Untitled Document

Death of Mrs. Marie Bernasek

The Nebraska Signal
Thursday, May 18, 1922

Transcribed by Ken Chromy


Friday May 12, occured the death of Mrs. Marie Bernasek, wife of Cyrill Bernasek. Death was caused be the deceased taking a dose of paris green. She had suffered mental disturbances for many years, the first attack occurring more than twenty years ago. Three different times she had been at institutions for treatment and while she was relieved temporarily, the recurrence of the madady caused her much distress and it was no doubt in fear of another attack that she in desparation put an end to all suffering.

Born in Hlinci, nee Andelova, in Bohemia, November 22, 1869 she came to this country June 9, 1888, to Chicago and from there to this locality, being united in marriage with Cyrill Bernasek May 14, 1869. There survive her, the husband, three sons, Cyrill, Vaclav and Emil and two daughters, Marie Sluka and Albina Fujan, also two brothers and one
sister who reside in Chicago, and four other brothers residing in Bohemia. Both of her parents are dead.

The deceased was an unusually active woman both physically and mentally. During the war period she was one of the most active of Red Cross workers, having the reputation of being a champion knitter. She was a well read woman and delighted in giving readings from Bohemian literature. Everyone who knew her regrets deeply the unfortunate condition that put an end to so useful a life. The body was interred in the Bohemian National Cemetery Sunday afternoon in the presence of a very large number of friends and relatives.


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