MJH, Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project © 2001
Emil Parks and Florence Miller Are Married Thursday.Emil R. Parks of Kearney, and Miss Florence A. Miller, also of this city, were married Thursday evening at eight-thirty o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miller, 109 east Twenty-sixth street. Miss Christa Mann played the wedding march as they descended the broad stairway and entered the parlor. Miss Pearl Miller, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Milo Faser as best man.
Rev. L. C. McEwen, of the Presbyterian church, was the officiating minister. After congratulations and well wishes of their friends the bride and groom and the guests sat down to a dainty two-course luncheon.
Fifty friends and relatives were present and presented Mr. and Mrs. Parks with many beautiful and useful gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Parks will spend a few days of their honeymoon in Omaha, for which place they left on an early morning train Friday. They will return to York and Mr. Parks will complete a course in the business college there after which they will decide where they will make their residence.
The bridal couple was accompanied to the train by the guests, who showered them with good wishes and deluged them with rice.
Thursday evening at 8:30 'clock at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miller, 109 East 26th Street, occurred the marriage of their daughter Florence A., to Mr. Emil R. Parks, of Kearney. Miss Christa Mann played the wedding march as they descended the broad stairway and entered the parlor, attended by Miss Pearl Miller, sister of the bride, acting as bridesmaid, and Mr. Mils Faser as best man. Rev. L. C. McEwen of the Presbyterian church officiated. After the usual congratulation and well wishes for a long and happy future, the guests were invited to partake of a dainty and delicious two-course luncheon. About 50 relatives and friends were present and presented them with many beautiful and useful gifts. The bride and groom throwed the roses and were caught by Cristia Mann.
Mr. and Mrs. Parks left on their honeymoon for Omaha and other points on an early morning train. They will return to York where Mr. Parks will complete his course in the college. At the completion of its course they will then decide their future residence. Many of their friends accompanied them to the train and showered them with rice and many well wishes.
A kitchen shower was given in the honor of Mrs. Florence Miller-Parks at the home of Mrs. S. S. Hartman by Miss Hazel Leonard and Phera Hartman last evening which, for grandeur of display decoratively, etc., was one of the season's successes. The general decorations were of a red and blue effect, the room in which the festivities took place being hung with a series of flags, one large banner being hung under the ceiling directly over the piano.
A bower of carnations in the dinning room with red and white ribbon streamers running from the ceiling to the table was another charming effect. This latter decorating effect was used in the game of future, each individual one having a surprise in store for the holder. Everyone present enjoyed this feature immensely.
After a choice luncheon the party proceeded to shower Mrs. Parks with a varied assortment of kitchen utensils after which the crowd departed, pleasant evening. Among those present were: Mrs. Parks-Miller; the Misses Ella Reider, Lena Miller, Elizabeth Perkins, Pearl Miller, Winni Lawnsburry and Ethel Trocel.
Newspaper notices, most likely from the Kearney Hub. I have the original clipping that my grandmother had saved so I don't know for sure what paper they came from. The wedding took place 8 Feb 1911.
Submitted by Lawrence D Parks, grandson of Emil and Florence Parks.