NOTE: These obits are in no particular order. You must use the index to find a particular individual.
FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1909. OBITUARY. ROBERT COGDILL. Born March 23, 1856, in Buchanan county, Mo Died at 12 oclock (noon) Monday, April 26, 1909, at residence of Wm. Frans Sr., in Union, Cass County, Neb. The death of Robert Cogdill was a severe and unexpected shock to the wife and other relatives, though it was known that he suffered from heart trouble that might result in death at any moment. He and his family arrived here on the 18th of this month from their home near Selden, Kan., his physician having informed him that a change of climate was absolutely necessary to prolong his life. He was able to come out in town a few times after their arrival here, but on Monday morning his condition became very serious and death came at the noon hour. Funeral services were held yesterday [April 29] afternoon at 2 oclock in the Baptist church, after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery west of town. The pall bearers were W. H. Mark, James Niday, Fred Young, Sant Gifford, James Reynolds, Peter Clarence. Robert Cogdills early life was spent in his native state, Missouri, where he was married Sept. 15, 1879, to Miss Rosa A. Frans. Their first coming to Nebraska was in 1884, locating a few miles southwest of here where they resided several years, then moved to Oklahoma and remained three years, returning here in 1896. They spent several years in Knox county, and in 1907 located on a large farm which Mr. Cogdill purchased near the town of Selden, Kansas, where they had a comfortable home and property of sufficient amount to enable them to enjoy themselves, when the warning was given that he could not live in that climate. Mr. Cogdill was a member of Baptist church, with which he united a number of years ago, and his life has been in harmony with its teachingsan honorable and upright citizen who had the respect and confidence of all his acquaintances. Besides the widow, he leaves one son and eight daughters, as follows; Samuel, of Bloomfield, Neb.; Flora, wife of John Klaurens, residing at Menlo, Kansas; Hattie, wife of A. Harn, and Bessie, wife of Leander Niday, both residing at Bloomfield, Neb.; Jessie, wife of Ray Fleury, residing at Randolph, Neb ; Jennie, Emma, Willa and Effa, who are with their mother. All of the children were here to attend the funeral. We desire to thank our friends for their sympathy and kindness shown us in our sad bereavement by the death of our beloved husband and father, Robert Cogdill. ![]() Fairbury News (no date given but the year was 1909)ACCIDENTAL DEATH. _______________ Charles Clark Killed by Fall From Telephone Pole at Fairbury. __________ The Remains Brought to Union. C. G. Clark, wire chief for the Bell Telephone company, fell from a telephone pole at the corner of Seventh and E streets last Friday morning [1909] and received a fracture of the skull at this base of the brain from which he died in about thirty minutes without regaining consciousness. Mr. Clark went out that morning on a trouble call and was examining the wires along E street. When he reached this corner of Seventh and E streets he climbed a telephone pole and walked out on the guide wire that supports the lead cable, holding on to the smaller wires above him. Whether he received an electrical shock or whether he was blown off by the terrific wind that was blowing that morning it will never be known, as those who saw time accident were unable to tell. He was taken immediately to Dr. Pritchetts office where he expired in a few minutes. A coroners jury was empaneled Saturday morning made up of A. D. Hedges, Robt. Brook, W. H. Beardsley, J. A. Wheeler, Perry Cross and H. M. Mitcham, who brought in the following verdict: " We the jurors find that Charles G. Clark came to his death by falling from the cable of the Bell Telephone company from his own carelessness." C. W. Clark of Union, Nebr., a brother of the unfortunate man, had been here for several days visiting him and during his stay had reminded him repeatedly of the necessity of taking out insurance. On the morning of the fatal accident he was convinced by the pleadings of his brother and took out insurance in the Bankers Life of Des Moines, Iowa, through their agent who was here from Beatrice. It is said that the insurance is worthless as he expired before his application had been sent in to headquarters and accepted. Short funeral services were held from this family residence on east Ninth street Saturday morning, conducted by Rev. T. A. Maxwell of the Christian church and the remains were taken to his old home at Union, Nebr, where his parents and brothers live -Fairbury News Union Ledger Article (date unknown) Charles G. Clark, who met such a tragic death at Fairbury last Friday, was well known in Union and vicinity, he and his family having resided in this county (at Avoca) a number of years prior to locating at Fairbury. He was born Sept. 3, 1864, in Jacksonville, N. Y., and in his youth he came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Clark, to Fremont county, Iowa, where he grew to manhood, and there he was married to Miss Vesta Kenady. They were the parents of three childrenLena Olive, Ethel E. and Mildred Ione. The remains were brought here on the Saturday midnight train and were taken to the home of his brother C. W. Clark, where many people called to take a last look at their unfortunate friend. Monday forenoon brief funeral services were held at the residence, Dr. D. B. Lake officiating, after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery west of this village, many friends attending to pay their last respects to the deceased and to offer sympathy to the sorrowing wife, daughters, parents and brothers. His parents reside in Weeping Water, two brothers, Wes and Fred, who reside here, and one brother, Will G, resides in Thomas, Oklahoma. and all were here to attend the funeral. ![]() Death of B. L. Cross. News reaches us that Ben L. Cross, who for several years resided near here, died at his home in Akron, Col., last Tuesday, the 3rd inst. (sic) Several months ago he came back here to visit among his relatives and friends, and as his health was failing at that time he went from here to Hot Springs, Ark., but the change made no improvement in his condition and he returned to his home at Akron where he continued to grow worse until his death last Tuesday night. His brother, Will, of this place, was notified of the expected result and went there a week before to be with him during his last hours. Death was not unexpected, as the relatives were all aware that the disease from which he was suffering consumption would result in his death. The burial took place at Akron on Thursday 5th, at 10 oclock a. m. ![]() Obituary of Elizabeth S. (Gullion) Shafer,Nebraska Herald, Thursday, January 25, 1872
![]() Obituary of Alice M. (Shafer) MasonSubmitted by descendant, Nola S. Thompson
![]() Obituary of Zerilda (Shafer) Bishop,Submitted by descendant, Nola S. Thompson
![]() Obituary of John Miller,The Elmwood Leader-Echo, Friday, April 29, 1910 page 4 Obituary from research notes of Dave Tyson. To Nebraska 1879, settled on farm 3 ½ mi. south and east of Elmwood until seven years ago when he purchased place just north of town. Evangelical Luthern as youth in Illinois, 16 years ago joined Methodist Episcopal church [in] Elmwood. Interred Elmwood Cemetery. ![]() Obituary of North Parker Lefler,The Elmwood Leader-Echo, Friday, April 29, 1910 page 4 North Parker Lefler born 30 Oct 1830, Rush county, Indiana died 22 Apr 1910, Elmwood, age79y 6m 23d. At age 14 moved to Jasper county, Indiana where he lived until 32 years ago. First visit to Nebraska in 1855. Only settlements at that time were a few scattered cabins and the Presbyterian mission station at Bellvue. From the place the party stopped near the Santee Caves could be seen the fires and smoke fom the Indian camp in the direction of Ashland. 1850 married Mary E. Glover; 1862 moved family to Nebraska, settling in Sarpy county, near the farm now known as "the old home place." 1891 [removed] to Sheridan county, Nebraska, first on farm, then to village of Gordon. Last August he and his wife moved to live with son Will, at Elmwood, at whose home death occurred. To the family six boys were born, four still living. William resides in Elmwood; Oliver, Millard and Charles at Gordon. His death marks the last of a family of seven girls and three boys, Mr. Lefler being the youngest of ten children. Past member of the Nebraska legislature which formed first constitution of the state. Served several terms as County Commisioner for Sarpy. 1852 he joined with the Christian Church. Remains taken to Springfield [Sarpy county], near which place interment made at burial ground on the Lefler farm. Funeral attendees: Mrs. H. C. Lefler, Miss Nellie Lefler and C. M. Lefler and wife of South Omaha, Millard and O. P. Lefler of Gordon; Mrs. Low of Renseleer, Indiana; Mrs. Chesington of Lincoln; R. G. Glover of Weeping Water. ![]() NOTE: No date was on the obit below, but in the burial lists, there is a George F. Shryder with a death year of 1902. Death of Geo. F. Shryder. The news was received here on Wednesday of the death of George F. Shryder at Weeping Water, his death occurring at 11:30 a. m.that day. He had been quite feeble for some time on account of accidental injuries, but the immediate cause of his death was dropsy. He was the last brother of Grandma Buck, who resides near this village. Deceased was born in Cayuga county, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1822, and came to Cass county in 1856, homesteading one of the farms now owned by L. G. Todd a few miles from this village. He was quite well known all over this county, particularly among the old pioneers with whom he associated in the early settlement of eastern Nebraska, and the old settlers, as well as all who formed "Uncle George's" acquaintance in later years, regret that he has been called away. ![]() William Wesley Currey, son of Miles S. and Mary S. [?] Currey, was born at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebr., on July 6, 1892, and died at his home in Keystone, Keith Co., Nebr., Dec. 29, at 8:25 p.m. of typhoid pneumonia, being 26 years, [blank] months and 23 days of age. He was educated in the public schools of Cass County and lived with his parents there till twelve years ago. When he removed with his parents to a homestead to McPherson county. In 1916 he was united in marriage to Miss Bessie Dunwoody, a young lady of high character and respect. Relatives left to mourn his departure are as follows: his beloved wife, her mother, his father and fother[sic], four brothers and one sister and his aged grandmother, five sister in-laws and three brother-in-laws and a host of friends. ![]() Union Ledger Friday, June 26, 1908 DEATH OF MISS CHAPPEL. Miss Cora Chappel died Tuesday morning at the home of her parents two miles north of Nehawka, after about six months illness, the cause of her death being tuberculosis. She was thirty years of age, and was a most estimable lady, generous and kind, and dearly beloved by all who had formed her acquaintance. Four years ago she came here from Indiana with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Chappel, and resided two miles west of Union about one year and then moved to a farm two miles north of Nehawka. ![]() Union Ledger 1906 LITTLE GIRL'S DEATH. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Clarence, who reside a few miles northeast of here, were called upon to mourn the death of their little daughter Mabel, which occurred last Saturday morning. The child was sick only a few days, suffering from an attack of meningitis so severe that medical skill could not overcome the disease. The funeral services were held in Mount Hope church Monday at 1 oÕclock p.m., conducted by Rev. McVay, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery northeast of this village. ![]() Union Ledger Friday, May 7, 1909 OBITUARYEARNEST CROUCH. Born Aug. 14, 1867, in Wyoming precinct, Otoe County, Nebraska. Died at 5:30 A.M. May 1, 1909, near the place of his birth. Through The Ledger we wish to express our thanks to the many friends who were so kind during Mr. Crouch's illness and death. MRS. CROUCH AND FAMILY ![]() DEATH AT LOUISVILLE. Mrs. Rebecka Core, aged 82 years and twelve days, died at the home of her son in this city on Saturday November 18, 1905. She leaves two sons and three daughters and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. She had been a member of the Christian church for over seventy years. She died as she lived in the triumph of a living faith. The funeral occurred from the Christian church Monday at 2 oÕclock p.m. conducted by Elder G. W. Mayfield, assisted by Rev. Deal of the M. E. church and Evangelist Sapp of the Christian church. Interment was at the Glendale cemetery. Ð LOUISVILLE COURIER. ![]() ![]() LEONIDAS H. CHALFANT Born December 22, 1870, in Rock Bluffs precinct, Cass County, Neb. Died at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20, 1908, near the place of his birth, at residence of Geo. Ray. Only brief statement of the death of "Ham" Chalfant could be made in last week's Ledger, but even the few lines told a sad story to many who were not aware of his serious illness. For several years he had been occupying his own farm and living alone, which accounts for the fact that his death occurred away from the home of his parents. His first illness was Feb 12, and on the 14th Geo. Ray, a neighbor, found him in a serious condition, and it being apparent that he was too sick to be removed to the home of his parents several miles away, Mr. Ray took him to his own home and called a physician. Pneumonia was the ailment, and the patient failed rapidly in spite of all that could be done for him. He was conscious until the moment of his death, but was unable to speak. His parents, who had been sick at their own home, were able to be at his bedside the last hour of his life. The funeral was in charge of the two orders of which deceased was a member, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and was held on Saturday at George Ray's residence where singing and prayer were followed by the ritual service of the Woodmen. The large throng of neighbors and friends present attested the high esteem in which he was held, and among the floral offerings were beautiful emblems of Woodmen and Workmen lodges. After the brief services at the residence an unusually long procession accompanied the remains to Lewiston cemetery, where the Woodmen rendered their solemn and impressive burial service, and the remains were consigned to the last earthly resting place. The pallbearers, chosen from the two lodges, were J. D. Bramblet, A. L. Becker, Jesse Pell, Winfield Swan, Harry Frans and John Niday. "Ham" Chalfant was the only son in a family of three children of Mr. and Mrs. William Chalfant, his sisters being Mrs. Lucy Wolfe and Mrs. Jos. Hathaway. He was educated in the public schools and about ten years ago began work on a farm of his own a few miles from his boyhood home, devoting all his time and energy in the improvement of his 127 acre farm, yet like the dutiful son that he was, he did not neglect the regular visits to his beloved parents. Honesty and integrity were two rules to which he adhered strictly, and his character was such as any man might proudly hope to possess. The community feels the loss of such a man, and sincere sympathy is extended to the sorrowing parents and sisters. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness to our deceased son and brother during his illness, and for all they did to show respect for him after he passed away, and for the earnest sympathy offered us in the hours of our greatest sorrow. ![]() October 30, 1952 MRS. EVA HALL, MOTHER OF MISS ARDYTH HALL, DIES ![]() JAMES SCHLANKER, ELMWOOD NATIVE, BURIED FRIDAY Elmwood (Special) - James Gerhardt Schlanker, native of the Elmwood area, and resident of the area the greater part of his life, was buried at Elmwood cemetery Friday, October 24. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, Page Six Thursday, June 12, 1952 FRIENDS PAY FINAL RESPECTS AT RITES FOR FRANK CLOIDT Memorial rites for Frank A. Cloidt, civic leader and bank executive, were held at the First Presbyterian church at Plattsmouth at four o'clock Wednesday afternoon, June 11. Rev. George S. Bancroft officiated at the final rites at which Mrs. Verna Goos was organist. |
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