Fillmore County

Fillmore County, Nebraska

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Abstract from "Obituary for the Late Franklin Martin" by Lynn Ayers from

The Nebraska Signal - no date cited

Franklin Martin was born October 22, 1852 at Cooks Mills, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.   He passed away at his home in Geneva, Nebraska on Tuesday, July 31, 1928.  Mr. Martin had been in very poor health for over a year, having been bedfast for the past month.  The end came quietly Tuesday evening. 

Mr. Martin spent his boyhood days in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.  He came to Nebraska in the fall of 1877 and followed his trade of plastering and farming.  He and Joe Jackson batched together near Bruning.  In 1883, Mr. Martin went to Crested Butte, Colorado where his brother, Stephen J. lived.  Here he followed his trade of plastering going a little later to Denver for two years, after which he returned to Nebraska, near Bruning, where he built a house on his farm.  He returned to Pennsylvania and was married to Miss Lucinda Kissinger of Jamescreek, Pennsylvania.  They came to their farm home in 1884 and went to housekeeping.  They resided there until 1920 when they moved to the present home in Geneva, Nebraska. 

Mr. Martin leaves to mourn his death his aged wife, two daughters, Mrs. Edna Wolcott and Mrs. Ethel Little and one son, Samuel Jess Martin, a granddaughter, Jeanne Frances Wolcott and a grandson, Dean Franklin Martin, also a half brother, Sherman Edwards of Bruning, Nebraska, and a half sister Mrs. Charles Westbrook of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.  Also nieces and nephews in Pennsylvania, Idaho and California and other relatives and a host of friends, all of whom will miss him greatly.

Mr. Martin was a friend in need, in time of sickness or health.  He loved his friends and neighbors and was always ready to aid them in any way he could.  He was patriotic and had a deep feeling for his country.  He was a member of the Geneva Congregational Church.  He loved children and always had a kind word for them.  He was a man who made friends with all.  He was always greatly interested in farm work, his son Jess Martin living now on the old farm home twelve miles south of Geneva.

The funeral services were held at the home at 1:30 p.m. Thursday by Rev. David Tudor of the Congregational Church.  Interment was in the Harmony Cementer with Rev. Mr. Tudor and Rev. Mr. Caughran officiating.



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