August Pfingsten Obituary

The Late August Pfingsten

Died 12 November 1913

Transcribed by Sharlene Miller

August Henry Christian Pfingsten was born in Chelsea township, Fillmore county, on June 6, 1877. Practically all his lifetime was spent in this section of the state. On January 10, 1901, he was married to Mary Rippe. To this union were born 8 children, one dying in infancy. On November 12, he was taken to the Everitt Hospital, Lincoln, to undergo an operation, dying the same day, aged 36 years, 5 months and 6 days. He is survived by his wife and children, mother, two brothers, Henry and Charlie and two sisters, Mrs. August Mussman and Mrs. Richard Messke.

The funeral was held Sunday from the East German Church by the Rev. Mr. Bahnsen. Interment was in the church cemetery.

The deceased was a member of K. of P. and Sons of Herman lodges. The latter lodge turned out in full force to attend the funeral, but were not allowed to take any part in the services by the minister.

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