Obituary of Wilhelmine Bthe Sieckmann

Obituary of Wilhelmine Buthe Sieckmann




Transcribed by Karen Rowe

Mrs. Wilhelmina Sieckmann died Friday morning at her home in the northern part of the village. Deceased had been ill but a short time and died of pneumonia. Wilhelmina Bute was born at Rolfshagen, Germany, January 3, 1839. She married William Sieckmann and in 1870 the family came to America settling in the following year on a homestead in this county. Here they resided until the death of Mr. Sieckmann in 1894 rearing a family of seven now prominent and respected members of this community. The funeral took place last Sunday. Services were conducted by Rev. Kossick at St. Johns church after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery near by. A great crowd was present although the day was cold and blustery.

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Last Update: 10/06/2004