Location of Cemeteries

Fillmore County Cemeteries

Last updated:  22 December, 2004

 The information for this page was generously provided by Ken Chromy

Note this is only a partial listing--If you know of other cemeteries please let us know.

Name of CemeteryLocation
AnteochFranklin Township T5N R1W Section 32
Bohemian Brethren-North, Milligan Cemetery (also known as Ceski Bratri)near Milligan T6N R1W Section 11
ChelseaChelsea Township T6N R2W Section 24
ExeterExeter Township T8N R1W Section 21
Fairmont Cemetery (SE of Fairmont)Fairmont Township T8N R2W Section 29
Fairview Cemetery Momence Township T6N R4W Section 18
Franklin UnionFranklin Township T5N R1W Section 28
Genevaon the NW side of Geneva Geneva Township, Section 36 T7N R3W
German EvangelicalFranklin Township T5N R1W Section 9
German Evangelical Lutheran Zion of Shickley N of Shickley Momence Township T6N R4W Section 24
Glengary Pioneer CemeteryGlengary Township T6N R1W Section 32
Grace Lutheran Franklin Township T5N R1W Section 19
Grafton Cemetery (S of Grafton)Grafton Township T8N R4W Section 36
Harmony Belle Prairie Township T5N R2W Section 27
Horton (also known as Indian Creek)Fairmont Township T8N R2W Section 2
(The) Livings Cemetery (has been destroyed)* see note belowBryant Township, T5N R4W Section 32
Lone Grave--a single grave, not a cemeteryLiberty Township T7N R1W Section 10
Milligan Bohemian National-Southnear Milligan T6N R1W Section 14
Ohiowa Franklin Township T5N R1W Section 4
Pleasant RidgeFranklin Township T5N R1W Section 23
Salem MennoniteSE of Shickley Hamilton Township T5N R3W Section 17
Salem Reformed Church (NW of Grafton)Grafton Township T8N R4W Section 7
St. Jame's CatholicFairmont Township T8N R2W Section 20
St. Johanne's German Evangelical ChurchFranklin Township T5N R1W Section 16
St. Joseph's Catholic SW corner of Geneva Stanton Township T6N R3W Section 1
St. Mary's Catholic (also known as Turkey Creek Catholic)Momence Township T6N R4W Section 14
Schelbitzki Infants Cemetery (Family Plot) Children of Wenzel and Marie Schelbitzki nee Kruta Glengary Township T6N R1W Section 20 NW-1/4
Shickley CemeteryE of Shickley Hamilton Township T5N R3W Section 7
Stockholm Lutheran W of Shickely Bryant Township T5N R4W Section 9
Summit Methodist CemeteryS of Shickley Hamilton Township T5N R3W Section 30
Unnamed Cemetery (cemetery was destroyed by farming) Liberty Township T7N R1W Section 22

Information about the Livings Cemetery contributed by Richard Swenson:


*Regarding the Livings Cemetery in section32:

This cemetery was children of some of the local families at that

time. Among the names were Whitmore(a brother of William Whitmore

who farmed in the area), Nelson, a boy(name unknown) who was killed

by a pitchfork through the head. He ran around the corner of the

barn just as one of the menthrough a forkful of manure out of the

barn; the fork caught him in the head. Several years age the stones

were stolen by someone; a strange truck or pickup was seen in the

area about that time. This information was told to me by Don

Williams, 201 Road X, Davenport, NE 68335; Mr. Williams owns the

farm where the cemetery is. In the sw quarter of section 30 were

two pioneer graves. My parents lived and farmed that quarter in the

1940's and told about the two graves that were NE of the house.

During the 1950's the next renters removed the markers and farmed

over the plot.



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Sharlene K. Miller. All rights reserved.
Last Update: 12/22/2004