Fillmore County

Obtaining Land Patents

Last updated:  07 October, 2004

NSGS Ancestree
Nebraska State Genealogical Society Journals
Volume Two, no. 1
Summer 1979

Vol 2, no 1 pages 27-28 - Summer 1979

Transcription of Articles: Volunteers of NEGenWeb Project Ted and Carole Miller, Connie Snyder and Kathleen Harrison

Original Article appeared in:   "ANCESTREE", Volume Two, no. 1 Summer 1979, pp. 27-28

Submitted by: Mrs. Georgene Morris Sones, Omaha

Permission to Re-publish to NEGenWeb pages by:  Nebraska State Genealogical Society, owner of "ANCESTREE."


NEBRASKA Land Entry and Land Patents

Nebraska was one of the 29 States (and the Territory of Alaska) which was known as "public land States". All lands are now owned by either the Federal Government or persons receiving titles from that source.

The General Land Office was first established in 1812, and functioned under the Treasury Department. In 1849 it was transferred to the Dept. of Interior, then, in 1946, after the consolidation with the Grazing Service, the Bureau of Land Management resulted. The Bureau of Land Management supervises the public domain and executes the laws relating to public land.

A person wishing to make an "entry" (obtain a tract of land) went before the Register of the district land office and completed documents and made financial arrangements to indicate the desire to obtain a title to the type of "entry" he wished. After these formalities the papers were forwarded to the General Land Office for review. If all was proper a patent was issued, but often a delay of months and even years would occur before the patent was issued because the General Land Office was often far behind in its work.

To receive land entry and patent papers for Nebraska settlers it is necessary to know:

  1. Legal description of land (i.e. section, range, township, meridian), or
  2. Date or approximate date, name of the land office through which the entry was made. The tract books are located in the National Archives. These books are organized by class of entry, district land office and by each
    category of entry at every land office. The Nebraska State Historical Society has the original federal land records for Nebraska. After the legal description or the date and the land office are known the researcher can write the Bureau of Land Management for copies of the land entry and patent papers.

Information contained in the land records:

  1. Name, residence (post office) of entryman.
  2. Entryman's age.
  3. Number of members in the household and relationship.
  4. Date of settlement and purchase and number of acres.
  5. Type of improvements (description of home, other buildings, type of crops, number of acres farmed).
  6. Naturalization proceedings if naturalized citizen or if an an alien, his intentions.


The following indicates the various land offices in Nebraska and their tenure:


Nebraska - 6th Principal Meridian.

Alliance, 1890-1933
Brownsville, 1857-1868
Beatrice 1868-1887
Lowell, 1872-1874
Bloomington, 1874-1893
Broken Bow 1890-1922
Chadron, 1887-1893
Grand Island, 1860-1893
Nebraska City, 1857-1868
Lincoln, 1868-1925
McCook, 1883-1905
Omaha, 1855-1869
West Point, 1869-1873
Norfolk, 1873-1881

Neligh, 1881-1894
North Platte, 1872-1918
Dakota City, 1857-1875
Niobrara, 1875-1888
O'Neill, 1888-1918
Omaha Indian Reservation Series, act of 7 August 1882
Ponca Indian Reservation Series, act of 2 March 1889
Santee Sioux Indians, under treaty of 24 February 1869
Winnebago Reservation Series, act of 4 July 1888
(Neligh and O'Neill for the Omaha Indians)
(O'Neill for the Poncas, Santee Siouxs and Winnebagos)
Sidney, 1887-1906
Valentine, 1883-1918



Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives. 1964.

Preliminary Inventory of the Land-Entry Papers of the General Land Office. 1949.

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