This Dawson County, Nebraska 1919 Atlas is presented as part of the
Dawson County NEGenWeb Project
and the MARDOS Memorial Library Collection.
Indiana | Iowa | Kansas
Town, | Pop. | | Town, | Pop. |
INDIANA. | | Davenport | 43028 |
Alexandria | 5006 | | Decorah | 3592 |
Anderson | 22476 | | Denison | 3133 |
Angola | 2619 | | Des Moines | 86368 |
Attica | 3335 | | Dubuque | 38494 |
Auburn | 3919 | | Eagle Grove | 3387 |
Aurora | 4410 | | Eldon | 2024 |
Batesville | 2151 | | Emmetsburg | 2325 |
Bedford | 8716 | | Estherville | 3404 |
Bicknell | 2794 | | Fairfield | 4970 |
Bloomfield | 2069 | | Fort Madison | 8900 |
Bloomington | 8838 | | Glenwood | 4052 |
Bluffton | 4987 | | Grinnell | 5036 |
Boonville | 3934 | | Hampton | 2017 |
Brazil | 9340 | | Harlan | 2570 |
Bremen | 2008 | | Hawarden | 2107 |
Brookville | 2169 | | Independence | 3517 |
Cambridge City | 2237 | | Indianola | 3283 |
Cannelton | 2130 | | Iowa Falls | 2797 |
Clarksville* | 2743 | | Iowa City | 10091 |
Clinton | 6229 | | Jefferson | 2477 |
Columbia City | 3448 | | Keokuk | 14008 |
Columbus | 8813 | | Knoxville | 3100 |
Connersville | 7738 | | Lake City | 2048 |
Covington | 2069 | | LeMars | 4157 |
Crawfordsville | 9371 | | Manchester | 2758 |
Crown Point | 2526 | | Maquoketa | 3570 |
Decatur | 4471 | | Marion | 4400 |
Delphi | 2161 | | Marshalltown | 13374 |
Dunkirk | 3631 | | Mason City | 11230 |
East Chicago | 19098 | | Missouri Valley | 3187 |
Edinburg | 2040 | | Monticello | 2043 |
Elkhart | 19282 | | Mount Pleasant | 3874 |
Elwood | 11028 | | Muscatine | 6178 |
Evansville | 69647 | | Mystic | 2603 |
Fairmount | 2506 | | Nevada | 2138 |
Fort Wayne | 63933 | | New Hampton | 2275 |
Frankfort | 8634 | | Newton | 4616 |
Franklin | 4502 | | Oelwein | 6023 |
Garrett | 4149 | | Onawa | 2026 |
Gary | 16802 | | Osage | 2445 |
Gas City | 3224 | | Osceola | 2416 |
Goshen | 8514 | | Oskaloosa | 9466 |
Greencastle | 3790 | | Ottumwa | 22012 |
Greenfield | 4448 | | Pella | 3021 |
Greensburg | 5420 | | Perry | 4630 |
Hammond | 20925 | | Red Oak | 4830 |
Hartford City | 6187 | | Rock Rapids | 2005 |
Huntingburg | 2464 | | Sac City | 2201 |
Huntington | 10272 | | Seymour | 2290 |
Indianapolis | 233650 | | SheIdon | 2941 |
Jasonville | 3295 | | Shenandoah | 4976 |
Jasper | 2196 | | Sigourney | 2032 |
Jeffersonville | 10412 | | Sioux City | 47828 |
Kendallville | 4981 | | Spencer | 3005 |
Knightstown | 2008 | | Storm Lake | 2428 |
Kokomo | 17010 | | Tama | 2290 |
Lafayette | 20081 | | Tipton | 2048 |
Laporte | 10525 | | Valley Junction | 2573 |
Lawrenceburg | 3930 | | Villisca | 2039 |
Lebanon | 5474 | | Vinton | 3336 |
Ligonier | 2173 | | Washington | 4380 |
Linton | 5906 | | Waterloo | 26693 |
Logansport | 19050 | | Waukon | 2025 |
Loogootee | 2151 | | Waverly | 3205 |
Madison | 6934 | | Webster City | 5208 |
Marion | 19359 | | Winterset | 2818 |
Martinsville | 4529 | | KANSAS. |
Michigan City | 19027 | | Abilene | 4118 |
Mishawaka | 11886 | | Anthony | 2669 |
Mitchell | 8438 | | Arkansas City | 7508 |
Monticello | 2168 | | Atchison | 16429 |
Montpelier | 2786 | | Belleville | 2224 |
Mt. Vernon | 5563 | | Beloit | 3082 |
Muncie | 24005 | | Burlington | 2180 |
Nappanee | 2260 | | Caldwell | 2205 |
New Albany | 20629 | | Caney | 3597 |
Newcastle | 9446 | | Chanute | 9272 |
Noblesville | 5073 | | Cherryvale | 4304 |
N. Manchester | 2428 | | Clay Center | 3438 |
North Vernon | 2915 | | Coffeyville | 12087 |
Oakland City | 2370 | | Columbus | 3664 |
Peru | 10910 | | Concordia | 4415 |
Petersburg | 2170 | | Council Grove | 2545 |
Plymouth | 3838 | | Dodge City | 3214 |
Portland | 5130 | | Eldorado | 3129 |
Princeton | 6448 | | Ellsworth | 2041 |
Rensselaer | 2393 | | Emporia | 9038 |
Richmond | 22324 | | Eureka | 2333 |
Rochester | 3364 | | Fredonia | 3040 |
Rockport | 2736 | | Frontenac | 3396 |
Rushville | 4925 | | Fort Scott | 10463 |
Salem | 2283 | | Galena | 6096 |
Seymour | 6306 | | Garden City | 3171 |
Shelburn | 2055 | | Garnett | 2334 |
Shelbyville | 9500 | | Greatbend | 4622 |
South Bend | 53684 | | Herington | 3273 |
Spencer | 2150 | | Hiawatha | 2974 |
Sullivan | 4115 | | Holton | 2842 |
Tell City | 3369 | | Horton | 3009 |
Terre Haute | 58157 | | HumboIdt | 2548 |
Tipton | 4075 | | Hutchinson | 10304 |
Union City | 3209 | | lndependence | 10480 |
Valparaiso | 6897 | | Iola | 9032 |
Vincennes | 14895 | | Junction City | 5598 |
Wabash | 8687 | | Kansas City | 82331 |
Washington | 7854 | | Kingman | 2570 |
W. Lafayette* | 3867 | | Laharpe | 2080 |
W. Terre Haute | 3083 | | Larned | 2911 |
Whiting | 6587 | | Lawrence | 12374 |
Winchester | 4266 | | Leavenworth | 19363 |
IOWA. | | Lyons | 2071 |
Albia | 4969 | | Manhattan | 5722 |
Algona | 2908 | | Marysville | 2260 |
Ames | 4223 | | McPherson | 3546 |
Anamosa | 2983 | | Neodesha | 2872 |
Atlantic | 4560 | | Newton | 7862 |
Belle Plaine | 3121 | | Olathe | 3272 |
Bloomfield | 2028 | | Osage City | 2432 |
Boone | 10347 | | Osawatomie | 4046 |
Burlington | 24324 | | Oswego | 2317 |
Carroll | 3546 | | Ottawa | 7650 |
Cedar Falls | 5012 | | Paola | 3207 |
Cedar Rapids | 32811 | | Parsons | 12463 |
Centerville | 6936 | | Pittsburg | 14755 |
Chariton | 3794 | | Pratt | 3302 |
Charles City | 5892 | | Rosedale | 5960 |
Cherokee | 4884 | | Salina | 9688 |
Clarinda | 3832 | | Scammon | 2233 |
Clarion | 2065 | | Sterling | 2133 |
Clear Lake | 2014 | | Topeka | 43684 |
Clinton | 25577 | | Weir | 2289 |
Colfax | 2524 | | Wellington | 7034 |
Council Bluffs | 29292 | | Wichita | 52450 |
Cresco | 2658 | | Winfield | 6700 |
Creston | 6924 | | Yates Center | 2024 |
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