Untitled Document

Obituary Fred Mussman

The Nebraska Signal
(24 Feb 1916)

Transcribed by Sharlene Miller


Frederick Mussman was born in Yellowhead, Illinois 19 Feb 1868 and died in Western, NE Tuesday 15 Feb 1916 aged 47 years, 11 months and 27 days. The deceased came with his parents to Ohiowa when he was a child. He was confirmed at the East German Lutheran Church. On 29 August 1895, he married Miss Mary Grundbacher. Unto this union were born seven children, three of whom died in infancy. They resided on a farm until 1916 when they moved to Western, Nebraska returning to Ohiowa in the fall of 1915 where they had arranged to farm.

He was temporarily engaged to assist in the livery barn of George Jenkins. On Sunday evening 13 Feb he was kicked by a mule. The mule was in the stall near the rear of the barn. Mr. Mussman hung his coat up in the rear of the barn and went away. During his absence the mule was put in the rear stall. On his return it was getting dark and fearing the mule he went to the rear door to get his coat. The mule gave him a vicious kick in the abdomen. When the unfortunate man came to himself he was down in the barn. He managed to get out and went to his home. At midnight medical aid was found necessary. He was taken to Dr. Brenn's hospital in Western, Nebraska. Tuesday morning where he died before anything could be done. The examination showed a bowel rupture.

He leaves to mourn his wife and four children. Ella who will graduate from Western High School this year, Edwin, Leona and Rudolf who are at home with their mother.

Also surviving is brother Henry of Oklahoma, three sisters Mrs. Anna Miner, Mrs. Emma Winkleman, Mrs. Ida Fisbeck.

The funeral took place at 2 o'clock, Thursday at the home. From there they proceeded to the East German Church where Rev. J. A. Bahnsen took charge of the service.