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Gossip columns from various pre-1925 Newspapers
This Page Contains Articles from 1919

Items arranged by date

Plattsmouth Journal, January 27, 1919

          A son was born to Mr. And Mrs. Henry Fleischmann on Friday, January 17, 1919. Of course they are proud of their first son and heir. Henry's friends suspicioned that something unusual had occurred for he wore a smile as big as the man in the moon -- but, they soon became aware of his happiness.


From Tuesday’s Daily.

          Roy Cook departed last evening for Louisville, where he is going to do some special work for the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company, and which will require the remainder of the week to complete. Mr. Cole [sic] and other members of the force started out yesterday morning, and when just a short distance out of the city they ran into a mud hole, where they were stuck fast. After having tried in vain to pull themselves out by motive power, they secured a block and tackle by which they were enabled to lift the car out but they concluded the roads were in such bad condition that it would be safer to go on the train.

Plattsmouth Journal, February 13, 1919

In Thursday's edition

          [Union] The baby of Mr. And Mrs. F. H. McCarthy was taken to the Methodist hospital in Omaha last Friday where she can receive medical attention and proper nourishment. She was not getting along as well as expected but since being in the hospital she has been doing nicely, quite to her Daddy's satisfaction.

     Miss Anna Lau was given a very pleasant surprise party on Wednesday evening of last week, January 29th, the occasion being her 21st birthday anniversary. Miss Anna is the eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Ferdinand Lau, near Murdock, and is very popular among a large circle of friends who came in with baskets of lunch in congratulate [sic] her and extend best wishes for many happy returns of the occasion. A very pleasant evening was spent until a late hour. Miss Anna and sisters proving themselves capital hostesses.

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, February 17, 1919

          [Weeping Water] We have been noticing for a few days that Col. Wm. Dunn seemed to look rather old and when we inquired what was the cause of that look, we learned that he was grandpa, and that a fine daughter was born January [looks like] 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dunn at Minneapolis, Minn., at the home of Mrs. Dunn's parents.

          [Weeping Water] Born, to Mr. And Mrs. John Jorgensen, a son on February 7th, and to Mr. And Mrs. Clarence Erhart, a son, on February 9th.

          [Union] Mr. Everett Lynn Erwin arrived at the home of Mr. And Mrs. John Erwin to brighten their home in the future. He is a fine boy, though weighing only about six pounds.

      Mr. And Mrs. John Wegener, Rev. T. Hartman, Mrs. Andrew Shoeman and little son, Freddie, aged thirteen, drove to Omaha Thursday of last week to take the little boy to the M. E. hospital for an operation for appendicitis. Mr. And Mrs. Wegener returned home the same day. The operation occurred the following day and Rev. Hartman came home on the afternoon Schuyler. Mrs. Shoeman will return later. Her son is getting along nicely.

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, March 31, 1919

          Mr. And Mrs. August Bergman are the proud parents of a fine seven and a half lb. Baby boy. As this is the first, of course, they are tickled to death. Mother and babe are doing nicely.

     William Wiles and family, of near Murray, drove up Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. WilesÕ parents, Mr. And Mrs. Charles Lau and family, this being their first visit to her parents since they moved into their new home in Louisville.

      We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. John Wegner at her home in the country. Mrs. Wegner is suffering from an attack of rheumatism and her little two-year-old daughter has also been on the sick list, and has not entirely recovered. Miss Anna Lau, of Murdock, is at the Wegner home assisting the family.

          Pvt. Cecil Harris came in from Camp Dodge, Iowa, Tuesday morning for a visit with his relatives and many friends here. Cecil has just returned from France and this is his first visit here since he enlisted. [Union Ledger]

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, April 28, 1919

          [Elmwood] Mr. And Mrs. Frank Warner are also rejoicing because of the arrival of a fine Easter present at their home. They are the proud parents of a bouncing baby girl and congratulations are being received by the proud parents.

          [Elmwood] Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Rueter were the recipients of a fine Easter present on Sunday - a tiny baby boy. The parents are rejoicing because of the happy event. Both the mother and son are doing nicely and the parents have the hearty congratulations of their many friends.

          Mrs. Mary Gaebel, daughter Miss Henrietta and son Fred, and Mr. And Mrs. William Wiles and daughter, Ruth, of Murray, were Easter visitors in Louisville at the home of Charles Lau.

          Charles Trumble left Tuesday for Eastern Colorado to look after land matters and will probably invest. For the past year or more the landseekers rush has been on in that section.

          [Eagle] Little Georgie Ohlschlager is quite sick with pneumonia.

          Mrs. Will Ohlschlager and son, Wilford, spent Tuesday here with relatives and friends.

          Mr. And Mrs. Herman Stohlman and two children came in from their home in the country Sunday evening to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Diers at the Easter entertainment at the M. E. church.

          The quarantine has been lifted from the Andrew Stohlman home in the country south of town. Edward Stohlman, who has been attending business college in Omaha came home three weeks ago with a breaking out which was pronounced chicken pox by a local physician and Edward and his mother were quarantined. Edward will return to his studies in Omaha at once and will have to work over time some to make up his studies but he feels confident that he will make it all right.

          [Elmwood Leader-Echo] Walter Stohlman and wife and little son came from Manley on Tuesday and will visit at the home of Mrs. StohlmanÕs father, Henry Bragg. Walter will assist Mr. Bragg for some time with his work of paper hanging of which he has plenty to do.

          Ed Ohlschlager who has been in poor health for some time and is now at Colorado Springs, is reported as getting along fine.

Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, May 8, 1919


From Tuesday’s Daily.

          Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke, who has lived in this city for nearly a year now, departed for the east, where they will make their home at Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Clarke has been in the east for some time and will make their home there in the future. They had their goods packed for shipment yesterday, and in their departure, Plattsmouth is losing a fine family, but while our loss will be the gain of the Ohio town.

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, May 19, 1919


From Friday's Daily.

          Wednesday being the birthday of Mrs. Fred Patterson, her daughter Miss Effa planned a little surprise and invited in a few of her friends. Miss Effa gave a reading, also a four minute talk on "Mother" while Miss Clara Wickman gave one on "Home," which were greatly enjoyed by all. A delicious luncheon was served. [article blurs here and then is cut off]

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, May 22, 1919


John Murtey went to Clay Center Saturday.

H. A. Bailey went to Lincoln Saturday night.

Joe Foreman was home from Lincoln over Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Muir autoed to Lincoln Thursday.

Armenus Foreman of Raymond is tiling for S.C. Boyles.

Mr. A. L. Bird went to Omaha Sunday returning Monday.

Mrs. Gillham of Lincoln is sewing for Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman.

John Murtey shipped a mixed car of stock to South Omaha, Tuesday.

Met Prouty came in Friday from Albion where he has been for some time.

Jake Kahm and J. A. Shaffer autoed to Greenwood Monday afternoon.

Mrs. G. P. Foreman spent Friday and Saturday in Lincoln with Mrs. Clara Prouty.

Levi Park of Sterling, Colo., came in Sunday, visiting relatives here until Tuesday.

Mrs. C. F. Rosemow and son Elmer and Miss Golda Bird autoed to Lincoln last Thursday.

Mrs. Grace Thurreson went to Lincoln Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs Frank Thurreson.

Mrs. Mary Skinner left Tuesday for Sterling, Colo. for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Levi Park.

Mrs. Ray Clark and children, who have been visiting friends in Havelock, returned home Monday.

Jake Kahm will have a car of Michigan salt, flour, bran and shorts on track by the middle of next week.

Mrs. Fred Catchpole and son of Pagosa Springs, Colo., came in Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. C. L. Strong and children.

Mr. and Mrs. Verl Linch of University Place came in Saturday to visit relatives. Mr. Linch’s school having closed last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. B.H. McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis of Filley autoed down Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Strong.

Mrs. C. W. Shaffer and little daughter Margaret, of Kearney, came in Sunday to spend the week with her husband’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Shaffer.

The Alvo Community club held its regular meeting Wednesday evening in the High School Auditorium. The Honorable H.H. Wilson of Lincoln addressed the club on "The League of Nations." After the regular business session, the club gave a reception for the returned soldiers.

Mrs. R. A. Boyles was pleasantly surprised on "Mother’s Day," by her children and grandchildren: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kenney, Jesup, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Boyles, Lincoln, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyles, Elmwood; T. H. Boyles, Overton; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ganz, of Alvo. On Monday, James Smalley of Omaha and Mrs. George B. McCord of Oakland, California, niece whom Mrs. Boyles had not seen for more than forty years, joined the party. Many social functions were given during the week in honor of Mrs. Boyles and her guests. On Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ganz entertained a dinner. Tuesday, they drove to Elmwood where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyles returning to Alvo in the evening where Mrs. Dale Boyles and Mrs. Carl Ganz served a buffet supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles. Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Boyles entertained at dinner at their home in Lincoln.

Study Music.

     With Miss Leila M. Lamb who has had wide experience as a teacher of Voice and Piano, and will assist the director of Wesleyan this summer. Large classes are beginning Monday, June 2, at the residence of Mrs. M.C. Keefer where Miss Lamb will be glad to enroll new pupils.


     The Epworth League celebrated the 36th Anniversary of the founding of the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening. The following officers were installed:

President - Hubert Strong

Vice Pres. — Miss Marie Stroemer

2nd Vice Pres. — Miss Nita Mullen

3rd Vice Pres. — Miss Mary Taylor

4th Vice Pres. — Miss Emily Strong

Sec. And Treas. — Miss Florence Taylor

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, May 28, 1919

      Dr. E. F. Klein was attending the Nebraska State Dental society meeting in Omaha the first of the week.

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, June 2, 1919

          [Nehawka] Born, to Mr. And Mrs. Sam Martin, in Nehawka, Sunday evening, May 25th, a boy baby.

          [Louisville] P. Petersen has received word of the arrival of a little daughter at the home of his son, Fred Petersen, of Holdrege, where he is conducting an insurance business.

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, June 12, 1919


          From Tuesday's Daily.

At the home of Lieut. And Mrs. Harding, at Camp Funston, the stork made that couple happy by presenting to them one of the sweetest little blue-eyed baby girls imaginable. All parties concerned are doing nicely, and Grandpa George E. Dovey (Oh no, not the first time) is smiling a little more pleasantly if such could be the case.

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, July 7, 1919

          [Union] Did you notice how tight Roy Upton's hat was for him Sunday or the broad smile on his face? It was due to the arrival of a brand new baby boy at his house, and who can blame him for the smiling for his is the finest baby ever. If you don't believe it, ask Roy.

          Vance Harris came over from Ft. Dodge, Iowa, last Thursday for a visit at the home of his father, C. F. Harris. His brother, Clint Harris and family, of Washington, are also visiting there and it is the first time in three years the brothers have seen each other.

          Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Iowa, are here visiting at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Crede Harris, east of Murray.

This is a pre-1963 photo most likely taken in Nebraska. James Clinton Harris, my grandfather, is on the left. Creed Fulton Harris is on the right. I assume that his other sons, my grandfather's half-brothers Vance, Robert (Jack), Chester, and Donald, are the others, but I don't know that for sure. --Submitted by Paula See other Harris photos and letters..

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, July 17, 1919

          [Murdock] Mrs. A. Brauchle went to Lincoln on Saturday to see her new granddaughter.

          William Lehnhoff, of Lincoln, came down on Tuesday to attend to business matters in this vicinity and visited at the home of his cousin, Henry Ossenkop.

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, July 21, 1919

          Miss Virginia Harris, who has been visiting the past two weeks with relatives in Fort Dodge, Iowa, returned home Tuesday afternoon.

          Miss Verna Harris, who is enjoying a week’s vacation from her duties at the Sheldon Mgf. Co., office in Nehawka, left Tuesday morning for Pawnee City, where she will visit her friend, Mrs. Joe Wheeler.

Plattsmouth Journal, July 28, 1919

From Thursday's Daily

          Yesterday saw the return of Henry Lutz to our city and to his home. Henry has been in France and like all of the boys is glad to be back in this country and with the folks once more. Henry is the son of John Lutz and has resided all his life in Plattsmouth until he was called to the colors. He has been gone for some time and his friends are glad to welcome him back again.

Plattsmouth Journal, Monday, September 27, (year?)

          [Weeping Water] Born to Mr. And Mrs. Ross Raines, a son, Friday September 27.

MURDOCK ITEMS (submitter did not give a date)

Miss Ida Gehrts was home from Lincoln over Sunday.

Miss Lydia Wutchineck was home from Lincoln over Sunday.

Victor Thimgan was among those who went to Lincoln Monday.

O.E. McDonald and family motored to Weeping Water Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Reuman and Miss Jennie Baur went to Omaha Saturday.

Mrs. Jesse Landholm and Mrs. Harry Gillespie were shopping in Omaha last Wednesday.

Mrs. L. Neitzel returned Sunday from Havelock where she had spent a few days with relatives.

Mrs. Jerry E. McHugh and sons returned Saturday from a week’s visit with relatives in Lincoln.

Mrs. James Headlee of Port Angeles, Wash., is here visiting her sister Mrs. M. Sorick and family.

The Dan Panska family were [sic] released from quarantine on Monday, as Dan has been having small pox.

Conrad Baumgartner jr., and friends, Mr. Bedelle and Mr. Metzinger of Lincoln spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Baumgartner sr.

Emil Keuhn and family motored up from their farm near Burchard, Nebr., Saturday and were visiting their relatives and friends here until Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. J.Goehry, Miss Thelma Kelly, Mrs. Goetz and son Edward Guellstorff motored to Nehawka Sunday afternoon.

Mrs Mira McDondald and Mrs. William Gilmour of Murray, came in Monday noon from Narka, Kansas, and spent a few hours with relatives here before returning to their homes.

Mrs. James Brittain returned to her home at Alliance, Nebr., last Thursday after visiting her parents. Her sister Miss Mable Rush accompanied her home and will spend the summer there.

Miss Grace Gustin’s class in music gave a piano recital at the home of Mrs. Ed Thimgan on Tuesday afternoon, when the mothers of her pupils were guests. It was very much enjoyed by those present.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and children of Elmwood, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Keuhn and children of Burchard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenow and children, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ward were Sunday dinner guests of Ed Thimgan and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hite returned last Thursday from West point, Nebr., where they had been for the past six weeks, where he had been working on a farm. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. George Hite at Oakland, Nebr., before returning home.

Mr. Ogden, father of Mrs. Ed Brunkow, died Monday at Lincoln. The funeral will be held Wednesday at the Ed Brunkow home, west of here with burial in Greenwood cemetery. The family have[sic] the deepest sympathy of a host of friends.

The following were neither absent or tardy during the eight months of school in the Grammar room: Edith Reeves, Marguerite McDonald, Henrietta Baur, Hildegarde Baumgaertner, Floyd Hite, Marvel Amgwert, Carl Baumgaertner, Willard Schewe and Mary Isabelle Tool.

Rev. A.H. Schwab preached the baccalaureate sermon to the 27 graduates of the Elmwood High School in the M.E. church at that place on Sunday evening. A large audience was present, a number being from this vicinity, as eight of the graduates are Murdock young folks. The class play will be given on Thursday evening, May 22, in the opera house in Elmwood, the commencement exercises to be held Friday, May 23.

Plattsmouth Journal, May 22, 1919




Ace of Aces, Who Fought Many Air Battles in War, Details Experience Last Night.

From Tuesday’s Daily.

Last night at this municipal auditorium in Omaha, Captain Eddie Rickenbacher, American "ace of aces" and flying hero, thrilled an audience with some of his experiences in France.

"Rick" proved himself a good public speaker, as well as he has proved himself a good airman. He paid glowing tributes to some of the American airmen who were his friends.

"People often ask me what are a man’s feelings when he is up in the air engaged in a flight [sic] with an enemy plane," said Eddie. "I didn’t have any feeling that I can recall except the sensation that this machine before me was an instrument of the enemy and that it was necessary to destroy it or else it would destroy me. It was only after I had come down to earth again that the realization came to me that I had been pumping bullets into a living, breathing human being like myself, and then I hated war more than ever."

"I was given the first Spad flown by an American officer at the front. This was at the Chateau Thierry front and I felt I was about the last word in flying men. While I was making a flight in that plane one day with Capt. Norman Hall, I had an experience which I shall never forget. We encountered a squadron of 12 Hun planes. I attacked the rear one and sent it down in flames. I then zoomed up, but found that all the rest of the Hun airmen had discovered me and that I was the target of all of them. There was only one thing to do. I plunged in a vertical dive and did 12,000 feet in the twinkling of an eye. One of my eardrums burst as a result of the sudden change of atmospheric pressure."

"The bravest sight I ever saw I witnessed on the Verdun front. Our squadron with several others was ordered out to a great attack, it was the biggest ‘dog fight’ I ever witnessed. We call them ‘dog fights’ when many planes are engaged. In this instance there were probably 70 planes fighting. They were plunging and zooming and crashing to earth and the air was streaked with incendiary bullets."

"Lt. Wilbur White, one of our men suddenly saw the Hun leader attacking the rear man of the squadron, an inexperienced boy who had no chance with the seasoned Boche. Without a moment’s hesitation, Lt. White plunged toward the Hun. The planes locked together and crashed to earth. The lieutenant had given his life for his friend."

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