Deuel County NEGenWeb Project ©
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Deuel County
Note: Names appear without punctuation and business titles
are abbreviated.
Vol. XVI
Business Directory for 1917
POLK-McAvoy Directory Co., Omaha, Nebraska
BARTON. Deuel county. A station on the U P R R 6
miles n e of Julesburg Col the banking point and p o.
BIGSPRING. Pop 350. Deuel county. On the U
P R R 23 miles e of Chappell. Has Methodist, Lutheran and Presbyterian
churches, a bank, 3 hotels and a grain elevator. Land sells at $15
to $125 per acre. Ships wheat and live stock. Exp Am. Tel W
U. Warren B Beach P M.
Allen Austin R phys
Armstrong Jno barber
Big Springs Cemetery Assn Riley V Beach supt
Big Springs Mercantile Co T H Wolf pres J R Hamilton sec E C Wolf treas
gen store
Corner Pharmacy Edw L Moore mngr drugs
Doran Frank gen store
Farmers Co-operative Assn Edw J Hackney mngr harness
FARMERS STATE BANK (Capital $12,000 Surplus $3,000) Andreas Kjeldgaard
Pres E A Phelps Vice Pres Carl Kjeldgaard Cashr
Gates & Alman (Ivy L Gates Arvid Alman) pool
Grannell Jno W pool
Harder Carl harness
Holcombe Jas R real est
Jensen Mercantile Co A L Jensen pres W B Beach sec gen store
Johnson & Burns (Jno C Johnson Jno Burns) barbers
JUNGE BROS (George E and M F) Real Estate Loans Farm and Ranch Lands
and Insurance
JUNGE GEORGE E Attorney at Law
KJELDGAARD ANDREAS Pres Farmers State Bank Insurance Agt and Notary
McGrath Alb J r r exp and tel agt
Mecham Oliver N vet surgeon
Murdock Alb restaurant
Phelps Hotel Mrs Sarah E Phelps propr
PLUMMER HOUSE THE Agnew G Ryburn Propr (See
Remington Hotel Merrie C Remington propr
RYBURN AGNEW G Propr The Plummer House (See
Smith Clinton H phys
Thompson T Greer livery
Thurnagle Wm F garage
Waterman Henry automobiles
CHAPPELL. Pop 650. Deuel county. The county seat
on the U P R R 42 miles w of Ogallala. Has Methodist and Catholic
churches, 2 banks, 2 hotels, a commercial club, an opera house, 2 grain
elevators, an electric light plant and water works. A weekly newspaper,
The Register, is published. Land sells at $20 to $65 per acre.
Ships grain and live stock. Exp Am. Tel W U. Wm E Roudebush
P M.
ADAMSON & TEAGARDEN (Henry Adamson Wm A Teagarden) Real Estate
Farm Loans and Insurance (See adv)
Bailey Thos D barber
Chappell Cemetery Assn H I Babcock sec
Chappell Community Club L O Pfeiffer pres H I Babcock treas
Chappell Electric Light & Water works R H Libby supt
Chappell Hotel Benj Williams propr
Chappell Lumber & Hardware Co (Jas Peterson Joshua L Brown M Peter
Chappell Mercantile Co H C Heming mngr gen store
Chappell Register The Guy C Neumann pub
Chappell State Bank The (capital $15,000) H G Wiegand pres E C Wolf cashr
Chappell Telephone Exchange H I Babcock pres J R Wertz sec and treas
Corpe Chas barber
Doran Jno T vet surgeon 10 miles n e
Farmers Elevator Co C H Bennett mngr
First National Bank (capital $25,000) J R Wertz pres H I Babcock cashr
Fulton Benj barber
Gibson Fred H produce
Hanley Homer drugs
Hill Jesse R real est
Hewitt Fred E restaurant
Hurst Opera House Fred J Hurst
Johnson & Gyger (Henry A Johnson Chris C Gyger) hardware
Kauffman Jos A restaurant
LeSelle Bros (Grosvenor G and Glenn S) gen store
Lund Jess pool
McAuliff & Son (Frank and Jno) gen store
McCONAUGLEY CLYDE L Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance
McCORMICK JOHN G Bonded Abstracter Notary Public and Conveyancer
McPheeters Orin O automobiles
Millikan Andr A livery
Neumann Guy C pub The Chappel Register
Nichols Geo meats
Olson Edw W automobiles
Patty & Vandiver (Marion B Patty Leslie E Vandiver) phys
Pfeiffer Luther O lawyer
Resler Chas N furniture
Richey Land Co (Wm O Richey Rob F McGrale Roy Townsend)
Stone Hotel Mrs Alice Themar propr
Terry Scott W county surveyor
Themar Mrs Alice propr Stone Hotel
Thompson Hilmer J drugs
Thompson Wm H r r exp and tel agt
Trans-Mississippi Elevator Co R E [or B] Williams mngr
Welkum Geo harness
Wertz Bros (Jno R and Wm F) real est
Wertz Roosevelt W meats
Western Lumber Co Wm McCartney mngr
Williams Benj propr Chappel Hotel
Wolf & Barnes (Jos Wolfe Riley R Barnes) blksmiths
Woolf Isaac county judge
Zehr Nicholas E produce
PERDU. Deuel county. A station on the U P R R 4 miles
s e of Lodge Pole the banking point and p o.
RALTON. Deuel county. A station on the U P R R 5
miles s e of Chappell the banking point and p o.
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