Joseph Bernasek Obituary

Joseph Bernasek

From The Milligan Times - Friday July 20, 1906

Transcribed by Ken Chromy



Joseph Bernasek, age 75, met with a fatal accident Tuesday at 1:30 pm. He and his wife were coming to town and when near the city limits, the horse got scared of a pile of manure and by turning around, Mr. Bernasek fell out and was almost instantly kill. Dr. Smrha was summoned at once and came in time to see him give one or two breathes.

Mrs. Bernasek was also thrown out of the buggy and escaped with a few slight bruises. The funeral took place Thursday from the home of his son, Cyril Bernasek to the Catholic church, Rev. Mesler of Wilber holding funeral services. The remains were laid to rest in the Catholic Brethren cemetery. The deceased leaves a wife, son Cyril and daughter Mrs. James Koca, to mourn his loss. We extend our sympthies to the breaved relatives.

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