Fillmore County

Fillmore County, Nebraska


(Last Updated 07/11/2004 )


Welcome to Strang!




Strang, Nebraska is located in Belle Prairie Township, which is located in the southeastern part of Fillmore County at the junctions of Highways 74 and 81.  Strang is the largest town in this township and was incorporated in 1886.  When Strang was a young town there was a hotel, two grain elevators, a train depot, a United Brethren Church, a Methodist Church, a Congregational Church and schoolhouse.  Other businesses were:  two doctors, dentist, drug store, photographer, lumberyard, coal dealer, three grocery stores, dry-goods store, two millinery shops, butcher shop, newspaper, printing business, hardware store, furniture and undertaker, wagon and harness shop, blacksmith shop, livery stable, feed mill, and a saloon.

The first schoolhouse was built in 1872 on the NW 1/4Section 8 Belle Prairie Township, Fillmore County, NE.

Photo of Strang in 1910 - provided by Jerry Brown who received it from his Aunt Mary Anna Elizabeth Brown Laflen.

Photo of bikers in Strang some time in the 1890s.  The photo is from the collection of Clara Crawford and was graciously provided by Frank Ginnett.

Photo of a calamity in Strang some time in the 1890s.  It appears the windmill collapsed.  The photo is from the collection of Clara Crawford and was graciously provided by Frank Ginnett.

Residents living in or near Strang:

Some of the early residents were:

Later Residents:

Photo on Main Street in Strang 

May 2001


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Last Updated:  Sunday, July 11, 2004

Copyright© 2000 - 2004 
Sharlene K. Miller. 
All rights reserved.