NEGenWeb Project - Cass County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
G. H. Gilmore
Cass Who's Who Guild, Young Peoples Soc; mbr ch choir; pres Missionary Soc; pub speaker; WCTU; Women's Fedn of Presby Ch; hobby, knitting; res 323 S 7th Plattsmouth. McDONALD, EDWIN LEROY: Merchant; b Minden, Neb May 2, 1889; s of Oscar E McDonald-Mary Martha Duckworth; ed Red Cloud HS 1908; Brown Bus Coll, Lincoln 1907; LBC 1909; Red Cloud Bus Coll, 1906; m Alma Keimes 1909 Hastings (dec 1914); s Edwin LeRoy, Bertrand Addison; m Edna Corr 1916 Lincoln (dec 1935); m Leona Bock 1936 Kansas City Mo; 1912-18 in meat bus, Greenwood; 1918 farmed in Cass Co; 1918 worked in Lincoln in meat bus; 1919 opr meat market & grocery in Greenwood; 1919 in meat bus, Long Beach Cal; 1920- gen mdse bus in Greenwood; 1910-12 brakeman for CB&Q RR, Omaha division; mbr Greenwood village bd 2 years, mayor 2 years, 1935-37; mbr vol fire dept; farms 140 A in Cass Co; AF&AM, Unity 163, past master; OES; during World War mbr HG; Dem; Meth Ch; hobbies, stock raising, Hampshire hogs, Hereford cattle; res Greenwood. McREYNOLDS, ALVIN: Farmer; b Cass Co, Neb March 27, 1891; s of George Washington McReynolds-Nannie J Alford; ed Nehawka HS; Neb Wes 1908; LBC 1910; m Sophie Behrns May 19, 1916 Denver; 1917-farming indep; 1920-26 mbr sch bd; helped org Cass Co Hist Soc, sec-treas since 1936; Neb St Hist Soc; Soc for American Archeology; 1937- vice grand IOOF; KP; WOW; hobbies, archeology, geology, history; res Nehawka. MAUZY, JAMES G: Pharmacist; b Plattsmouth, Neb June 19, 1884; s of Henry Mauzy-Margaret Judy; ed Plattsmouth; St Louis Coll of Pharm, PhG 1908; Omega Phi; m Alpha Hallstrom Aug 5, 1920 Plattsmouth; s James E; 1902 emp by Arlington Pharm, Sedalia Mo; 1903 mgr Houstonia Mo Drug Co; 1903-05 mgr W E Bard Drug Co, Green Ridge Mo; 1906-08 with Carey Drug Co St Louis; 1908-09 traveling representative Henry R Gering Pharm Omaha; 1909-11 mgr Gering Drug Co Plattsmouth; 1912-14 ptr in Smith & Mauzy Drug; 1914 ptrship dissolved, continued as Mauzy Drug Co; AF&AM; RAM; KT; OES; IOOF; C of C; Rotary; Ad Club; Neb Pharm Assn; NARD; Meth Ch; Rep; res 823 Rock, Plattsmouth. MRASEK, JOSEPH: Sheriff; b Plattsmouth, Neb Dec 6, 1887; foster s of William E Dull-Mary E Rutherford; ed Murray; m Hazel E Kline Jan 24, 1908 Plattsmouth; s William E, Donald Eugene, Robert Edward, Howard Clifford; d Gladys Mildred (Mrs Will Lindner), Mary Josephine (Mrs Ed Egenberger), Margaret Antona, Laura Elizabeth; 1907-15 farmed indep in Cass Co; 1915-19 in dairy bus with brother, Plattsmouth; 1919-20 emp in Louie Puls Garage, Murray; 1920-22 emp W H Puls Hdw, Murray; 1922-23 with Peter Peterson Hdw, Murray; 1923-25 in ptrship with W H Puls hdw & impl bus; 1925-33 opr impl bus, Plattsmouth; 1933-38 opr transfer bus, Plattsmouth; 1939- sheriff Cass Co; besides rearing own family, reared and educated two boys; Rep; hobby, fishing; res 143 No 4th, Plattsmouth. NICKLES, GEORGE ELMER: Lumber Dealer; b Murray, Neb July 22, 1881; s of William Nickles-Eliza Fletcher; ed Boyles Bus Coll; m Clara Gertrude Long Jan 6, 1920 Omaha; parents came to Neb 1865 from Mo; 1908 started farming near Murray; 1913 pur hdw; 1915 pur lbr yd; chmn town bd one term; 1933 elec to Neb legislature; chmn Cass Co Dem Com, del state conv. chmn appropriations com; Retail Lbr Mchts Assn; AF&AM; KT; Tangier Shrine; res Murray. NIEL, LESLIE W: Postal Clerk; b Waterloo, Neb May 3, 1894; s of David W Niel-Eliza E Quinn; ed Waterloo; LaSalle Extn U, Chicago; m Cressie M Hackenberg Sept 2, 1926 Plattsmouth; s Leslie W Jr; 1909-12 farmed in Dodge & Douglas Cos; 1912-15 in contracting & seed bus, Waterloo; 1915-21 machine opr CB&Q RR, Plattsmouth shops; 1918 during World War in US army Co 2, 3rd training detchment, Manhattan Kas; 1921-32 postal clk; 1932-38 city mail carrier, Plattsmouth; 1938- Plattsmouth PO clk; past comm Plattsmouth Amer Leg; secy, past master AF&AM; past high priest RAM; past comm Mt Zion Comm; secy Korn Klub; past worthy patron OES; secy Plattsmouth cemetery bd; Presby Ch; hobbies, flower gardening; res 823 2nd Ave, Plattsmouth. NOLTING, HENRY FREDERICK: Farmer; b near Plattsmouth, Neb Feb 5, 1894; s of August G Nolting-Catherine ------; ed dist sch; m Emma C Tritsch Sept 17, 1919 Plattsmouth; 1920- farmer near Plattsmouth; 9 years VP Plattsmouth Creamery, now treas; 6 years pres Oreapolis Grain Co, now secy; 1928 master AF&AM, recd degree of proficiency from Neb Grand Lodge; 1929 high priest RAM, York Rite; 1931 comm Mt Zion Comm; 1931 & 1937 patron Home Ch OES; 1931- advisory bd mbr Presby Ch; 1928 state del to Dem conv; hobbies, baseball, football, basketball, hunting, boxing; res Plattsmouth. NORRIS, RAY E: County Commissioner; b Cass Co, Neb Jan 7, 1887; s of E H Norris-Anna Rose; ed Cass Co; Weeping Water Acad; m Viola Hinds Dec 29, 1909 Wabash; s Clarence E; 1908 -11 on home farm in Cass Co; 1911-15 farmed near Nehawka; 1916- farmer; mbr sch bd 12 years; pct assessor past 15 years; 1939- Cass Co commr; past master AF&AM; past worthy patron OES; Rep; Congl Ch; res Weeping Water. NORRIS, VIOLA: Homemaker; b Harrisburg, Neb Jan 18, 1890; d of H P Hinds- ____; ed Weeping Water HS; Neb Wes; m Ray E Norris Dec 29, 1909 Wabash; s Clarence E; state chmn NFWC; dept of rural clubs & rural life; 1935 Cass Co pres Federated Womens Clubs, 1936-37 chmn 1st dist, dept of Law Observance; Cass Co Farm Bur bd; co chmn 4-H Club work, 10 yrs 4-H Club leader; org & was leader 1st 4-H Bird Club in US; trained 2 grand champion demonstration teams for Neb St Fair, one awarded trip to World Poultry Congress, Ottawa, Canada; supt Cass Co fair 18 consecutive years; co chmn ARC, awarded merit of honor 1936 by ARC for rescuing drowning girl; co secy-treas org for Conservation of Wild Life; past matron OES; former committeewoman Rep party; choir mbr Cong Ch, SS tchr 30 years; Woman's Club, Congl Ladies Guild; Extn Club, Helping Hand Rural Club; Garden Club; hobbies, flowers, birds; res Weeping Water. OFE, EDWARD GEORGE: Manager Oil Company; b Plattsmouth, Neb Sept 7, 1894; s of Henry L C Ofe- _____; ed HS; m Mabel J McBride July 27, 1918 Lincoln; 1909-22 sheet metal worker with CB&Q RR; 1922-24 sheet metal worker, emp state of Iowa; 1924-35 with Armour & Co; 1935- mgr Ofe Oil Co; during World War, May 1918 enl in mach gun corps; disch Dec 12, 1918; comm Amer Leg; C of C; mbr sch bd; cemetery bd; chmn ARC; mbr com BSA; First Chris Ch, chmn bd; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res 824 Holdrege, Plattsmouth. OLSON, OLE: Quarry Owner; b Storehyden, Denmark Jan 27, 1874; s of Ole Franssen-Carrie Hansen; ed Hyerup Denmark; m Emma Rasmussen Aug 5, 1903 Omaha; d Dorothy M, Ethel Pauline; helped father in stone quarry & fishing bus before coming to America; 1893 emp in stone quarries Nehawka & Weeping Water; 1893-96 with Robertson Quarries, Cass Co; 1890-1900 emp by Frank Wolcott, Weeping Water; 1900 emp by E E Day Elevator Co, Weeping Water; 1900-03 owner, opr Olsen Groc, Weeping Water; 1903- in quarry bus; for many years furnished stone to railroads for road beds; quarries today lead state in production of limestone; 1926 pur & closed Galloway Plow Co, Tarkio Mo; mbr Comm Brotherhood; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Weeping Water. PATTERSON, REA F: Apartment Manager; b Plattsmouth, Neb Apr 1, 1880; s of James M Patterson-Ellen Campbell; ed Plattsmouth; Omaha Bus Coll; m Elizabeth A Dovey Oct 9, 1906 Plattsmouth; s Edward Francis, Herbert Rea; 1920-21 clk, cash Bank of Cass Co, Plattsmouth; 1922-34 cash Farmers State Bank, Plattsmouth; 1936- rental agt, mgr Herold Apts; 1912-20 mbr city coun, 1st ward, Plattsmouth; AF&AM; past treas C of C; sr warden St Luke's Episc Ch; Dem; res Herold Apts, Plattsmouth. POLLOCK, THOMAS HERBERT: Retired; b Kankakee, Ill June 6, 1867; s of Thomas Pollock-Mary Kerr; ed Plattsmouth HS 1885; m Lida Walker Patterson Dec 17, 1890 Plattsmouth; d Ellen Campbell (Mrs Lynn O Minor), Alice Mary (Mrs V W Perry); 1886-96 with First Natl Bank, Plattsmouth; 1893-1906 supt Plattsmouth Water Co; 1898 org Plattsmouth Tele Co, opr until 1912; 1912-28 opr toll bridge between Plattsmouth & Omaha across Platte; 1917-23 built Pollock Garage Bldg, opr Ford Agcy, Plattsmouth; 1924-34 pur & opr Farmers State Bank; 1934- ret; past pres C of C; past mbr Plattsmouth bd of edn; chmn Mo R Improvement Com; helped obtain dock & warehouse for Plattsmouth; master AF&AM; BPOE; Rep; Presby Ch; hobby, hunting; res 724 Main, Plattsmouth. Page 131Cass Who's Who PULS, W H: County Assessor; b Cass Co Mar 11, 1876; s of William Puls-Louise Engelkeimer; ed Cass Co; Western Normal Coll, Lincoln; m Minnie L Bannick Nov 11 1902 Cass Co; s Harry O, Glenn W; d Marie (Mrs Foster Raney), Elsie (Mrs Robert Gray), Esther (Mrs Esther Whitely), Margaret (Mrs Eugene Socker); 1892-98 farmed with parents; 1898-1914 farmed indep; 1914-29 owner, opr Puls Hdw, Murray; 1929- owner, opr Puls Hdw, Plattsmouth; 1911 served in legislature; 1924- co assessor; secy-treas Co Assessors Assn of Neb; city coun mbr 12 years; Cass Co sch bd dist; WOW; secy Sons of Hermann; C of C; secy Advertising Club; Dem; bd of trustees St Paul Evang Ch; hobby, reading; res N 3rd, Plattsmouth. REA, FRED IRVIN: Power District Manager; b Maitland, Mo Jan 18, 1885; s of Robert Irvin Rea-Belle McRoberts; ed Hiawatha Kas HS 1902; U of Kas; Phi Kappa Psi; m Mary Alice Ryan Oct 31, 1912 Hays Kas; s Robert Irvin, Richard W, John; d Constance, Anna Marie, Betty Lois (dec), Alice, Margaret; 1907-1913 electrician in Kas, N M, Ohio & Ill; 1913-14 with Ill Steel Co; 1915-16 emp municipal plant Falls City & Seneca Kas; 1917- with Ia Neb Light & Power Co; Jan 1925- dist mgr Plattsmouth dist; capt of HG Newman Grove during World War; VP, past pres, past treas C of C; past pres, past treas Rotary; St Johns Cath Ch; Rep; res 606 Timber, Plattsmouth. RICHEY, EMMONS J: Lumber Dealer; b Afton, Ia Apr 20, 1879; s of Francis M Richey-Pauline Dickenson; ed Plattsmouth HS; LBC; m Mary Dineen Nov 26, 1913 Omaha; worked with father in lbr bus while in HS; 1899 retd to Plattsmouth after completing bus coll, assoc with father; 1907 in ptrship with brother, C A, in whol sand, gravel bus, plants on CB&Q, MoP at Louisville & C&NW RR at Fremont; 1914 sold int to brother; 1914 pur father's lbr bus from est, father dec 1912, owner lbr bus since; 1912-13 city coun; 1915-16 Plattsmouth mayor; 1924-26 VP & dir First Natl Bank, Plattsmouth; author of 5 year farm relief program, suggested banks loan money on corn exactly as govt is doing today; has letter from Pres Roosevelt expressing thanks for plan; past pres C of C; AF&AM; RAM; past comm KT; Rotary; past pres Business Man's Ad Club; Cass Co Hist Soc; dur World War, fuel administrator for Plattsmouth, chmn ARC; Rep; hobby, travel; off 126 S 4th ; res 622 N 5th, Plattsmouth. ROBB, C AUGUSTA: Postmaster; b Union, Neb Sept 19, 1878; d of Montgomery Robb-Jessie M Walbridge; ed South Bend Ind HS 1901; 1901 retd to Murray, lived with parents, taught music; 1907 moved with parents to Norfolk; 1909-11 lived in Lincoln; 1912-15 res Plattsmouth; 1917- res Union; 1927- PM; chmn Cass Co ch ARC; WCTU; Episc Ch; hobby, reading; res Union. ROBERTSON, HARRY FRED: Banker; b Lincoln, Neb Sept 22, 1893; s of Nels Robertson-Christine Sorensen; ed Davey; Dana Coll, Blair Neb Sch of Bus; 1910 bkkpr Grainger Bros, Lincoln; 1913-16 bkkpr in Farmers State Bank, Davey; 1916-18 bkkpr First Natl Bank, Marquette; 1919-30 asst cash Farmers State Bank of Davey; 1930- cash, Bank of Eagle; 1913-16 & 1919-30 Davey village clk; during World War, Great Lakes Naval Training Station, on battleships Louisiana, New Hampshire, Maine, in service in Cuba, disch Aug 1919; mbr Eagle town bd 1935-39; Uni Club, Lincoln; Neb Bankers Assn; Davey Post Amer Leg, first comm; Rep; Luth Ch; father ret salesman, resides at Davey; res Eagle. ROBERTSON, HELEN GRAY: Homemaker; b Fremont, Neb June 15, 1886; d of E F Gray-Henrietta Hollebaugh; ed Fremont H; U of Cal; U of N, BA 1909; Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Delta Delta; m William A Robertson Sept 27, 1911 Sioux Falls S D; s James M, William Gray; d Vestetta (Mrs Harold O Murphey), Rachel; father was one of the first two dist attys of Neb & was author of criminal code for Ida; 1909 assoc editor U of N Cornhusker; mbr first Woman's Equal Suffrage League, Lincoln; 1909-11 instr Fremont HS; past head literary dept Plattsmouth Woman's Club; 1920-26 first woman mbr Plattsmouth sch bd; ch F, PEO; 1924-27, 1933-35 was dir of U of N alumni coun; Cass Co Hist Soc; First Presby Ch; hobby, reading; res 624 N 6th, Plattsmouth. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM A: Attorney; b Louisville, Neb Oct 17, 1883; s of James M Robertson-Mary Hasemeier; ed Plattsmouth; U of N, LLB 1909; Acacia; Phi Delta Phi; m Helen Gray Sept 27, 1911 Sioux Falls S D; s James M, William Gray; d Vestetta (Mrs Harold O Murphey), Rachel; 1909-12 law ptr Byron Clark; 1912-15 ptr C A Rawls; 1915- prac law, Plattsmouth; 1904-06 dep clk dist court; 1909 editor in chief U of N Cornhusker; 1907-08 pres Uni Rep Club; past pres C of C; AF&AM Plattsmouth; RAM; Omaha Coun 1 R&SM; Mt Zion Comm; Scot Rite, Lincoln; Sesostris Shrine; Couer de Lion Conclave 10 Red Cross of Constantine; Omaha Sojourners; Heroes of `76; grand master AF&AM Neb 1937-38 grand capt gen grand comm KT of Neb; pres Neb Masonic Home; dir Neb Children's Home Soc; past pres 2nd Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; Cass Co Hist Soc; during World War 4 min Speaker, local food administrator; 1917-19 secy Cass Co Ch ARC; Presby Ch; hobby, reading; off Bekin Block; res 624 N 6th, Plattsmouth. SATTLER, JOHN P SR: Funeral Director; b Germany, Nov 18, 1864; s of Geo P Sattler-Elizabeth Laudenschlager; ed Hiitenthal Germany; m Margaret Prettig may 18, 1886 Plattsmouth; s Albert, Carl, John P Jr; d Ella (Mrs Jess Warga), Sophie (Mrs Will Mason), Olga (Mrs Harley Burdick), Amanda (Mrs Charles Loman), Katherine (Mrs Fred Herbster), Dorothy (Mrs Bernard Meisinger), Freida (dec); 1882 settled in Worcester Mass; 1882-84 cabinet maker in organ factory; 1884-85 carp Pekin Ill; 1885-87 emp CB&Q coach shop, Plattsmouth; 1887-92 ptr Henry Beck, undertaker; 1892-99 ptr in funeral directing, Streight & Sattler, Plattsmouth; 1899-1902 with Sattler Furn & Undertaking Establishment, Plattsmouth; 1902-04 Sattler & Fassbender; 1904-16 ptr Mich Hild; 1916-owner, opr funeral directing firm; 1892-99 mbr city coun; mayor intermittently 18 years; 1893-97 co coroner; 1924- in ptrship with son; MWA; Sons of Herman; Rotary; past pres C of C; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; Luth Ch; Dem; res 4th St & Ave A, Plattsmouth. SAYLES, GEORGE R: County Clerk; b Cedar Creek, Neb Feb 22, 1875; s of George E Sayles-Frances Cooley; ed Cedar Creek; U of N prep sch; first grade tchrs certificate; m Liesetta Wolff June 29, 1897 Cedar Creek; s George E; d Blanche (Mrs Major I Hall), Adelia (Mrs Phil T Campbell); 1894-1900 tchr, Cass Co; 1900-01 prin Cedar Creek sch; 1902-07 RFD carrier Plattsmouth; 1907-08 invoice clk storehouse dept CB&Q shops Plattsmouth; 1908-18 Duff Grain Co agt, Plattsmouth, Oreapolis Jct, Cullom1; 1918 Cass Co Clk, re-elec 6 consecutive terms; 1909 secy Mchts Carnival in Plattsmouth; 1916-18 Plattsmouth city clk; 1909- agt Phoenix Ins Co, Hartford Conn & NW Natl Ins Co, Milwaukee; C of C; past mbr BPOE; past mbr MWA; Social Benefit Security Soc; active in comm affairs; First Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, radio, baseball; off Courthouse; res 1024 Main, Plattsmouth. SCHULHOF, EDWIN HENRY: Musician; b Richmond, Ind Mar 17, 1868; s of Henry C Schulhof-Margaret Donelan; ed Cass Co; 1881-83 clk John R Cox Hdw, Plattsmouth; 1883-85 clk Peter Merges Shoe Store, Plattsmouth; 1885-1904 machinist CB&Q RR Plattsmouth, Havelock & Denver; 1904-11 band instr IIFMC Glenwood Ia; 1911- piano tuner & band instr; 1898 org B&M band, Plattsmouth; 1900 took band to Natl Dem Conv, Kansas City with Jacksonian Club from Omaha; band instr many years of: Louisville Boys, Louisville Girls, Pacific Junction, Glenwood City, Weeping Water, Cass Co Farmers Union, South Park, Murray; past grand knight, KC; past pres Rotary; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, operatic & band music, cribbage; res 810 Granite, Plattsmouth. SMITH, ROGER C: School Superintendent; b Mitchell Co, Kas May 23, 1909; s of E B Smith-Ethel -----; ed Carterville Miss HS 1927; Neb Wes; Ozark Wes, Carthage Mo; m Mildred Herman Dec 29, 1938 Omaha; sch tchr Hemingford; 1933-1938 supt of schs Underwood Ia; Sept 1938- supt of schs Elmwood; NSTA; Bapt Ch; hobby, collecting coins; res Elmwood. SMITH, WALTER H: County Attorney; b Bellwood, Neb Apr 23, 1914; s of H J Smith-Katherine Meysenburg; ed Marietta HS, Bellwood 1931; Creighton U; PhB 1935, LLB 1937; Alpha Sigma Nu, Alpha Chi Kappa; m Margaret Ortman Nov 16, 1938 Omaha; 1937 in priv law prac, Plattsmouth; 1939- Cass Co atty; Plattsmouth C of C; Jr C of C; secy-treas 2nd Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Cass Co & Neb St Bar Assns; lecturer KC; St John's Cath Ch; Dem; res Plattsmouth. ______ 1Cullom was originally known as Concord but was changed in 1890 by the US postoffice dept because such a town already existed in Dixon Co. It is not known that the town ever had a postoffice. Page 132Cass Who's Who SNYDER, WILBERT J: Dentist; b Mellette, S D Apr 20,1900; s of Charles Snyder-Josephine Dempsey; ed Mellette HS; Creighton U, DDS 1923; Omicron Kappa Upsilon; m Margaret Hannon June 16, 1926 Omaha; s James Alan; 1923-24 dentist, Omaha; 1924- dentist, Louisville; 1937-38 conducted clinics in dentistry Natl Dental Conv; twin brother Willard also dentist, Papillion; C of C; Neb St & ADA; St Patrick's Cath Ch; res Louisville. SOENNICHSEN, HENRY MELCHIOR: Merchant; b Germany Dec 6, 1866; s of Henry G Soennichsen-Christina Lensen; ed Germany; m Catherine Ploehn Oct 13, 1889 Plattsmouth; s Henry George (dec), Waldemar; d Christine, Mathilda; 1882 came to America; 1889-1924 owner-opr H M Soennichsen Merc Store; 1924- pres & gen mgr H M Soennichsen Co; Plattsmouth sch bd, past mbr; 1902-06 Plattsmouth city clk; 1906-10 Plattsmouth city treas; IOOF; WOW; MWA; hobby, reading; off 505 Main; res 714 Walnut, Plattsmouth. STANDER, ARTHUR ROY: Merchant, Funeral Director; b Louisville, Neb May 26, 1878; s of Frank Stander-Eliza Ann Regula; ed Eccles Sch of Embalming; m Clara M Metzger Dec 7, 1910 Cedar Creek; s Robert W; d Mary Ellen (Mrs Paul Pinkney); 1889-1909 farmed indep after helping father on farm; 1909 ent firm that became Stander & Stander, still bears name; eng in hdw, furn bus & funeral directing; in bus more than 30 years; mbr SS since 1886; C of C; mbr Neb Good Roads Assn since 1913; res Louisville. STECKLEY, EDWIN GARDNER: Corn Producer; b Lincoln, Neb Mar 21, 1889; s of E H Steckley-Celia Gardner; ed Lincoln; Bordentown N J Mil Acad; Penn Mil Coll, Chester Penn; Phi Gamma Delta; m Grace Teegarden Jan 7, 1919 Weeping Water; s Edwin James, Harold Gardner; d Grace Celia; 1909-16 emp Miller & Paine Dept Store, Lincoln, 1916-17 mgr basement ready-to-wear; 1917-18 served O/S; 1918-30 resumed position in ready-to-wear, Miller & Paine; 1931- farmer near Weeping Water; 1932- producer hybrid corn for comml use; bd mbr Assn of Certified Hybrid Producers of Neb; Cass Co Farm Bur; AF&AM; Prot; res Weeping Water. STIMBERT, E C: Superintendent of Schools; b Inland, Neb Sept 25, 1908; s of Carl T Stimbert-Clara Schuck; father was Inland PM 27 yrs; ed Inland HS 1925; Neb Wes 1929; U of N, BA, MA 1938; Phi Delta Kappa; Crescent, Neb Wes; m Mildred Crom June 24, 1930 Lincoln; s Vaughn E; d Phyllis Ann; 1929 prin Johnson sch; 1931- supt Nehawka sch; Comml Club; past master AF&AM 1936; Cass Co Hist Soc; NSTA; Supt & Prin Assn; Scoutmaster 10 years; Meth Ch; Rep; res Nehawka. STURM, ANDREW FREDERICK: Lumber Dealer; b Nehawka, Neb Feb 8, 1863; s of Andre Sturm-Minnie Stoll; ed pub sch; m Lolo M McCarthy Mar 3, 1890 Wyoming Neb; s Victor Andrew, Ralph McCarthy, Justin Cornelius; d Gertrude Almeda; sch tchr 2 terms; Oct 1887 started the first bus in Nehawka; 1890 owner-opr lbr yard; 1919-21 in Neb senate 2 terms; asstd ex-Gov Sheldon in campaign; past chmn Cass Co Rep Central Com; originated & sponsored bill directing sch children of Neb receive compulsory med examinations free; sen com chmn on edn, university, normal schs & library; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Nehawka Comml Club; AF&AM; Sesostris Shrine; IOOF; sch bd mbr 18 years; himself incorporated city of Nehawka; father came from Ill 1856, settled on farm 2 mi N Nehawka; hobby, making household furn; res Nehawka. TALCOTT, NORRIS DWIGHT: Physician & Surgeon; b Rockton, Ill July 27, 1870; s of Dwight Lewis Talcott-Emily A Robertson; ed Brooking SD; Brooking SD Agrl Coll 1890-93; Sioux City Coll of Med, MD 1896; m Marion E Mathis June 1, 1898 Greenwood; s Dwight Mancel, Arthur Earl; d Grace E (Mrs William McGill); 1896-97 interne Sa-Hosp, Sioux City Ia; 1897- prac med Greenwood; 1937 pres Cass Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; Meth Ch, treas; hobbies, gardening, fruit raising; father Civil War veteran, spent 4 mos in Andersonville prison; off 2nd St; res Walnut St, Greenwood. THORNTON, DANIEL ROY: Civil Engineer; b Copenhagen, NY Feb 19, 1883; s of John David Thornton-Lurilda Lockwood; ed Copenhagen HS; Tchrs Coll (Union) 1903-04; Union Coll, Schenectady, NY; m Grace Slatter June 6, 1936 Nebraska City; s Mathew John; 1905-06 sch tchr NY; 1 year in engineering dept Schenectady; NY highway dept until 1917; engineer for Beaumont Tex Wharf & Dock Commission 1 yr; 1919-20 engineer Jefferson Co Tex; 1920-26 US pub roads, sr engineer in chg Tenn; 1926-28 with Crown Rock Asphalt Co, Cincinnati O; 1928- Mo River dept of US Rivers & Harbors; AF&AM; Rotary ; during World War, enl Sept 1917 in US army, first lt engineers corps; off 7th & Chicago; res 505 Ave E, Plattsmouth. TIDD, ABRAHAM LINCOLN: Attorney; b Wakefield, O Apr 8, 1867; s of Elijah Tidd-Rachel _____; ed Northern U, Mo U; BSc; Phi Delta Phi; m Dora Herold Nov 26, 1906 Plattsmouth; 1884 sch tchr following HS grad; Sept 1899- prac law, Plattsmouth; aided Miss Alice Jones, librarian, to obtain funds from Carnegie Corp for present lib; aided in establishing Plattsmouth Garden Club, also estab first annual flower show in Plattsmouth; helped in locating & bldg first dock in Neb on Mo R; C of C; chmn Wildlife Federation; pres Cass Co Sportmen's Club; hobby, gardening off 4th & Main; res 614 Oak, Plattsmouth. TRUMBLE, VALENTINE: Grocery; b Eagle, Neb Feb 14, 1893; s of Charles Sumner Trumble-Isabelle Urqurhart; ed Eagle HS; Neb Sch of Bus, Lincoln; m Florence Caddy Mar 12, 1919 Eagle; s Keith Marion, Dale LaVerne; d Virginia Mae; 1910-12 mgr meat market Alvo; 1915-17 clk Peterson's Groc, Eagle; 1919- owner meat market & groc, Eagle; 1920-34 mbr town bd, chmn 1930-34; during World War Fort Logan Colo, GSI, disch Dec 27, 1918; Amer Leg, Palmyra; 1919- pres Eagle vol fire dept; Rep; Meth Ch; father ret, owned first meat market at Eagle, mcht 45 years; res Eagle. TUCK, W H: Veterinarian; b Charleston, Mass May 15, 1860; s of Lindly Murray Tuck-Mary A Powers; ed Newark NJ; Mediapolis Ia; Harrison NJ Acad; Kansas City Veterinary Coll, DVM 1905; m Catherine Cresse Jan 27, 1897 Lincoln; s Albert C; d Laura (Mrs Ora Spelman), May Bell (Mrs Arthur Brockman); 1880 came to Neb; 1880-85 farmer Adams Co; 1885-93 farmed indep Custer Co; 1895-1900 laboratory asst, dept of animal pathology, U of N agrl coll; 1906 with Dr J S Anderson, Seward; 1907-08 estab indep prac, Sutton; 1908- veterinary, Weeping Water; mbr State Veter Examining Bd 5 terms; also state veterinarian; 1914- accredited state & fed veterinarian; 1924-25 mayor Weeping Water; city coun; AF&AM, past master; past mbr Scot Rite & Shrine; past secy treas Neb Veterinary Med Assn; ch mbr OES; Rep; res Weeping Water. TUCKER, MRS. ISADORE SHELDON: Merchant; b Nehawka, Neb Dec 10, 1894; d of Frank Pollard Sheldon-Emma Banning; ed Nehawka HS 2 years; St Mary's Sch, Knoxville Ill 2 years; U of N, BA 1916; Kappa Kappa Gamma; m Marion N Tucker June 23, 1920 Nehawka; father pioneer mcht; past pres first dist Neb Fedn of Woman's Clubs; past state registrar DAR; past dist pres Rebekahs; VP Nehawka Woman's Club; Nehawka library bd; 1920- Nehawka sch bd, past chmn, now treas; ARC; Amer Leg Aux; org & sponsored Jr Woman's Club; ch F Plattsmouth PEO; Cass Co & Neb St Hist Socs; Episc Ch; Rep; hobby, historical research; res Nehawka. TURNER, JOHN EDWARD: County Treasurer; b Eagle, Neb May 15, 1896; s of Oscar S Turner; ed HS, U of N; m Ruth A Bedson Jan 7, 1919 Lincoln; d Dorothy Eugenia; with Burke & Bedson Gen Store until Aug 1917; Mar 1919-Jan 1, 1927 opr Farmers Elevator, Elmwood; Jan 7, 1927- Cass Co. treas; during World War June 25, 1918 enl army; Jan 5, 1919 disch; Med OTC, Fort Riley, Kas; Amer Leg; 1925-26 master AF&AM, Elmwood, mbr ch 3, Plattsmouth; C of C; Rep; financial steward Meth Ch; hobby, cabinet making; res 709 Ave C, Plattsmouth. TYSON, ROLAND WILLIAM: Physician & Surgeon; b Elmwood, Neb Nov 13, 1897;s of Lewis A Tyson-Genevena Alton; ed Elmwood HS; PSTC; U of N, BSc 1927, MD 1929; Upsilon Nu of Phi Chi; m Frances Peterson Apr 20, 1932 Plattsburg Mo; d Ann Marilyn; during World War, Aug 1918 enl US Army, stationed Camp Logan Presidio & Fort MacArthur, disch Dec 1918; 1919-21 sch tchr Hartington; 1921-24 athletic coach Clarinda Ia; 1929-30 interne Northern Pacific Hosp, Tacoma Wash; 1930-31 with Northern Pacific Hosp Assn, Glendive Mont; 1931- prac Murray; AF&AM; Cass Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; assoc mbr AMA; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, all sports; res Murray. WALLING, ROBERT MAURICE: Abstractor; b Plattsmouth, Neb July 24, 1898; s of Thomas Walling-Mar- Page 133Cass Who's Who garet J O'Rourke; ed 2 years Creighton Prep, Omaha; 1 year Plattsmouth HS; after comp HS ent abstract off of father, founded 1887; in same off continuously except during World War; Mar 13, 1918 enl air corps, 7 mos in France, disch May 19, 1919; retd to abstr off, 1925 became owner, mgr at father's death; Wallings' in bus 50 years; Rotary; BPOE; Amer Leg; C of C; Neb Title Assn; Amer Title Assn; Izaak Walton; Ad-Sar-Ben; Omaha Athletic Club; Amer Balloon Corps Veterans; Cass Co sportsman's Club; admiral Great Navy of Neb; hobby, hunting & fishing; res Herold Apts, Plattsmouth. WEDDELL, WILLIAM THOMPSON: Grain & Lumber Dealer; b West Newton, Penn, June 14, 1865; s of Jesse Weddell-Sarah Weaver; m Marie Kruse Mar 12, 1908, Murdock (dec); s Meredith Kruse; d Ione Marie; 1880 left Penn with parents, settled in Newton Kas; 1883 came with parents to Ashland; 1887 in grain bus with Railsback Bros as relief agt; 1913- in grain & lbr bus Murdock; MWA; res Murdock. WESCOTT, CHARLES CLIFFORD: Merchant; b Bush Creek now Arlington, Ia Oct 3, 1873; s of Clarence E Wescott-Mary Louise ___; ed Plattsmouth HS; U of N; m Edna Eaton Oct 9, 1901 Plattsmouth; s Mason Eaton; d Alice Louise; 1879 father estab clothing bus in Plattsmouth; ent bus with father, firm only exclusive men's store in state under one name for 60 year period; 1921-28 pres first ad club; chmn program com King Korn Karnival; during World War O/S with YMCA; past pres C of C; AF&AM; exec com; bd mbr Stuntz Hall, Omaha; past secy Neb Retail Clothiers Assn; past secy-treas Affiliated Clothiers; past SS supt Meth Ch, SS tchr 20 years, past chmn & treas sch bd mbr exec com Meth Old People's Home, Blair; res Plattsmouth. WESCOTT, CLARA STREET: Homemaker; b Red Oak, Ia July 26, 1876; d of William Lew Street-Mary McCullock; ed Weeping Water; m Edgar Hilt Wescott Sept 28, 1904 Plattsmouth; s Edgar Street; d Helen (Mrs Perry Murdick II); 1888 came with parents to Weeping Water; 1995 music tchr Durango Colo; 1903-04 pub sch tchr, Glenwood Ia; org Fontenelle ch DAR, Plattsmouth; past state treas, state vice regent & regent DAR; Woman's Club; NFWC, past state music chmn, past state chmn comm service; Home Ch OES; ch F, PEO; Neb Fedn of Garden Clubs, dir First dist; Cass Co & Neb St Hist Socs; Stukely Wescott Assn of Berkshire Co Mass; mbr st advisory com Rep party, alternate to natl conv, Cleveland; music dir Meth Ch since 1900, SS tchr since 1990; hobby, genealogy; res 905 Main, Plattsmouth. WESCOTT, EDGAR HILT: Merchant; b LaPorte, Ind, July 25, 1878; s of Clarence Edgar Wescott-Mary Louise Coffin; ed Plattsmough HS; U of N 1898-99; m Clara Edna Street Sept 28, 1904 Plattsmouth; s Edgar Street; d Helen Rude (Mrs Perry Murdick II); learned clothing bus in father's store; after HS was bkkpr First Natl Bank; 1901 with father & brother as C E Westcott [sic] & Sons; 4-min man during World War; mbr state YMCA com past 25 years; dist exec ofcr BSA past 15 years; organist First Meth Ch past 40 years; tchr young men's Bible class 33 years; pres library bd, mbr 20 years; pres & secy C of C; AF&AM; chmn boys work, Rotary; Rep; hobbies, boys work, music; res 903 Main, Plattsmouth. WEST, DAVID C: Banker; b Scioto Furnace, O Mar 31, 1862; s of Pleasant West-Elizabeth Combs; ed Scioto Furnace; m Katie Stone Mar 19, 1890 Nehawka; d Gladys; Oct 1888 ent banking bus, Nehawka; cash 35 years, now pres; secy-treas Nehawka Farm Loan Assn 18 years; editor Nehawka Register 1 year; Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; AF&AM, first master; Sesostris Shrine; Scot Rite, Lincoln; past noble grand IOOF; Comml Club; Rebekahs; Nebraska City OES; Rep over 40 years; hobby, org banking credit systems; res Nehawka. WESTOVER, RAYMOND PASCHAL: Physical & Surgeon; b Rushville, Neb Aug 12, 1893; s of William H Westover-Olive Paschal; ed Rushville HS; U of N, BSc, MD; Delta Upsilon; Phi Rho Sigma; m Marie M Robertson June 19, 1918 Plattsmouth; d Janet Marie, Ruth Paschal; interne 1 year Clarkson Memorial Hosp; 1919- prac med Plattsmouth; owner bldg where off located, first med hdqrs ofr CB&Q; occupied by doctors since 1869; mbr med res corps 14 mos during World War; Cass Co Med Soc; AMA; past master AF&AM; past high priest, RAM; past comm KT; past exalted ruler BPOE; hobbies, golf, flowers; off 621 Main; res 805 Main, Plattsmouth. WEYRICH, EMIL J: Pharmacist; b Pekin, Ill Dec 28, 1875; s of John Wayrich-Emilie Seidler; ed Plattsmouth 1887; 1909- ptr Weyrich & Hadraba Drug Co, Plattsmouth; Neb Pharm Assn; NARD; AF&AM; RAM; KT; Shrine; Prot; Rep; hobby, mechanical work, photography, has large negative collection; off 521 Main; res 510 2nd Ave, Plattsmouth. WILES, J ELBERT: Farmer & Stockman; b Cass Co, Neb Nov 27, 1882; s of James Monroe Wiles-Martha Gapen; ed pub sch; m Ogla [sic] Minford Aug 11, 1921 Murray; 1897 started farming part of Wiles farm; within few years 4 Wiles bros were farming 760 A; 1913 pur farm now owns, since opr; raises purebred Shorthorns, Belgian horses; stallion took 1st prize Neg [sic]St Fair, 2nd prize Ia St Fair, Des Moines 1938; five head of horses ent, were in money; winner of 100 ribbons since 1930; sch bd treas; past mbr Plattsmouth Rotary; Mynard Comm Club; Belgian Breeders Assn; Amer Shorthorn Breeders Assn; UB ch; Rep; hobby, horses; res Plattsmouth. WILES, JOSEPH MYRON: Farmer; b Plattsmouth, Neb Jan 28, 1892; s of James Monroe Wiles-Martha Gapen; ed Cass Co; m Jennie Livingston Feb 23, 1917 Plattsmouth; foster s Eugene Gilmour & James Robbin Richardson; farmer in Cass Co since manhood; raises purebred Whiteface cattle; AF&AM; res RFD 1, Plattsmouth. WILES, STEPHEN GLENN: Farmer; b Plattsmouth, Neb Sept 26, 1888; s of James M Wiles-Martha Gapen; ed York Bus Coll; m Opal B Cole Oct 12, 1922 Plattsmouth; s Clark Sterling; one of orgs of Mynard Comm Club; AF&AM 6; RAM; KT; OES; hobby, registered Hereford cattle; res Plattsmouth. WOEST, JOHN C: Engineering Clerk; b Hermann, Mo June 15, 1888; s of Lebrecht Woest; ed HS; m Laura Teckemeyer June 22, 1910 Hermann; s Robert F L; d Ruth A E; worked 22 years Eggers Milling Co, Hermann Mo, after completing HS; asst mgr at time of resignation; secy Hermann Light Co while with Eggers; 1928 stock clk US boatyard Gasconade Mo; Sept 1933 sent to Rulo, where new US eng area was estab, became chief clk; Aug 1934- in Plattsmouth area off; mbr Hermann sch bd 1925-30; Blue Lodge AF&AM; New Evang Ch; res 224 S 8th, Plattsmouth. WOLCOTT, LLOYD PORTED:Bank President; b Weeping Water, Neb Mar 8, 1879;s of Franklin Marshall Wolcott-Henrietta Brooks; ed Weeping Water acad & HS; m Olive Hitchman Sept 2, 1903 Weeping Water; s Franklin Marshall, Robert Hitchman, W James; d Elizabeth H, Doris (Mrs John M Norris); 1899- 1901 with First Natl Bank, Weeping Water; 1901-21 asst cash, dir, 1921 vice pres, now pres; AF&AM; Congl Ch; hobby, outdoor sports fan; res Weeping Water. YOUNG, PARR: Farmer; b Cass Co, Neb Apr 3 1893; s of L H Young-Sarah Margaret Shryder; ed Weeping Water HS 1911; m Daisy Jewell June 11, 1913 Weeping Water; d Mildred (Mrs Towner Livingston), Marian, Mina Jean; 1913- farmer & livestock feeder; 1934 chmn Cass Co AAA; 1936-38 exhibited cattle Ar-Sar-Ben livestock shows, Omaha; 1937- exec com South Omaha Production Credit Corp; 1924-33 sch bd dir; 1932- secy-treas Farmers Coop Oil Co; 1934- pres Cass Co Farm Bur; AF&AM past sr warden; Plattsmouth KT; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Nehawka. YOUNG, WILLIAM REX: Auctioneer & Farmer; b Cass Co, Neb Aug 20, 1887; s of David Andrew Young-Anna Mann; father came to Neb 1853; ed pub sch; 2 years Cotner Coll; m Perle Henton Dec 22, 1914 Bethany; worked with father 1 year Cass Co & with brother at Beach, N D 2 years after comp coll; 1907-08 Murray RFD carrier; 1911 auctioneer with I A Morris, Carlyle Mont; 1912 retd to Cass Co, assoc with father; 1914 eng in auctioneering, has since made 3,000 sales; 1914-20 farmed 300 A; summer 1920 attd sch in Boulder Colo; 1921-23 wheat farmer Perkins Co; 1924-26 dep sheriff under Bert Reed 1931- auctioneer; also managing farms; 1928 injured in line of duty as dep sheriff; life mbr BPOE; life mbr AF&AM; KT; RAM; life mbr Holstein-Friesian Assn; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; res S 9th Plattsmouth. page 134 |