Fillmore County

Fillmore County, Nebraska

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Abstract from "Death of Mrs. Martin" by Lynn Ayers from

The Nebraska Signal - no date cited

 Mrs. Louisa Martin departed this life at her home in Geneva, Nebraska at 12 o'clock noon Saturday, April 13, 1929, aged 69 years and 20 days.  Louisa Krause was born in Little Valley, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania on March 24, 1860.  She moved with her parents to Central City, Nebraska in 1878.  She married Anthony Martin of Belle Prairie Township, Fillmore County, Nebraska on August 14, 1879.  In 1894, Mr. and Mrs. Martin moved to Thayer County to a farm a mile northwest of Bruning.  In 1922, they moved from the farm to a home in Geneva where Mrs. Martin resided until her death.  Her husband departed this life May 14, 1924.  When the Burlington branch railway from Fairmont to Chester was built, Mrs. and Mrs. Martin boarded the engineers and other railway men engaged upon that work. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin all of whom were present at her funeral:  Mrs. Frank H. Hitch of Geneva, Nebraska; Mrs. R.P. Hines of near Alexandria, Nebraska; Mrs. John T. Hines of Curtis, Nebraska; Mrs. H. R. Casper of Belvidere, Nebraska; John V. Martin of Bruning, Nebraska; and Mrs. Cornelius J. Murphy of near Geneva, Nebraska. The funeral service was conducted at 9:30 a.m. Monday, April 15th from St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Geneva by Rev. Patrick J. Healy.  Interment was in the Bruning Cemetery.



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Last Update: 04/01/2007