Obituary Jacob Cable

Submitted by Jim Morrison

[email protected]



HOT SPRINGS STAR, June 5, 1914


   Jacob Cable, another of the city's highly respected citizens died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Samantha Lapp, at Fairmont, Nebraska, Wednesday, May 27th.  Mr. Cable has only been absent from the city for the past few weeks, leaving here about three weeks ago.  Old age seems to have been the cause of his death, he being eighty-four years old.
   Mr. Cable was born in Pennsylvania* June 13th, 1830*.  From that state he moved to Ohio and later to Stephenson county, Illinois.  It was during his residence in Illinois that he was married to Miss Sarah Ann Gamble and to this union nine children were born, four girls and five boys and of this number the following survive him; Mrs Samantha Lapp, of Fairmont, Nebraska; Wilson Cable of Lincoln, Nebraska; Theodore Cable of this city; Chas. Cable of Gordon, Nebraska; Mrs. Ida Hummel of this city; Delbert Cable of Council Bluffs, Iowa and Mrs. Anna Dalby of Bayard, Nebraska.  Mrs. Cable has been dead for the past seventeen years.
   From Illinois the family moved to Fairmont, Nebraska, where they resided for sixteen years.  About twenty years ago Mr. Cable came to this city where he has since resided.
   His wife having been buried at Fairmont, the remains were interred there on last Friday.


Note: Although this Obituary states Jacob Cable was born in 1830, further research indicates he was born on the stated month and day but in 1833 and in Ohio, not Pennsylvania where his father was born. Source: State of Nebraska Death Certificate No. 4165 with the information on that Certificate being provided by his daughter Samantha (Cable) Putnam. Why it states Samanthas married name was Lapp requires further research, however, at the time of her father's death she was married to a Lemon C. Putnam of Fairmont, Nebraska. Perhaps an earlier husband had the surname Lapp.