OBITUARY:  Mrs. Nancy Jane Hurst

Reference: Fillmore Chronicle, Fillmore county NE 1, 30 April 1915


Transcribed by:  Alyce Madison



Nancy Jane Stallsworth was born in Clark county Indiana, October first, 1836 and died in Geneva, Nebraska, April 25, 1915; aged 78 years, 6 months and 24 days.  She was married to Wm. H. Hurst in Webster county, Iowa, October 27, 1852. to this union thirteen children were born: Mary E., who died in 1912; Susan E. Madison of Geneva, L. J. of Boone, Iowa; John H. and Andrew J. of Greybull, Wyoming; James I. of Alma, Nebraska; Joseph E. of Big Horn, Wyoming; Lyda J. Paxton of Burr Oak, Kansas; Etta May of Lincoln; Effie N. Russell of Grafton; Bessie C. of Hastings; W.H. of Fairmont and Maude D., who died in 1880.


In 1864 the family moved to Polk county, Iowa. After the death of her husband, which occurred January 26, 1887, she removed with her family to Fairmont, which has since been her home. For the past six years she has made her home with her children.


She became a member of the Congregational church of Fairmont, Nebraska, May 1, 1904, and was granted a letter of good standing July 11, 1910.


The remains were brought to Fairmont at 11:10 Tuesday morning and conveyed to the Congregation church, from which place funeral services were held that afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev A.T. Evans officiated, assisted by Rev. W. A. Albright. Interment was made in the Fairmont cemetery. The pallbearers were I. Brown, J. Carson, F.P. Schmidt, C. H. Little, F.W. Padley and R. H. Lowdon.





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