Obituary of Heinrich Kappmeyer 1858-1916

Obituary of Heinrich Kappmeyer 1858-1916


OHIOWA, NE SEPT. 8, 1916

Transcribed by Karen Rowe



Henry Kappmeyer was born on Nov. 30, 1858 in Beecher, Will County, IL. He united with the Lutheran church early in life and continued a faithful, consistent member until death claimed him. He served as member of the church council for many years and kept up his active work until the end. His presence and good judgement will be greatly missed by all the members. On Feb. 13, 1880 he united in marriage with Lena Rippe, to which union were born 11 children, 5 of them, 3 boys and 2 girls preceded their father to the better hand in their young years. In the year 1884 he with his family left their old home state for the west, settling down in Fillmore county southwest of Ohiowa. Here he spent the remainder of his life.

He leaves to mourn his departure, his dear wife, two sons, Henry and Herman, four daughters, Mrs. Caroline Eppler; Mrs. Sophia Quandt, Mrs. Malinda Dittmer and Miss Emma, his aged mother; three sisters, five grandchildren and a large circle of relatives and friends. He attained the age of 58 years, 9 months and 1 day.

The funeral services were held Monday at the South German Lutheran church after a short service at the house. Rev. G. Klatt, his pastor, had charge of the services, choosing as his text the first clause of the 12th verse of the 38th chapter of Isaiah, "Mine departed and is removed from me". Interment was made in the church cemetery. The pallbearers were old neighbors and friends of the deceased. Who knows how near my end may be? May death be here and life be gone! My God for Jesus sake I pray. Thy peace may bless my dying day. G.K.

Buried at the South Lutheran Church at Ohiowa, NE where 2 infant children

Johann and Katie are buried (3 others unknown).