Obituary of Sophia Riechers Schroeder

Obituary of Sophia Riechers Schroeder



Transcribed by Karen Rowe



Miss Sophia Reicher was born at Hessen, Prussia, Germany, Sept. 23, 1853, and passed away May 9, 1927 at the age of 73 years, 7 months and 16 days. When nine months old her parents emigrated to America and settled at Beecher, IL where she grew to young womanhood. June 23, 1874 she was united in marriage to John Henry William Schroeder. Ten children were born to this union, six girls and four boys. The eldest son, William passed away in 1900 and another son Herman in 1924.

Mrs. Schroeder came to Fillmore county with her husband 34 years ago where she resided until she passed to her reward. Death was due to a severe heart attack. In spite of medical skill and the loving ministrations of the family she passed to her eternal rest.

She leaves to mourn her loss, eight children: Henry of San Bernadino, CA, Fred of Ohiowa, Mrs. Emma Buchmeier of Fairbury, Mrs. Minnie Gewecke of Ohiowa, Mrs. Lena Meyer of Ohiowa, Mrs. Mary Frankforter of Tobias, Mrs. Lizzie Lapcheska of Ohiowa, Miss Sophia Schroeder of Ohiowa; 38 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. She also leaves two sisters residing in Minnesota and one brother in Beecher, IL.

The deceased, being an old settler, was widely known. After her husbands death she was seldom seen on the street and in business places, preferring to remain at home where she was a comfort to her children and a companion to her neighbor, Mrs. Emma Burt, who enjoyed friendly visits at intervals during the day. She was a friend and mother who will be greatly missed. Her passing away in such a brief period of time was a shock to her friends, and also a great sorrow.

Funeral services were held Thursday from the ME church in charge of Rev A.T. McFarland and Rev. J.A. Bahnsen. A ladies quartet sang several selections. The quartet was composed of Mrs. Carrie Hinkle, Mrs. Elda Steele, Mrs. Elyse Timbers and Mrs. Myrna NcFarland, with Mrs. Myrtle Goodman at the piano.

A mass of floral contributions gave evidence of the esteem in which she was held. They were in charge of Mrs. Rose Lynn, Mrs. Jennie Rakestraw and Mrs. Mable Muir.