Who in Nebraska, 1940
Many thanks to Mr. Alan Beermann, Executive Director of the Nebraska Press Association and American Press Advertising service for permission to transcribe this wonderful piece of Chase county history for all to enjoy.
Mrs. James Roe
pp. 145-150
UNFRIENDLY Indians have never seriously hampered Chase County's steady progress, but a hostile band did annoy the county's first surveyors, McElroy, Fairchilds and Wells. In 1872 the men began measuring on the eastern border of the county, near Wauneta, and soon encountered an Indian village ruled by Chief Whistler. The chief asked the men to leave, but they went on with their work. So the Indians followed them, destroying each corner as soon as it was established. McElroy then telegraphed the Surveyor-General to ask military protection and after the arrival of a company of soldiers, the Indians caused no more trouble.
It was about this time when the county first began to be settled by white persons. Despite passage of the Kinkaid homestead law in 1862, it was more than ten years before the Indians had been cleared out of Chase County sufficiently to permit homesteaders to settle safely. The first arrivals were cattlemen, who took land near rivers and creeks, where water and grass were abundant and free. Thousands of white faced cattle supplanted the buffalo, but ranching was a short lived industry. Blizzards killed numerous cattle, and the prosperous eighties attracted a vast number of homesteaders, who entered the country despite determined resistance by the cattle men.
In 1884 and 1885 covered wagons of the settlers dotted the prairie. By 1866 they had become continuous, trains slowly winding westward. Prairie schooners were replaced by sod houses and dugouts, marking the advance of permanent settlement.
County records show Fred H. Lytle filed the first pre-emption claim in May, 1879. Two years later Arthur E. Lytle filed the first tree claim and George W. Johnson made the first homestead entry Sept. 14, 1881. The early farmers found a soil well adapted to diversified agriculture. Twenty-two types of both residual and transported soil and many grasses make the county able to support varied kinds of crops, in addition to cattle raising.
Chase County's original towns were Imperial, Hamilton, Wauneta, Allendale, Eldredge and Manderson. Hamilton was later renamed Champion, in honor of Col. Champion S. Chase, who delivered a Fourth of July speech there in 1887. Allendale was moved about two miles and then named Lamar.
Wauneta, the county's first post-office, was originally named Juanita, after a popular song. Government authorities, however, suggested the change in spelling to avoid confusion with another town. In 1877 Lyman Howley served as the first postmaster.
By 1886 the county was so thickly settled that the citizens felt the need of organized government, and requested Gov. James W. Dawes to proclaim this region a county. Charles W. Meeker, a young attorney of Imperial, carried a petition signed by 200 persons to the state capitol, and a proclamation organizing Chase County was issued April 12, 1886.
Imperial was designated the temporary county seat, and was successful in retaining this honor through three elections. Its advantage over Hamilton, Imperial's opponent in the final election, was Imperial's location in approximately the county's geographical center. Hamilton, however, was favored by being situated on the Frenchman river. These "county seat fights" brought on bitterly fought elections and more than one man's vote was exchanged for money, a sack of flour, a pair of shoes, or a town lot.
Before its organization, Chase County had been attached to Hayes for judicial, revenue and other purposes. Elsworth Arterburn and Mr. Low, graduates of a business college, were appointed to transcribe the records and arrange a set of books for the newly organized county.
With the exception of the early nineties, when severe drouth caused many settlers to leave, Chase County's growth has been steady and substantial. An evidence of this is the school attendance record, which shows there were 621 pupils in the county in 1887, 1,445 in 1890, 1,260 in 1892, and 1,312 in 1939.
The Lincoln Land Company, which owned most of the Imperial townsite, gave the county its first court house in 1889. It was a 40x6O foot frame structure and cost $7,000. In 1910 it was destroyed by fire, and two years later the county erected a brick and stone building costing $25,000. There are 160 trees in the spacious park surrounding the courthouse, including an American elm with a spread of 70 feet. Most of Chase County's early towns supported one or two newspapers, all printed with hand set type. Today the Imperial Republican and the Wauneta Breeze are the only ones surviving out of an original field of eight.
The Burlington railroad reached Imperial in 1892 and planned to build across the state to join the High Line at Holyoke, Colo. Road bed was graded all the way, but rails were laid only to Imperial, and there the county's only railroad ends. Many early towns were disappointed after moving from their original sites to the new railroad grade.
The Frenchman river has, from the earliest days, supplied Chase County with power for the operation of mills. Bussel Mill, about nine miles west of Champion, ground wheat for the pioneers over a long period until newer mills supplanted it.
The Frenchman, the county's principal water supply, is fed by Stinking Water creek and Spring creek, both of which originate as an underground flow of clear water. Many water power and irrigation projects are situated on the Frenchman's banks, and it powers flour mills at Wauneta and Champion.
There is a natural water-fall in the Frenchman near Wauneta. The Indian village which the county's first surveyors found was also close to this spot and relics of an ancient Pawnee village have been unearthed near the same place.
Chase County became the home of many Civil War veterans, but now only Thomas Standidge still resides in the county. He was member of Company K, the 141st Illinois regiment, and was the first elective Cedar County judge. In 1925 fifteen Civil War veterans and seven Spanish War fighters were living in the county.
In developing its resources, Chase County has kept pace with the rest of the state. Today hard surfaced roads interconnect all its towns and link them to the outside world. Gone are the days of the old west; legend alone preserves the memory of the old settlers who laid the foundation for generations to come. But the example set by those hardy pioneers remains to guide the younger generation.
* I especially like the "K" section, as Don's Grandfather is listed there....<grin>
County Judge; b in sod dugout Chase Co., Neb July 4, 1888; s of David L Adams-Isabelle Gould; ed Chase Co.; Volga Ia HS 1909; Washington Kas Comml Sch; m Pearl Powell March 24, 1915 Washington Kas; s Lester D; 1909-10 tchr, Clayton Co Ia; 1912-16 emp in off of probate judge, Washington Kas; 1916-18 with Hanover Kas State Bank; 1918-19 emp in J R Hyland law & abstract off; 1919-21 emp on Washington Kas Register; 1921-29 with L M Halts Store, Champion; 1929-37 with Imperial Co-op Oil Co, Imperial; 1937- Chase Co judge; recognized as authority on trees, has written articles for various Neb periodicals; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, trees, baseball, res Imperial.
Merchant; b Rydaholm, Sweden Aug 18, 1880; s of Andrew Johan Anderson-Johanna Marie Larson; ed Phelps Co; m Effie Alvira Samuelson Dec 6, 1905 Bertrand; s Carl Ardell; d Lucile Opal (Mrs Charles Kelly), Loraine Marie (Mrs. Dean Bartells); came to Phelps Co 1887; 1901 owner & mgr Anderson Market, Loomis; 1902-05 farmer & carp, Bertrand; 1905-06 owner & mgr Anderson Market, Bertrand; 1906-15 owner & mgr Anderson Transfer, Bertrand; 1915-17 farmed, Phelps Co; 1918-22 farmed, Chase Co; 1922-26 meat cutter & butcher, Reichardt Bros, Imperial; 1926-38 Chase Co sheriff; 1934- owner & mgr Andersons Groc & Gas Station; past mayor; past chmn sch bd; AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobby, golf; res Imperial.
Civil & Electrical Engineer; b Washington Co, July 26, 1878; s of John Wesley Athey-Lottie M Chambers; ed Washington Co 0; Armour Inst of Technology, Chicago; m Mina Aletha Theobald Nov 22, 1899 Astor Ia; s Verl C, Marvin S; d Eunice Isabelle, Myrna Ardith; 1900-07 supt, Barnard & Leas Mfg Co, mill construction, Moline Ill; 1907-27 ptr in engineering firm of Theobald & Athey engaged in oprn & construction of flour mills in Kas, Ia, & Neb; 1927- pres & gen mgr Wauneta Light & Power Co, Wauneta: 1910- pres sch bd; IOOF; Meth Ch; bd mbr; hobby, poultry; res Wauneta.
Postmaster; b Champion, Neb May 14, 1888; s of Leonard T Bonner-Sarah L Hart; ed Imperial HS 1907; m Irma Salsman July 22, 1912 Los Angeles Cal: s James L, Gerald D; 1907-11 owner & mgr Bonner Shop, Imperial; 1912-14 with Exchange Barber Shop, Los Angeles; 1914-35 ptr in real est & ins firm of L T Bonner & Son, Imperial; 1935-37 fed relief dir & certifying agt, Chase Co; 1937- P M, Imperial; Neb League of Dist PMs; Neb ch of Natl Assn of PMs; Lions; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Imperial.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Janesville, Minn May 14, 1867; s of Louis Charles Bonner-Sarah Jane Platz; ed Hamilton Co; m Sarah L Hart Sept 11, 1886, Aurora; s Calvin L, Milton L, Lowell D, Lyle H, Clifford E; d Lela (Mrs D W McCallum); came to Hamilton Co 1872, Chase Co 1887; 1887-92 homesteaded & raised cattle, Chase Co; 1892-1906 ptr in Bonner-Johnson, bldg contrs; 1906- owner & mgr L T Bonner Real Est Firm, Imperial; pres Farmers Lbr Co; dir First Natl Bank, Imperial; 1927- pres Chase Co Petroleum Co; an org Neb ch, U S 6 Roosevelt Highway Assn; past mbr town bd 15 years; past moderator sch dist 3; Lions; IOOF 203, past grand; Meth Ch; Dem, chmn Chase Co Central Com since 1919; hobby, civic affairs; res Imperial.
County Assessor & Insurance Dealer; b Adams Co, III March 18, 1876; s of John Brady-Emeretta Bottorff; ed Adams Co Ill; m Edna Earle Oct 30, 1899 Champion; s James Milton; d Vestana; 1897-1917 homesteaded in Chase & Dundy Cos; 1905-10 P M, Hancock; 1917- Ins agt, Imperial; 1926- Chase Co assessor; Golf Club; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, hunting; res Imperial.
Dentist; b Colfax Co, Neb Feb 7, 1901; s of Joseph Broz-Pauline Zacek; ed Howells; Creighton U, BA; Northwestern U BSc, DDS 1926; Psi Omega; m Coila Hawes Sept 1928 Omaha; d Doloros; 1927 dentist, Chicago Ill; 1928-30 dentist, Talmage; 1930- dentist, Imperial; past mbr town bd & past coun mbr Imperial; past pres Talmage C of C; past pres SE Dist Dental Soc; ADA; Lions; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, nature study; res Imperial.
Banker; b Brighton, Ill Aug 13, 1885; s of James Burke-Susanna Eldredge; ed Imperial; Colo St Coll, Fort Collins; m Elva Bailey Jan 19, 1910 Chicago; s James E Jr, Edward B; d Patricia (Mrs J P Harrison); 1906-08 bkkpr & asst cash Farmers & Mchts Bank, Imperial; 1908 cash & gen mgr Farmers & Mchts Bank, Imperial; past mbr town bd; pres Chase Co HS bd, mbr 16 years; Episc Ch; res Imperial.
Banker; b Aurora, Ill July 28, 1863; s of Nathan Cottrell-Angie Courrier; ed Aurora Ill; m May Henderson Oct 1, 1885 West Liberty Ia; d Inez (Mrs John Newman), Helen (Mrs E N Rouze), Dorothy (Mrs Dwight Wiley, husband dec, now Mrs Frank Raker); 1886 came to Seward Co; 1886-1917 in hdw & impl bus, Imperial; 1888- rancher & cattle raiser, Chase Co; 1910- pres & an org of First Natl Bank, Imperial; past mbr sch & town bds; AF&AM 198, past master; Universalist Ch; res Imperial.
Attorney; b Atlantic, Ia Sept 26, 1899; s of Gene A Curtis-Florence Worthington; ed Atlantic & Independence Ia; Creighton U, LLB 1924; Delta Theta Phi; m Edna Crouse Aug 15, 1925 Papillion; s Robert H, Guy G, James L; d June M, Marilyn K, Gwendolyn M; 1926- prac in law firm of Meeker & Curtis, Imperial; 1931-35 Chase Co atty; 1932- city atty, Imperial; 1935 mbr sch bd; during World War in 21st ambulance co, 4th div AEF, army of occupation; Amer Leg; Amer Title Assn; 14th Judicial Dist & Neb Bar Assns; Lions; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; res Imperial.
Retired; b Fairland, Ind Nov 4, 1853; s of Benjamin D Davidson-Mary Andrews; ed HS; m Mary Andrews, 1878 Hazel Dell Ill; s Champion Chase, Charles Warren, James Challen; d Mary Alberta, Maud Pauline, Lula Grace: pioneer of Chase Co; instrumental in bldg Champion; helped plan orgn of Chase Co & was one of first druggists; Chase Co commr 2 terms; AF&AM 198, Imperial; hobbies, politics & pub welfare; res Champion.
Pharmacist; b Imperial, Neb Jan 11, 1904; s of William Einspahr- Louise Felzien; ed Imperial; U of N, PhG; Phi Delta Chi; m Mildred Mars, May 1930 North Platte; s Boyd E, Rodney; d Gwendolyn; 1925-27 with McMillen Drug Co, McCook; 1928-36 owner & mgr Einspahr Drug store, Imperial; 1936- ptr in Einspahr & Adams Drug Co, Imperial; 1933- pres Imperial Comm Hosp br; 1937- VP Neb & Western Ia Rexall Clubs; Lions Club, past treas, 1937-38 pres, 1937-39 dep gov, now gov dist 38e of Neb; Luth Ch; hobbies, nature study, Indian artifacts; res Imperial.
Publisher; b Vassar, Mich Oct 1, 1888; d of David Stevens-Mary Ann Mclnnis; ed Marlette Mich HS; m W M Frasier Apr 26, 1910 Saginaw Mich (dec 1929); s Harold L (dec Apr 26, 1935), Burnell, Billie Mac (dec Feb 12, 1923); 1929- editor & co-publisher of Wauneta Breeze with sons, since husband's death pres SW Neb Press Assn 1934; OES; Meth Ch, mbr ofcl bd 11 years; res Wauneta.
Agricultural Extension Agent; b Franklin Co, Neb Apr 23, 1901; s of Mimke Fruhling-Pauline Dellefsen; ed Franklin; Neb Wes, BA 1927; Phi Kappa Tau; m Gracy Myers Mar 2, 1929 Sharon Springs Kas; d Barbara Joy, Madelon Esther; 1923-24 tchr, Havelock schs; 1927-32 supt of schs, Imperial; 1992-33 field man RACC, Omaha; 1933- Chase Co agrl agt; Natl Assn of Co Agrl Agts; Lions; AF&AM; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Imperial.
Retired; b Greene Go, Ind Oct 31, 1861; s of Elias Fulk-Elizabeth Spainhouer; ed Greene Co Ind; m Annie Creed Dec 4, 1890 Imperial; s Alfred H, Emmett 0, Benjamin S; d Flossie (Mrs Roy Hancock), Grace E (Mrs James Eskew), Lillie (Mrs H Johnson), Daisy (Mrs Charles Johnson), Lottie (Mrs Elmer Nelson); 1885 came to Crete; 1885- farmer & cattle raiser, Chase Co; an org Chase Co Tele Co, secy-treas 20 years; an org & dir Imperial Co-op Grain Co, past secy-treas 14 years; dir Farmers Lbr Co; chmn Imperial Cemetery Assn; past mbr dist 34 sch bd 30 years; res Imperial.
Homemaker; b Morayshire, Scotland Nov 6, 1867: d of William Grant-Elsie Robertson; ed Morayshire Scotland; m Allan Grant Dec 15, 1893 Toronto Canada; s William Ian; d Nannie g (sic) (Mrs Frank Reichardt), Frances A; 1885-88 asst tchr Cromdale sch, Morayshire Scotland; came with husband to Chase Co 1894; 1894-1914 ranched with husband, Chase Co; 1914-26 Chase Co treas; 1927-38 Chase Co clk, clk of dist court & register of deeds; past chaplain OES; Rebekah; hobby, travel; res Imperial.
Homemaker; b Clark Co, Ind Jan 13, 1864; d of Wiley. Bottorff-Katherine Prather; ed Clark Co Ind; Morris Hill Ind Coll; m Dr Harry H Grosbach Oct 3, 1887 Sterling Colo (dec 1939); s Homer Edward, Ralph D; d Greta (Mrs Dorsey Resler); came to Neb 1877; husband was first phys in Chase Co, & only doctor for surrounding Cos in early days; Meth Ch; res Imperial.
Retired; b Pekin, Ill Dec 28, 1849; s of John G Hammer-Emeretta Shelton; ed Pekin Ill; m Phila Marshall Sept 8, 1875 Manito Ill; s Eugene (dec), Russell, Eddie (dec); d Eunice E (Mrs J W Pugh), Ruth Ann (Mrs Byron A Munyon), Sadie G (Mrs D E Jewell); 1884 came to Seward Co; 1884-89 builder, Utica; 1889-1917 farmer & builder, Chase Co; 1917-24 farmer, Teton Co Mont; 1924- ret; past mbr sch bd dist 64; IOOF, past grand Chase Co & Delevan Ill; Meth Ch; res Imperial.
Homemaker; b South Dansville, N Y Oct 8, 1870; d of Lester Baker-Amorette Lawrence; ed Wayland N Y; m John W Hann Oct 8, 1888 Wauneta; d Dorothy (Mrs C A Laurence), Beulah (Mrs Fred Olmstead); came to Neb in 1887; 1888-1918 with husband in editing & printing Wauneta Breeze; 1918- homemaker; res Wauneta.
Stockman; b Wauneta, Neb Nov 15 1898; s of George C Harvey-Cora McCallum; ed Wauneta HS; U of N; m Maren Gregersen Apr 5, 1920 Holdrege; s Rodney Clinton, Donald Clark; 1919- raiser, feeder & buyer of livestock, Wauneta; past mbr town bd; during World War in arty OTC, Louisville Ky; Meth Ch, past bd mbr; res Wauneta.
Physician & Surgeon; b Imperial, Neb Jan 13, 1894; s of Fred Hoffmeister-Mary Krotz; ed Imperial & Aurora; U of N, BSc 1914, MD 1916; Alpha Omega Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu; Kappa Sigma; m Genevieve Todd July 18, 1923 Imperial; s George F Jr, Charles W, Rex Todd, Larry Gene; 1916-17 interne Harper Hosp, Detroit; 1919- med prac, Imperial; dir Imperial Comm Hosp; 1934- regent Chase Co HS; during World War capt med corps, 86th div AEF, stationed camp hosp 26, St Aignon Noyer France; an org & 1st pres SW Neb Med Soc; past pres Republican Valley Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Lions; AF&AM; OES; hobby, ranching; res Imperial.
Retired; b Lewis Co, Mo Dec 14, 1855; s of William T Humphrey-Frances Smith; ed Lewis Co Mo: Gem City Bus Coll, Quincy, Ill; m Hester Anna Hale Nov 19, 1890 Rushville Ill; s Arthur Clinton (dec), George Warren, William Edward; d Ethel (Mrs Foster Van Dyke), Hazel Edna (Mrs Ralph Evans), Cora (Mrs Ferris Boyd), Olive Fern, Frances (Mrs Verner B Davis); 1879 came to Neb; 1880-85 farmer & in printing & mdse bus, Nemaha Co; 1885-90 homesteaded & drilled wells in Chase Co; 1890- farmer & cattle raiser, Chase Co; past mbr sch dist 1; Meth Ch, past bd mbr; res Imperial.
Teacher & Librarian; b Chase Co, Neb Mar 1, 1896; d of Branson Fillmore Ingold-Ida May Stanley; ed Chase Co.; U of Colo, Boulder 1918-19; Neb Wes, BA 1922; KSTC 1923- 25; 1916-18 tchr dist 72, Chase Cc; 1920-22 tchr Venango; 1922-23 tchr Grant; 1926 tchr in consolidated sch, Keith Co; 1926-27 tchr Big Spring; 1927-28 & 1929-30 tchr dist 11, Perkins Co; 1928-29 tchr Imperial; 1931-39 Chase Co supt, asst librarian, Imperial; Meth Ch; hobby, books; res Imperial.
Mortician; b Bryan, 0 Nov 22, 1876; s of John M Johnston-Martha Harrington; ed Bryan 0: m Florence Workman Nov 25, 1897 Hastings; s Virgil B; d Zepha M (Mrs Vern Fisher), Wanda Charline (Mrs Leland Kitt), Mina Faye; 1887 came to Chase Cc; 1897-1900 Neb law enforcement ofcr; 1900-03 farmer, Adams Co; 1903- owner & mgr Johnston Hdw, Wauneta; 1912- owner & mgr Johnston ranch, breeds white-face cattle; 1915- owner & mgr Johnston Funeral Home, Wauneta; past mbr town bd; 1938- pres Wauneta ARC; dir Comml Club; BPOE; IOOF; hobby, big game hunting; res Wauneta.
Farmer & Stockman; b Ostfriesland, Germany May 16, 1890; s of John H Keiser-Antje Collman; m Mary Haarberg Oct, 1912 Elk Creek; s William, Albert, Raymond, Elmer; d Linda, Leta, Alma; 1905 came from Germany to Sterling; 1909-11 farmed in Johnson Co; 1911-18 farmed in Dundy Co; 1918- land owner, farmer, stock raiser, Dundy Co; 1938 Master Farmer; 1934- mbr sch bd dist 3; chmn Soil Conservation Com, Dundy Co; past mbr AAA Wheat Program, Dundy Co; bd mbr Mutual Tele Co, Dundy Co; Farmers Co-op Assn; German Luth Ch, bd mbr parochial sch since 1936; res Enders.
Rancher & Stockman; b Wayne Co, Ia Apr 15, 1877; s of Vinton Kimberling- Harriett Freeland; ed Wayne Co Ia; Chase Co; m Mary Hill June 23, 1925 Holyoke Colo; s Vinton Angelo; d Vinta Mae, Vera Marie; came with parents to Chase Co 1887; 1887- rancher & cattle raiser on original family homestead, Chase Co: AF&AM; UB Ch, bd mbr; res Champion.
Rancher & Stockman; b Wayne Co, Ia Sept 4, 1871; s of Vinton Kimberling-Harriett Freeland.; ed Wayne Co Ia; Chase Cc; m Lucy Felt Nov, 1898 Imperial (dec); s Charles Leon; d Neva (Mrs George Burtus); 1887 came to Chase Co; 1896-98 farmed, Wheatland Wyo; 1898- rancher & cattle raiser Chase Co; past mbr dist 25 sch bd, 20 years; UB Ch, one of builders of ch, bd mbr; res Champion.
Farmer, b Appanoose Co, Ia Sept, 1869; s of William Lee-Loretta Stewart; ed Appanoose Co Ia; m Rose Deselms Dec 31, 1896 Lamar: s William, Robert, Wayne; d Nellie (Mrs Elwin Ogden); came to York Co 1881; 1887- farmer & stockraiser, Chase Co; 30 years mbr sch bd dist 45; 1928- Valley pct assessor; 1910 helped org & build Chris Ch, bd mbr; res Lamar.
Furniture Dealer & Mortician; b Atchison Co, Mo Sept 26, 1901; s of Otto Luhrs- Trinkie Rossmiller; ed Imperial; Cincinnati Coll of Embalming 1925; m Leona Barber Nov, 1927 McCook; d Carman; 1926- owner & mgr Luhr's Furn Store & Mortuary, Imperial; past mbr town bd; 1927-38 mbr sch bd; 1931- treas Imperial Comm Hosp; 1939- first mayor, Imperial; Neb & Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; Lions; past master AF&AM 198, KT, Shrine; OES 279, past worthy patron; hobby, hunting; res Imperial.
Printer; b Nuckolls Co, Neb Jan 4, 1888; s of William A Majors-Elmira Stanley; ed Edgar; m Etta Dukes Dec 28, 1912 Grand Island; s William R, Keith E, Donald L, James; d Elmira (Mrs Orville Fielder), Viona; 1907-11 job printer, Pacific Northwest; 1912 job printer, Des Moines Ia; 1913-17 with Sutton News, Sutton; 1917-25 with Times Republican, Hayes Center; 1925-27 with Casper Wyo Independent; 1927- with Imperial Republican; IOOF; Meth Ch; res Imperial.
Rancher; b Fulton, Ill Oct 11, 1872; s of Ell Maranville-Christiana Filer; ed Fulton Ill; m Laura Beard Jan 2, 1898 Champion; s Rollo B E; d Velma; 1887- rancher & cattle raiser, Chase Co; 21 years treas sch dist 8; U E Ch; res Champion.
Attorney; b Covington, Ind Nov 19, 1853; s of Zachariah Ferguson Meeke- ___; ed Mt Pleasant Ia; Ia Wes, LLB 1875; Delta Tau Delta, ch mbr; m Mary Ellen Hines June, 1879 Mt Pleasant Ia; s David F, Charles E; d Leota (Mrs V A Senter), Mabel (Mrs P N Poster), Myra (Mrs D 0 Stockton), Blanche, Cleo (Mrs B J Hoile); 1875-78 law prac, Wilber; 1878-1930 law prac, Imperial; 1930- ret; past Chase Co atty; an org of Chase Co; 1888 elec to Neb legislature; helped org highway 6; 14th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; ch mbr AF&AM, KT; IOOF, ch mbr; hobby, books; res Imperial.
Abstractor & Insurance Dealer; b Imperial, Neb Feb 14, 1890; s of Charles Watson Meeker-Mary Ellen Hines; ed Imperial & Wayne; U of N; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; 1913-17 state mgr Natl Life Ins Co, Omaha; 1919-22 ptr in real est & ins firm of Burkes-Meeker; 1923- 25 with Charles W Meeker in law firm, Imperial; 1925-27 priv secy to Gov Adam McMullen; 1928-30 state secy of finance; 1930-33 helped reorg Henry Field Seed & Nursery Co, Shenandoah Ia & Gurney Nursery, Yankton S D; 1933- with law firm Meeker & Curtis, Imperial; during World War in US War Dept. auditing dept, stationed Paris France; Uni Club, Lincoln; AF & AM 32o; Rep; hobbies, books, out-door life; res Imperial.
Homemaker; b Co Armagh, Ireland Dec 25, 1849; d of Peter McNulty-Rosie Quinn; ed Lisla Ireland; m John Moran July, 1877 Omaha (dec 1908); came to Omaha 1874; 1878-88 farm homemaker near Gretna; 1888 homesteaded, Chase Co; 1907- resided in Imperial; Cath Ch, Altar Soc; hobby, helping others; res Imperial.
Homemaker; b Ostergotland, Sweden Sept 20, 1858; d of Carl Peterson-Margaretia Johnson; ed Ostergotland Sweden; m Hocan Person Mar 8, 1886 Clay Center (dec 1904); s Jay Alvin, Phillip H, Edward C, Carl A; d Elen Eunice (Mrs William H Bernhardt); came to Neb 1883; 1886-1917 lived with husband on ranch; Bapt Ch, Ladies Aid; res Wauneta.
Farmer & Stockman; b Chase Co, Neb Jan 5, 1887; s of Hocan Person-Augusta Carlson; ed Chase Co, Verona & Kearney; m Arba Euceba Pflum June 13, 1917 Chase Co; s Bruce Alvin; d Phyllis Evangeline; 1904- farmer, Chase Co; 1907- dir of first co-op grain elevator in southwestern Neb; 1930- an org & pres Wauneta Co-op Oil Co; 1931- pres Farmers Co-op Exchange, Wauneta; 1934-35 pres Chase Co Corn Hog Program; 1935-36 past field man AAA; 1935-pres Imperial Natl Farm Loan Assn, Wauneta; 1932-35 treas Wauneta rural HS; Meth Ch; hobby, co- operative work; res Wauneta.
Retired; b Jasper Co, Ia Mar 4, 1861; s of Wallace Roe-Julia Ann McKinney; ed Saline Co; m Isadora McNamara Jan 1, 1880 Crete; s James T, Joseph A, Gail D, Glenn A, Wallace H; d Frances (Mrs Charles Frease, husband dec, now Mrs Victor Wooddell), Georgia Anna (Mrs Hugh O'Brien, dec), Jessie D (Mrs Wilbur Hoskins), Goldie L (Mrs Charles Schamel), Katherine (Mrs Robert O'Brien, husband dec, now Mrs Verne Steele), Evelyn B (dec), Agnes (Mrs Ross Prather); 1867 came to Neb; 1880-85 farmer, Saline Co; 1885-39 homesteader, Chase Co; 1886 erected & oprd first blacksmith shop in Champion; 1895-96 oprd blacksmith shop, Champion; moderator dist 2 sch bd, 15 years; Cath Ch; hobbies, livestock, old-time fiddling; res Imperial.
Farmer & Stockman; b Saline Co, Neb May 11, 1885; s of Albert Anderson Roe- Isadora McNamara; ed Chase Co; Reed Bus Coll, Beatrice; m Maude Fay Long July 9, 1912 Denver Colo; s Jesse Thomas; came to Chase Co 1885; formerly with J P Clue Stock Ranch, LaSalle Colo; 1901-11 with Kilpatrick Bros Co in Gage, Chase, & Jefferson Cos also in Colo, Kas & Wyo, ranching & railroad construction work; 1911-15 owner & mgr barber shop & recreation parlor, Champion; 1915- rancher & stockman, Chase Cc; past mbr sch bd 8 years, dist 12; 1908- judge at fairs & rodeos in western Neb; past master, AF&AM 198, Imperial; past worthy patron OES 279, Imperial; hobby, horses; res Champion.
Homemaker; b Chase Co, Neb June 19, 1889; d of Jesse Long-Dora E Taylor; ed Chase Cc; Phillips Co Colo; m James T Roe July 9, 1912 Denver Colo; s Jesse Thomas; tchr Gage & Chase Cos 13 years; 1938 acting PM, Champion; an org & first pres Federated Womens Club, Champion; pres Chase Co Hist Soc; 1935- treas sch bd dist 12; OES 279, past matron; Presby Ch; hobby, hist records; res Champion.
Lumber Dealer; b Bates Co, Mo July 11, 1885; s of John P Scheurich- Sarah Ann Drysdale; ed Bates Co Mo: Central Coll, Kansas City Mo; m Ola M Largent May 31, 1910 Adrian Mo; s James W, William A; 1906-08 farmer, Bates Co Mo; 1908-12 mgr Amer Clothing Co, Adrian Mo; 1912-20 lbr dlr, Schell City Mo; 1920- part owner & mgr Farmers Lbr Co, Imperial; 1928-37 mbr sch bd; past chmn town bd; Lions; past master AF&AM 198, Scot Rite, Shrine; OES 279, past worthy patron; hobby, fishing; res Imperial.
Rancher; b Champaign Co, Ill Dec 14, 1863; s of Samuel Cartwright Seward- Ophelia Henderson; ed Champaign Co, Ill; m Sara Anderson Mar 4, 1889 Imperial (dec); s Leon Herbert; d Hilda Marie (Mrs Ray Kitt); m Leocie Fletcher Dec 25, 1911 Imperial; 1886 homesteaded in Chase Co; 1886- farmer & stock raiser, Chase Co, breeder of purebred Percheron horses; one of first dirs of sch dist 40; Percheron Soc of Amer; Meth Ch, one of first SS supts in Chase Co; Leocie Fletcher former Chase Co supt of schs; res Imperial.
Bank President; b Jersey Co, Ill Feb 27, 1874; d of James Burke-Susanna Eldredge; ed Jersey & Macoupin Cos Ill; m Onslow Peters Shallenberger Sept 16, 1896 Imperial (dec 1922); s Onslow P Jr, Francis L; 1887 come to Chase Co; 1890-92 tchr dist 21 Chase Co; 1892-95 tchr in Imperial schs; 1895-96 tchr, North English Ia; 1896- homemaker, Imperial; 1922- pres Farmers & Mchts Bank, Imperial; past mbr sch bd; DAR; PEO: Episc Ch;. res Imperial.
County Attorney; b Cass Co, Neb July 8, 1900; s of Charles Hershey Shopp-Ella Chafin; ed Cass Cc; m Adele Fitzpatrick Aug 18, 1921 Imperial; s Kermit R, Bryce G; 1918-33 farmer, Chase Co; 1933 adm to bar; 1933- prac law, Imperial; 1934- Chase Co atty; SW Neb Bar Assn, VP 1938; Neb St Bar Assn; 1937-39 secy Lions; Meth Ch, trustee, SS supt; hobby, books; res Imperial.
Physician & Surgeon; b Bellwood, Neb Mar 21, 1909; s of Phillip Smith-Mary Elizabeth Buffalo; ed Bellwood; Lincoln; U of N, BSc 1931, MD 1933; Phi Beta Phi; m Ruth Josephine Sandall Oct 29, 1932 Plattsmouth; d Sylvia Ann, Carol Fae; 1933-34 interne at Uni Hosp, Omaha; 1934- prac med, also mbr of staff Comm Hosp, Imperial; mbr sch bd; 1st lt MORC; SW Dist Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; AMA, fellow 1935; Lions; AF&AM 198, past master; OES; hobby, photography; res Imperial.
Editor; b Bladen, Neb Feb 21, 1904; s of LeRoy Spence-Nell Bennett; ed Bladen; U of N; m Stella Lucier Nov 21, 1931 Wahoo; s Richard Leroy; 1925 with Lincoln Daily Star; 1925-29 editor Bladen Enterprise; 1929-30 with Omaha Bee News; 1930-37 editor Pender Republic; 1937- editor Wauneta Breeze; AF&AM, Meth Ch; res Wauneta.
Publisher; b Omaha, Neb March 22, 1902; s of William Spraktes-Anna Anderson; ed Omaha; m E Vesta Satchell 1924 Imperial (dec); s Floyd W; d Yvonne; m Doris Marpel Aug 3, 1932 Grant; d Sally; 1921-25 with Imperial Republican, 1925- editor & publisher; Lions, 1938-39 chmn; AF&AM; IOOF; Presby Ch; res Imperial.
Retired; b Turner Junction, Ill Apr 14, 1847; s of Joseph Standidge-Letesia Mosgrove; ed Turner Junction Ill; Warrensville, Ill Bus Coll; m Minia M Lowrie Feb 22, 1872 Wheaton Ill; s Harry W; d Mabel (Mrs William McNeill, dec); 1886-87 homesteaded in Chase Co; 1886-87 first Chase Co judge; 1887-90 farmed, Chase Co; 1890- in investment bus, Imperial; during Civil War in 1864 with Co K 141st regiment; First Ch of Christ Sci; res Imperial.
Retired; b Johnson Co, Ind Aug 1, 1863; s of James H Wiley-Lucinda J Shearer; ed Harrison Co Mo; m Ada Ough Nov 22, 1888 Imperial; s Dwight M (dec); 1883-84 farmer, Harrison Co Me; 1885- rancher & stockman, Chase Co; 1908-18 stockbuyer & shipper & in seed bus, Wauneta; 1919- dir Wauneta Falls Bank, Wauneta; IOOF 210, past grand; Meth Ch, past SS supt; res Wauneta.
Rancher & Stockman; b Shenandoah Co, Va Sept 25, 1871; s of John M Wine-Christina
Ryman; ed Dodge
Co; U of N; m Lottle M Keller Jan 1, 1900 Octavia; s Dallas G, Lee A, Newell H, Gerald E,
Marlin E, Ronald D; d Blanche (Mrs Floyd Van Dyke), Lois (Mrs George Oltman),
Virginia (Mrs Walter Jensen), Eunice (Mrs Lee Trowbridge), Vesta, Nadine; 1876 came to
Neb; 1892-96 with Peoples Banner, David City Republican Tribune & Butler Co Press;
1897 with Lincoln Daily Call; 1898-1905 minister Brethren Ch, Octavia; 1905- rancher &
cattle raiser, Chase Co; 1906-07 tchr dist 1 Chase Co; 1905- minister of Brethren Ch,
Enders; moderator of natl conf of Brethren Churches State of Neb 1911-39; mbr first bd of
regents Chase Co HS: org & pres Pioneer Threshing Co, Farmers Co-op Supply Co, Pioneer
Tele Co, & Wauneta Tele Co, Chase Co; hobbies, flowers & books; res Enders.
County Superintendent of Schools; b Imperial, Neb April 17, 1906; d of David G Wine-Lottie M Keller; ed Imperial; McPherson Kas Coll, BA 1936; 1924-27 & 1929-31 sch tchr Enders; 1931-32 & 1933-34 tchr dist 62, Chase Co; 1936-37, tchr, Sharon Springs Kas HS; 1937-38 tchr dist 61, Chase Co; 1938- Chase Co supt of schs; NEA; Brethren Ch, SS supt, dir of young peoples orgn, Enders; hobbies, music, writing, dramatics; res Imperial.
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