The Nebraska Signal

July 1937


Transcribed by Linda Masters



William S. Wilkins


William  Stovall Wilkins, son of Pleasant and Amanda Wilkins, was born May 21, 1887, at Haney’s Corner in Ripley county, Indiana.  When he was eleven years old his father died and it was necessary for him to assume the responsibilities of manhood at a very early age.  When only fifteen years old he came to Fillmore county with family friends who were moving here from Indiana.


In 1887 he was married to Miss Malina Head of Geneva.  After making their home here for a few years, they moved to Colorado but soon returned to make Geneva their home.  In 1913 Mr. And Mrs. Wilkins went to Wyoming where they acquired a ranch and engaged in raising livestock until failing health made it necessary for Mr. Wilkins to give up active work.  At that time they returned to Geneva and built the home where they have since resided.  They did, however, maintain their Wyoming interests and made frequent visits there.


Their four children were all present at the funeral service Friday morning:  Earl H. of Geneva; Mrs. J. B. Milstead of Chugwater, Wyo.; William R. of Geneva and Gerald R. of Rock Springs, Wyo.


On the 25th of May, Mr. And Mrs. Wilkins celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, a fitting climax to fifty years of unusually happy and devoted married life.


Mr. Wilkins has been in failing health for several years but was bedfast less than two weeks before the end came in the afternoon of July 6, 1937.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs. W. S. Wilkins, his aged mother, Mrs. Amanda Mathews, the four children, thirteen grandchildren and one great-grandson.


His life was characterized by unselfish and loyal devotion to his family, an unusual charity and tolerance for all with whom he came in contact and absolute integrity in all of his dealings.  To his children the memory of their parents’ home is a priceless heritage.


He united with the Geneva Methodist church in 1895 during the pastorate of Rev. Orrin W. Fifer, Mrs. Wilkins having previously united under the pastorate of Rev. J. A. Barker, and for these more than forty years their names have adorned the church records.


Funeral services were conducted from the late residence, July 9, at 10 a. m. by his pastor, Rev. W. H. Shoaf.  Mrs. A. H. Elder sang.  Burial was in the Geneva cemetery.



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