Cherry County NEGenWeb Project © 1999 BAS
Cherry County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Catherine M. Donoher
ETTLEMENT of this part of Nebraska may really be said to date from the summer of 1878 when the government located the noted Sioux Chief Spotted Tail and his tribe of some five thousand Brule Sioux, in the strip of country in Dakota territory established by treaty with the Indians ten years before. Construction of buildings began immediately at what was known for some time as Spotted Tail Agency, later called Rosebud Agency.
As the Indians were still restless and dissatisfied because of the invasion of the Black Hills by gold seekers, the government decided to establish a new military post in northern Nebraska or Dakota. The location was to be selected by the general of the army. General Crook, as commander of the Department of the Platte, made a personal examination of country indicated and recommended a point on the Niobrara river south of Spotted Tail Agency, about midway between the mouth of the Niobrara River and Camp Sheridan.
The new post, called Fort Niobrara, was established by Major John J. Upham, Fifth cavalry, on April 22, 1880. Major Upham's command consisted of troops B, D and F, Fifth cavalry, and Company B, Ninth infantry. Small freighting outfits and Jewett's bull train brought supplies for the new fort from the terminus of the railroad at Neligh. There were ten to twenty teams in the Jewett train and twelve yoke to each team, pulling heavy freight wagons with trailers.
Several big Texas herds were brought in along the Running Water (Niobrara) in the fall of 1878. This was done to facilitate filling cattle contracts with the government, which issued the beef to the Indians.
In 1880, construction of the Elkhorn Valley route of the Sioux City and Pacific railway started west from Neligh. The objective was somewhere near Fort Niobrara in the unorganized territory of Sioux County, which was all northwestern Nebraska from Holt County to the Wyoming line. In the fall of 1881 the railroad was completed to Long Pine creek, where a canvas town sprang up, as it were, over night.
In the early spring of 1882 a railroad construction camp that resembled a small frontier town came into existence on the east side of the Niobrara river about four miles east of the present site of Valentine. It was known as the "Big Cut" and was really two distinct camps--Broom's camp on the north side of the hill and Brown's on the south, named for the men who had the contracts for opening the Cut.
The history of this country just before the organization of Cherry County, would not be complete without some mention of this camp. There were eating shacks, a company store managed by Walter O'Malley of O'Neill, and several saloons, There were even five weeks of school for the youngsters in the camp, taught by a young man who had drifted in, seeking his fortune in this new country. Tom Kearns, a young fellow from O'Neill, was night watchman. He was destined in later years to become the wealthy U. S. Senator, Thomas Kearns of Utah. His brother, Barney Kearns, sheriff of Holt County, was killed by Billy Reed, a Texas cowboy, in March, 1881, in a shooting scrape at O'Neill City.
The spiritual welfare of the people in this country was not entirely neglected, even at that early date. The post chaplain, a Protestant clergyman, held regular services at Fort Niobrara and Father John P. Smith, pastor since 1878 at O'Neill, celebrated Mass, at both the camp and the fort.
From this camp also came 300 votes, a big factor in the re-election of Congressman E. K. Valentine of West Point, Neb. Valentine was named for him. The election was held November, 1882, at the Deer Park Hotel, a road house across the river west of the fort.
In the fall of 1882 the railroad was completed to Thacher, on the east side of the Niobrara river. This station was named for J. M. Thacher, post trader at Fort Niobrara. Cattle were shipped from this point that fall. Settlement and development of this country followed rapidly.
Building was started at Valentine in the fall of 1882; Dec. 4, a special postoffice was established with D. Y. Mears as postmaster. Cherry County was organized by proclamation of Governor James W. Dawes on April 4, 1883, and the following commissioners were appointed: D. Y. Mears, John H. Shores and S. T. Danley. The new county was named for Lieutenant Samuel Austin Cherry, Fifth U. S. cavalry, who had been stationed at Fort Niobrara and was killed May 11, 1881, by an enlisted man of his detachment. He was slain near the east end of Alkali Lake, now known as White Lake, South Dakota, while pursuing several renegade cowboys and discharged soldiers who were fleeing with stolen government horses. In March, 1882, the father of Lieutenant Cherry and Miss Virginia White, fiancee of the officer, came to remove the body from Fort Niobrara to Greenwood Cemetery at Lagrange, Indiana.151
Cherry Who's WhoA convention was held April 21, 1883, to nominate candidates for officers of the new county. The following were named: for judge, J. P. Wood; treasurer, Al Sparks; clerk, Al Paxton; sheriff, John Key; surveyor, Eugene Lamana; superintendent of public instruction, Denis Daly; coroner, M. J. Kennedy; commissioners, David Y. Mears, John Shores, John Bramstadt. The commissioners arranged for three voting places in the new county, the village of Valentine for the eastern portion and Sharps Ranch and Boiling Springs Ranch in the western part.
Tuesday, May 8, 1883, Cherry County held its first election. In spite of a heavy rain storm during the greater part of the day, voting was considered heavy--there were 84 ballots cast. The contest for county superintendent was keenest. Denis Daly was given 44 votes and Jack Tucker 40. Owing to the fact that the men were all away on the spring roundup, there were no votes cast at Sharps Ranch and none at the Boiling Springs Ranch.
The ticket as nominated at the convention was elected with the exception of M. J. Kennedy, who withdrew and Dr. Alfred Lewis' name was substituted. These men held office until the general election on Nov. 6, 1883, when the following ticket was elected: treasurer, C. H. Cornell; clerk, Al Paxton; sheriff, Billy Carter; judge, F. H. Warren; superintendent of public instruction, Charles Oliver; surveyor, Ernest Bowden; coroner, Alfred Lewis; commissioners, E. E. Bonnelle, George B. Zarr and John Shores.
Track was laid from Thacher to Valentine in March of 1883 and the first train came in just a few days before the county was organized. The first newspaper published in the new county was the Valentine Reporter, first issued May 3, 1883; editors, Santee and Hill. The first church service was held June 10, 1883, in the unfinished dining room of the Valentine House by Rev. H. Herbert of the Congregational Church. A Sunday School was organized in the fall of 1883. Father Francis Craft, missionary among the Sioux at Pine Ridge, and Father J. A. Bushman at Rosebud Agency, looked after the spiritual welfare of the Catholic people.
The land office was opened in July, 1883, with James Morris as registrar and J. Wesley Tucker, receiver. School district No. 1 of Cherry County was formed Aug. 1, 1883. A meeting for election of officers was called Aug. 6 by Denis Daly, county superintendent. The following men were chosen Director, J. Wesley Tucker; moderator, Charles Oliver; treasurer, E. McDonald. A short term of school was held the fall of 1883.
The village of Valentine did not incorporate until Jan. 8, 1884, when the following board of trustees was appointed by the county commissioners: Al Sparks, C. H. Cornell, John Little, Peter Donoher and N. Warner.
Until the railroad was completed to Chadron in the summer of 1885, Valentine was a colorful frontier town. It was located in the old open range country and many cow outfits shipped their cattle from here. Fifty-six years later, the sandhills of Cherry County, the largest county in the state, are still widely known as a fine cattle country. Valentine, the county seat, with the wild reckless spirit of youth curbed long ago by Father Time, is a prosperous town of two thousand. The last garrison of Fort Niobrara, the Headquarters Band and the First and Third battalions of the Twenty-fifth infantry, under Command of Colonel Ralph W. Hoyt, left the post on July 23, 1906.
A detachment of the Third battalion, Twenty-fifth infantry, under command of Lieutenant Robert P. Harbold, occupied the post from July 23, 1906, to Oct. 22, 1906, when the post was officially abandoned and turned over to caretakers in the employ of the Quartermaster Department. The old military reservation is now the Niobrara National Game Preserve, buffalo, elk and deer roaming the hills.
ALLARD, GEORGE O: Automobile Dealer; b Montgomery, Ia Mar 21, 1886; s of George W Allard-Emma Reid; ed Potawattamie Co Ia; m Margaret Gundy June 15, 1910 Broken Bow; s Delbert, Walter; d Bernadine, Esther; 1907-08 emp by C&NW RR, Black Hills div; 1908-11 homesteaded near Crookston; 1911- owner & opr Allard Garage, dlrs in Buicks, Crookston; 1914-18 co-owner & opr Allard & Williams Elevator & Grain Co; mbr village bd of trustees 10 years; mayor 20 years; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; mbr Kansas City zone Lincoln branch of Buick Dlrs Assn; mbr Sacred Heart Cath Ch; past mbr bd of trustees; Rep; hobby, hunting; off Allard Garage Bldg; res Crookston.
ANDRESEN, GEORGE WILLIAM: Telephone Company Manager; b Omaha, Neb Sept 18, 1903; s of Andrew Andresen-Caroline Boisen; ed Omaha; m Helen S Studenroth Sept 24, 1924 Omaha; s Earl, Elmer, d Arline; 1914-16 with Omaha Box Co; 1917 with Armour Co, Sioux City Ia; 1917 Sioux City Light & Power Co; 1918 with Delco Light Co, Sac City Ia; 1918-20 representative for Professor Alexander Show of Paris France; 1920-28 with Bell Tele Co, Omaha, 1928-30 transmission tester Omaha dist, 1930- tester in Norfolk dist; June-Nov 1935 mgr Humphrey Bell Tele Exchange; 1935- mgr Northwestern Bell Tele Co, Valentine; dir & past pres C of C; sponsor Jr C of C; hon mbr fire dept, instr first aid & life safety squad; dir & past pres Rotary; mbr advisory com BSA troop 196; 1937 supvr youth development work; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies, rock gardening, boys' development work; res Valentine.
ARMSTRONG, BRYAN MANFORD: Grocer; b Logan, Ia Apr 24, 1896; s of Joseph Andrew-Rose Peckinpaugh; ed Plainview; Grand Island Bus Coll 1913; m Florence Erma Wright July 21, 1920 Hartington; s Jack Manford; d Virginia Lee, Donna Jean; during World War with 28th field arty 10th div Apr 20, 1917- disch Mar 19, 1919; 1921-23 opr cafe in Plainview; 1923- in produce & groc bus, Valentine; past mbr sch bd: past pres & past secy Rotary; dir C of C; past comm Amer Leg; past mbr IOOF; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, all sports; res Valentine.
AUHL, CHARLES F: Operator of Fishery; b Jewell, Kas June 25, 1876; s of Frank F Auhl-Allce B Young; ed Marysville Kas; m Katy M Langlitz Dec 6, 1899 Marysville Kas; s Orville, Frank R, Charles, Royce; d Alice, Marie, Mildred; 1906-08 painter & decorator in Colby Kas; 1908-10 Fort Morgan Colo;
in Nebraska Cherry1910-28 Grand Island Neb; 1928-35 opr fishing resort south of Valentine; 1935- opr fishery; Chris Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; address Box 27, Valentine.
BABCOCK, EUGENE W: Superintendent of Schools; b Tobias, Neb Mar 30, 1902; s of Edward W Babcock-Anna May Tindall; ed Atkinson H S 1921; WSTC 1922-23; CSTC, BA 1930; U of Ariz; m Velma L Jacobs Apr 2, 1927 El Centro Cal; d Anna Geraldine; 1923-24 athletic coach & manual training Instr, Hanna Wyo; 1924-29 coach & manual training instr in HS, also scoutmaster BSA, Summerton Ariz; 1930-33 coach & science instr Glenrock Wyo; 1933-35 prin Crookston HS; 1935-36 prin Shelton HS; 1936- supt of Wood Lake schs; 1937 manufactured & patented air conditioner; NSTA; NEA; past pres Lions; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, inventing; off HS; res Wood Lake.
BACHELOR, CHARLES BENJAMIN: Executive & Rancher; b Woodbury Co, Ia Mar 25, 1874; s of Charles Benjamin-Mary Ann Brennan; ed Cherry Co & Sheridan Co; m Bertha M Newman (Rapid City SD) 1898 Lead SD; s Earl Benjamin, Cecil; d Esther (Mrs Kenneth Madden); emp on ranches in Sheridan & Cherry Cos, owner of ints in cattle & ranch land as early as 1890; manages land holdings which now include about 33,000 A, runs from 1,000 to 3,000 head; 1927- pres Northwestern Realty Co; 1927-37 pres & orgr Northwestern Livestock Commission Co, opr at Valentine; 1934- dir & VP Production Credit Corp of Valentine; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off Production Credit Corp Bldg; res Valentine.
BANGS, RALPH BURNAM: Ranch Foreman; b Casco, Maine Jan 7, 1876; s of Roscoe R Bangs-Mary F Beasley; ed Custer Co; m Della M Prettyman Broken Bow; d Catherine; 1882 came to Neb with parents & homesteaded in Custer Co; 1917- foreman of ranch in Custer Co; res Gard.
BARNES, ELMER C: Cattle Breeder; b near O'Neill, Neb Aug 26, 1887; s of E R Barnes-Flutie Sherman; ed Chillicothe Mo Normal; Fremont Normal; m Caroline Dickenson June 1, 1921 Hot Springs S D; s Orland, Rex; d Ellen Rose, Betty Berl (dec); during World War enl Aug 1917, called Feb 12, 1918; 90 days later was in Belgium trenches, gassed & wounded Chateau-Thierry July 27, 1918, disch Dec 23, 1918; 1898 started raising Angus Cattle, crossed registered bulls with Texas Longhorns; bred first for color then size, finally quality, now accredited as one of best herds west of Mo river; for a time Doughboy PM; 1933-35 mbr st legislature; 1937 filed for legislature; has held all offs in Cody post Amer Leg; DAV; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; IOOF; res RFD, Nenzel.
BARNES, ENOS RUSSELL: Executive & Rancher; b Fillmore Co, Minn Sept 30, 1861: a of Alva Barnes-Cornelia McMillian; ed Fillmore Co Minn; m Flutie Sherman Sept 28, 1886 Holt Co; s Elmer, Howard; d Eva (Mrs Joe Andrews); m Lillis Wells Nov 31, 1938 Ainsworth; step-s Berton & Theodore Connery; step-d Mabel (Mrs T S Lee); 1880 homesteaded, Holt Co; 1880-87 opr 160 A; 1887- owner 7,540 A ranch lands in Cherry Co; runs about 1,000 head a year, specializes in Aberdeen Angus cattle, 1939 grand champion carload of cattle in Chicago was comprised of cattle sold by Barnes to Smith Stockgrowers in Ia; 1932- mbr bd of edn, treas; police judge; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; mbr bd of Meth Ch; Dem; Mrs Barnes father, Otis F Wells, was a farmer in Green Co Wis. Res Cody.
BATES, HAROLD SOMERS: Rancher; b Bridgeton, N J Mar 3, 1891; s of Somers Joseph Bates-Mary Elizabeth Frederick; ed Bridgeton N J; m Lillian Sellers Marshall Jan 23, 1918 Marshall Mo; s Harold Hanley, Eugene Marshall; d Lucile Estella; 1907 emp in off Swift & Co; 1908-14 farmed in Republic Co Kas; 1914-20 ranched in Grant Co; 1920-25 rancher in Garden & Grant Cos, raised Poland China hogs, dlr in cattle, sheep & horses; 1925- opr Bates Ranch, raising purebred Herefords; mbr sch bd; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Amer Natl Livestock Assn; Amer Hereford Cattle Assn; Meth Ch; res Merriman.
BATES, LUKE M: Publisher; b Hartford, Conn Oct 18, 1877; s of John M Bates-Sarah Glazier; ed Kearney; U of N, 1899; Phi Delta Phi; m Minnie Adamson Aug 2, 1919 Cherry Co; s John M, George E; d Helen K, Sarah M; 1899-1906 prac law & publisher Long Pine Journal, served one term as co atty & one term co commr, Brown Co; 1906-16 apptd register of U S land off in Valentine; 1916- owner & opr The Republican; mbr cemetery bd; NPA; secy 25 years AF&AM; Episc Ch; Rep; hobby, stamp collecting; res Valentine.
BELSKY, EDWIN L: Rancher; b Verdigre, Neb Mar 28, 1883; s of Thomas Belsky-Christina Sedivy; ed Verdigre; m Ella V Micheel Oct 10, 1910 Johnstown; s Blaine D; d Helen (Mrs ___ Turner), Margaret; 1904-13 rancher near Wood Lake; 1913-26 rancher near Eli; 1926- rancher near Merriman, runs about 200 head of Herefords; treas sch bd dist, Merriman; past mbr sch bd in Wood Lake & Eli; secy past 22 years N W Neb Hereford Breeders Assn; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Arcana lodge AF&AM; Rep; res Merriman.
BEYERSDORF, PAUL HENRY: Rancher; b Grand Island, Neb Apr 16, 1886; s of William Beyersdorf-Augusta Petsolt; ed Grand Island; m Freda Buchfinck Jan 2, 1913 Grand Island; d Pearl (Mrs Byron Skinner), Clare (Mrs Kenneth Quible); 1910-13 farmed in Hall County; 1913-17 ranched in Grant Co; 1917- rancher in Cherry Co; 1919-31 mbr sch bd; Luth Ch; hobby, hunting; res RFD, Merriman.
BLAERE, LEO M: Clergyman; b Courtrai, Belgium Sept 14, 1882; s of Edward Francis Blaere-Philomena Vermont; ed Cath U, Louvain; ordained at the Amer Coll by the Most Rev I Meerschaert DD; 1905 apptd asst pastor St Mary's Ch, Spencer; 1907- pastor St Nicholas Ch, Valentine; hobby, stamp collecting; res 228 N Wood, Valentine.
BOOTH, BURRELL CLEMENTIME: Hardware Dealer; b Wellman, Ia May 29, 1905; s of Clinton Booth-Georgia Sitler; ed Cody HS; 1923; m Mary Adamson Nov 2, 1934 Chadron; d Shirley, Gretchen; entirely self supporting since age 14; emp on ranches in SD; 1927-38 with Stolls Service Station Cody; 1938- owner & opr Cody Hdw Store; 1937- mbr village bd of trustees; 1936- mbr bd of edn; chief vol fire dept; Neb Hdw Dlrs Assn; Episc Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Cody.
BOWRING, ARTHUR: Rancher; b Dow City, Ia Apr 20, 1873; s of Henry Charles Bowring-Jane McDonald; m Eva Kelley Apr 13, 1928 Valentine; s Frank, Harold & Joe Donald Forester; 1894 homesteaded in Cherry Co & since engaged in raising cattle; JP several years; co commr 15 years; 1927-29 mbr house of representatives, introduced 1st drivers lic measure & original 4c gas tax bill; apptd to serve in sen by Gov Weaver 1929, only man in Neb who has had privilege of voting on bills in both houses; dir many years Neb Good Roads Assn, past pres; IOOF; WOW; RNA; Rep; hobby, building good roads. Mrs Bowring is owner of registered herd & is a mbr of N W Neb Hereford Breeders Assn, chmn of brand com Neb Stockgrowers Assn; mbr Sandhill Feeder Producers Assn. Res RFD, Merriman.
BROUSE, EDGAR MERLE: Superintendent Substation; b Stratton, Neb Sept 26, 1892; s of John Louis Brouse-Sarah Margaret Hepler; ed Stratton HS 1911; U of N agrl coll 1918; Alpha Zeta; m Hazel May French; June 11, 1919 Page; s Harold Arthur; d Betty Jean; 1919-20 extension agronomist; 1920 supt experimental substation for U of N agrl coll; tchr in U of N sch of agr one semester & one term summer sch; ch mbr Rotary; past master AF&AM; past noble grand IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off Experimental Farm; res Valentine.
BROSIUS, RALPH R: Merchant; b Valentine, Neb July 8, 1892; s of M P Brosius-Eliza Guss; ed Valentine HS; m Alice Cyphers (O'Neill) Nov 14, 1922 Kansas City Mo; during World War enl Mar 1, 1918 U S N hosp corps stationed at Great Lakes & Pensacola Fla until Oct 13, 1919; 1922-34 P M, Valentine; 1926- clothing mcht; chmn local coun BSA, past dist chmn; Amer Leg; AF&AM; OES; past high priest RAM; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, ornithology, mammalogy; Indian Lore; off 226 N Main; res 515 N Hall, Valentine.
CAGLEY, G C: Auto Dealer; b Pierce Co, Neb Feb 12, 1896; s of C C Cagley-Jennie Olsen; ed Crofton; Mich St Auto Sch, Detroit; m Martha Becker Apr 10, 1917 Valentine; s George; d Cleo; 1924-27 auto dlr, Manango N D: 1927- auto dlr Valentine; mbr city coun 2 years; past mbr C of C; past mbr Lions; AF&AM; past mbr MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting, woodwork; off 324 Main; res 204 N Ray, Valentine.
CAMPBELL, HARRY LEE: Bank President; b Fullerton, Neb Nov 7, 1889; s of J N Campbell-Carrie
Cherry Who's WhoHorn; ed Fullerton HS 1407, salutatorian; Boyles Bus Coll 1909; m Margaret Haley Aug 9, 1915 Valentine; s Robert W, Richard Lee; d Susan Margaret, Constance; m Vina M Foley Feb 9, 1937 Blair; d Sharron Madeline; 1907-09 with father in milling & grain bus, Fullerton; 1910-19 with First Natl Bank of Valentine, now dir; 1915-19 dir & secy, Cornell Hydroelectric Co, Valentine; 1919- org & founder Farmers State Bank of Kilgore, pres; Valentine city treas 2 years; 1922 treas Kilgore village bd; 1933- treas bd of edn, Kilgore; past treas AOUW; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; Neb Bankers Assn; Amer Bankers Assn; FDIC; Cath Ch; Dem, pct committeeman; hobbies, hunting, gardening. Father was Neb sen & at one time supt State Industrial Sch, Kearney; miller & grain dealer in Fullerton; now secy & treas Neb Grain Dealers Assn & pres Neb & Ia Pkg Co, Omaha. Off & res Kilgore.
CLARK, WILLARD KINGSLEY: Physician & Surgeon; b Davenport, Ia Mar 5, 1869; s of Thomas Clark-Ellen Leemer; ed Creighton HS; U of N, MD 1898; grad work New York City Hosp; m Mary Kalal Verdigre; m Eunice Cornell, Auburn; d Blanche (Mrs John Bruce), Gertrude (dec); 1898-14 prac in Niobrara; 1914- prac in Valentine; mbr bd of edn, Niobrara; AF&AM; OES; Neb St Med Assn; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Valentine.
CLARKE, EDWARD D: Attorney; b Adams Co, Ia, Jan 10, 1864; s of H B Clarke-Caroline Taylor; ed Corning HS; Tabor Ia Coll; U of Ia, LLB 1884; m Martha Carlyle Apr 24, 1889 Valentine; s Rush C; d Harriette (Mrs. H Kincaid), Ruth (Mrs Frank Rochetto), Jean; 1885- prac in Valentine; 1888 co atty 6 terms; first city atty of Valentine; 1911 mbr Neb legislature; mbr bd of edn one term; Neb St Bar Assn; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, baseball; res Valentine.
CLEMENTS, E W: Merchant: b West Branch Ia Jan 8, 1881; s of Charles Edward Clements-Rebecca Johns;, ed West Branch Ia; m Margaret Mayer Dec 24, 1902 Tipton, Ia; s Lawrence J, Charles E (dec); 1902-04 emp on farm in Is; 1904-06 farmed in Ia; 1906-08 RFD carrier in Ia; 1908-10 salesman S F Baker & Co; 1910-12 farmed in N W Ia; 1912-14 grain dlr in Vermont, Ia; 1914-22 homesteaded in central part of Cherry Co, owner country store & P O at Fern during war; 1922-29 salesman for S F Baker, Valentine; 1929- owner Home Appliance store; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off N Main; res Valentine.
COLEMAN, CHARLES LEWIS: Rancher; b Port Huron, Mich Oct 29, 1883; s of Charles L Coleman-Florence O'Halloran; ed Port Huron, Mich; m Florence Bresee May 12, 1913 Gordon; d Kathleen (Mrs Malcolm Toney), Margaret (Mrs M Dohring); 1904- opr ranch in Sheridan & Cherry Cos near Gordon & Irwin, now owner & opr of old Frank Bresee ranch of 5,000 A running 500 head of cattle; dining room of present home was the original house built in 1885, one of oldest in locality; 1926-31 co commr; 1930-31 chmn of co bd; AF&AM; Royal ch OES. Wife was first white child born in Irwin pct; res Irwin.
COMPTON, ARTHUR NELSON: Physician & Surgeon; b Delta Co, Tex Dec 15, 1872; s of John Compton-Louisa Lovell; ed Honey Grove Tex HS 1893; Coll of Phys & Surgs, St Louis, MD 1898; grad work Pollock Clinic, Chicago; U of St Louis; m Ann Donoher Nov 17, 1908 Valentine; 1898- prac in Valentine; 1916-21 ptr in Compton Drug Co; 1934- ptr of Dr Chester A Johnson; mbr city coun 3 terms & mayor one term; 1926- mbr bd of edn, now chmn; mbr C of C; past pres Rotary; Neb St & AMA: Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting, gardening; off Johnson Clinic Bldg; res 549 Main, Valentine.
COMPTON, MRS ANN DONOHER: Homemaker; b Sac City, Ia, July 5, 1875; d of Peter Donoher-Mary Jane Collins; ed Valentine HS; m Arthur N Compton Nov 17, 1908 Valentine; 1879 located in Grand Island; 1882 came to Cherry Co; ch mbr Womens Improvement Club; one of mgrs of the auditorium built by club; mbr Cherry Co Hist Soc; Cath Ch; Dem; res 549 N Main, Valentine.
COUPLAND, JOHN CHARLES JR: Attorney; b Lincoln, Neb Feb 27, 1912; s of John Charles Coupland-Ruth Lyman: ed Elgin HS 1929; Norfolk Jr Coll 1929-30; U of N, BA 1935, LLB 1936; pres Barb Coun 1932, asst bus mgr Cornhusker 1933; Delta Theta Phi; m Eula Drayton Apr 19, 1936 Lincoln; 1936- prac in Valentine; 1938- secy Jr C of C; acting secy Cherry Co Truckers' Assn; jr warden Episc Ch; pres Cherry Co Y R Club; res Valentine.
CRUISE, THOMAS J: Dentist; b Hebron, Neb Nov 20, 1904; s of M H Cruise-Viola Beek; ed Hebron HS 1922; St Benedict Coll, Atchison, Kas 1924; U of N 1927-33; Delta Sigma Delta; 1922-24 tchr Thayer Co schs; 1934- prac in Valentine; C of C; ADA; Amer Soc for Promotion of Dentistry for Children; St Vincents De Paul Soc; KC, Winner Co; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, dentistry, hunting, fishing; off & res 331 Cherry, Valentine.
CUTCOMB, CLARENCE: Merchant; b Louisa Co, Ia, Oct 25, 1870; s of Charles Cutcomb-Mandy Stoddard; ed Louisa Co Ia; m Minnie Barkoff Oct 5, 1887; Louisa Co Ia; s Jesse, Earl (dec), Glenn; d Elsie (Mrs Cyrus Hasburg), Viola (Mrs John Yancy); 1888-1901 ranched in Cherry Co; 1901-02 owner & opr 200 A of farm land in Louisa Co Ia; 1901-16 co-owner & opr Cutcomb & Cole gen store, Cody, 1916 owner of store; mayor of Cody 4 terms; Episc Ch; Dem; hobbies, travel, fishing, hunting, reading; res Valentine.
DAVENPORT, EDWARD CLYDE: Merchant & Banker; b Fort Collins, Colo Mar 11, 1883; s of Edward James Davenport-Margaret Jane McCarthy; ed Valentine HS 1901; U of N; m Marie Wade Oct 31, 1914 New Carlisle, Ind; s Edward Wade, Richard Lee, Robert James; 1902- 1914 mgr Davenport & Co gen mdse store; 1915 founded Neb St Bank of Valentine, pres since; 1921-37 mbr bd of edn; 1922- city treas; C of C; 1938 pres of Past Pres' Club of Neb Bankers Assn; 1927 pres Neb Bankers Assn, 1925-27 mbr exec coun group 6, 1926-27 pres group 6; first pres Rotary; 1918- treas Cherry Co Ch ARC, mbr bd of dirs; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; WOW; St Nicholas Cath Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; off Neb St Bank Bldg; res Valentine.
DAVENPORT, MRS MINNIE M: Homemaker; b New Carlisle, Ind: Sept 16, 1886; d of William Lee Wade-Sally A Flannigan; ed New Carlisle, Ind HS; m E C Davenport Oct 31, 1914 New Carlisle, Ind; 1906-11 with T C Hornby Gen Mdse, Valentine; 1912-14 with A L Killian & Co, Norfolk; pres lib bd; VP Neb St Bank; pres Ch CA, PEO; St Nicholas Cath Ch; Rep; res Valentine.
DAVIS, MRS ESSIE E: Rancher; b Indianola, Ill Mar 5, 1982; d of W W Buchanan-Alica Gilroy; ed Sidell Ill HS; m Albert Thane Davis June 11, 1913 Ogallala (dec 1915); s Albert Thane; 1909 moved to Ogallala from Ill; 1909-13 opr of millinery store, Ogallala; 1913 moved to ranch, Cherry Co; 1915 owner & gen mgr of Davis Ranch, raising purebred Herefords, runs 2000 cattle, oprs 25,000 A Cherry Co; cattle from this ranch has topped Chicago & St Louis markets several times; only woman in US to be pres of Production Credit Assn; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Natl Hereford Assn; Sandhill Cattle Feeder Producers Assn, past dir; Sandhill ch DAR, ch mbr; hobby, cattle; res Hyannis.
DEWING, DONALD LEON: Superintendent of Schools; b Rushville, Neb Oct 24, 1912; s of Thomas, Dewing-Caroline Jacobs; ed Chadron HS 1929; CSTC BSC 1936; mbr coll band & orchestra; Delta Pi; Lambda Delta Lambda; m Leona Erickson Oct 17, 1937 Alliance; s Thomas Lee; 1932-34 prin Milan HS, Rushville; 1934-35 prin Fairview HS; 1936-37 tchr Long Pine schs; 1937-38 with Soil Conservation Corps in Sheridan Co; 1938- supt of schs; NSTA; Cherry Co Sch Execs Assn; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, sports, hunting, fishing; off & res Crookston.
DONOHER, CATHERINE M: Retired; b Tomah, Wis Sept 30, 1866; d of Peter Donoher-Mary J Collins; 1879 located in Grand Island; 1882 came to Cherry Co; formerly in hotel bus, Valentine now ret; ch mbr Womans Improvement Club; mbr Cherry Co Hist Soc; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, gardening; res 549 N Main. Valentine.
ELLIOTT, CLAUDE HARRISON: County Judge; b Cherry Co, Neb Feb 13, 1897; s of Elvin H Elliott-Clara Johnson; ed Crookston HS 1915; m Cleo Green Apr 28, 1919 Crookston; s Robert Harrison, Leland Earl; d Claudine (Mrs Wayne Hindmand); 1915-16 with H C Jennings Photographers at Valentine; 1916-17 emp by C&NW RR at Crookston; 1917 agent, Keeline Wyo; 1917-31 asst cash & VP Farmers Stae Bank Crookston; 1931-39 owner & opr Elliott Filling Station; Feb 1939- Co Judge; mbr bd of edn 2 terms; village clk 2 years; secy C of C, 2 years, Crookston; past bd mbr Meth Ch; Rep; past committeeman; hobbies, fishing. hunting, photography; off Courthouse; res Valentine.
FARRAN OMER F: Hardware & Implement Dealer; b Beemer, Neb Sept 17, 1889; s of Michael D Farran-Winifred E Cain; ed Colony, Kas; m Helen Catherine Hammon May 30, 1926 Valentine (dec);
in Nebraska Cherry1913-17 in oil bus, Lincoln; during World War enl June 2, 1917 at Lincoln with troop C of C S cavalry, trsfd Nov 5 1917 to batt 13 83rd div FA, commd Corp Aug, 7, 1918, O S Oct 28-Jan 18 1919, disch Feb 17, 1919; 1919-23 emp by Standard Oil Co of Ind in Neb; 1923- hdw & impl bus in Crookston, also mgr 1,600 A farm; mbr town bd 10 years; mbr sch bd 6 years; 3 years chmn Comm Club; Amer Leg; AF&AM; Dem; hobbies, ranching, machinery. Has rebuilt a wheat combine to cut sorghum for ensilage in trench silos, has also rebuilt a Hart-Parr 1936 tractor, for cultivating corn. Res Crookston.
GARDINER, ELMO: Bank Cashier; b Merriman, Neb Jan 30, 1908; s of James R Gardiner-Alta Starr; Merriman HS 1927; m Lena Guesebroek June 4, 1936 Geddes, SD; s John E; 1927 ranching with James A Gardiner; 1928-32 with Anchor Bank of Merriman; 1928-32 city clk at Merriman; 1932-33 with First Natl Bank, Alliance; 1933- with Guardian State Bank, Alliance; 1933-36 asst cash Security State Bank, Geddes, SD; 1936-37 with Steve Geusebrock Whole Groc, Geddes SD; 1937-38 with Bank of Mullen; 1938- cash Bank of Wood Lake; moderator bd of edn; Neb St Bankers Assn; 2nd VP Lions; Prot; Rep; hobbies, riding, fishing, hunting; res Wood Lake.
GREYELL, ARTHUR HILL: Publisher; b Ontario, Canada Dec 1, 1898; s of Abel Greyell-Ada Alberta Walbridge; ed Allen Co, Ind; Bible Standard Coll, Eugene Ore, 1926-28; m Lilly Elizabeth Kruse May 1, 1929 Eugene Ore; s Robert Arthur, Richard Peter; 1916-26 rancher, Washington, 1923-25 pastor, Everson Washington, 1929 ordained; 1929-31 pastor Noti Ore, 1931-33 Lowell Ore, 1933- 34, Oakridge Ore, 1936-38 Seneca; 1937-39 publisher & editor weekly news, Messenger, Seneca, 1939- owner & Publisher Merriman News; NPA; Prot; hobby, theology; res Merriman.
GROSS, GEORGE BAPTISTE: Senator; b Wisner, Neb Nov 14, 1897; s of John B Gross-Delia B Dea; ed Wisner HS 1916; U of N, LLB 1924, mbr freshman football team; Phi Alpha Delta; m Hilda T Ross June 15, 1929 Bridgeport; s John B, Dan, Dick, George B; d Mary G; 1924-25 representative for West Publishing Co of MO; 1925-28 prac at Dalton; 1928-30 representative for Purina Mills in Cherry Co: 1930-32 prac in Cherry Co; 1933-39 clk of dist court; 1939 mbr 40th unicameral dist; 1936-39 owner & publisher Merriman Monitor, moved July 1939 to Valentine: during World War enl Jan 14, 1918 in coast arty Co 14, stationed in Philippine Islands, disch Jan 3, 1919; Amer Leg; Neb St Bar Assn; NPA; KC; St Nicholas Cath Ch; off Merriman, res Valentine.
HALEY, WILLIAM EDGAR: Insurance & Real Estate Agent; b Jones Co, Ia Oct 6, 1863; s of Martin P Haley-Mary Hughes; ed Sioux City, Ia HS; m Emma G McNicholas (Story Co, Ia) Jan 15, 1889 O'Neill; s William B (dec), Clarence E, Cleatus J, Frank G; d L Laurentia, Margaret G (Mrs M G Campbell, dec), Martha (Mrs C P McMahon), Zeta (Mrs E C Hartly), Charlotte (Mrs H A Williams); 1883-88 carp trade with Wilcox Lbr Co, O'Neill; 1888- owner & opr Abstract & Titles, Real Est & Ins Co, lic real estate broker & notary public since 1888; 1919-23 co treas; city clk 5 terms; co asst; mbr bd of edn 27 years; past dir, secy 1913-34 Cherry Co Agrl & Livestock Assn; dir 22 years Valentine Cemetery Assn, now secy; Royal Highlanders; MWA; WOW; mbr KC; St Nicholas Cath Ch, mbr of bd; past chmn Dem Central Com; hobby, hunting coyotes & rabbits; res Valentine.
HAMMON, WILLIAM B: Real Estate Agent; b Rock Island, Ill June 22, 1875; s of George Hammon-Sarah Howard; ed Valentine; m Emma Ryschon (Iowa) June 26, 1901 Rosebud SD; s Robert W, Douglas F; d Helen C (Mrs Omer Farran) dec; Sadie Elizabeth (Mrs M J Richards); 1884 came to Valentine from Ill; 1897-19 in feed & livery & oil bus; 1922-35 co sheriff; 1935- opr Standard Bulk Oil Station, Valentine; past master AF&AM; KT; RAM; MWA; IOOF; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, horses; res 309 Cherry, Valentine.
HANCOCK, CHARLES PERRY: Finance Company Manager; b O'Neill, Neb Nov 13, 1910; s of Claude P Hancock-Stella Smith; ed 0'Neill HS 1929; Columbia Coll, Dubuque, Ia, law; KSTC; m Mabel Buxton (O'Neill) Apr 1, 1933 Lake Andes, SD; s Warren Bruce, Douglas; 1933-34 with dist off of Census Bur & law clk with George M Hartington, O'Neill; 1934-37 with Tomek & Tomek law firm, David City; 1937-38 mgr & opr Hancock Loan Co, David City; 1938-May 1939 mgr Central Finance Co, O'Neill; 1939- mgr Central Finance Co, Valentine; Jr C of C; Neb Assn of Personal Finance Cos; MWA; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, gardening; res Valentine.
HANNA, CHARLES C: Rancher; b Blue Earth Co, Minn Jan 4, 1885; s of William A Hanna-Grace Credicof; ed Mapleton, Minn HS 1902; Brandorg & Nettleton Bus Coll, Mankato, Minn 1903-04; m Thelma Rogers June 15, 1935 Ainsworth; s William C; d Jeanette, Doris: 1906 owner & opr ranch lands near Wood Lake, ptr Archie B Hanna; 1907-16 owner of approximately 3,000 A of ranch lands; now opr 6,000 A, runs about 600 head cattle per year; mbr bd of edn 6 terms; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; past master AF&AM; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Wood Lake.
HANNA, DON EMERSON: Rancher; b Blaine Co, Neb Mar 3, 1887; s of J M Hanna-Della Hazen; ed Mullen HS; m Wynona Severance Apr 5, 1911 Thedford; s Don Jr, Francis, Ray, Robert King; 1908 emp by U E I Cattle Co, Dismal; 1908 winner first prize in bronco riding, Grand Island; 1908-10 ptr with father on Cherry Co ranch; 1910-15 rancher in south part of Cherry Co; 1915- developing ranch 10 mi N W of Brownlee, 30,000 A & runs approximately 2,000 head of stock a year; 1930-38 co commr; 30 years mbr sch bd dist 108; past secy treas Brownlee Assn of Fed Lan Bank; dir Neb Stockgrowers Assn dir Amer Natl Livestock Assn; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, horses; res Brownlee.
HANNA, JOHN MILTON: Retired; b Prescott, Ia Mar 15, 1858; s of John Parker Hanna-Judith Braden; ed Prescott; m Della Hazen Apr 25, 1886 Anselmo (dec); s Don Emerson, George Parker, James Lynn, Seth Perry, Claude (dec); d Maude (Mrs George Garnett); 1883-85 came to Cherry Co, emp as cowpuncher for Rankin Cattle Co on Bar 7 ranch; 1885-94 homesteaded in Blaine Co on Middle Loup River near Dunning; 1894- res of Cherry Co, leased ranch in Calf Creek Valley; 1894-1912 held ranch interests in Cherry Co, acquired old Pass ranch which was originally developed by R M Faddis but pur from Standard Cattle Co; 1913-15 opr Ford Agcy in Seneca; 1912- in private banking bus, Seneca; AF&AM; Dem; hobby, travel; res Brownlee.
HANNA, SETH PERRY: Rancher; b Blaine Co, Neb Nov 11 1892; s of John P Hanna-Judith Braden; ed Wisner HS; m Fern Stephenson Dec 25, 1914 Seneca; s John Milton; d Margaret Della (Mrs Darwin Mercure), Bonnie Rosalie, Ulala Fern; 1911- rancher, has developed ranch ints in Cherry Co to 10,000 A & runs about 1,000 head of cattle; mbr sch bd dist 113; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; AF&AM; OES; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; res Brownlee.
HANNA, WILLIAM CHARLES: Clerk of District Court; b Wood Lake, Neb Sept 17, 1912; s of Charles C Hanna-Jennie McQueen; ed Wood Lake HS 1930; U of N, 1931-32; m Philomena Lovejoy Tetherow Dec 18, 1938 Valentine; 1932- rancher; 1938- clk of dist court; mbr Jr C of C; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, saddle horses; off Courthouse; res Valentine.
HANS, ERNIE A: Grocer; b Wisner, Neb Mar 1, 1889; s of Ernest F Hans-Matilda Nenow; ed Battle Creek 1910; Northwestern Coll, Watertown Wis 1912; m Losure Eunice Apr 11, 1920 Creighton; d Frances; 1920-24 emp in bank, Bazille Mills; 1924-30 groc in Elgin; 1930-32 in whol battery bus, Norfolk; 1932- groc, Valentine; during World War enl 1917 with 35th div inf O/S 1 year, disch 1919; Amer Leg; C of C; past mbr Lions; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; res 332 N Cherry, Valentine.
HARPER, HARRY W: Beverage Dealer; b Mitchell Co, Ia Feb 1, 1879; s of Thomas Harper-Olive F Brown; ed Mitchell Co Ia; m Linda L Mann (Iowa) July 8, 1900 Cherry Co; s Allen R, Harrison G, Douglas R, Stephen W; d Eva L (Mrs Fred M Perrigo); 1892 emp on farm Cherry Co; 1900-10 ranched; 1910-12 owner & opr store, Harmony; 1912-38 in auto bus, Valentine; 1930- owner bottling works; mbr town bd 2 years; past noble grand IOOF; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, machinery; off 411 N Main; res 214 N Cherry, Valentine.
HARVEY, JOHN W: Mayor; b Sparks, Neb Mar 27, 1888; s of James L Harvey-Mary Alice Clarkson; ed Valentine HS 1906; U of N; m Maud Elizabeth Rowley June 12, 1913 homesteaded claim 10 mi NE of
Cherry Who's WhoBrownlee; 1900- developed ranch including William W; d Alice Maud, Barbars, Jean; 1912-14 homesteaded in Cherry Co; 1914- mgr Valentine Lbr Co; mbr of city coun many years, C of C; secy MWA; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, athletics; res 438 N Cherry, Valentine.
HATHORN, BENNIE A: Rancher; b Duluth, Minn Oct 15, 1877; s of William Hathorn-Julia Prince; ed Cherry Co; m Hanna B Swanson Feb 24, 1902 Rushville; s Lester M; d Jeanette B (Mrs Emil Fuchser); came to Cherry Co, located in Wood Lake, later in Rushville; 1886 retd to Cherry Co; 1904- opr ranch, running about 600 head of Hereford cattle, entered Shorthorn cattle in Sioux City stock & feeder show; mbr sch bd dist 76 many years; Neb Stockgrowers An; Valentine Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; AF&AM; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Irwin.
HEELAN, WILLIAM C: Attorney; b Lincoln, Neb May 1, 1880; s of Thomas Heelan-Margaret Costello; ed Lincoln HS 1899; Creighton U law coll 1911; m Elizabeth A Egan Nov 21, 1921 Hyannis; s Thomas Donald, William James, Robert Joseph, John; 1911-21 prac in Mullen; 1921- prac in Valentine; 1921-35 co atty; 1937- city atty; past mbr Neb St Co Attys Assn, 1922-34 treas; Neb St Bar Assn; past pres Rotary; KC; St Nicholas Cath Ch; Dem; past treas Dem Co Central Com; off Heelan Bldg; res Valentine.
HETH, LYNN E: Attorney; b Cherry Co, Neb Oct 29, 1906; s of Samuel J Heth-Hannah M Pedersen; ed Valentine HS 1925; U of Omaha, night law sch; m Clara E Hempel June 27, 1928 Kilgore; s Harrison L, Morrison L; d Doris May; studied law in off of Judge Quigley in Valentine & passed Neb bar July 1930, has since prac with Judge Quigley; 1935-37 mbr city coun; Feb-June 1939 pres C of C, resigned; 1939 pres Great Plains Highway Assn; past master AF&AM; elder Presby Ch 8 years; secy Dem Central Com 8 years; 1st pres, Cherry Co Y D Club, del from Neb to 3 natl convs; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res 575 N Main, Valentine.
HODGES, EARL MONROE: County Clerk; b Scotland Co, Mo July 2, 1889; s of William Hodges-Florence Campbell; ed Superior HS; m Arline Tevebaugh Nov 15, 1913 Nelson, 1908-18 farmed in Nuckolls Co; 1918-27 opr ranch & farm lands in Todd Co SD; 1928-30 opr Nicholas Oil Co bulk oil plant, Valentine; 1931- co clk; secy Rotary; VP Neb Assn of Co Clerks &,Registers of Deeds; Valentlne Golf Club; worshipful master AF&AM; Dem; off Courthouse; res Valentine.
HOOPER, WILLIAM CLINTON: Merchant; b Cherry Co, Neb Feb 3, 1907; s of William H Hooper-Mary Hubbard; ed Valentine HS 1925; m Katherine Hempel (Kilgore) June 2, 1934 White River SD; 1925-28 with Armstrong Groc, Valentine; 1928 with Fairmont Cry Inc, Van Tassell Wyo; 1929-34 with R R Brosius Clothiers; 1934- owner & opr Hooper Clothiers; 1938- mbr city coun; mbr vol fire dept; VP Jr C of C; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, collecting cowboy boots; res Valentine.
HUDSON, SAMUEL: Rancher; b Kentucky Apr 15, 1861; s of Richard Hudson-Harriet Sweetman; ed Mo; m Loula Kortz (Iowa) Dec 10, 1908 Cherry Co; 1882 came to Neb from Tex, locating in Cherry Co 1883, engaged in ranching; 1932 recd Master Farmer award; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Dem; hobby, cattle raising; res RFD Simeon.
JACKSON, FLORENCE: Executive Secretary; b Valentine, Neb June 7, 1891; d of John Jackson-Harriet ___; ed Valentine HS 1910; CSTC; Tchrs Coll, Aberdeen SD; 1910-12 tchr in Cherry Co; 1912-13 tchr, Merriman; 1913-19 tchr, Valentine; 1919-22 dep co treas; 1922-23 tchr, Wood Lake; 1923-24 tchr, Oelrichs SD; 1924-27 tchr, Edgemont SD; 1928-32 tchr Cherry Cc; 1932-35 tchr Crookston; 1935- secy Crookston Co-op Credit Assn; notary public: Rebekah; Presby Ch; Dem; off & res Crookston.
JAMESON, HOWARD W: Rancher; b Creighton, Neb Aug 25, 1888; s of George L Jameson-Elizabeth Colman; ed Alliance HS 1904; U of N, 1907; m Kathryn Westover Oct 14, 1908 Lincoln; 1908 homesteaded in Sheridan Co; 1912-15 lived in Seattle Wash; 1915-29 farmed in Lancaster Co; 1929-34 foreman of Red Deer Ranch, Cherry Co; 1934- opr of cafe in Wood Lake & ranch mgr; mbr Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; mbr Lions; Dem; hobbies, football, sports; res Wood Lake.
JORDAN, CHARLES D: Hotel Owner; b Marshalltown, Ia, June 7, 1877; s of James Jordan-Mary Ann Ennis; ed Dodge City Kas; m Elizabeth Brown (Wis) Dec 31, 1902 Valentine; s Harold D; d Edith M, Gladys E, Wilma R; 1904-05 opr hotel in Wood Lake; 1905- owner & opr hotel in Valentine; also owner & opr of farm; mbr city coun 14 years; mbr Rotary 5 years; AF&M; IOOF; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Valentine.
KIME, OTHO GEORGE: County Sheriff; b Cherry Co, Neb Oct 28, 1903; s of Henry Frank Kime-Irene Wilkinson; ed U of N agrl coll HS; CSTC 1928-30; m Charlotte Walsh Nov 26, 1934 Seneca; 1924-27 tchr Cherry Co schs; 1927-28 professional boxing in Denver Colo; 1930-32 tchr Cherry Co schs; 1932-34 tchr Brownlee pub schs; 1934- co sheriff; owns & maintains ranch ints in Cherry Co; C of C; past pres Lions; Rotary; committeeman BSA; Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting, sports, boxing. Father a settler in 1881 in Cherry Co. Res Valentine.
KINCAID, WILLIAM THOMAS: Manager Power Co; b Greenview, Ill Jan 4, 1864; s of James Kincaid-Ann Elizabeth Lukins; ed LeRoy Ill HS; m Minnie R Ironmonger June 25, 1898 Mason City Ill (dec); s James Hickman; m Margaret King (Ill) June 29, 1907 Denison Ia; 1882-1901 emp in stores in various states; 1901-03 in chg of store on Rosebud SD reservation; 1903-20 in merc bus, Valentine; 1920- mgr Interstate Power Co off; mbr city coun 4 years; mbr sch bd 4 years; life mbr Tangier Shrine; KT, Long Pine; RAM; 1919-20 patron OES; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, flower gardening & yard work; res 425 N Cherry, Valentine.
KIRKMAN, JOHN Q: Postmaster; b Oak, Neb July 20, 1899; s of D J Kirkman-Alice Johnston; ed Wood Lake; m Bonnie Appleman (Ark) May 1, 1921 Wood Lake; s Dick E; d Dixie (Mrs Lewis Coble), Margaret M, Mayme Alice; 1920- PM, Wood Lake; enl U S Army Apr 29, 1918 during World War; O/S July 9, 1918, wounded in action Sept 12, 1918, spent 19 mos in 5th Marine hosp, disch Mar 20, 1920; Amer Leg; Lions; past master AF&AM; hobbies; fishing, hunting, golf; res Wood Lake.
KRASCH, ROY REED: Auto Dealer; b Wood Lake, Neb Sept 6, 1897; s of Otto Krasch-Nora Munger; ed Ainsworth HS 1916; Raike's Auto Sch, Kansas City Mo 1920; m Carol Vlasnik (Niobrara) July 24, 1928 Hiawatha Kas; s George Allen; d Geraldine Ruth; during World War enl in U S marines Apr 1918, disch July 1919; past comm Brown Co Amer Leg post; 1920-25 ptr with Albert Kounovsky in Star Garage; 1925- owner & opr Krasch Chevrolet Motor Co; village bd of trustees a terms; Lions, past pres; mbr vol fire dept; Neb Auto Dealers Assn; past master AF&AM; Union Ch; Indep; hobby, aviation; res Wood Lake.
KREYCIK, JOSEPH P: Mayor; b Testraby-Lhota Co of Caslav, Bohernia Jan 1, 1866; s of Mike Kreycik-Rosalie Bertek; ed Caslav Bohemia; m Mary Theresa Vlasnik, Oct 28, 1887 Wood Lake; s Charles, James, Joseph, George, John; d Catherine (Mrs Roy Carpenter); 1885 homesteaded in Cherry Co, opr ranch lands which include 14,000 A, by 1917 ran about 600 head of cattle per year; 1917 founder & pres Willow Grove Land & Cattle Inc, 5 sons only stockholders, $60,000 corp operating 19,000 A & running about 1,700 cattle per year; 1938-39 market topped in Omaha by Kreyciks Black Angus cattle, fed by Gus Beemer; secy Wood Lake Grain Co; past dir Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; 1930- mbr village bd of trustees; 1934- mayor; secy Mount Hope Cemetery Assn; treas lib bd: past mbr bd of edn; 1907-09, 1917 master AF&AM; 1923- patron OES; Union Ch. Father was farmer & music tchr in Knox Co 1878. Res Wood Lake.
LAUSEN, HENRY: Hardware Dealer; b Schleswig Holstein, Germany Sept 13, 1869; s of Peter Lausen-Maud Schmidt; ed Germany; 1875 came to Amer, located in Paullina Ia 6 years, lived in Omaha before coming to Cherry Co in 1898 & ranched; 1908- hdw dlr; chmn town bd many years, now clk & treas; mbr Lions; secy 30 years AF&AM; past mbr IOOF; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Wood Lake.
LEE, ROBERT STETSON: Rancher; b Fremont, Neb Sept 26, 1874; s of John R Lee-Mary D Olson; ed Wahoo; ed Omaha Comml Coll; m Christine S Skirving Mar 15, 1900 Brownlee (dec); s Everett Richard, Seymour Burton, Forrest Stetson, Merrill Elwood, Marion Adolphus; d Ava (Mrs G Roseberry); Helen (dec), Annabel; 1886 came to Cherry Co with father who surveyed timber claims & in 1888 estab town of Brownlee; 1900-03 lived in soddy & homesteaded claim 10 mi NE of Brownlee; 1900- developed ranch
in Nebraska Cherryincluding original homesite consisting of 18,000 A & running an average of 1,500 head of stock under RL brand (reverse R); 1919-22 opr dairy ranch in Nampa Ida; named Master Farmer 1928; past mbr sch bd dist 127; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; elder Union Ch, 40 years supt SS & one of orgrs of first SS in Brownlee; Rep; hobby, comm welfare; res RFD, Brownlee.
LESSERT, RICHARD G: Hardware Dealer; b Pine Ridge Reservation SD Oct 27, 1888; s of Benjamin Lessert-Lucy Cottier; ed Merriman HS; m Viola Veronica Green July 25, 1910 Chadron; s Lawrence Keith; 1905-09 worked for Mrs Z T Davis in gen store; 1909-12 with J A Sassenberi as ptr in gen store; 1912- opr hdw store; 1922-39 secy sch bd; mbr town bd; mbr fire dept; Comml Club; Episc Ch; hobbies, hunting, & fishing; res Merriman.
LEWIS, CHARLES ELDON: Executive; b Sheridan Co, Neb Oct 18, 1888; s of Harry Lewis-Sarah Bachelor; ed Valentine HS 1907; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha 1907-08; m Minnie Hornbach June 10, 1908 Valentine; d Helen (Mrs H G Harper), Pauline (Mrs Glenn Bartlett); 1908 emp by Amer Express; 1908-09 cash C&NW RR; 1909-25 bkpr, later pres Valentine State Bank; 1925-394 (sic) secy & treas Northwestern Livestock Sales Co, Valentine & Merriman, also real est & ins dlr; 1934- secy & treas Valentine Production Credit Corp; 1917-19 secy & treas Valentine Trust Co; mbr C of C, pres 6 terms; past pres Rotary; AF&AM; Meth Ch. Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off Farm Credit Bldg; res Valentine.
LUX, IVAN E: Farmer; b Tama Co, Ia Oct 27, 1871; s of John Kelley Lux-Caroline Fisher; ed Buffalo rural schs; m Sadie I Hogg (Iowa) Jan 30, 1895 Shelton; s Raymond, John F, Donald, Ivan E Jr, Kenneth; d Iva May (Mrs Harvey Goucher), Minerva (Mrs Oscar Vocu), Rachel (Mrs Delmar Peterson), Irene (Mrs Rudolph Krafka), Martha; 1895-1915 farmed near Shelton; 1915- farms & opr about 1,000 A & runs about 75 head of cattle; past moderator Shelton dist sch bd; mbr Prairie Bell dist sch bd, Cherry Co, many years; mbr Farmers Union; past mbr Maccabees; past mbr AOUW; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, cattle raising & reading; res RFD 1, Valentine.
McDANIEL, OSCAR WILEY: Hardware Dealer; b Roanoke, Va Apr 15, 1866; a of Jacob McDaniel-Nancy Bradbury; ed La Platte & Bellevue; m Mary E Rockwell (Louisville) Feb 13, 1899 Wood Lake; d Ethel, Ida (Mrs John G Masters); 1887-88 farmed in Sarpy Co; 1887 homesteaded in Cherry Co, opr of 1,120 A of ranch lands until 1915; 1917- ptr with Henry Lowsen in Lowsen & McDaniel Hdw Store, Wood Lake; 1925-33 co judge; mbr village bd of trustees & chmn 3 terms; 1889-1915 mbr bd of edn dist 23; 1915- mbr bd of edn Wood Lake; AF&AM; past patron OES, now assoc patron: Presby Ch; Dem; traces both sides of family to 1700; res Wood Lake.
McGINLEY, JESS J: Rancher; b Keystone, Neb July 8, 1913; s of George P McGinley-Margaret Thalken; ed Ogallala 1931; Creighton U, 1931-32; U of N, 1932-33; m Doris Bolin Apr 24, 1938 Alliance; 1933-37 ptr with brother on ranch, Keystone; 1937- mgr of ranch in Cherry Co; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, horses; res RFD, Irwin.
MALMBERG, EMIL R: Rancher; b Pender, Neb Feb 23, 1903; s of Charles G MaImberg-Emma C Holmberg; ed Pender; m Vera Slaby (Burke SD) May 1928 Hot Springs SD; s Charles, Don; 1919-28 rancher in SD; 1928-38 mgr & opr of Carson Ranch in Cherry Co, 30,000 A running 2,000 head of cattle; 1938- mgr & opr of Brandeis Ranch, 32,000 A runs 2,000 head of cattle; Rep; hobbies, horses & cattle; res Cody.
MEAD, CORWIN M: County Agent; b Champion, Neb May 25, 1901; s of Clarkson Mead-Anna Pine; ed Imperial 1917; U of N agrl coll, BSc 1924; m Eva A Yaw July 31, 1937 Champion; s Robert; 1924-25 tchr, Randolph Ia; 1925-26 tchr, Auburn; 1926- owner & opr farm lands in Chase Co; 1933 Cherry Co agrl agt: C of C; Neb Assn of Agrl Agts; Rotary; Meth Ch; off 230 N Main; res Valentine.
MEER, MRS MARIE McCOLLISTER: Drug Store Owner; b Tarkio, Mo Nov 1, 1894; d of Bert McCollister-Elizabeth Balle; ed Tarkio HS; m Mathew F Meer (Iowa) Nov 14, 1921 Valentine (dec); d Mary Ann; 1922- owner & opr drug store in Valentine; manages 800 A farm in SD; Dem; res Valentine.
MILLER, CLARENCE MARSHALL: Auto Dealer; b Marcus, Ia June 28, 1892: s of Howard Miller-Magnolia Neal; ed Pierson Ia HS; m Winifred Lindell (Geddes SD) June 20, 1919 Los Angeles Cal; s Leon, Howard, Clarence; 1919-27 with Guy Miller Bros Chevrolet Co, Valentine; 1927 owner & opr Miller Bros Chev Co, Valentine & O'Neill; pres Miller Bros Chevrolet Co Inc, Garden, Winner SD, Hot Springs SD; during World War enl Sept 1917 in 89th div, O/S 12 mos as sgt, disch June 1919; past comm Amer Leg; C of C; AF&AM; RAM; Shrine; Episc Ch; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; Rep; hobbies, aviation, has pilot's lic, big game hunting; off Miller Bros Chev Co; res Valentine.
MOREY, OTIS WEBSTER: Jeweler & Optometrist; b Durand, Ill Mar 24, 1860; s of Abijah Morey-Harriet Jane Webster; ed Durand Ill; m Harriet Campbell 1882 Durand Ill; s Edward E, Lovell J, William Abijah; d May (Mrs Collin McClane), Harriet C (Mrs Mark Flynn); 1882-86 jeweler in Durand; 1886- jeweler in Valentine; Rep; hobbies, collecting bead work, hist records, clocks & old money; res Valentine.
MORRIS, JOHN F: Rancher; b Wood Lake, Neb Oct 22, 1893; s of Alfred E Morris-Elizabeth J Thompson; ed Wood Lake HS 1913; m Lucy Ann Metzer Feb 10, 1918 Valentine; d Alice Ann; 1915-34 in banking bus, Wood Lake; 1932 pur ranch; 1934- mgr of ranch, opr 4,900 A running about 400 head of cattle; stockholder & dir Neb St Bank, stockholder Valentine Lbr Co; mbr town bd & served as mayor many years; Neb Stockgrowers Assn of Alliance; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; during World War enl Feb 18, 1918 in navy reserve, disch 1922; AF&AM; Tangier Shrine; Episc Ch; Rep;. hobbies, livestock; res Wood Lake.
NICHOLSON, MILTON VALENTINE: Banker; b Cedar Rapids, Ia Sept 18, 1859; s of John Nicholson-Cynthia Ann Doan; ed Tama City Ia; m Mary W O'Sullivan Oct 7, 1897 O'Neill (dec); s Richard Philip Milton Francis (dec); d Mary Estelle (Mrs H M Thompson); 1883 came to Ainsworth from Ia, 1885 emp U S land off, Valentine; 1886- with First Natl Bank of Valentine; mbr 50 Years Club, Neb St Bankers Assn; mbr sch bd 23 years; mbr town bd while Valentine was still a village & was first mayor; chmn Comml Club several years; Cath Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading; off First Natl Bank; res Valentine.
O'HALLORAN, JAMES EMOR: Lumber & Hardware Dealer; b Springview, Mo Sept 22, 1891; s of George O'Halloran-Rachel Craker; ed Pittsburg Kas HS 1906; m Elizabeth Catherine Gardner Apr 22, 1912 Pittsburgh Kas; s James E Jr, George Edward; d Mary Belle; 1907-13 shipping clk & salesman, Pittsburgh Kas Whol Groc Co; 1913-23 asst mgr Wood Lake Lbr Co, later G W O'Halloran Lbr Co, opr at Hay Springs & Wood Lake with son James as mgr of Wood Lake div; 1933- dir Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; 1938- dir Bank of Wood Lake; past mbr village bd of trustees 5 terms; mbr Lions Club; past master. AF&AM; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, bridge, photography; res Wood Lake.
PAILING, ARTHUR L: Railway Agent; b Dane Co, Wis Apr 22, 1891; s of Richard Pailing-Rosa Brannen; ed Mazomanie Wis HS 1905; m Lila Bell Chester Nov 25, 1912 Bassett; 1911- emp by N W RR, Valentine agt since 1925; manages farms in Cherry Co & SD; mayor two and one half terms; Rep; hobbies, baseball, bridge; res 407 Macomb Valentine.
PESTEL, EMIL CHARLES: Merchant; b Wisner, Neb Feb 17, 1873; s of G B Pestel-Ida ___; ed Wisner & Pilger HS; U of N 1914; m Edna Constance Cass Apr 18, 1917 Neligh; s Roland C; 1914-18 with F A Huston in gen store, Pilger; 1918- opr & owner Red Front Merc Co, Valentine; 1938- co-owner Neb Auction Co; mbr bd of edn, past secy; 1917- mbr city coun; past pres C of C, dir; Neb Fedn of Retailers; AF&AM; Dem Co Central Com; res Valentine.
PEXTON, ALBERT EDWARD: Wholesale & Retail Oil Dealer; b Neligh, Neb June 11, 1897; s of Henry Pexton-Elizabeth Gillespie; ed Neligh HS; m Florence Anderson in Neligh; d Dorothy, Elaine; 1919-26 farmed in Antelope Co; 1926-31 oil dlr in Neligh; 1931- oil dlr in Wood Lake; during World War enl in 1918, motor transport corps, disch 1919; past comm Amer Leg; hobbies, hunting, fishing, football; res Wood Lake.
PHELPS, MRS MARGARETE: Postmaster; b Valentine, Neb Nov 9, 1888; d of James H Quigley-Mary McDowell; ed Valentine HS 1906; Bellevue Coll 1906-10; San Diego State Tchrs Coll, 1930; m James G Phelps June 26, 1912 Valentine; s James Quigley, Gilbert McDowell: d Margaret Jean (Mrs R L Overbay); 1910-11 tchr Stuart HS; 1931-34 tchr Valentine schs; 1934- postmaster; 1938-39 city chmn
Cherry Who's WhoInfantile Paralysis Drive in Valentine; chmn mbrship com Cherry Co of Natl Assn of Postmasters; chmn Air-Mail Week in Cherry Co; PEO; mbr Presby Ch, active in SS work; Dem; hobby, reading; res Valentine.
PRANG, LEON EARL: Merchant; b Creston, Neb July 24, 1903; s of Ernest Prang-Eva Nash; ed Valentine HS 1921; m Fern Syfert Nov 24, 1923 Winner SD; s LaVerne Ernest; d Edna Jeanne, Alice Marie; 1921 emp on farms in Cherry Co; 1922 salesman Johnson Biscuit Co; 1922-24 with Connor's Groc, Hot Springs SD; 1925-35 with Red Front Merc Co, Valentine; 1935- owner & opr Prang's Ladies Apparel Store; 1939-40 secy C of C; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting; res Valentine.
QUIGLEY, JAMES CLOYD: Attorney; b Valentine, Neb Mar 6, 1887; s of James H Quigley-Mary McDowell; ed Valentine HS 1904; Bellevue Coll 1904-08; studied law with Judge Morrissey 1908-13; adm to Neb bar 1913; m Sylvia Killian Sept 28, 1910 Wahoo; d Mary (jr atty in criminal div U S dept of justice); 1908-15 co judge; 1915- prac in Valentine; 1934- pres Valentine Production Credit Corp; mbr bd of dirs Gordon State Bank; past dir First Natl Bank of Valentine; manages about 30,000 A of Cherry Co & SD ranch lands; dir Northwestern Livestock Co of Valentine & Merriman; chmn Dem State Central Com, natl committeeman; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off Quigley Bldg; res Valentine.
QUIGLEY, MRS JAMES C: Homemaker; b Wahoo, Neb Aug 25, 1889; d of Thomas Killian-Mary Zelezny; ed Wahoo HS; Bellevue Coll 1908; U of N 1908-10 mbr Silver Serpents; Pi Beta Phi; m James C Quigley Sept 28, 1910 Wahoo; d Mary; 1920-28 vice-chmn Cherry Co ch ARC 1928- chmn; 1923- 28 mbr bd of edn; 15 years secy lib bd, now mbr; PEO; ch mbr OES; Dem; res Valentine.
QUIGLEY, WILLIAM BRYAN: County Attorney b Valentine, Neb Jan 29, 1899; s of James H Quigley-Mary M McDowell; ed Valentine HS 1917; U of N, LLB 1923; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Theta; m Bertha G Weeth (White Plains N Y) Aug 1, 1937 Omaha; 1923-24 prac in Valentine; 1924-29 with Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow law firm in N Y City; 1930- prac in Valentine; 1934- co atty; 1934-38 city atty; Neb St Bar Assn; 16th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; during World War enl Apr 1917 in 4th Neb Inf, tsfrd to 34th & 32nd divs of U S army, served in secret service div until disch July 1919; O/S 14 mos, wounded in battle of Argonne; Past comm Amer Leg; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off Courthouse; res Valentine.
RALSTON, ORVILLE ALFRED: Dentist; b Weeping Water, Neb Sept 9, 1894; s of Charles A Ralston-Jeanette Arnold; Peru Normal HS 1915; U of N, DDS 1920; grad work Coll of Phys & Surg, San Francisco Cal 1937; Delta Sigma Delta; Kappa Sigma; m Charlotte Hanna Nov 20, 1920 Wood Lake; s Robert; d Janet; during World War in U S & British Royal A S, enl Apr 1917 trained at Fort Snelling Minn, cited as Amer Ace, recd Amer Distinguished Service Cross, British Distinguished Flying Cross; past comm Valentine Amer Leg, & past vice-comm first dist; 1920-36 prac in Ainsworth; mbr city coun 2 terms, mayor 1 term, past pres Comml Club, past pres Lions & past mbr C of C in Ainsworth; 1937- prac in Valentine; owner & mgr ranch lands in Cherry Co; 1938- mbr State Aeronautics Commission; past pres N Neb Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; AF&AM; KT; Presby Ch; Indep; hobby, fishing; res Valentine.
RALYA, G E: Merchant: b Niles, O Mar 14, 1864; s of D H Ralya-Eleanor Carriher; ed Iowa; m Emma Turner (Wis) Sept 27, 1888 ND; s Earl W; d Ethel (Mrs Tische), Echoe (Mrs Archie Hanna); 1894-1905 in meat bus, Sioux City; 1905-12 rancher in Cherry Co; 1912-14 traveled; 1914- in merc bus, Wood Lake; mbr town bd, mayor 8 years; IOOF, Sioux City; elder Meth Ch 10 years; Rep; hobbies, reading, yard work; res Wood Lake.
RAUBACH, FRED: Auto Dealer; b Pierce, Neb May 3, 1882; s of Theodore Raubach-Barbara Sukup; ed Pierce HS 1903; m Lottie M Pierce June 11, 1910 Valentine; s Pierce; farmed until 1907; 1907-09 mechanic for R E Co, Brunswick; 1909 mechanic R E Co, Valentine; 1911- garageman & auto dlr; owner & opr first garage in Cherry Co, 26 years with Dodge Motor Co; sold first car in Cherry Co & opr first auto agency in this section, dlr more than 25 years, awarded silver plaque 1939 for service record; JP 4 years; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting; res 448 N Main, Valentine.
RAVENSCROFT, OLIN: Rancher; b Garrison, Ia, Mar 15, 1889; s of Henry Ravenscroft-Ethel Rose; ed Tilfords Acad, Vinton Ia; m Inez Rieke Dec 18, 1912 Van Horne Ia; s Willis Henry, Myron Olin, John Francis, Donald Rieke, James Robert, Calvin Merle; d Mary Jean, Ruth May; 1913-29 farmer & cattle feeder in Benton Co Ia; 1921 leased ranch in Cherry Co; 1929- opr ranch consisting of 25,000 A, runs an average of 2,500 cattle, brand bar over X; treas & mbr sch bd dist 179; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep; res Brownlee.
REECE, CHARLES SIMONE: Rancher; b Andrew Co, Mo Mar 12, 1871; s of Alvis Franklin Reece-Huda Mackie; m Harriet Thackery (Manhattan Kas) Sept 7, 1902 Valentine: s Francis Marion; Charles S Jr; d Helen (Mrs Lawrence Miles), Ruth (Mrs Charles Donnavan), Alice (Mrs George Adams), Betty (Mrs Harry Meters); 1889 emp on ranches in Wyo & Dakotas; 1890-96 tchr, Cherry Co; 1898-1902 dep co clk; 1902 co clk; now owner ranch lands in Cherry Co; 1917 secy & treas Garden Valley Natl Farm Loan Assn; 1923, 1925 & 1931 mbr Neb legislature; 1924- feed inspector for Intermediate Credit Bank of Omaha; 1939- mbr state advisory coun U of N extn service; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; AF&AM; Meth Ch; past chmn Rep Co Central Com; hobby, travel; res Simeon.
REED, DANIEL WILLARD: Publisher; b Lime Springs, Ia Mar 18, 1894; s of D V Reed-Clara Hanson; ed Slayton Minn 1911; m Tellie Enochson Mar 18, 1917 Deming NM (dec); s Paul W, Blaine M; d Gail F, Elaine M, Mary Ellen; m Frances Bledinger Jan 14, 1937 Bridgeport; during World War enl May 5, 1917 with 34th div NG unit, O/S in chg motor transport corps, disch Feb 14, 1919; 1919-24 opr Wyndmere ND Enterprise; 1924-27 Crookston Enterprise; 1927- owner & opr Cherry Co News in Valentine; Amer Leg; NPA; IOOF; Rotary; Meth Ch: Dem; hobby, music; res 327 N Macomb, Valentine.
REED, FRANK L: Merchant; b Portsmouth, O June 28, 1887; s of Frank L Reed-Della Barbee; ed Cody HS 1905; Kansas City Veterinary Coll, DVS 1909; m Daisy M Herron Dec 10, 1913 Ainsworth; 1909 veterinarian, Cody; 1927- mgr Red & White Groc Store; mbr town bd 5 years; Neb St Veterinary Assn; Rep; hobby, baseball; res Cody.
RICE, ISAAC MARTIN: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Irving, Kas Jan 28, 1866; s of Henry Harrison Rice-Sarah Ann Dealy; ed Kas; Natl Bus Coll, Kansas City; m Matilda Swanson Aug 16, 1894 Leonardville Kas; s Lawrence; m Dora Mae Davis May 12, 1904 York; 1891-97 tchr in Riley Co Kas; clk in Kansas City dry goods store 4 years; 1897-98 clk in Randolph Kas stores; 1899 owned gen store in Valentine; 1898 did clerical work in Valentine courthouse; 1900-15 editor & publisher Valentine Democrat; 1915- real est & ins agt; 1914-20 PM; during residence in Kas was in chg of store & PM in Mariadahl; KP; MWA; Presby Ch; Dem; res 218 W 2nd, Valentine.
ROOSA, BURT A: Grain Dealer; b Blair, Neb Feb 1, 1873; s of Burt Roosa-Amanda Coe; ed Chadron Acad 1895; U of N 1896-99; m Alma Carlson July 20, 1928 Valentine; foster s Charles B; 1899-1907 emp in mine, Black Hills; 1907-19 homesteaded in Keyapaha Co; 1919-25 mgr Farmers Union ele & gen store, Valentine; 1925- in grain bus, Valentine; chmn C of C several years; IOOF; Rotary Club; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, reading; res 503 N Cherry, Valentine.
ROTH, ELSIE MARIE: County Superintendent of Schools; b Grandin, Mo Jan 12, 1908; d Rollin Roth-Winnie Campbell; ed Mullen HS 1924; CSTC, cum laude, BA 1933; Eagle Staff; VP Kappa Theta Sigma; pres Sigma Tau Delta; Philomathian Soc; secy Internatl Relations Club; pres Home Economics Club; YWCA; secy treas Pan-Hellenic; Wing Club; VP Women's Council; pres WAA; secy Sr Class; 1924-28 tchr, Cherry Co; 1930-31 tchr, Peetz Colo; 1933 dir Mullen Study Center; 1935- supt Cherry Co schs; 1938 secy Co Supts Assn; NSTA; Jr ARC co chmn; Rebekah; OES; Valentine Drama Club; 1939 pres Westminster Club; 1936-39 chaperon Dr V C McKims geographic tour; Presby Ch; hobbies, art, sports, travel; off Courthouse; res Valentine.
SAMUELSON, ERNEST M: Superintendent of Schools; b Jonkoping, Sweden June 14, 1887; s of John M Samuelson-Anna Johanson; ed Ogallala HS 1906; Fremont Normal 1913; grad work Colo St Tchrs Coll,
in Nebraska CherryGreeley; m Mamie McMullen Aug 26, 1916 Grant; s John Martin; 1913-16 supt Madrid schs; 1916-20 supt Grant Co HS; 1920-33 supt Rushville schs; 1933- supt of Cody schs; dir town band past 6 years, 30 pieces; past mbr Comm Club, Grant; past mbr C of C, secy & pres Izaak Walton, Rushville; NSTA; secy Cherry Co School Masters Club; past mbr NEA; chmn bd BSA, Rushville & Cody; Past master AF&AM, Rushville; RAM, Chadron; past patron OES, Rushville; past noble grand IOOF, Chadron; Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting, music, chess; off HS Bldg; res Cody.
SEVERNS, HARRY LOUIS: Bank Cashier; b Black Hawk, SD July 2, 1889; s of John J Severns-Sarah Westlake: ed Newcastle Wyo; m Hazel Noyes Dec 23, 1914 Humboldt Kas; d Dorothy Diane; 1908-10 emp in CB&Q RR shops as machinist, Newcastle Wyo; 1910-12 teleg opr C&NW RR in Cody, requisition clk, Alliance; 1912-16 bkkpr Bank of Cody, 1916- cash; village treas 12 years; mbr bd of edn; mbr group 6 Neb St Bankers Assn; secy & treas NW Neb Clearing House Assn; AF&AM; KT, Long Pine; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting; res Cody.
SPARKS, CARLTON JOSEPH: Lumber Dealer; b Valentine, Neb Nov 30, 1898; s of Levi Sparks-Bertha Ludwig; ed Valentine HS; Newark Sch of Fine & Industrial Arts, 1928-30; m Dorothy Harms June 15, 1934 Valentine; d Patricia Ann; during World War enl Mar 22, 1917 in AEF 34th div 127th field arty, O/S 4 mos, disch Feb 1919; Amer Legion, past comm; 1920-31 bldg trades; 1931- assoc mgr Ludwig Lbr Co, Valentine; mbr C of C; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; mbr vol fire dept; Episc Ch; Dem; del to state conv; hobbies, woodwork, gardening; off Ludwig Lbr Co, res Valentine.
SPARKS, DANIEL LUDWIG: Lumber Dealer; b Valentine, Neb Jan 21, 1906; s of Levi Sparks-Bertha Ludwig; ed Valentine HS 1919; U of N tchrs coll; m Mary Jane Morris May 19, 1935 Des Moines; 1927- mgr Ludwig Lbr Co, Valentine; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; mbr bd of dirs of Cherry Co Agrl Assn, secy; C of C; pres vol fire dept; Episc Ch; Rep co chmn; hobby, hunting; res Valentine.
SUMNER, DAVID WATKINS: Dentist; b Racine, Wis Sept 8, 1884; s of Walter Sumner-Sarah A Watkins, ed Lincoln Acad 1907; U of N dental coll 1910: Phi Gamma Delta; Xi Psi Phi; m Mae Smith (Iowa) Dec 24, 1936 Bridgeport; 1910-11 prac in Lincoln; 1911- prac in Valentine; pres C of C; pres Rotary; pres N W Hereford Breeders Assn; pres Valentine Gun Club; pres Fair Bd; pres Dist Dental Study Club; pres Study Club; AF&AM; KT, Long Pine; chmn bd of dirs Episc Ch; Dem: hobbies, fishing, hunting; res 539 Hall, Valentine.
TATE, FREMONT W: Rancher; b Melrose, Mass Nov 1, 1857; s of James Tate-Mary McDaniel; ed Nova Scotia Canada; m Mary Potter Mar 22,1887 Humphrey; s Raymond Aden, James Archie; d Elsie (Mrs A J Hassel), Letha (Mrs M L Hoagland), Zetta, Freda (Mrs Albert Lawlis), Norma (Mrs Ralph Eatinger); boyhood spent at sea with father; 1871 emp on farm near Fairfield Ia; 1871-74 worked in lbr camps near Chippewa Falls Wis; 1875-86 homesteaded in Platte Co; 1886-89 in ins bus, Aurora; 1889-1904 in hdw & undertaking bus, Litchfield; filed under Kinkaid homestead act in Cherry Co 1904- developed ranch including original homesite of approximately 6,000 A & running stock under I-Z brand; mbr sch bd dist 127 30 years; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; AF&AM; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, developing new grasses; res Brownlee.
TEAFORD, WALLACE H: Editor & Publisher; b Purdum, Neb July 18, 1917; s of Ralph Teaford-Persis Caulkins; ed Rushville HS 1935; m Mildred Hale June 14, 1937 Alliance; s Douglas Bruce; 1933-36 with O H Barnes in publishing Sheridan Co Star at Rushville; 1936- owner & opr Round-Up ofcl co & city newspaper in Cody; NPA; Episc Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting; res Cody.
TODD, CHARLES L: Fish Culturist; b Grayson Co, Va July 26, 1900; s of James Todd-Betty Hawkins; ed Mullen HS 1921; m Eva Hoyt July 8, 1925 Valentine; s Rex, Duane, Rudy; d Joyce, Jewel, Vonda Lee; 1916-26 opr ranch lands in Cherry Co ptr with James Todd; 1926- fish culturist emp by fish & game dept of Neb; in chg of substation at Valentine; Presby Ch; Indep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, trapping; res Valentine.
TYSOR, ORA L: Barber; b Unionville, Mo Mar 16, 1885; s of T William Tysor-Nancy Eleanor Hedge; ed Unionville Mo; m Vee Leanna Pettigrew Dec 10, 1911 Seymour Ia; 1911-16 barber in Mo; 1916-19 barber Culbertson, Mont; 1919- barber in Cody; owner & mgr several farms in SD; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing: hunting, work with air conditioning, res Cody.
WAHL, JESSE HERBERT: Lumber & Hardware Dealer; b Western, Neb Sept 1, 1893; s of Christian Fred Wahl-Anna Augusta Holtz; ed Western; m Pearl Eva Enbody (Saunders CO) May 29, 1917 Atkinson; farmed with father near Western; 1913-21 emp in lbr yard at Atkinson; 1921-25 emp in lbr yard at Crookston; 1925-31 mgr lbr yard at Eli; 1931- mgr lbr yard in Kilgore; served several years as mbr sch bd; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting, fishing, baseball; res Kilgore.
WALCOTT, OLIVER M: Attorney; b Red Cloud, Neb Sept 21, 1889; s of Francis M Walcott-Margaret J Noble; ed Valentine 1905; Bellevue Coll; U of N 1911; Phi Gamma Delta; m Katherine Boehmke Dec 20, 1913 Lincoln; d Marian; 1911-20 prac with father; has since prac indep; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, livestock; res 432 N Hall, Valentine.
WARRICK, JAMES E: Physician & Surgeon; b Elk Creek, Va; s of George Washington Warrick-Elizabeth Jane Stone; ed Elk Creek Acad; Richmond Va Med Coll; Coll of Phys & Surgs, Baltimore Md; m Gertrude Coates 1927 Rushville; s Charles; d Wilma (dec); for a time maintained off & prac in Battle Creek, Lead SD & Chadron; 1904-24 prac in Hastings; 1924- prac in Valentine; city & co phys; WOW; mbr of bd Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, gardening; res Valentine.
WEBER, ELMER M: Superintendent of Schools; b Alpha, Ia Mar 29, 1904; s of George G Weber-Minnie Lembke; ed Presho S D HS 1922; Yankton S D Coll 1926; U of N, MA 1933; summer term UCLA: Phi Delta Kappa; m Margaret Chambers Mar 12, 1928 Yankton S D; 1926-30 tchr & supt of schs, Niobrara; 1930-34 supt Coleridge schs; 1934-39 supt Ainsworth schs; 1939- supt Valentine schs; 1927 sent by Niobrara C of C to special session of legislature in Pierre S D to lobby bill for bldg of interstate bridge; 1929 mbr first examining commission for special music certificates, apptd by state supt; 1932 made statewide survey of music supvrs & characteristics of teachers; NSTA; NEA; ch mbr Lions, Coleridge; mbr Comml Club, Ainsworth & Niobrara; mbr AF&AM; past patron OES; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, sailing, travel, music; off H S Bldg; res Valentine.
WILKINSON, BENJAMIN FRANKLYN: Hardware Dealer & Funeral Director; b Malvern, Ia Apr 14, 1882; s of Henry Wilkinson-Lucinda Edson; ed Shelton 1902; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Fannie Holmes Apr 18. 1908 Ravenna; s Benjamin F, Donald; d LeAnna Jean, Judith Ann; 1902-05 with J B Hodge & Co gen store, Shelton; 1905-09 opr ranch lands near Ravenna; 1909-11 owner & opr Topeka Kas Hdw Co; 1911-26 opr hdw, impl, furn & undertaking bus Holmes Hdw Co, mgr & owner of part int, Crookston; 1926- owner & opr B F Wilkinson & Son Furn & Undertaking Co; first chmn village bd of trustees at Crookston; Neb Funl Dirs Assn; Natl Funl Dirs Assn; Rotary; AF&AM: past grand IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem; fishing, hunting; res Valentine.
WILLIAMS, GEORGE HIRAM: Lumber Dealer; b Marion, Ind Sept 19, 1881; s of John Rodgers Williams-Mary McFadden; ed Johnstown Neb; m Norma Mae Miller Aug 5, 1903 Ainsworth; George, Mahlon, Carl, Lloyd, Earl, Robert; d Marguerite (Mrs M R Kent), Velma (Mrs Chester Krasch), Blanche (Mrs H A Stout), Donna Mae; 1893-97 emp on farms; 1897-1900 with C&NW at Johnstown; 1900-03 opr farm lands in Brown Co, 1903-07 opr ranch lands; 1907-09 with Krotter & Hall Lbr Co, Johnstown; 1909- mgr of Fullerton Lbr Co, Crookston; chmn village bd of trustees, 4 terms treas; trustee & treas Crokston (sic) Cemetery Assn; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; AF&AM; trustee & past treas Meth Ch; Rep, past pct committeeman; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off Fullerton Lbr Co Bldg; res Crookston.
YEAST, HAROLD: Hardware Dealer; b Valentine, Neb June 5, 1890; s of T W Yeast- ___; ed Valentine HS 1910; m Helen Bachelor Oct 9, 1912 Valentine; d Betty,; 1910- with father in J W Yeast & Sons Hdw Store, Valentine; 1925-31 mbr city coun; 1931 mayor; 1916-22 dir Antelope Cattle Co; pres liquidating com
Cherry Who's WhoValentine Bldg & Loan Assn; pres Mount Hope Cemetery Assn; C of C; 1928-38 pres Golf Club; 1939-40 pres Rotary; AF&AM; Scot Rite; KT; Shrine; past mbr bd Meth Ch; Rep; res Valentine.
YEAST, JOHN WESLEY: Retired; b Bruceton Mills, W Va Dec 18, 1854; s of William Alexander Yeast- Martha Dean; ed Bruceton Mills; Normal Sch Terra Alta W Va; m Clara Collins Aug 8, 1906 Bruceton Mllls; s Harold, Russell; 1876-81 tchr Preston Co W Va; 1881-85 with Foreman Bros gen mdse store, Walnut Ill; 1885 with Elcy gen store in Valentine; 1885-86 dep co clk; 1887 acting co clk; 1889-93 PM during Sioux Indian wars; 1893- owner & opr J W Yeast Hdw Store; Neb Hdw Dlrs Assn; AF&AM; past mbr AOUW; MWA; Meth Ch;. Father in Civil War, served in cavalry under Sheridan. Res Valentine.
YOUNG, PHILANDER H: Rancher; b Marshall, Mo July 4, 1880; s of George Young-Virginia F Gilliam; ed Marshall Mo HS; U of Mo Columbia Mo; m Stella Crowe Oct 15, 1905 Merriman; s P H; d Virginia K (Mrs G A Moon), Lura Edna (Mrs Frank M Reece), Stella Gilliam (Mrs Charles Rockford), Corrine (dec), Nadine (Mrs Dan C Kingman), Georgia; 1902- rancher, raising Herefords; co assessor 5 years; 1926 recd Master Farmer award: past master Valentine AF&AM; KT, Long Pine; Scot Rite 32o, Omaha; Tangier Shrine; past mbr OES; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, development of ranch; res Simeon.
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