![]() Born November 24, 1871 Taylor County, Iowa Passed Away February 14, 1954 San Gabriel, California Services Conducted From Baptist Church, Union, Nebr. Saturday, February 20, 1954 2:00 P. M. Officiating Rev. Jerry Dunn Final Resting Place Sciota Cemetery BEARERS Paul Pickering Jim Hamilton Tom Hamilton Clarence Dukes Glen Pickering Glen Edmisten SOLOIST Mrs. Lewis Mougey Organist Mrs. Howard Snodgrass ![]() Plattsmouth Journal Oct. 20, 1952 Funeral services were held on Monday, October 13th, at St. Patrick's church, Manley, for Miss Dolores Erhart, 25, daughter of Frank Erhart and the late Mrs. Erhart. The requiem mass was celebrated by Father James Hennessey, pastor. Survivors are the father, Frank, Weeping Water; brothers, George, Murdock, Morris, Springfield, William, Marton and Paul, Weeping Water; sister, Mrs.Paul Peitzmeier, Keokuk, Iowa. Preceding her in death were her mother one brother and one sister. Mrs. Anna Stoll of Plattsmouth is an aunt. Burial was at St. Patrick's cemetery at Manley. ![]() Alice J. Graves was born in March, 1866, in Carroll county, Missouri, and came to Nebraska during 1887, and on December 18, 1887, in Plattsmouth, was married to Charles L. Graves. rev. W. H. Alexander officiating. With her husband she shortly after their marriage moved to Union, in this county, where she has resided for the past twenty-four years. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Graves --- Harry of Eagle, and Misses Verna and Leola at home, who with her husband, are left to mourn her untime [sic] death. Mrs. Graves had been in poor health for a number of years, her last illness being of about thirteen weeks' duration. she was first attacked with pneumonia, followed by other complications, which would not yield to treatment, although all that medical skill could do was done in her behalf. Mrs. Graves was a kind and obliging neighbor, a loving wife and mother, and had a great many warm friends in the community in which she was best known, and to evidence their great esteem and respect for the departed the Baptist church was crowded at her funeral, which occurred Wednesday afternoon. Standing room could not be found for all who desired to show their regard for this estimable lady. The funeral was conducted by Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union. Mrs. Graves was a member of the Baptist church and also a member of the Royal Neighbors of America. John Corey of this city, representing the Red Men lodge, of which Mr. Graves is a member, attended the funeral, bearing a wreath of beautiful flowers for the casket of Mrs. Graves. The Journal extends sympathy to the bereaved husband and children in this sad hour of their great sorrow. -- Plattsmouth Evening Journal. --------------- Kindness Appreciated. Wife and mother gone, we are now more than ever able to realize that her place in the home as a companion, advisor and protector, was one that she alone could fill, and the vacant chair, the vacant place at the table, and many other objects in the house are silent reminders of her real worth as companion and mother. During the many weeks of her suffering and at the close of this life neighbors and friends in Union and vicinity did many things to alleviate her suffering and endeavored to cheer the sad hearts; her Royal Neighbor sisters, associates in church and choir, her Pastor, the teachers and pupils, the Noble Red Men order and many others, showed the true Christian spirit in their own good ways; many kind friends here andelswhere have written us words of comfort. We wish we could grasp the hand of each and express our gratitude, but for the present we can only say in this card that we are very thankful for all those acts and words of kindness to her and to us. Sometime, somewhere, you will all be rewarded. Chas. L Graves, Harry Graves, Verna Graves, Leola Graves. ![]() From the Union Ledger It was a very sad procession that wended its way from the depot to the church thence to the cemetery Monday, paying last tributes of respect to little Leta Lessel, oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Herman R. Lessel of Nehawka. The remains, accompanied by relatives and many friends, arrived here from nehawka about 12 o'clock Monday, and the funeral service was held immediately afterward in the Baptist church, Rev. J. N. Funk preaching a very impressive discourse, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Union cemetery northeast of this village. The pall bearers were Winnie McNamee, Ray Bramblet, Ray Frans and Herman Thomas. The death of little Leta was very sad indeed and a severe blow to the parents, as the child was called away almost before they realized that such could be. She suffered an attack of lagrippe that was of mild form at first, but Saturday night is [sic] assumed a violent form and medical skill could not avert the fatal result. Leta was an unusually bright little girl 8 years and 8 months of age and was born here, the family having located in Nehawkaonly a few months ago. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, June 7, 1917 Deceased Bore the Distinction of Being One of the First White Children Born in Cass County. From Tuesday's Daily. Death has again entered our community and taken from the circle of the home and friends Conrad H. Vallery, one of the pioneer residents of Cass county, and a gentleman well known and very highly respected throughout the entire county. Mr. Vallery passed away last evening at his home southwest of this city after a long and lingering illness, suffering from cancer of the throat, and although all possible in medical skill and tender care was given to him it was impossible to check the progress of the malady that finally resulted in his death. Conrad H. Vallery enjoyed the distinction of being one of the first white children born in Cass county, having saw the light of day April 26, 1858, in Plattsmouth precinct, where his parents, Theobalt Vallery and wife, had been among the earliest settlers in the county. The Vallery family came originally from Germany, but located in early life in Pike county, Ohio, where they resided until 1855, when Mr. and Mrs. Vallery removed to the new territory of Nebraska and became numbered among the pioneers of Cass county, where they made their home in the then wild and unsettled country of the west. Mr. C.H. Vallery was reared to manhood in the vicinity of Plattsmouth and experienced the hardships and toil of the youth of early days in assisting in the work of forming a great agricultural empire, and through his efforts he had won for himself a part in the history of the county, and through careful management had made a success of his farming life and possessed one of the fine farms of this portion of the county. On October 29, 1877, Mr. Vallery was united in marriage to Miss Frances Sprague, at Plattsmouth, and for the past forty years the happy ties of love have been kept as tender as when plighted at the altar in their youth. To bless the union of Mr. and Mrs. Vallery five children were born, who with the widow remain to mourn the death of the husband and father, Mrs. Myrtle Marks of Omaha, Ed and Albert W. Vallery of Grass Range, Mont.; Jesse Vallery, residing at home, and Mrs. W.K. Shepherdson of Grass Range, Mont., and Mrs. Henry Meisinger of Plattsmouth. Mr. Vallery also leaves to mourn his death the following brothers and sisters: Jacob R. Vallery, Mynard; Mrs. George Sigler of Custer county; Peter Vallery of near Deadwood, S.D.; T.W. Vallery of Murray, and Henry Vallery of Ruby, Alaska, and Mrs. Mary Wright of Deadwood, S.D.
Plattsmouth Journal, June 11, 1917 From Friday's Daily. The funeral services of the late Conrad H. Vallery was held yesterday afternoon from the Liberty church south of this city and was one of the most largely attended that has been held in this section of the county in years. For many miles around the old friends and neighbors gathered to pay their last tributes of love and respect to the one who for his entire lifetime had made his home in their midst. The services were conducted y Rev. Pontius of the United Brethren church, who spoke of the life of the departed and held out to those who mourned the hope of a meeting in another world where the grief of parting should be unknown. The friends present were so numerous as to fill the church to its utmost capacity, and a very large number remained without the building to pay their tribute of esteem to their friend, gone from them for a little while. The body was laid to rest in the Horning cemetery. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends who, with willing hearts so ably assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved husband, father and brother, Conrad H. Vallery; also, for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. C.H. Vallery and FamilyJ.R. Vallery and Family T.W. Vallery and Family (Contributed by Becky Applegate ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, June 19, 1917 Francis Marion Kouble [sic], Commonly Known as "Uncle Frank," Passed Away at Early Hour This Morning. Francis Marion Kauble [sic] was born January 31, 1838, in Shelby county, Indiana. Died July 19, 1917, at Plattsmouth, Neb. Death has claimed another of the men who for more than half a century has helped make history for Cass county and the state of Nebraska. Francis Marion Kauble first saw light in Shelby county, Indiana, but when a small boy with his parents went to Savannah, Mo., where he lived for some time, and in the early fifties came to southwestern Iowa, locating at Sidney, where he lived until in 1857, when he came to Rock Bluffs, then a very new town, and since then has made Cass county and Nebraska his home. In Rock Bluffs, on July 27, 1865, just after the close of the civil war, Mr. Kauble was united in marriage to Miss Marietta Bradford, from which union there were four children born, Mamie, who died when but an infant; Henry B. Kauble, now residing in Omaha; Frank B. living here with his parents, having been engaged with the mercantile firm of A. W. White for some years, and Lillian Caldwell, of Bancroft, Neb. Mr. Kauble, after coming to Nebraska purchased a small farm near Rock Bluffs, living on it for some time, when he came to Plattsmouth, and after making this city his home for a short time returned to the farm, but later sold it, making Plattsmouth his permanent home, and had lived here over thirty years. During the past few years Mr. Kauble has been in the employ of A. W. White. Some three months or more since Mr. Kauble was taken ill, and for a while fought against the malady which finally claimed his life. Mr. Kauble, or "Uncle Frank,"as he was known, had been confined to his bed for the past eight weeks, and during the past two weeks has been so low that he did not know any one except at intervals. The funeral will occur from the home on Friday afternoon at [illegible] and will be conducted by the Rev. H. G. McCluskey of the First Presbyterian church, of which the deceased was a member. The interment will be at the Young cemetery south of the city near Murray. (Contributed by Becky Applegate![]() Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, January 31, 1952 William A. Becker, resident of the Plattsmouth community for more than 20 years, died at his home Wednesday afternoon, following a stroke. He had been ill for several weeks.The 83-year-old retired farmer died January 30, 1952.A native of Pekin, Ill., where he was born December 12, 1868, Mr. Becker was the son of John H. and Harriett Becker. He was married December 7, 1893, to Mary Horn at Plattsmouth. He moved to Plattsmouth in 1931 after retiring. Surviving are two sons, Earl and Floyd, both of Plattsmouth; a daughter, Mrs. Viola Speck of Plattsmouth; a sister, Mrs. Frank Cloidt of Plattsmouth; 12 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday, February 2, at two o'clock at Sattler Funeral Home with Dr. H. G. McClusky officiating. Burial will be at Oak Hill cemetery at Plattsmouth. Visiting hours will be observed at Sattler Funeral Home Friday afternoon and evening from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9. ![]() Union Ledger
Heart Trouble Takes An Old Pioneer From Among Our Midst On June 16. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, June 5, 1916 From Friday’s Daily. A message was received here last evening announcing the death at the hospital in York, Neb., of Mrs. Harry WINDSOR, formerly Miss Star EVERETT of this city, which occurred there yesterday. Mrs. Windsor, since her marriage, had made her home at Waco, Neb., and for some time had been in poor health, culminating in an operation for gall stones at the York hospital. The condition of Mrs. Windsor was such as to make her recovery doubtful, and she was unable to withstand the shock of the operation. She leaves a husband and one little child, 3 years old, to mourn her death. While here Mrs. Windsor made her home with her sister, Mrs. LYLE, and family, while Mr. Lyle was hired as cashier at the Burlington station, and Mrs. Windsor was for a time employed as one of the operators in the telephone office. The friends of the family will regret greatly to learn of the death of this estimable lady, and extend to the bereaved family their deepest sympathy in their hour of grief. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, February 5, 1917 From Friday’s Daily. This morning at 2:30 o’clock, Mildred, the little five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. RUMMERFIELD passed away at the home in the south part of the city after an illness of a short time from whooping cough. The little one has been suffering from diphtheria for the past three weeks and had no more recovered from this malady than she was taken down with whooping cough and in her weakened condition was unable to withstand the second illness and gradually grew worse until death came to still her sufferings. The family has been quarantined for some time as all of the nine children are suffering from the whooping cough but Mildred was the only one of the family who had been afflicted with diphtheria. The funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:30 from the home and owing to the fact that the family were in quarantine was private with only the members of the household being present. The interment was held in the Oak Hill cemetery. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, September 26, 1918, page one From Monday's Daily. Friends From Many Places Were In Attendance At Saying of Last Sad Rites. In testimony of the excellent character, and the many good qualities of the late James Allison Walker, late of Murray, hundreds of his friends gathered at his late home to say their last quota of honor to his memory. From most of the eastern portion of the county were friends to testify by their presence, their respect for this worthy citizen. Weeping Water, Nehawka, Union and Plattsmouth citizens were gathered to honor this man. The Masonic order of which he was a member, having been a working Mason for many years, had charge of the ceremonies. The house and yard even of the beautiful home, where he has lived so long were not adequate to hold the throng. After the ceremonies at the house, with automobiles the concourse, repaired to the Horning cemetery, where the mortal remains were laid away by the Masons according to their ritual. The obituary of J.A. Walker will appear in a later issue of this paper. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, November 23, 1916 From Wednesday's Daily. Death again visited this community this morning and removed from the family circle Samuel WARSTAT, who had for a great many ears been a resident of this city. Mr. Warstat had been a sufferer from heart trouble for some time, gradually growing weaker until death came to his relief at 8:30 this morning. Mr. Warstat was born may 25, 1861, at Kirklaukenweid, province of East Prussia, where he spent his boyhood and youth and served three years in the Second Grenedier regiment, No. 3, at Gumbinnen, Prussia. He was married in the old country to Miss Augusta MATSCHULLET at Siesgern, Prussia, and for a number of years the family resided in that locality, until 1891, when the family came to America and located at Plattsmouth, where they have continued to make their home. To Mr. and Mrs. Warstat eight children were born, four of whom died, and four are left to mourn the death of the father, Henry WARSTAT, Mrs. Otto PITZ, Emma WARSTAT and Ida WARSTAT, all residing in this city with the exception of Henry, who is living in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the children will bear with the wife and mother the grief and sorrow that the passing of this good man has occasioned. The funeral services have not been definitely settled, awaiting the arrival of the absent son. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, November 30, 1916 This morning after an illness covering the past three weeks, Mrs. N.K. PEOPLES passed away at her home in this city, and her passing brings to the sorrowing husband and little children a sense of deep grief in the loss of their loved one. Mrs. Peoples has not been in the best of health for the past several years and had been gradually failing, but it was not until the last three weeks that her condition became critical, and as the days wore on it was evident that she was soon to be taken from the family circle, but during the long period of suffering she bore with fortitude the pain and sickness, hoping that she might live for those whom she loved so dearly and be spared to care for the little ones. Mrs. Peoples during the time she had, made her home in this city , made many friends by her splendid traits of character and her life had been devoted to the family circle and the close friends whom she held so dear. To mourn her death there remains the husband and three small children, Anna, Norris and Ruth. One brother, J.R. RUMMERFIELD, of this city, is left to share the grief at her death. The body will be taken to Watson, Mo., Friday morning, where it will be laid to rest in the cemetery near the old home where the departed had spent so many happy years. In their hour of grief and sorrow, the family will receive the deepest sympathy of the many friends in the loss that has rendered the home disconsolate. Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, December 4, 1916 The Remains of This Good Lady Were Conveyed to her Old Home at Watson, Mo., for Interment. From Saturday’s Daily. The funeral of Mrs. N.K. PEOPLES was held yesterday afternoon from the late home where she had been called from just a few brief days ago, and the many friends in the community joined in paying their last tribute of love and respect to the memory of this estimable lady. The body was taken this morning on No. 4 to Pacific Junction, and from there over the Burlington to Watson, Mo., where the interment was made this afternoon. At the home the services were in charge of Rev. T.A. TRUSCOTT, pastor of the Methodist church, with which the departed lady had long been a most faithful and devout member, and the pastor in his remarks brought to the family as sense of resignation in the loss that had been visited upon them. During the services a number of the old familiar hymns were given by a quartet composed of Mrs. Mae MORGAN, Miss Leona BRADY, Jesse PERRY, and Don C. YORK, while Mr. York gave a solo, “He Leadeth Me,” as the minister read the beautiful burial service. The floral remembrances were beautiful and expressed the feelings of regret that the death of this lady has occasioned. Rev. Truscott accompanied the family and the body to Watson for the services there. Ella Adeline RUMMERFIELD was born in Sonora, Atchison county, Missouri, April 28, 1873. She died in Plattsmouth, Neb., November 29, 1916 at the age of 43 years, 7 months and 1 day. She united with the Methodist Episcopal church when she was but 15 years of age and remained a sincere and devoted Christian during her life. She was united in marriage to N.K. PEOPLES at Watson, Mo., on August 10, 1892. To this happy union were born four sons and four daughters. Five of the children God has called home to be with Him. There remain to mourn the loss of the mother but three, Anna Adeline, Norris King, and Ruth Elizabeth. These with the father will surely greatly miss the mother that was always good, and so patient. As mourners, there are but two other near relatives besides the husband and children, they are a brother and a sister of the deceased. The brother is Joseph R. Rummerfield of this city. The sister is Mrs. M.A. HAVENS, who lived in Seneca, Kan. After Mrs. People’s took to her bed, one day she called her husband and told him she thought she was going to die. She said she was not afraid to die but dreaded the ordeal. She made all the necessary arrangements for her own funeral, even directing her husband as to how the children should be dressed. She said she would like to have been spared to raise the children, but she committed them to the care of God and her husband. She advised her husband that he could only raise the children properly by trusting in God. She regretted much that her failing health prevented her from attending church and helping as she would like to do and used to do. Her sweet voice had often been used at funerals to soften the blow to the bereaved and point them to God for comfort. She Rests. She resteth now. Nor more her breast Heaves with its weary breath; Pain sits no longer on the brow Where lies the calm of death. Sunk to her rest like a tired child, She lies in slumber deep, Soft folded in the arms of Him, Who giveth His beloved sleep. Nay, doth she rest? Not day nor night She resteth not from praise; Her spirit wing’d with rapture, knows No more earth’s weary ways; But ever toward the Infinite Her flight on, upward, does she keep, For He gives active tirelessness Who giveth His beloved sleep.![]() Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, May 18, 1916(Same date for both articles) From Wednesday’s Daily. Last evening Dr. E.W. COOK was called to Murray in consultation with Dr. J.F. BRENDEL of that place in the case of Mrs. Herman RICHTER, residing west of Murray, and the patient was found to be suffering greatly, and it was deemed necessary to take her at once to the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha for an operation in order to save her life, as the condition of Mrs. Richter was very critical. As soon as possible after reaching the hospital a Caesarian operation was performed, which seems to have been very successful, and the three baby boys were born, while the mother, at last reports, was doing nicely and everything pointed to a most successful operation in every way. Mrs. Anna RICHTER of near Murray, who underwent a Caesarean operation at the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha Tuesday night, passed away last evening at eleven o’clock, after a brave fight for life to care for the three little sons who were born to her and for whom she had laid down her life. The serious condition of Mrs. Richter on reaching the hospital early Wednesday morning after being brought by an auto from her home at Murray made the operation necessary at once, as she was suffering from convulsions. This is the first time in the history of Omaha surgery, where such an operation was performed that triplets were born. The children are reported as doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Mrs. Richter had no time to be prepared for the operation on reaching the hospital, but cheerfully submitted to the ordeal insisting that she was ready and willing to withstand it. Dr. C.C. ALLISON and Dr. A.L. DERMMODY performed the operation. Mrs. Richter was twenty-three years of age and was married at Carrolton, Mo., to Herman Richter two years ago, and they have made their home on the farm west of Murray a greater part of the time since their marriage. Her husband and mother, Mrs. Emma WALKER were by her bedside at the time she passed away. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, April 20, 1916 From Wednesday’s Daily. Sunday, April 16, at his home in Lincoln, occurred the death of James Root, for many years a resident of Cass county and a member of the Root family, one of the pioneer families of the state. For a great many years Mr. Root resided at Murray, where he was engaged in the lumber and hardware business, and was very strongly identified with the life of the community and was a gentleman who made many friends by his pleasant manner of dealing with his fellow men, and his death will be greatly regretted by his old friends in this county as well as in Lincoln. Nine years ago he went to Lincoln from Murray and established his home there and had resided since at 2010 Vine street. Mr. Root was married in 186[?] to Miss Harriett Dickinson at Waco, Michigan, who, with two daughters, Mrs. G.W. WOOD of Lincoln and Mrs. W.H. MC DANIEL of Nebraska City, and one son, C.F. ROOT, of Lincoln, are left to mourn the loss of this good man. Mr. Root, on going to Lincoln, united with the East Lincoln Christian church, and was a deacon and trustee of this church at the time of his death. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, April 20, 1916 Miss Jessie Fern IRVIN passed away at the home of her mother, Mrs. Laura IRVIN, Sunday afternoon, April the 16, after a severe attack of pneumonia. Jessie Fern Irvin was born January 29, 1909, and was aged seven years, two months and eighteen days and died April 16. The funeral service was held at the Lewiston church Monday afternoon and was conducted by the Rev. W.A. TAYLOR of Union. Left to mourn the loss of the bright little baby are the mother, Mrs. Laura Irvin, and four sisters, Mrs. Guy MURRAY, Misses Bertha, Verna, and Hazel IRVIN. The father, John Irvin, passed away three years ago. The heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended to the grief-stricken family. ![]() Plattsmouth Journal, January 22, 1917 Another of the pioneer residents of Cass County and one of its best beloved citizens passed from the ranks of the living on Wednesday, January 17th, when C.F. LAU passed away at his home in Murdock after an illness covering some duration. Mr. Lau had attained the ripe old age of eighty-four years, three months and two days at the time he was called from his earthly activities. There are few men in the county who possessed the confidence and esteem of his associates as did Mr. Lau during his long residence in Cass county and very few whose death was more sincerely mourned throughout the community than was that of this sturdy pioneer. The funeral services were held on Saturday from the Lutheran church at Murdock where Mr. Lau had been such a faithful attendant for many years. C.F. LAU was born September 22, 1832, in [looks like] Cokin, Germany, and on June 2, 1857 came to America, settling first in Illinois and later in Wisconsin. In the year 1873, he removed to Nebraska and has made his home here since that time engaging in farming on the fine land of Cass county and rearing his family in this community. Mr. Lau was united in marriage to Miss Maria HEINKE in Wisconsin in the fall of 1857. The wife preceeded him in death on November 28, 1901. To this union there were born fourteen children, two of whom have passed away and twelve left to mourn the loss of the kind and loving father and are, Charles, William, Emil, Louis, Ferdinand, Fred, Sarah, Alice, Maria, Augusta, Anna and Martha. Forty-eight grandchildren and twenty-four great grandchildren are also left to mourn his death. Mr. Lau also leaves two sisters surviving him. One of whom resides in Germany and the other in Washington. He was all his life a member of the Lutheran church and one of the founders of the congregation at Murdock and the oldest member of the church, serving during the years past as elder and treasurer of the church. Contact the State Coordinator:Questions or Comments?If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator David Gochenour |