Fillmore County

Fillmore County, Nebraska

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Early obituaries


(Last Updated 09/05/2005 )

The Nebraska Signal

[No citation for newspaper]

Transcribed by Great Grand-daughter Linda Joyce Pries – Masters


Grafton, Nebraska Obituary:   Fones Lewis Cole   (January 15, 1826 - June 26, 1905)

  Fones Lewis Cole was born at Broadalbin, New York, January 15, 1826, and died at his home near Grafton, Nebraska, Monday, June 26, 1905.   He was married to Lucy J. Brown, September 1, 1849, at the place of his birth, he and his wife having been schoolmates.  To this union were born three children, Riley V., Dora A. and Xerxes C. Cole.   Riley and Dora, the latter known in this community as Mrs. Alexander Keepers, preceded their father to the future life.    Mrs. Cole and her son Xerxes survive. 

Two years after marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cole removed to  Kane County, Illinois, which was their home for three years, when they removed to Linn County, Iowa.   Here Mr. Cole enlisted in the infantry service in Company I, Twentieth Iowa Volunteers.    He participated in the following engagements:   Prairie Grove, Ark.:  Vicksburg, Miss.:  Ft. Morgan and Blakely, Ala.    He received an honorable discharge at Mobile, Ala., July 8, 1865.  He removed with his family to Fillmore County, Nebr., in 1872, and located a homestead in Bennett Township, two and one-half miles southwest of Grafton.    With the exception of one years residence in the village this farm remained his home until death.

 Mr. Cole was a member of the James Shields Post, G. A. R.    He served continuously on the school board of his district, usually as treasurer, from the time of its organization until about two years ago, when he resigned upon his removal to town.     He made it a point to attend the school meetings.   In politics he was a Democrat and had the courage of his convictions.    His neighbors testify to his obliging disposition. 

During his fatal illness he suffered much but his death was free from pain.    His son, so devoted to him in his last days, says that he never heard him complain.  Funeral services were held at the house at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and at the Congregational church at 4 o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. L. Hammond.     Beautiful flowers covered the casket.    Many friends were present to show their respect for the dead and their sympathy for the bereaved.     The interment was in the Grafton cemetery.

 Parents of Fones Cole were Jeremiah Cole, b. Rhode Island and Hannah Lighthall, b. New York



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Last Update: 09/05/2005