August Rippe Obituary

August Rippe

Death Caused by Diphtheria.

The Nebraska Signal

December 16, 1920

Transcribed by: Sharlene K. Miller

The community was saddened last week by the short illness and death of August Rippe, son of Mrs. Henry Rippe.

August was not feeling well. Sunday previous of his death. The physician was summoned to his aid the fore part of the week and the home was put under quarantine for diphtheria. The widowed mother patiently cared for her son with the aid of the other two boys at home. The treacherous disease barred out the helping hands that would have been glad to minister unto them at this hour.

August H. G. Rippe was born near Ohiowa, January 29, 1903. While young he was baptized according to the Lutheran belief. He was confirmed by Rev. G. Klatt with the class of 1916 on Palm Sunday at the South Lutheran church. He was active in all church work. Never did he offer and excuse to the pastor. He was a faithful member of the choir and his quite disposition, made his character stand strong among his friends. Last Sunday he was absent because of not feeling well. He was at once missed because of his habitual Sabbath record. His illness was of short duration. He passed to his eternal life Friday, December 10, 1920, near the noon hour.

Because of the disease the body was buried without a service, Saturday, December 11, at 2 p.m. The pastor Rev. G. Klatt, with the brothers and sisters and Grandma Roetter gathered in the Rippe yard and followed the corpse to its burial place in the South Lutheran cemetery. The church bell was tolled as the funeral procession brought their loved comrade to his last resting place. Rev. G. Klatt read the burial ritual.

Mr. Rippe leaves to mourn his departure, his mother, brothers, Frank, John, Emil, and Will, who reside in this vicinity,, and Henry and Theodore at home, his sisters, Mrs. Charles Pfingsten and Mrs. Henry Molthan, Grandma Roetter and other relatives and a host of friends.

In respect of August, a memorial service will be held at the South Lutheran church as soon as the Rippe family is released from quarantine. The choir and confirmation comrades will assist their pastor with the hymns on this occasion.

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