Dawson County NEGenWeb Project
Congdon is in the northern part of Dawson county, 23 miles from Lexington, the county seat.
Blanchard & Billingsby, hardware. Brown Geo A, postmaster, genl mdse. Burns M J, justice. Coyote, a flag station on the U. P. Ry., nine miles from Lexington. Cozad, a thriving town of 600 inhabitants in the central part of Dawson county, on the U. P. Ry, 14 miles west of Plum Creek, the county seat. It is surrounded by a well settled and fertile country.
Atkinson Samuel, postmaster, confectionery. Bridges A K, saloon, billiards. Brown & Bleekman, genl mdse. Brown & Hughes, hardware, implts. Buckley Bros, groceries. Buckley House, J T Buckley prop. Buckley J T, prop Buckley House. Colby & Porter, carpenters and contractors. Cozad Lumber Co, S R Howell Co-props, W H Force mgr, lumber. Cozad Roller Mill, Geo O Brown pres, Chas Wake sec, James Walling treas, J L Kehm mgr. Crandell & Tull, blacksmiths. Darner, J H & Son, genl mdse. Dennis J B, jewelry. First National Bank, capital $50,000, Geo O Brown pres, T E Bennison, cashier. Fochtman J H, phys. Fox G W, atty, Gatewood & Schooley, druggists. Gayman Martha Mrs, hotel. Gilbert & Henzel, brick mfrs. Greer Bros. genl mdse. Hanna Robt, agl implts. Hendee House, E W Morse prop. Henningsen C, grain elevator. Hobson & Black, live stock dealers. Hughes S E Miss, milinery. Irwin W H, ins. Lyon F P, blacksmith. Lyon F P Mrs, millinery. McKinney & Douglas Mrs, dressmaking. McVicker R O, grain. Meridian State Bank, E Parkinson pres, D M Deininger cashier. Minear Geo, meat market. O'Brien Bros, meat market. O'Brien P W, notary. Omaha Lumber Yard, C W DeGroodt mgr, lumber. Owens & Hart, wellborers, pumps and windmills. Parkinson & Fochtman, drugs. Pearson G Q, photographer. Phelps & Transue, harnessmakers. Platte Valley News, Vessells & Scott props. Proper J L, genl mdse. Riggs Joseph, furniture. Robertson & Landon, agl implts,wagons and buggies. Rutledge S E, sta, tel, ex agt. Salleng Robt, feed stable. Scott D W, phys. Shields J A, barber. Sly G A, restaurant. Smith W W, real estate, insurance. Thornton Ben, livery. Thornton Bros, livery. Vessels & Scott (Orie E and W G Vessels, Myron E Scott), pubs Platte Valley News. Wake Chas, genl mdse. Walling, Dale & Co, brokers. Ware & Ralston, pumps, windmills. Zook & Knaples, livery. Doss a post office in the eastern part of Dawson County, 12 miles from Elm Creek. Farnam, a station on the B. & M. R. R, in the extreme southwestern part of Dawson county, 35 miles from Lexington, the county seat. Population, 100.
Buffom Geo, blacksmith. Buss & Divall, genl mdse. Carr & Thompson, genl mdse. Divall Mrs, millinery. Dunham E B, drugs. Garvin A, hardware, agl implts. Kerr Geo C, postmaster. Lanson R D, grain elevator. Seth D, harnessmaker. Smith C A, blacksmith. State Bank, J R Mason cashier. Ward J H, justice, Wrin P, genl mdse. Gothenburg, in the northern part of Dawson county, has a population of 350 people. It is 25 miles from Lexington, the county seat, and is in the midst of an excellent grain and stock raising country, large shipments of both being annually made. A flouring mill has been established with a capacity of 75 barrels daily. Another mill is soon to be erected. A canal has been completed 10 miles in length, tapping the Platte River and emptying into a canal. This is expected to be utilized as water power. The churches are Baptist and Methodist. Several good brick business blocks have recently been built. A two-story addition to the school house is being made, and a $10,000 hotel is about to be erected.
Bank of Gothenburg, capital $10,000, LC Reynolds pres, F A Reynolds cashier. Bee Hive Store Co, Geo B Darr pres, C F Spencer sec, J M Sutherland treas, genl mdse. Bridges J W, saloon Byers & Winchel, carpenters and builders. Cameron D F, atty, real estate. Erickson Bros, meat market. Familton Ben L, drugs. Giffin W D, atty. Gothenburg Independent The Grant & McKnight, editors and props. Gothenburg Loan & Collection Agency, H C Booker pres, J R Holcombe sec, abstractors. Gothenburg Lumber Yard, Geo A Hoagland prop, F P Doolittle mgr. Gothenburg News, News Publishing Co props, J N Converse editor. Gothenburg Roller Mills, J H Sbelley pres, L J Malmsten sec and mgr. Granger Frank, carpenter. Hann A B Mrs, millinery. Hayden & Halleck, live stock. Carlson A G, hardware. Carlson G, genl mdse. Carroll T L & Co, lumber. Cary Wm S, phys. Crockett A C, brick mfr. Dawson County Land & Investment Co, H C Booker genl mgr, J R Holcombe sec, real estate. Deeds & Anderson, photographers. Doan Robt, blacksmith. Duis C J, genl mdse. Eckert W K, lumber. Elliott & Coleman, barber. Erb G W, furniture. Grant & McKnight, editors and props Gothenburg Independent. Hiles J W, horse breeder. Holzmark A, real estate. Hotel Gothenberg, S P Nelson & Co props. Hutton L G & Co, drugs. Jennings & Spaulding, hardware. Kelly & Hibbs, clothing, etc. Kenyon & Stelley, painters. Lundin F A, harnessmaker. Lusk J N, restaurant. McCarthy Geo E, carpenter, builder. Manderson A, agl implts. May W C, postmaster. Midland The, W H Van Valkenburgh prop. Mogenson M, blacksmith. News Publishing Co, T A Reynolds pres and mgr, J N Converse sec, pubs Gothenburg News. Odencrants G, confectionery, notions. Ostendorf & Boatsman, saloon. Peoples State Bank, L C Lloyd pres, Con W Lloyd cashier. Roberts W D, shoemaker. Robinson W J, sta, tel and ex agt. Schade M C Miss, dressmaker. Smith W P, phys. Springsteen E Mrs, music teacher. Star Mills Co, E Winchel pres, W D Giffin sec, flouring mill. State Bank, authorized capital $50,000, A V Carlson pres, H L Carlson cashier. Stebbins Wm, hardware. Strahle Bros, agl implts. Swanson J G, blacksmith, wagon-maker. Swift O T, painter. Thomas & Bauercamper, agl implts. Waples J H, jewelry. Way Al, livery. West E G, grain, coal. West & Jenkins, live stock. Wicklund Swan, livery. Wilkins E I, blacksmith. Wilson L I, atty. Winchel E, genl mdse. Wright Charles, restaurant. Guernsey, a postoffice in the northeastern part of Dawson county, about 15 miles north of Lexington. Hilton, a postoffice in the southern part of Dawson county, six miles south of Lexington, the county seat.
Jewell, a village located inn the northern part of Dawson county, 18 miles north of Lexington, the county seat. Population, 25. Josselyn, a flag station on the U. P. Ry., five miles east of Lexington. Level, a postoffice in the northwestern part of Dawson county, 30 miles from Lexington, the county seat. Gothenburg, the nearest railway station, is six miles distant.
Peck R H, justice. Lexington is the county seat of Dawson county, on the main line of the U. P. Ry., 239 miles west of Omaha. It has a population of 1,357. The buildings are good and substantial. For the education of youth a $16,000 school house was erected some time ago. Six large rooms are occupied and good teachers employed. Two flouring mills are kept steadily in operation. New and costly business blocks are continually going up, and there is every indication that ere long the town will rank with the best in the state. The land adjacent is all that could be desired for farming or stock raising and is being rapidly taken up by an intelligent class of farmers. The newspapers are the Gazette, the Herald and the Pioneer, all of which are ably edited and have a commanding influence. The churches are Methodist, Presbyterian, Evangelical, Catholic, Episcopal.
Allyn W C & Bro, meat market. Ashmore R F & Co, saloon. Aubel George, livery. Bacroft F M Mrs, millinery. Bancroft Wm, phys. Barnes J C, confectionery, books. Bolte & Headbreak, painters. Bradford Louis, F B Gilmore mgr. lumber. Bradley F L, hardware. Brigham J, flour mill. Brink H, merchant tailor. Brumbaugh Anna Mrs, millinery. Campbell J H, confectionery. Carr James, groceries. Charlesworth W H, phys. Clock J D, wagonmaker. Cole M, genl mdse. Commercial Hotel, Mrs Chas D Haselton prop. Cook E A, atty. Cornland Hotel, E M Gamble prop. Crawford Margaret Mrs, jewelry. Dawson County Herald, M A Leftwich editor, M E Leftwich prop. Dawson County National Bank, capital $50,000, A E Granthan cashier. Dawson County Pioneer, B F Krier editor and prop. Doughty & Naffziger, meat market. Ervin & Hammond, (C L Ervin, W A Hammond), real estate, loans and ins and notaries. (See adv page 258.) Faulkner H R, lumber, grain, implts. Filer L W, drugs. First National Bank of Lexinton, capital $50,000, H V Temple cashier. Fisk N T, jeweler. Freeman C R Mrs, carpet weaver. Gamble E M, prop Cornland Hotel. Gessner House, Mrs S Gessner prop. Gessner S Mrs, prop Gessner House. Gibbon Reuben, restaurant. Gillispie John, flour and feed. Glynn Patrick, saloon. Goodrich R S, gunsmith. Grand Central Hotel, E C Van Horn prop. Gunn H J, & Co, agl implts. Hall S O, furniture. Hamel E H, photographer. Hammond W A, insurance, notary public. Hannna Thomas W, agl implts. Hazelton Chas D Mrs, prop Commercial Hotel. Hines L S, livery. Hogarth J B, sta, tel, ex agt. Irish Charles, barber. James Richard, hardware. James F R, notary. King J B, restaurant. Kinney J F, drugs. Kohler G D W, genl mdse. Krietz P F, real estate. Krier B F, prop Dawson County Pioneer. Kugler Wm, blacksmith. Lamma C, blacksmith. Lexington Bank, capital $50,000, John S Stuckey pres, Geo B Darr cashier. Lexington Gazette, Signor & Wickizer pubs. Lexington Lumber Co, H Stevenson mgr. Lexington Mill & Elevator Co, J H MacColl pres, E M E Leflang treas and mgr, grain and flour mill. Little Geo, justice. Livingston Ed, restaurant. Livingston Edward, carpenter. Lininger & Metcalf Co, J A Gunn mgr, agl implts. Lomax & Douglas, saloon, restaurant. McElhiney & House, dentists. McKay G B, groceries, boots, shoes. McNamar C W, atty. Mackey Geo E, barber. Malcomb & VanHorn, livery. Mautz B F, merchant tailor. Maxwell & Smith, abstracters. May H C, atty. Wellinnnger & Dunn, real estate. Miller C C, real estate. Miller G W & Co, groceries, boots, and shoes. Miller SS, phys. Mills & Gilmore, brick. Mulvyhill D J, prop Nebraska Hotel. Nebraska Hotel, D J Mulvyhill prop. Nelson & Jenson, carpenters. Ormond Joseph, drugs. Patterson & Fleming, hardware. Penney & Penney, dry goods, clothing. Quimby & Wells, livery. Rice W F, harnessmaker. Rosenberg F J, phys. Scott O, bakery. Signor AA Mrs, postmistress. Signor & Wickizer, publishers Lexington Gazette. Sinclair M H, atty. Smith & Linderman, attys. Snider J F, phys. Sommerville & Son, housemovers. Spradling R H, drugs. Stimson James, phys. Stuckey Bros, live stock and real estate. Tesch J, boots and shoes. Thomas J S, agl implts. Tomlinson H B, livery. Townsend Mary S Miss, notions. Turton H A, justice, drugs. Van Dorn D C, groceries. Van Horn E C, prop Grand Central Hotel. Virges J, brick mfr. Warrington & Stewart, attys. Welch & May, drygoods. Wilson George W, blacksmith. Wolbach S N, genl mdse, John F Hutz mgr. Woodsum S T, lumber. Meriden, a postoffice lately established in Dawson County. Merom, a postoffice in the southwestern part of Dawson County, 10 miles from Lexington, the county seat. Overton is in the southwestern part of Dawson county, 11 miles from Lexington, the counnty seat on the main line of the U. P. Ry. Considerable grain and hay is yearly shipped from this place. Population about 250. Churches are Methodist, Baptist and Christian.
Beath Robt, feed mill. Boardman O E Dr, drugs. Brown C T, livery. Brown & Worthing, real estate. Cain Kate Mrs, millinery. Carr & Cain, eal estate, ins. Carr R D V, pub Overton Clipper. Carrell J A, genl mdse. Chamberlain Zura Mrs, postmaster. Connor D M, livery. Cooney T F, saloon. Cornell D T & Co, lumber. Dunaway J W, blacksmith. Goble August, harnessmaker. Hamlin Geo E, billiards. Hardinger G S, notary public. Hoover H S, sta, tel and ex agt. Laughlin Wm, wagonmaker, shoemaker. Lewis Adam, restaurant. McColl & Leflang, C D Lincolnn mgr, grain and flour. McConnell Bros, live stock. McMinn J L, barber. Paynne Newton, hardware. Pflasterer Bros, agts Omaha Elevator and Grain Co, grain. Preill A W, blacksmith, wagonmkr. Roe Rees, genl mdse. Walton L H Mrs, dressmaker. Whiteman Geo, hay dealer. Worthing H T, groceries. Ringold, a postoffice situated in the southwestern part of Dawson county, 12 miles west of Lexington, the county seat. Population, 10.
Drotts Geo, blacksmith. Gibson D D, hardware. Gibson F L, postmaster. Gibson S S, justice. Lyons Wm, blacksmith. Rice E S, justice. Simonds, a flag station on the U. P. Ry., six miles west of Overton. Sumner, a postoffice in Dawson County. Velte, a farmhouse postoffice in the central part of Dawson county, 13 miles from Lexington, the county seat and nearest railway station.
White Rabbit, a postoffice in the southwestern part of Dawson county, 25 miles from Lexington and six miles south of Cozad, the nearest railway station.
Stanley E C, postmaster. Willow Island, a station and postoffice on the U. P. Ry., in the western part of Dawson county, 20 miles west of Lexington, the county seat.
Murphy M B, postmaster, sta agt. ![]() |
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