Death of Mrs. M. L. Flick

Nebraska Signal, Geneva NE dated 21 Mar 1940

Transcribed by Alyce Madison


Mary Angeline Kessler was born March 14, 1854, at Kickapoo, Ill. February 19, 1874, she was married to Miles Lee Flick. In 1880 they moved to a farm in Fillmore county, Nebraska, three and a half miles southwest of Geneva. In 1896 she moved to Geneva, where she had resided forty-four years. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.J. Merrill, Sunday, March 17, 1940, aged 86 years and 3 days.

The departed is survived by eight children, Mrs. C.A. Moore of Lincoln, Bert of Geneva, Charles of Gering, Mrs. C.C. Kenyon of Manning, Ia., Mrs. W.J. Merrill of Geneva, Mrs. W.C. Schupbach of Geneva, Loyd of Lincoln and Vernon L. of California. She is also survived by twenty-three grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren, as well as other relatives and many friends. Mr. Flick died May 20, 1917.

She became a Christian early in life and was a member of the local Methodist church for many years. She was active Christian in her home life and died in the faith of a living Christ.

Funeral Service was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the United Brethren church led by the pastor, Rev. H.A. Dierdorff. Interment was beside her companion in the Geneva cemetery.

Out of town relatives who attended the funeral included Hap Dusenberry and Clyde Kenyon of Manning, Ia., Arthur and Percy Merrill of Blair, Mrs. and Mrs. Claud Moore of Lincoln and Donald Flick also of Lincoln.

ref: Nebraska Signal, Geneva NE dated 21 Mar 1940

Last Update: 09/03/2003