
Fillmore County, Nebraska

(Last Updated 07/14/2004 )

Nebraska State Gazetteer
Business Directory & Farmer List
for 1890 and 1891
J. M. Wolf & Co., Publishers
510 Paxton Block
Omaha, Nebraska 1890

This  page was transcribed and formatted by Sharlene K. Miller. All rights are reserved. This page is for use as a reference only and may not be reproduced or published by any method.


Burress, a station on the St. Joe & Grand Island division of the U. P. RR in Fillmore county, five miles from Fairmont, the county seat (sic). Population, 25.

Name of Establishment or Business Person

Type of Business

Aldrich P M

General merchandise

Coe G N

Agricultural implements

Ewers C A

Station agent

Welter Wm


Williams Robert


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Copyright© 1997-2004 
Sharlene K. Miller. All rights reserved.
Last Update: 07/14/2004