
Fillmore County, Nebraska

(Last Updated 07/14/2004 )

Nebraska State Gazetteer
Business Directory & Farmer List
for 1890 and 1891
J. M. Wolf & Co., Publishers
510 Paxton Block
Omaha, Nebraska 1890

This  page was transcribed and formatted by Sharlene K. Miller. All rights are reserved. This page is for use as a reference only and may not be reproduced or published by any method.


Dudley, a cross road post office and smithy, in the southeastern part of Fillmore county, seven and one-half miles from Geneva, the county seat.

Name of Establishment or Business Person

Type of Business

Shackleford A C

Postmaster, blacksmith

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Copyright© 1997- 2004 
Sharlene K. Miller. All rights reserved.
Last Update: 07/14/2004