Cherry  County


Keeping Internet Genealogy Free

Cherry CountyNEGenWeb Project

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2000-2025 DJH


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Welcome from your Cherry County Co-Coordinators
Doris Jones-Harris Doris Jones-Harris & Marty Honorable

Material on this site belongs to the submitters and the NEGenWeb Project. If you accessed this site at a charge from another site, you must know that this site is FREE and materials here are not owned by anyone other than this site and its submitters.

Come on in and sit a spell. Browse our many stories and pages. We are very proud of our history and the part that our pioneers played in the settling of this great county during the early pioneer years and settlement of the frontier. We hope that you will like what we have done so far with our site and would like suggestions from you on what you would like to see here.

Would you like to contact us? Maybe you have some information, pictures, family history, etc you would like to see on this site? Maybe you would like to volunteer for typing, lookups, reading a cemetery? No information is too small!!! Maybe you just want to drop us a line ....tell us corrections that need to be made. Whatever the reason, we would love to hear from you! Join with others "searching for their roots" in Cherry County.

We are very proud of our history and the part that our pioneers played in the settling of this great county during the early pioneer years and settlement of the frontier. We hope that you will like what we have done so far with our site and would like suggestions from you on what you would like to see here. If you know of other links for our guest to these pages, please let us know. If you have any questions or comments, pleae feel free to contact us. Thank you.

To all visitors to our Cherry County NEGenWeb Project site: Please be aware that all information contained on this site, including webpage design, text and photos, is owned and copyrighted by the county coordinator, unless otherwise noted.  "Borrowing/Copying" text or photos without receiving permission to use, can be considered copyright infringement, as well as being discourteous.  We would like to think we are generous people, so if you find something you would like to use, please contact: County Coordinator

This site is currently under construction. Check back often!!!

Please Note:
Click on availability statement to learn what records you may find online and what you won't find. Please read carefully so that you can learn how this information will assist you in your research.

Availability Statement


Cherry County lies east of the Nebraska panhandle and was created in 1883 from unorganized territory. As you can see on a map, Cherry County is large.  Larger than the state of Connecticut! The county seat, Valentine, is located in the northeast portion of the county and is located in Nebraska's Sandhills - the largest tract of dunes in the Western Hemisphere.

Now, let's move on to Genealogy!




History of Minnechaduza Valley by Bill Oliver





ROSE BUD SODDY SCHOOL, by Lorrine Hansen Barker

List of Nebraska Servicemen Awarded Distinguished Service Cross Medals




  • Ft. Niobrara Burials Reinterred at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, courtesy of Martin Nollette

  • Merriman Area Recollections, by Charles Edward Hagel

  • Cherry & Hooker County Obituaries from the Collection of Mamie Collier. Thanks to her daughter, Donna Collier Dietrich

  •   Rainbow Bar 
    Other Nebraska Sources

  • USGenWeb Links
  • NEGenWeb Archive Directory - table of contents for the Nebraska archives