1890 Omaha Nebraska Excelsior Directory



     The EXCELSIOR ADDRESS BOOK AND FAMILY DIRECTORY of Omaha, has been published annually by us since 1886. It fills a demand for a condensed and select list of householders. It is not intended to make it a "society" directory exclusively, and no arbitary social lines have ever been drawn. The list embraces nearly four thousand names.

     The Directory has been found very useful in making up lists, by every lady who entertains or who has a large calling list. Merchants find it useful in superscribing announcements and circulars. Considering the difficulties in its preparation, the book has always been remarkably free from errors, and we believe this edition will sustain its reputation for reliability. We are always pleased to have corrections handed in.

     In explanation of its arrangement: Residence, not business, addresses are given. The list is by households, the names of members of each family appearing in smaller type after the name of the head of the house. A star (*) placed before a name in the case of those who are married obviates the repetition of the wife's name. (For lack of positive information this mark has been occasionally omitted. We trust no star has been misplaced.)

     The price of the Directory is $1.50. For sale only by Chase & Eddy, 113 South Sixteenth St.


Received too late for proper insertion.

*Baum, Daniel, 2211 Howard
Butterfield, Miss E., 1814 Dodge
*Claflin, C. S., 1141 S. 31st 
       Madam Claflin
*Ferguson, F. M., 537 S. 25th ave
Hodge J. E., cor. Woolworth ave and 27th

(webmaster note: I have added these names into the appropriate letter)

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