Obituary of Sophia Buchmeier Matthies

Obituary of Sophia Buchmeier Matthies





Transcribed by Karen Rowe


After a painful illness lasting several weeks, Mrs. Sophia Matthies died at 8 o'clock on the evening of Sat. May 8, 1902 at the residence of her youngest son Louie. Sophia Buchmeier was born in Germany Feb. 8th, 1848. At the age of 20 she came with relatives to Beecher, IL where on the following year, 1869 she married Fred Matthies. Shortly after their marriage the Matthies family homesteaded in Fillmore Co., where they passed the remainder of their lives. Mr. Matthies died in 1887, July 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Matthies were in moderate circumstances when they came to this country. There accumulations at that time only aggregated $1400. The estate which now goes into the hands of the Matthies heirs contains over a section of fine Fillmore county land. Title to the real estate rests in the heirs upon death of the mother through provision contained in the will of Mr. Matthies. Fred, Henry and Louis are the surviving members of the Matthies family. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. Kossick and the remains were interred in the church yard of St. Johns East.