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Wood Lake German Methodist

Schultz Graves

Located on several different sections north of Wood Lake, NE.

NAME BIRTH DEATH Place of Birth Where buried
Bauer, August??186302-or 03-1895? S16, T31, R25, (site of former Eben-ezer German Methodist Church built in 1888, north of Wood Lake)
Bauer, Kurth Hubert (son of August)??(died in celler cavein)08-27-18901893S16, T31, R25, (site of former Eben-ezer German Methodist Church built in 1888, north of Wood Lake)
Schultz, Wilhelmina (Mina) Teske(wife of Gottfried Schultz)02-182111-14-1890?300 yards from North edge and about 12 yards from the east edge of NW 1/4 S17, T31, R25(site of former German Methodist Church built in 1888, north of Wood Lake).In 1988 grave was marked with a concrete flat marker with copper lettering.
Schultz, unidentified woman??????S4, T31, R25(west edge). No further info
Schultz, unidentified woman??????S4, T31, R25(west edge). No further info
Schultz, Gottfried(husband of Wilhilmine Teske)06-23-182302-03-1886?about 15 yards from the east femce and about halfway from the south and north of SE 1/4 S31,T32,R25 . In 1988 Grave was marked with a concrete flat marker with copper lettering.

This cemetery information by Martin Nollette Jr. We apologize for any errors in transcribing or reading of information. For corrections please contact the Cherry County Coordinator.
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