This Dawson County, Nebraska 1919 Atlas is presented as part of the
Dawson County NEGenWeb Project
and the MARDOS Memorial Library Collection.
North_Carolina | North_Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon
Town, | Pop. | | Town, | Pop. |
NORTH CAROLINA. | | Maumee | 2307 |
Albemarle | 2116 | | Medina | 2734 |
Asheville | 18762 | | Miamisburg | 4271 |
Beaufort | 2483 | | Middleport | 3194 |
Belhaven | 2863 | | Middletown | 13152 |
Burlington | 4808 | | Millersburg | 2020 |
Charlotte | 34014 | | Mingo Jct | 4049 |
Concord | 8715 | | Montpelier | 2759 |
Durham | 18241 | | Mount Vernon | 9087 |
Edenton | 2789 | | Napoleon | 4007 |
Elizabeth City | 8412 | | Nelsonville | 6682 |
Fayetteville | 7045 | | Newark | 25404 |
Gastonia | 8759 | | Newburg* | 5813 |
Goldsboro | 6107 | | New Connerstown | 2943 |
Graham | 2504 | | New Lexington | 2559 |
Greensboro | 15895 | | New Philadelphia | 8542 |
Greenville | 4101 | | New Straitsville | 2242 |
Hamlet | 2173 | | Niles | 8361 |
Henderson | 4503 | | North Baltimore | 2503 |
Hendersonville | 2818 | | Norwalk | 7858 |
Hickory | 3716 | | Norwood | 16185 |
High Point | 9525 | | Nottingham | 2387 |
Kings Mountain | 2228 | | Oberlin | 4365 |
Kinston | 6995 | | Orrville | 3101 |
Laurinsburg | 2322 | | Ottawa | 2182 |
Lenoir | 3364 | | Oxford | 2017 |
Lexington | 4163 | | Painesville | 5501 |
Lincolnton | 2413 | | Paulding | 2081 |
Lumberton | 2230 | | Piqua | 13388 |
Monroe | 4082 | | Pomeroy | 4023 |
Mooresville | 3400 | | Port Clinton | 3007 |
Morehead City | 2039 | | Portsmouth | 23481 |
Morganton | 2712 | | Ravenna | 5310 |
Mount Airy | 3844 | | Reading | 3985 |
Newbern | 9961 | | Ripley | 1840 |
Newton | 2316 | | Rockport | 3179 |
Oxford | 3018 | | Roseville | 2113 |
Plymouth | 2165 | | Saint Bernard | 5002 |
Raleigh | 19218 | | Saint Marys | 5732 |
Reidsville | 4828 | | Salem | 8943 |
Rockingham | 2155 | | Salineville | 2403 |
Rocky Mount | 8051 | | Sandusky | 19989 |
Salisbury | 7153 | | Sebring | 2104 |
Sanford | 2282 | | Shawnee | 2280 |
Shelby | 3127 | | Shelby | 4903 |
Statesville | 4599 | | Sidney | 6607 |
Tarboro | 4129 | | Springfield | 46921 |
Thomasville | 3877 | | Steubenville | 22391 |
Wadesboro | 2376 | | Struthers | 3370 |
Washington | 6211 | | Tiffin | 11894 |
Waynesville | 2008 | | Tippecanoe City | 2038 |
Weldon | 1999 | | Toledo | 168497 |
Wilmington | 25748 | | Toronto | 4271 |
Wilson | 6717 | | Troy | 6122 |
Winston-Salem | 22700 | | Uhrichsville | 4751 |
NORTH DAKOTA. | | Upper Sandusky | 3779 |
Bismarck | 5443 | | Urbana | 7739 |
Devils Lake | 5157 | | Van Wert | 7157 |
Dickinson | 3678 | | Wadsworth | 3073 |
Fargo | 14331 | | Wapakoneta | 5349 |
Grafton | 2229 | | Warren | 11081 |
Grand Forks | 12478 | | Washington Court House | 7277 |
Jamestown | 4358 | | Wauseon | 2650 |
Mandan | 3873 | | Wellington | 2131 |
Minot | 6188 | | Wellston | 6875 |
Valley City | 4606 | | Wellsville | 7769 |
Wahpeton | 2467 | | Willoughby | 2072 |
Williston | 3124 | | Wilmington | 4491 |
OHIO. | | Woodsfield | 2502 |
Ada | 2465 | | Wooster | 6136 |
Akron | 69067 | | Xenia | 8706 |
Alliance | 15083 | | Youngstown | 79066 |
Amherst | 2106 | | Zanesville | 28026 |
Ashland | 6795 | | OKLAHOMA. |
Ashtabula | 18266 | | Ada | 4349 |
Athens | 5463 | | Altus | 4821 |
Barberton | 9410 | | Alva | 3688 |
Barnesville | 4233 | | Anadarko | 3439 |
Belaire | 12946 | | Ardmore | 8618 |
Bellefontaine | 8238 | | Bartlesville | 6181 |
Bellevue | 5209 | | Blackwell | 3260 |
Berea | 2609 | | Chandler | 2024 |
Bowling Green | 5222 | | Cherokee | 2016 |
Bridgeport | 3974 | | Chickasha | 10320 |
Bryan | 3641 | | Claremore | 2866 |
Bucyrus | 8122 | | Clinton | 2781 |
Byesville | 3156 | | Coalgate | 3255 |
Cambridge | 11327 | | Duncan | 2477 |
Canal Dover | 6621 | | Durant | 5330 |
Canton | 50217 | | Edmond | 2090 |
Carey | 2225 | | El Reno | 7872 |
Carthage | 3618 | | Elk City | 3165 |
Celina | 3498 | | Enid | 13799 |
Chicago Junction | 2950 | | Fairview | 2020 |
Chillicothe | 14508 | | Frederick | 3027 |
Cincinnati | 363591 | | Guthrie | 11654 |
Circleville | 6744 | | Haileyville | 2024 |
Cleveland | 560663 | | Hartshorne | 2963 |
Cleveland Hgts* | 2955 | | Hobart | 3845 |
Clyde | 2815 | | Holdenville | 2296 |
Columbus | 181511 | | Kingfisher | 2538 |
Conneaut | 8319 | | Krebs | 2884 |
Coshocton | 9603 | | Lawton | 7788 |
Crestline | 3807 | | Mangum | 3667 |
Crooksville | 3028 | | McAlester | 12954 |
Cuyahoga Falls | 4020 | | Miami | 2907 |
Dayton | 116577 | | Muskogee | 25278 |
Defiance | 7327 | | Norman | 3724 |
Delaware | 9076 | | Nowata | 3672 |
Delphos | 5038 | | Oklahoma City | 64205 |
Dennison | 4008 | | Okmulgee | 4176 |
East Cleveland | 9179 | | Pauls Valley | 2689 |
East Liverpool | 20387 | | Pawhuska | 2776 |
East Palestine | 3537 | | Pawnee | 2161 |
E. Youngstown* | 4972 | | Perry | 3133 |
Eaton | 3187 | | Ponca | 2521 |
Elmwood Place | 3423 | | Purcell | 2740 |
Elyria | 14825 | | Sallisaw | 2479 |
Fairport | 2263 | | Sapulpa | 8283 |
Findlay | 14858 | | Shawnee | 12474 |
Fostoria | 9597 | | Stillwater | 3444 |
FranklIn | 2659 | | Sulphur | 3684 |
Fremont | 939 | | Tahlequah | 2891 |
GaIion | 7214 | | Tulsa | 18182 |
Gallipolis | 5560 | | Vinita | 4082 |
Geneva | 2496 | | Wagoner | 4018 |
Girard | 3736 | | Waurika | 2928 |
Glouster | 2527 | | Weatherford | 2118 |
Greenfield | 4228 | | Wilburton | 2277 |
Greenville | 6237 | | Woodward | 2696 |
Hamilton | 35279 | | Wynnewood | 2002 |
Hartwell* | 2823 | | OREGON. |
Hicksville | 2395 | | Albany | 4275 |
Hillsboro | 4296 | | Ashland | 5020 |
Ironton | 13147 | | Astoria | 9590 |
Jackson | 5468 | | Baker City | 6742 |
Kent | 4488 | | Corvallis | 4552 |
Kenton | 7185 | | Dallas | 2124 |
Lakewood | 15181 | | Eugene | 9009 |
Lancaster | 13093 | | Grants Pass | 3897 |
Lebanon | 2698 | | Hillsboro | 2016 |
Leetonia | 2665 | | Hood River | 2331 |
Lima | 30508 | | Klamath Falls | 2758 |
Lisbon | 3084 | | La Grande | 4843 |
Lockland | 3439 | | McMinnville | 2400 |
Logan | 4850 | | Marshfield | 2980 |
London | 3530 | | Medford | 8840 |
Lorain | 28884 | | Newburg | 2260 |
Madisonville | 5193 | | North Bend | 2078 |
Mansfield | 20768 | | Oregon City | 4287 |
Marietta | 12923 | | Pendleton | 4460 |
Marion | 18232 | | Portland | 207214 |
Martins Ferry | 9133 | | Roseburg | 4738 |
Marysville | 3576 | | St. Johns | 4872 |
Massillon | 13879 | | Salem | 14094 |
| | | The Dalles | 4880 |
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