Death of Miles Lee Flick

Nebraska Signal, Geneva NE dated 24 May 1917

Transcribed by Alyce Madison



Miles Lee Flick was born February 14, 1852 at Georgetown, Pa. When a small boy, he moved with his parents to Kickapoo., Ill. Later they moved to Elpaso, Ill., in which place he grew to manhood. February 19, 1874, he was united in marriage to Mary A. Kessler. In 1880, they moved to a farm in Fillmore county, Nebraska, three and one-half miles southwest of Geneva. Here they lived until twenty-one years ago, when they moved to Geneva where they resided until his death.

Mr.s Flick had suffered for several months from a cancer. He was taken to the St. Elizabeth hospital at Lincoln last week for an operation. He died at the hospital Sunday, May 20, 1917. He was a patient sufferer through his illness. He was a man of cheerful disposition, a devoted husband, a loving father and a kind neighbor. Since October 7, 1906, he had been a member of the Geneva Congregational church.

The deceased is survived by his wife and eight children: Mrs. C.A. Moore of Moberly, Mo., Bert Flick of Geneva, Charles Flick of Ohiowa, Mrs. C.C. Kenyon of Manning, Ia., Mrs W.J. Merrill, Mrs. W.C. Schupbach, Lloyd and Vernon L. Flick, all of Geneva. All were present at the funeral as was also, his sister, Mrs. William Pickerill of Geneva.

The funeral took place from the Geneva Congregational church at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 23, and was conducted by Rev. W.L. Austin. The interment was in the Geneva cemetery.

ref: Nebraska Signal, Geneva NE dated 24 May 1917

Last Update: 09/03/2003