Fillmore County Surnames A-D

Fillmore County

Surnames I through L

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(Last Updated 09/09/2012 )


If you would like to list the surnames you are listing please send an e-mail with Fillmore County Surnames in the Subject along with your surnames to Sharlene Miller.

Surname Researcher - contact information
Irvine Monette Sutherland [email protected]
Jayne Connie Merrill Schachel
Johnson Jeannene Olson
Johnston Ken Privett [email protected]
Kappmeier Karen Rowe [email protected]
Kappmeier Sharlene Miller [email protected]
Karr Pam Higgins [email protected]
Keegan Claudia Eagan [email protected]
Kelch Gayle [email protected]
Kelly Rita Hallett [email protected]
Kennedy [email protected]
Kessler Alyce Madison [email protected]
Ketchum Isobel Taylor [email protected]
Killion Jeannene Olson
Kohrt Sharlene Miller [email protected]
Kolar Henry Kuska [email protected]
Kruta KEN CHROMY Ken Chromy, 706 Road 19, Ohiowa,NE 68416 [email protected]
Kuehler [email protected]
Kuhl Janis Kokrda [email protected]
Kuska Henry Kuska [email protected]
Lahners [email protected]
Lake Charlene Kolterman [email protected]
Langhorst Fr. Rand Langhorst [email protected]
Lapcheska Graeme C. Payne
Laymon [email protected]
Leenerts [email protected]
Leenerts John McPeck - [email protected]
Leenerts John McPeck [email protected]
Leighty Larry Langer [email protected]
Lemmon Jan Anderson          [email protected]
Lentfer Lisa Jeffryes [email protected]
Lightbody [email protected]
Lincoln Deb Brobst [email protected] 
Long Naomi LONG Hopperstad [email protected]


Fr. Rand Langhorst [email protected]
Lubbert Ruby L. Ewart [email protected]
Lusk Ross & Karolee Plock, P. O. Box 95, Burwell, NE 68823, [email protected] [email protected]
Lusk Terri [email protected]
Luttich Ruby L. Ewart [email protected]
Lutz Rose Dennis Adams [email protected]


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Copyright© 1997 - 2012 Sharlene K. Miller. All rights reserved.
Last Update: 09/09/2012