Xerxes Charles Cole


Nebraska Newspaper Abstraction –

Bertrand Independent-Herald:


(Delayed in transmission)


Transcription by Linda Masters

Another of those unexpected deaths which saddened this community was the passing of

 X. C. Cole at Oakland, Cal., Dec. 4,1942.  Mr. Cole lived in this community for more than twenty years, having acted in the capacity as chief engineer at the municipal light and water plant here, which position he filled ably and well.  He made friends everywhere, and was quite active in the local Masonic lodge and carried his membership here until his death.


Xerxes Charles Cole was born near Grafton, Neb., May 9, 1873.  He died at his home in Oakland, Cal., December 4, 1942.  He grew to manhood in Grafton where he was united in marriage to Myrtle Bessie Powell October 31, 1901.  Nine children were born to this union.  One son, Andrew, preceded him in death at the age of two years.


He leaves to his death a devoted wife, five daughters and three sons, Leland A. Cole of Oakland, Mrs. Vera Dewey of Oakland, Cal., Jennings Cole of Loomis, Vaughn Cole of Oakland, Mrs. Gwendolyn Wakefield of Oakland, Mrs. Roberta Santos of Oakland. Mrs. Roberta Santos of Oakland, Cal., Mrs. Loretta Pries of Oakland, Margaret Cole at home.


Four of his children were at his bedside when death came. There are also twenty grandchildren and one great-grandchild.  Mr. Cole was as near an ideal husband and father as any one could possibly hope for and he will be remembered by his many friends.


He moved his family to Bertrand in 1920, where he made his home until two years ago when he moved to Oakland, Cal.


He had been a member of the Congregational church since a young man.   Mr. Cole had the usual experiences and hardships of the early settler of their day; such as men of his day encountered.  He was a lover of his home and family.


Services were held at the Masonic hall at 2 p. m. December 17, 1942.  Rev. William C. Fawell, Elwood, officiated. Masonic service was held at the Highland cemetery.