The Nebraska Signal

August 1937


Transcribed by Linda Masters



Mrs. James Wythers


Eva Belle Alexander, second daughter of Samuel and Mary Ann Alexander, was born in Belmont county, Ohio,  December 29, 1857.  She passed away at her home in Geneva, Neb., August 11, 1937 lacking but four months and eighteen days of reaching her eightieth birthday.


Her childhood was spent at the place of her birth and there she received her schooling and grew to womanhood.


She was united in marriage to James Wythers at the home of her parents on her birthday December 29, 1887.


This happy union was blessed by three children, Alma Evaline, who passed away shortly before reaching the close of her first year, Loyd A. and Velma M. Carlson, both of whom now live near Geneva.


Mrs. Wythers’ entire life since her marriage has been spent in Geneva and vicinity.  For nineteen years she lived on the farm in Madison township to which she came as a bride.  Thereafter she has lived in Geneva having resided at her late home for thirty-one years.


Besides her devoted husband, which has card for her so faithfully during the years of her extended illness, and her children, she is survived by two brothers, Wilbur of Millersport, O., and Burton of Indianapolis, Ind., and one sister, Mrs. Ida McKelvey of Columbus, O., also by five grandchildren, Leta Wythers, Evalyne Slepicka, Dorothy Wythers, James Wythers and Maurice Carlson, one grandson, James Carlson, having preceded her in death.


Mrs. Wythers has been a faithful follower of the Master since early childhood, when she united with the Presbyterian church.  In later years, she transferred her membership to the Congregational church in Geneva.  During the latter weeks of her protracted illness her Christian character revealed its high quality in the fortitude she expressed – to go home to rest, where there will be no night and life will be for all eternity.  Her sunny smile and cheerful manner, though sadly missed by her family and friends, remain as the high marks of her beautiful character which memory will ever preserve.


Funeral services were held at the Geneva Congregational church at 2 p. m. Saturday, under the direction of Dr. Edward W. Day, assisted by Rev. David Tudor.  The music consisted of two solos, “Abide With Me”, and “In the Garden”, sung by Mrs. William Hinkle, with Mrs. John Kroll at the organ.


Interment was in the Geneva cemetery.



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