MJH, Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project © 2001

Central Shoe Store and Mueller Service Garage Thomsen Pneumatic Collar Co.
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Name  Residence when elected Inaugurated
  1. George Washington  Mt. Vernon, Va. 1789
  2. John Adams  Quincy, Mass. 1797
  3. Thomas Jefferson  Monticello, Va. 1801
  4. James Madison  Montpelier, Va. 1809
  5. James Monroe  Oakhill, Va. 1817
  6. John Quincy Adams  Quincy, Mass. 1825
  7. Andrew Jackson  Hermitage, Tenn. 1829
  8. Martin Van Buren  Kinderhook, N.Y. 1837
  9. William H. Harrison  North Bend, O. 1841
10. John Tyler  Williamsburg, Va. 1841
11. James K. Polk  Nashville, Tenn. 1845
12. Zachary Taylor  Baton Rouge, La. 1849
13. Willard Fillmore  Buffalo, N.Y. 1850
14. Franklin Pierce  Concord, N.H. 1853
15. James Buchanan  Wheatland, Pa. 1857
Name  Residence when elected Inaugurated
16. Abraham Lincoln  Springfield, Ill. 1861
17. Andrew Johnson  Greenville, Tenn. 1865
18. Ulysses S. Grant  Washington, D.C. 1869
19. Rutherford B. Hayes  Fremont, Ohio 1877
20. James A. Garfield  Mentor, Ohio 1881
21. Chester A. Arthur  New York, N.Y. 1881
22. Grover Cleveland  Buffalo, N.Y. 1885
23. Benjamin Harrison  Indianapolis 1889
24. Grover Cleveland  New York, N.Y. 1893
25. William McKinley  Canton, Ohio 1897
26. Theodore Roosevelt  Oyster Bay, N.Y. 1901
27. William H. Taft  Cincinnati, Ohio 1909
28. Woodrow Wilson  Princeton, N.J. 1913
29. Warren G. Harding  Marion, Ohio 1921
30. Calvin Coolidge  Northhampton, Mass. 1922
31. Herbert Hoover  Berkley, Calif. 1929

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