Obituary of Christian Buchmeier, Jr

Obituary of Christian Buchmeier, Jr.

1848 to 1904



FEBRUARY 5, 1904


Transcribed by Karen Rowe


The death of Christian Buchmeier occurred last Friday after an illness of several weeks. He was not considered seriously ill by relatives but the sick man's vitality had been at a low ebb for a number of years. He was never well and was under medical treatment most of the time. His trip to Germany last summer, where his wife accompanied him gave Mr. Buchmeier much pleasure and temporarily benefited his health. He was an early settler in Fillmore County, locating here in 1870. His native town, Rolfshagen, Germany, where he was born in 1849. He was married to Laura Saatman in 1885. The funeral services were held in the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Otto Klatt of the Lutheran Church assisted by Rev. C.E. Gwins conducting the services. Interment was made in the cemetery two miles east and a half mile south of Ohiowa, NE.