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In the World War 1917-1918-1919, Buffalo County, Nebraska


1. Raymond A. Graham,    Kearney, Nebraska.
Entered the service at Kearney, Nebr., in February, 1918, and trained at Ft. Riley, and Camp Merritt, for duty with the U. S. Army. Was in the second Battle of the Marne, and served on battle front 52 days. Discharged in January, 1919.

2. Charles E. Leslie,    Pleasanton. Nebraska.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., June 24. 1918, and trained at Camp Funston, Camp Dodge and Camp Mills, for duty with Co. E. 352d Infantry, 88th Division. Saw service in the Argonne-Meuse and other offensives.

3. Carl W. Peterson,    Kearney, Nebraska.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., Sept. 26. 1918, and trained at Lincoln, Neb., for duty with the Signal Corps. In training at Lincoln until after armistice was signed. Discharged in December, 1918

4. Corporal Roscoe C. Sammons,    Son of Mrs. Lizzie Sammons, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, February 22, 1918, and was trained at Camp Fremont, for duty in Engineering Dept., transferred to English School for foreign born soldiers, again transferred to Psychological Examining Board. Discharged December 21, 1918. Home, Kearney, Nebraska.

5. Sargeant Rollie Glen Rose,    Son of Mrs. E. L. Rose, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service in June, 1917, and trained at Ft, Logan, Ft. Douglas, and Camp Pike, for duty with the 79th Infantry. Remained in the service for eighteen months, and received his discharge at Camp Funston, in February, 1919.

6. Aaron A. Gramly,    Son of Mrs. L. C. Gramly, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service in October, 1918, for training in the S. A. T. C., at Kearney State Normal. Discharged with demobilization of the S. A. T. C., in December, 1918.

7. Sergeant William G. Haxby,    Kearney. Nebraska.
Entered the service June 27, 1918, and trained at Ft. Riley, for duty with the Medical Department, M. O. T. C., remaining in training until after the armistice was signed. Received his discharge in December, 1918. District court reporter.

8. George Marion Harrington,    Miller, Nebraska.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., May 27, 1918, and trained at Camp Dodge, for duty with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Served five months in France, and received his discharge January 16, 1919.


In the World War 1917-1918-1919, Buffalo County, Nebraska


1. Corporal Albin P. Bayer,    Son of Paul A. Beyer, Maxwell, Neb.
Entered service at Grand Island, Neb., Dec. 11, 1917, and trained at Kelly Field, Tex., and Camp Sevier No. 2, S. C., for duty for Air Service with 11th Construction Co., A. S. Saw service in England and Discharged April 9, 1919.

2. Rolland S. West,    Son of Willard F. West, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the Service at Omaha, Neb., Dec. 10, 1917; trained at Ft. Logan, Colo., Kelly Field, Waco, Tex., for service in 255th Aero Squadron, Aviation. Saw service on St. Mihiel and Argonne fronts, also with Army of Occupation.

3. First Class Chauffer, James B. Stack,    Son of James T. Stack, Shelton, Neb.
Entered the service at Omaha, Neb., Oct. 12, 1917, trained at Fort Omaha, for service in Co. 64, 32d Division. Discharged March 31, 1919, and took a position in the Supply Post at Arcadia, California.

4. Second Lieutenant Guy R. Henninger,    Son of S. A. D. Henninger, Shelton, Neb.
Entered service at Omaha, Neb., Jan. 25, 1918; trained at S. M. A. Uni. of Calif. and March Field, Riverside, Calif. for duty in aviation Section, Signal Corps; commissioned as a pilot and placed in reserve, Feb. 18, 1919.

5. Private Otto Storch,    Son of Frank Storch, Chesterfield, Mo.
Entered the service at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., July 17th 1918, and trained at McArthur, Texas for service in the Aviation Corps. Spent some time in France, and was discharged about April 1, 1919.

6. Second Lieutenant Edmund Dale Dungan,    Son of E. H. Dungan, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Fort Omaha, Nov. 24, 1917; trained at School of Military Aeronautics, Austin Texas, for Aviation Service, and joined the Handlay-Page Bombing Unit No. 2, at Mitchell Field, L. I. N.Y. Discharged Dec. 8, 1919.

7. Private Mervin K. Campbell,    Son of William Campbell, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service Dec. 11, 1917, and trained for duty in the Aviation Signal Corps. Sailed in March, 1918, and remained on duty in England for nine months, receiving his discharge at Camp Funston, Dec. 24, 1918.

8. First Lieutenant Anthony H. Easterling,    Son of Holt Easterling, Kearney, Neb.
Entered service at Omaha. Neb., in the fall of 1917; trained at Camp Dick, Texas, and Love Field, Texas, for Aviation Service. On board ship twice and among eight out of nine hundred sent back to instruct others. Discharged May 1, '19.


In the World War 1917-1918-1919, Buffalo County, Nebraska


1. Private Howard D. Grosh,    Son of S. O. Grosh, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., May 27, 1918; trained at Camp Dodge, Ia., for service with 338th Field Artillery 88th Division. Saw service with his division in France and received his discharge January 15, 1919.

2. Private Neil E. Davis,    Son of N. E. Davis, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., April 29, 1918, and trained at Camp Funston, for duty with the 355th Infantry, 89th Division. On front for six weeks, severely wounded and in hospital three months. Discharged in February, 1919.

3. Private Ralph E. Nichols,    Son of Mrs. Carrie Nichols, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., April 28, 1917, and trained at Camp Cody, for Artillery Service. On duty with French Mortar Battery, 3rd Division, on Marne, St. Mihiel and Argonne-Meuse sectors. Discharged March 29, 1919.

4. First Lieutenant Alan A. Atchison,    Son of Mrs. D. M. Atchison, Kearney, Neb.
Entered service at North Platte, Neb., May 10, 1917; trained at Camp Cody, Camp Stanley, Camp Pike, for duty in 6th Co., 2nd B. N., I. C. O. T. S. Discharged Dec. 13, 1918.

5. Arthur M. Skeffington, Non-Commissioned Officer,    Son of Thomas Skeffington, Seattle, Wash.
Entered the service at Kearney. Neb., August 10, 1918, and trained at Kansas City, Mo., and Camp Crane, Allentown, Pa., for duty in Training Detachment and Mobile Hospitals. Discharged in December, 1918. Eye specialist, Kearney, Neb.

6. First Lieutenant Wallace E. Rose, M. D. ,    Kearney, Nebraska.
Entered service at Kearney, Neb., in June, 1917, and trained at Ft. Riley, sailing for France with the 6th Div., in Field Hospital No. 10. Saw service on almost every sector occupied by American troops especially the regulars at Verdun, Argonne, Belleau Wood and Chateau Thierry. Practicing physician at Kearney, Nebraska.

7. Private John T. Birdsall,    Son of James Birdsall, Knox City, Mo.
Entered the service at Atlantic, Ia., April 4, 1917; trained at Camp Dodge, Ia., for duty with Co. M., Rainbow Division, serving on the western front until wounded by shrapnel, July 27, 1918. Discharged from service April 2, 1919.

8. Corporal Gage T. Smith,    Son of W. A. Smith, Gibbon, Neb.
Entered the service at Fort Logan, Colo., and trained at Camp Douglas and Camp Fremont, for duty with Bakery Co., seeing twelve months service overseas. Farming at present.


In the World War 1917-1918-1919, Buffalo County, Nebraska


1. Glenn W. Smith, Cook,    Son of W. A. Smith, Gibbon, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., October 3, 1917, and trained at Camp Funston and Camp Mills, in Bakers and Cooks School, for duty as cook instructor. Received his discharge March 30, 1919.

2. Corporal Archie Balcom,    Son of I. S. Balcom, Fayetteville, Ark.
Entered the service at Omaha. Neb., December 1, 1917, and trained at Ft. Logan, Colorado, for duty in the Coast Artillery. Saw service in France and returned for his discharge April 3. 1919.

3. Private O. W. Shirey,    Son of J. M. Shirey, Norton, Kan.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., and trained at Rahe's Army Motor School, for duty as a mechanic in 9th Co. Discharged December 10, 1918. Mechanic, Kearney, Nebraska.

4. Sergeant Roy A. Winholtz,    Son of A. Winholtz, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., June 14, 1918, and was trained at Uni. of Neb., Ft. Leavenworth, Camp Mead, Yale Uni., and Ft. McPherson, for duty in Co. C, 3d Training Bat., Laboratory Department. Discharged March 31, 1919.

5. George Fellows,    Son of Mrs. Margaret Fellows, Amherst, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., April 29, 1918; trained at Camp Funston and Camp Mills, for duty with Co. K, 355th Infantry, 89th Division. Saw service at St. Mihiel; wounded Sept 12, 1918, did not return to duty. Discharge Jan. 11, '19.

6. Private Rigo Righette,    Kearney, Nebraska.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., in April, 1918, and trained at Camp Dodge, Ia., and Camp De Souge, France, for duty with Battery E, 338th F. A. Discharged January 17, 1919. Machinist, Kearney, Nebraska.

7. Corporal Rhae Volentine,    Son of George Volentine, Kearney. Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., and trained at Camp Funston, for duty with Co. F, 353th Infantry, 89th Division. Saw service in St. Mihiel, Argonne-Meuse offensives, and later with Army of Occupation in Germany.

8. Lester J. Broadfoot,    Son of Mrs. Marion Wallace, Amherst, Neb.
Entered the service at Grand Island, Neb., May 27. 1918, and trained at Ft. Douglas, and Camp Funston, for duty in Co. K. 20th Infantry. Did not see overseas duty, being placed on guard duty at Chicago, Illinois.


In the World War 1917-1918-1919, Buffalo County, Nebraska


1. Private Roy L. Turner,    Son of Bartlett Turner, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., May 27, 1918, and was trained at Camp Dodge, Ia., and Camp De Souge, France, for duty with Battery F, 338th Field Artillery, 88th Division. Discharged March 2l, 1919. Printer, Kearney, Nebraska.

2. Private Frans L. Anderson,    Son of Andrew A. Anderson, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service on February 8, 1918, and trained at Vancouver, Wash., and Camp Merritt, for duty with the 318th Engineers, A. E. F. Saw service in two or three important engagements.

3. Private Donald T. Gregg,    Son of C. H. Greqg, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Lincoln, Neb., December 2, 1917. and trained at Camp Mead, Camp Laurel and Camp Glenbourne, for duty with 23d Reg. Engineers, Co. K, attached to First Army Corps. Was with First Army in last drive from Varrennes to Sedan, later rebuilding roads with German prisoners.

4. Sergeant Gordon Lewis Smith,    Son of Mrs. J. Smith, Kearney. Neb.
Entered the service at Omaha. Neb., December 10, 1917. and trained at Camp Logan and Ft. Riley, for duty in the Medical Branch of the Army. Saw service in France from April 12, 1918, until end of the war.

5. Roy D. Piper,    Son of Mrs. Sarah Piper, Gibbon, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., July 21, 1918, and trained at Camp Dodge, and Newport News, for duty in the 316th Labor Battalion, in the American Expeditionary Forces in France.

6. Private Leo F. Tucker,    Son of John Tucker, Eddyville, Neb.
Entered the service at Ft. Crook, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 9, 1918, for duty with the 63d Balloon Co., in the Aerial Service, receiving his discharge papers May 23, 1919.

7. Sergeant Roy R. Reutlinger,    Son of F. Reutlinger, Hastings, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., June 15, 1918, and was trained at Neb. State Uni., Ft. Leavenworth and Camp Meade, for duty with Co. B, 222d Field Signal Battalion. Received his discharge papers January 18, 1919. Employed at Kearney, Nebraska.

8. Private Cecil M. Wolford,    Son of J. W. Wolford, Kearney, Neb.
Entered the service at Kearney, Neb., Sept. 18, 1918, and was trained at Manhattan. Kansas, in the S. A. T. C., for duty with Co. 2, Sec. B, Motor Truck Division. Received his discharge papers December 9, 1918.



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