Untitled Document

Death of F. J. Sieber, Sr.

From The Nebraska Signal
April 27, 1916 page 8

Transcribed by Ken Chromy


On Sunday occurred one of the largest funerals ever held in this community, when F. J. Sieber Sr. was buried.

Frank Sieber Sr. was born in Hermsdorf, northern Bohemia, on August 18, 1837. He was the only son in the family of fourteen children. He served his time as a soldier in the Imperial Franz Joseph regiment in the state capital of Hungary. Mr. Sieber also took the course in the military accademy to become an officer of Austrian army, but circumstances called him home to be of help to his father as he was the only son. He also took part in the war against Italy in 1859.

Mr. Sieber was married to Helen Heine. To this union six children were born, two sons, and four daughters. One of the children, Mrs. Fujan, died twenty-two years ago.

Mr. Sieber came to this country in 1870. He intended at first to go to Wisconsin, but being in this country changed his mind and came to Nebraska. He took a homestead May 5, 1870, in Fillmore county. Mr. Sieber was one of the first settlers of this vicinity. He lived continuously on his original homestead until his death. He visited his old home country twice, in 1903 and 1906.

The deceased had been quite low for about ten days with an attack of pneumonia, but he recovered enough to be around again. His death was caused by a stroke of apoplexy on April 19, at 5 p.m. He was 78 years, 8 months and 1 day of age. He leaves to mourn his death five children Frank Sieber, John Sieber, Mrs Anton Nun, Mrs. Albert Gerard and Mrs. Joe Matejka, several grandchildren and great grandchildren, and a host of friends who will miss such a kind and loving old gentleman.

The Furneral services were held at the home at 2 o'clock by Rev. J. A. Bahnsen of the East German Luthern church. Text was found in 1 Cor. 13:8: "Love never faileth." A quartet from Geneva sang three songs, two at the home and one at the cemetery, Judge Fulton being the leader. Interment was made in the Claussen cemetery by the side of his wife, who died April 28, 1913.