The Nebraska Signal,  December, 1951

Transcribed by Linda J. Masters


Former Resident Laid to Rest in Geneva Cemetery


Graveside services were held at the Geneva cemetery Monday afternoon, December 3, 1951, at 2:15 for Lewis Wilson Coleman, who passed away suddenly Thursday, November 29, 1951, at his home in Lincoln.


The departed was born in Gallia county, Ohio, July 2, 1863.  He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Susan Pyles October 3, 1888.  To this union were born six children:  Thomas, Emmet, Emory, Harry, Roscoe and Anna.


The family lived on a farm northwest of Geneva many years until Mr. and Mrs. Coleman moved to Geneva.  They lived several years in the residence now owned and occupied by Mrs. A. H. Elder, later living for a short time in the residence just east of the Elder home.  They removed to Lincoln about 30 years ago.


Mr. Coleman was preceded in death by his wife.  After her death he continued to reside in his Lincoln home, living with a family which resided there.  He was in fair health for a man of his age.  He passed away quietly in his sleep at the age of 88 years, 4 months and 27 days.


Also preceding him in death were three children, Emory, Harry and Anna.  Of the three sons surviving, Thomas lives in Chicago, Emmett lives in Lincoln and Roscoe resides in San Diego, Cal.  Besides the children, he also is survived by six grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and two sisters; Mr. Ella White of Gallipolis, O., and Mrs Eva Tynor of Orient, O.


The gravesite services were conducted by Rev. William G. Bohi, pastor of the Geneva Congregational church.  The Ninety-first Psalm was read, followed by the obiturary and a portion of Bryant’s “Thanatopsis”.  Several old friends were present to pay their final respects.