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BUFFALO COUNTY has a population of 25,000. BUFFALO COUNTY has six miles of paved roads. (3 more to be added this year). BUFFALO COUNTY has 240 miles of gravelled highway. BUFFALO COUNTY annually produces 105,000 tons of alfalfa. BUFFALO COUNTY annually produces 4,200,000 bushels of corn. BUFFALO COUNTY produced 20,500 tons of sugar beets in 1929. BUFFALO COUNTY shipped 2,791 carloads of livestock last year. BUFFALO COUNTY has 16,700 acres under ditch irrigation. BUFFALO COUNTY has over fifty herds of high producing dairy cows. BUFFALO COUNTY has an active Farm Bureau employing two county workers. BUFFALO COUNTY cheese factories produce over a ton of cheese a day. BUFFALO COUNTY annually produces 220,000 bushels of early potatoes of superior quality.
BUFFALO COUNTY beef cattle have made a reputation in Iowa and Illinois feed lots. BUFFALO COUNTY has 48 4-H rural boys and girls clubs in 1930. BUFFALO COUNTY has 80 farmers who are keeping Farm Account Books. BUFFALO COUNTY rural women are organized into 40 project groups for the purpose of becoming more proficient in their profession of homemaking. BUFFALO COUNTY alfalfa hay has commanded the highest price ever paid for a car of alfalfa hay on the Kansas City market. BUFFALO COUNTY has two Master Farmers. BUFFALO COUNTY is blessed with twelve cities and villages within its borders. BUFFALO COUNTY has four state highways traversing it. BUFFA.LO COUNTY has one of the largest farmer elevators in the state co-operating with the Federal Farm Board. BUFFALO COUNTY has 1,054 head of dairy cows. BUFFALO COUNTY farms produce annually four million bushels of corn, one-half million bushels each of oats, wheat and barley.