendent Hull and Superintendent Monroe alternated by halves as referee and umpire. Shelton scorer, timer, and rooter, Oliver Ashton. The Wood River girls will play our girls in Shelton this autumn. ![]()
SHELTON WILL HAVE POSTAL SAVINGS BANK IN OPERATION NOV. 23 This will be the fifth postal savings bank to be established in Buffalo County. The first one was established at Kearney and the second one at Elm Creek, these two being the only ones in operation at this time. Banks have also been ordered established, however, at Ravenna and Gibbon and these will soon be doing business. Postal savings banks are being established in great numbers all over the country and the innovation has met with such favor that it is only a question of a comparatively short time when every postoffice of any importance will have a banking department in connection with it. According to the system in vogue only small deposits are received, sum of 30 cents will cents will receive the Kanthe features of the postal savings banks is in accepting deposits in amounts smaller than a dollar. The lowest deposit which can be made is for ten cents, and for such a deposit the patron of the office is given a card about the size of an ordinary postal card. This has spaces marked off for nine stamps which are issued for subsequent deposits of ten cents each. When a depositor wishes to make a second deposit of ten cents he simply purchases a ten cent stamp and affixes it to the card previously received. When nine stamps have been pasted on the card, the depositor may place that in the bank and open a formal account by obtaining a deposit slip for $1. Deposits of $1 or over are made the same as ordinary banking is done. All patrons of the postal bank must be patrons of the office and cannot deposit money there unless he receives mail there or lives in the territory served by the office. All depositors must fill out an application blank before a postmaster-banker can accept his deposit. No person can deposit more than $500 per year. The postal banks were opened as an experiment and have been so uniformly successful that they are being opened throughout the country. Where banks have been established they have drawn the greater part of deposits from small depositors, who availed themselves of the advantages of the savings bank privileges. All deposits can be drawn out the same as any other bank. One of the advantages which is claimed for the postal savings bank is that all deposits will draw two per cent interest on all deposits computed separately, and interest will continue to accrue as long as the certificate remains outstanding, although our local banks are paying four per cent on time deposits. A married woman is allowed to open and maintain an account independent of her husband. Women who open accounts and afterward marry must present their savings certificate at the office where they have accounts in order that certificates may be endorsed as payable to her in her new name. Each depositor and all patrons of the office where the banks have been established are furnished with complete and detailed information relative to the opening of accounts in that institution. (Note: More info about the postal savings system as it was in 1911 available at: |
What our Rural Neighbors are Doing and What is Happening Among Them ELM ISLAND O.O. Olson was a business caller at Kearney Saturday. Price Clark visited over Sunday with relatives in Kearney. A daughter was born to Mr. And Mrs. Pearl Asher of Lowell Tuesday. Mrs. S.F. Hardon is suffering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Ben Hardon rides in a fine new buggy, having purchased one Tuesday. C. D. Bessie of Kearney was a business caller on the island Monday. Oscar and Annie Leisinger visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Leisinger Sunday. Emery Lockhart is having his hay baled this week. The Lacey Bros. are doing the work. Emery Lockhart and Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Nelson autoed over to Kearney one day last week. Mrs. Mary Reynolds and son Roy of Shelton visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Manfull. Mrs. G. W. Daggett and daughter Pearl visited at the Gene Warren home near Shelton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bremser of Gibbon spent Sunday at the John Manfull home. C.H. Lockwood, Hiram Leisinger, and E.W. Lockhart shipped a car of wheat to Kansas City this week. The box supper at district 42 Friday night was largely attended. The proceeds from the sale of the boxes amounted to about twenty dollars. George Brown left for Texas, accompanying the car of goods belonging to Mrs. Lulu Grafius, who left yesterday for that state, intending to make it her home. Misses Mettie Tucker and May Cook, who have been attending school in Gibbon, are at home this week, the Gibbon school being closed on account of smallpox. Lowell is a busy place these days. Roy Leisinger, Perry Cooper, Lenn McKinney and Sheldon Bros. Are shipping beets and S. Nelson, O.O. Olson, D.H. Rockefeller and Charles Ledfelter are shipping hay.
GARDNER TOWNSHIP Jake Link is building a new addition to his home. Hedger Fox is helping C. Feldmeyer with his new house. Mr. and Mrs. C. Feldmeyer were Grand Island visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Robinson spent Sunday with friends in Cameron. J.F. Urwiller has been tearing down and rebuilding his corn crib. C.S. Fieldgrove was looking after business affairs in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Urwiller of Ravenna visited at Fred Urwiller's the first of the week. Mrs. Waddington of Cameron and Mrs. Gill of Norfolk visited at H.M. Porter's last week. John Stuber, Sr., returned home from Halsey Friday bringing with him two cars of horses and mules. Ethel Welch left Sunday for Grand Island, where she will resume her studies after spending a few weeks at home. Evelyn Robinson is doing housework for Mrs. A. G. Welch this week. We understand that Henry Ahrens, Jr. has rented J.D. Hopkins farm for the coming season. Mr. Hopkins has decided to move to Texas.
SHARON NEWS Ira Coon had a horse cut by wire this week. Frank Archer has been marketing corn this week. Walter Schepers has been hauling hay this week. I.K. Henninger has purchased an ensilage cutter. Mrs. Eliza Miller has been on the sick list this week. F.H. Redington a business caller in this vicinity Tuesday. Several of our neighbors are husking corn and some of them are about through. R.A. Campbell, E.H. Kappler, Charles Meusch and Charles Bonsak marketed hogs this week. The family of William Loffer were given a surprise party Friday evening. About thirty young people were present and all had a good time. Clarence Bussinger, while returning home from town accidentally set fire to his buggy with a spark from his pipe. It burned up about half of his new buggy. Rosa Bonsak gave a very nice party to about forty of her young friends in honor of her eighteenth birthday Monday evening. The time was spent in dancing, the music being furnished by F. Bonsak and Bernie Schleck.
LUCE NEWS (The next 19 lines are unreadable, as this section came in the center of the page, and after 91 years of folding and being handled, there is a hole in this part.) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahrens gave a party to the young folks Sunday night. A good time was had by all. John Hadenfeldt cleaned and fanned his wheat with a four hole corn sheller last week and says it does a fine job. Johnnie Ohlmann returned home from Cherry county Tuesday where he has been working for his uncle, George Ohlmann, for some time.
SOUTHEAST OF SHELTON Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Batterson went to Grand Island Saturday. Miss Ethel Burmood came down from Kearney Saturday and visited over Sunday. Sam Burmood and Frank Smith went to a stock sale west of Gibbon last Wednesday. We are informed that A.L. Wyman has sold out to John Graham, who will take possession about the first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Lorenzen were entertained for dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Burmood. Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Batterson, Mr. and Mrs. James Bly, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Burmood and Mr. and Mrs. F.T. Smith took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Bly. If the voters of south Jackson will turn out on election day and obey the dictates of their conscience, there is no doubt that the effort which has been put forth the last year to give us roads that are reasonable will be continued next year. |
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