Who's Who in Fillmore County
Last updated: 11 July, 2004
NEGenWeb Project - Fillmore County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940-
Who's Who Project Information and Transcription
- provided by Ted & Carole Miller
Charles H. Sloan
HE lust for gold and glory brought Spanish explorers near Fillmore County's present borders. But desire for home and soil animated the county's pioneers. In this rolling prairie country, with its fertile land and ideal growing conditions, they found what they wanted. Since the arrival of the first homesteader in 1866, the county has progressed with a minimum of strife, but with the usual lot of pioneer difficulties.
William Bussard and William Whitaker took out the first homesteads here, in June of 1866. That autumn a number of settlers arrived, but all except two returned for the winter, leaving J. A. Werts and J. H. Malick the only two white men in the county. After their companions returned in the spring, the first ground was broken by N. J. Dixon. In the spring of 1870 the immigrant rush began, and by the close of 1871 all the valuable claims were taken. During that year the county's first attorneys, C. H. Bane and J. W. Eller. and Dr. H. F. King, the first physician, arrived.
The election which immediately followed the county's organization was held April 21, 1871. Ballots were cast at the residence of N. A. McCalla, and the seat of government was established at the county's geographical center. Fillmore County was attached to Saline for judicial, revenue and other purposes until Feb. 25, 1873, when a legislative act separated them completely. Saline County, however, was reluctant to part with the newly formed neighbor. But James W. Eller, a poor but able lawyer, settled the question when he visited Pleasant Hill, then Saline County seat, and returned with the Fillmore County archives.
Two persons, however, were dissatisfied with the location of the county seat, and tried to persuade the commissioners to set aside the election. One of them, J. A. Manley, autocratic citizen of Manleyville, offered the commissioners a few acres of ground and a frame courthouse if they would move the seat of government there. The other was a man named Mar, who wanted the county seat located on a hill north of Turkey Creek on the west side of what is now highway 81. Both requests were refused.
The first courthouse was occupied in May, 1873, and there the county's records were deposited. Before this they had been kept by the various officers, who brought them together when they met. A $37,500 bond issue had been voted in 1872 for the construction of a court house, but the commissioners were enjoined from starting construction because the county had no authority to issue bonds. Jesse P. Thompson constructed the courthouse at a cost of $3,075.
The courthouse which stands today, however, was constructed in 1893. It was financed by the sale of $50,000 in bonds, a proposal to sell blocks of county land failing to get the necessary two thirds majority. These bonds were sold just before the 1893 financial panic set in, and many purchasers offered the county a bonus to be relieved of their contract, but all were refused. it was among the first of Nebraska's public buildings so designed as to place the vaults and files on the interior, leaving more room for offices near the windows. It includes a very well lighted court room and a jail on the south side.
Fillmore County's first settlers came here to engage in agriculture, and the soil is still Fillmore's only wealth. No minerals have yet been discovered in the county, but an oil well was recently drilled near Ohiowa. Agriculturally speaking, Fillmore is a typical cross section of Nebraska. Wheat, corn, oats, rye and barley are the region's principal crops, and it has been contending with Clay, Lancaster and Cheyenne Counties for leadership in wheat production since the beginning of the century. Cattle, hogs, and poultry are an important part of the county's agricultural industry. In recent years turkey raising has grown a great deal, stimulated by that bird's appetite for grasshoppers.
In the course of its history, Fillmore County has taken part in almost every step in the progress of transportation facilities. First homesteaders, of course, came in that chariot of the plains, the covered wagon. It served both as a means of travel and a residence until a permanent home could be built. That same covered wagon, arranged with others in a ring, was often the pioneers' defense against storm or Indian attack.
The railroads came next, reaching Fillmore County in 1871. After completion of the Burlington's main line to Denver in the next year, no more lines were laid in the county until 1866 (sic). In that year the Burlington extended branch lines to the Fillmore and Thayer County seats. A year later the southern Platte valley was the scene of competitive building by the Burlington, the Union Pacific and the Chicago and Northwestern. In construction of the Fairmont-Cheater branch, no bonds were asked from Fillmore County. Fairmont, however, was nearly unanimous in voting $30,000 for the K. C. & O. a few years later.
In the county's beginning, each person was his own banker. But in a short time banks were being operated in conjunction with insurance, real estate or law businesses. The E. B. Branch Company was Fairmont's first bank, and was succeeded by the
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Charles S. Miller Bank. Miller arrived after graduating from Ann Arbor, Mich., School of Law, and began banking along with practicing law. His capital and assets were a rented room, an iron safe, a heavily wired screen counter, a Colt revolver, a notary seal, a month's paid board, and $500 in cash.
With the arrival of the railroads, and the increase in immigration, Fillmore County's banks multiplied. Most of them were conservative and solid, but several collapses have been recorded. One of these was the First National Bank of Fairmont, dominated by Julius O. Chase and Irvin B. Chase. Elements contributing to its fall were its exceedingly widespread investments, and the effective competition of Charles S. Miller, S. L. Burson and Charles Aldrich, who was then the wealthiest man in Fillmore County. An interesting banking character was William J. Zirhut, who twice wrecked the Exchange Bank of Milligan. After its first failure, his father reinstated William into the community's confidence, but the bank soon collapsed again, this time beyond recovery. Zirhut's mistake was in attempting to raise wheat prices by speculation on the Chicago Board of Trade.
The Fillmore County delegation to the State Bankers Association meeting in 1927 was instrumental in dissuading that organization from an attempt to amend the state constitution to allow the state to bond an estimated $22,000,000 deficiency in the state's banks.
The earliest estimate of Fillmore County's bank deposits was $50,000. By the close of 1926 this figure had risen to nearly five and one-half million dollars, but by 1939 had dropped to two and a half million. These figures are a partial reflection of the changes in the county's property values. The 1876 property valuation was $276,794, about $125 per capita. In 1922 the per capita holdings were $4,004, compared with the nation's average of $2,118.
Since 1875 Fillmore has maintained a county fair. The Agricultural Society, formed in 1872, elected C. H. Bane, president and J. Jensen, secretary, as its first officers. One of the features of the early fairs was Doctor Tom, the "Guideless Wonder." This trained horse, owned by Frank W. Sloan, paced twice around the track without harness, sulky or driver, and returned to the judges. Pacing and trotting races were favored, until recent years, over saddle contests. Charles A. Thorpe, a famous jockey, began his racing career in Fillmore County. Later he rode in the great American racing circuits, and before the crowned heads of Europe. In 1934 Fillmore, by a majority of less than one hundred, opposed adoption of the constitutional amendment which provided for pari-mutuel betting on races.
From the original county school taught by John A. Williams, Fillmore's educational system has grown to eight high school districts, two tenth grade schools, and eighty-one elementary schools, with a total enrollment of 2,364. There were sixty-six school districts organized before 1873, most of them three month schools. John A. Dempster, the county's second superintendent of schools, was noted for his ability to get along with the teachers, particularly the women. When asked how he did it, he replied, "I, upon visiting the schools and taking my leave, confidentially imparted to each of them that she had the second best school in the county," Two former Fillmore County high school superintendents have served as state superintendents. J. L. McBrien served one term, and Charles W. Taylor has served since 1926, his present, term expiring in 1942.
At the time of its organization, Fillmore County was placed in the judicial district of Oliver P. Mason, chief justice of the state's first supreme court. The first district judge was A. J. Weaver, father of Arthur J. Weaver, a later governor. Only five murder cases have been heard in the county's courts, the first in 1872.
The first two decades of Fillmore's history produced two outstanding lawyers, James W. Eller and John P. Maule. Eller was made prosecuting attorney for the first. district, which included the counties of Fillmore, Richardson, Johnson, Pawnee, Gage, Jefferson, Saline, Thayer, Clay and Nuckolls. He later moved to Omaha and became Douglas County judge. Maule sponsored the repeal of a Nebraska law which forced debtors to pay a 10 percent attorney's fee for any suit made to collect a note.
Rev. George W. Gue and Rev. E. R. Spear were Fillmore's first preachers, and friends claim for both the distinction of delivering the county's first sermon. One of the early preachers combined religion with farming for a while and then concentrated on agriculture. Lawyer Maule asked him why he made the choice and was told, "I had the experience and came to the conclusion that I would rather be eternally damned than eternally poor." One of the most popular clergymen in the county was Father English. In the early eighties he was frequently called on to umpire the leading baseball games. Later, a Methodist minister became noted for his ability to judge horses.
Ever since its organization, Fillmore's political leanings generally have been Republican, and there have been few intense political battles. After the Civil War a great many Union blue-coats made Fillmore County their home, and they were a powerful political factor. In later years, Spanish-American veterans became a virile force in county life.
During this latter war, Fillmore recruited Company G, whose members came from all sections of the county, and established many firm friendships while overseas. When they returned, the largest crowd that had ever assembled in Geneva, the county seat, was there to meet them. Now only five of these veterans survive.
Out of fifteen county newspapers, only four survive today. Those still in existence are the Fill-
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more Chronicle at Fairmont, the Milligan Review, the Nebraska Signal at Geneva and the Fillmore County News at Exeter. The Chronicle was first called the Fairmont Bulletin, and was founded in May, 1872. Frank O. Edgecombe, editor of the Nebraska Signal, is a former president of the National Editorial Association, and for twenty-five years has been treasurer of the Nebraska Press Association. His paper has been selected several times by the N. E. A. as a model small town publication.
Fillmore's first roads were made by wagons, which followed the easiest contours of the country. Later roads were built along section lines, and silica and aluminum in the soil made excellent surfaces for the pioneers. A "Good Roads" movement stimulated construction of highways, until the county now has 1,164 miles of roads. More than a fourth of them are paved or graveled.
Fillmore's most freakish storm was the Easter snowfall of 1873, which covered houses and imprisoned men and beasts for days. It caused a great deal of discomfort, but no loss of life. The county also suffered from the great blizzard of Jan. 12, 1888. On June 5, 1908, a tornado moved through the county, first striking in Stanton township. It smashed the John Shively residence without warning, killing both children and the maid, and seriously injuring the others. By the time the storm reached Geneva, much of its fury had been spent, but it was still forceful enough to rock the three story Masonic building there.
Among interesting characters in Fillmore County's history was James W. Peabody, who came to Fairmont from Chicago in 1884, representing the N. H. Warren Grain Company. He had an engaging personality, came from a good family, and was intensely religious. Peabody and his brotherin-law, named Williams, sponsored a $10,000 bond issue by Fairmont to construct a water works for the city. With a wooden standpipe and delivery pipes of the same material, the system was completed before a sufficient water supply was found. This led to litigation, and Peabody returned to Chicago, bankrupt. He was also in the grain business, and somewhere in Geneva may be found his perpetual motion machine for transporting grain. Because there was no railroad line to Geneva at that time, Peabody conceived the idea of starting his own transportation system. He loaded the large hollow cylinder of his contrivance with several hundred bushels of grain and started on the road to Fairmont. But a start was all the machine ever made.
During various times of stress in Fillmore County, a part of its citizens have left, some returning, and others remaining away. It is the ones who stayed, however, who have built up the county from its humble beginnings. Fillmore of today is a realization of its pioneers' dreams and its history is a series of steps in the fulfillment of those dreams.
AKIN, MALCOLM M: Dentist; b Jefferson Co, Neb June 9, 1874; s of Almon M Akin-Mary Mavor; ed Fairbury HS; Lincoln Normal Coll; U of Omaha DDS 1902; Cotner U 1 summer; m Harriot Chapin Dec 23, 1903 Fairmont; s Fred M, Maurice C; d Jean F; 1894-96 tchr in Jefferson Co; 1902- dentist, Fairmont; opr several farms in Jefferson & Fillmore Cos; secy bd of edn 18 years,; mbr city coun 4 years; Central Neb Dist Dental Assn, past pres; Neb St & ADA; during Sp-Amer War Co 1, 1st Neb vol inf, served in Philippines 1898; VFW; USWV, past comm; AF&AM 48; several years secy Comml Club; Federated Ch; Rep, past chmn, Fillmore Co, Central Com, mbr Neb St Central Com, presidential elector 1928; res Fairmont.ALFS, JOHN B: Implement Dealer; b Meta, Mo July 16, 1897; s of Ben D Alfs-Anna Mengers; ed Fillmore CO; m Erma Fern Ketchum Nov 7, 1923 Shickley Neb; s Ronald John; d Mary Louise; 1912-15 worked on farm, Fillmore CO; 1915-17 mechanic, Shickley; 1919-21 mechanic, Fillmore CO; 1921- opr garage in Shickley; 1933- impl dlr; 1936 invented & holds patent for field ensilage harvester manufactured by John Deere Co; during World War 11 mos in USN; Amer Leg; Comm Club; Meth Ch; Rep; res Shickley.
ANDERSON, JOHN A SR: Retired; b Jefferson Co, Ia Sept 13, 1873; s of John A Anderson-Louisa Samuelson; ed Pleasant Hill Ia; Howes Acad, Mt Pleasant Ia; m Estella Swanson Sept 4, 1900 Jefferson Co Ia; s John A Jr: d Ruth V (Mrs Roy Lovegrove), Gladys V (Mrs George Aden), Vera M; 1895-1903 farmed in Jefferson Co Ia; 1903-12 farmed in York Co; 1912-18 farmed in Stevens Co, Minn; 1918- 19 farmed near Exeter; 1920 bought & oprd a farm at Lawrence Kas; 1921-37 farmed in Fillmore Co; 1937- retired to Fairmont; 1928- Fillmore Co supvr; served on sch bds in Kas, Minn, Ia & Fillmore Co; dir Farmers Co-op Elevator, Fairmont 13 years; AF&AM 48, past master: Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; res Fairmont.
ARNOT, LELAND DILL: Dentist; b Johnson, Neb July 8, 1900; s of Lycurgus B Arnot-Mary Elizabeth Carmine; ed Pawnee City HS; U of N, DDS 1924; Beta Theta Pi; Xi Psi Phi; m Esther Philleo May 20, 1925 Denver, Colo; s Leland Dill Jr; 1919-20 tchr Pawnee Co; 1924- dentist, Exeter; Central Dist Dental Soc, past pres; Neb St Dental Assn, mbr exec council, legislative com & past chmn economic com; ADA; past mbr city coun; past pres & secy bd of edn; during World War Oct 6, 1918-Dec 19, 1918 in Co A SATC; Amer Leg, Past Post comm; Uni Club, Lincoln; past pres C of C; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, landscaping; res Exeter.
ASHBY, ALBERT A: Physician & Surgeon; b Mt Carroll, Ill Nov 3, 1891; s of Charles L Ashby-Effie Thompson; ed Mt Carroll Ill HS; Chicago Homeopathic Med Coll & Hosp, MD 1913; Pi Upsilon Rho; m Gertrude Ferg Oct 29, 1918 Independence Mo; s Charles Ferg, Sherman Francis; 1913- phys & surg, Fairmont; city phys; pres Fairmont bd of edn; non-resident mbr of staff St Elizabeth Hosp, Lincoln; surg & examiner for CB&Q RR; during World War 1st lt med corps, Fort Riley Kas & Camp Devens Mass; commanding hosp ofcr Scituate Proving Grounds, Scituate Mass; after war served as capt of res, Camp Devens Mass; Amer Leg, past post comm: Neb St Med Assn, pres dist 7; AMA; Amer Assn of Railway Surgeons; AF&AM 48, Scot Rite, Sesostris Shrine, Lincoln; Uni Club, Lincoln; Rep, chmn Fillmore Co Central Com; hobbies, reading, managing farms; Mrs Ashby grad Kas U, BA 1918; Alpha Delta Pi; PEO, Womans Club; Amer Leg aux; head of water, food & sanitation dept Topeka Kas 1918-19; hobbies, music, flowers; res Fairmont.
BAHE, ALBERT H: Postmaster; b Ohiowa, Neb Mar 17, 1902; s of William Bahe-Ella Gewecke; ed Ohiowa; extn work for HS: m Amalia D Most May 13, 1924 Ohiowa; s Millard LeRoy, Allison Verone; 1918-20 with Averiall Hdw Co, Ohiowa; 1920-23 farmed; 1923-29 oprd cafe, Ohiowa; 1929-31 with Crittenden Grain Co; 1931- P M, Ohiowa; 1st VP Neb League of Dist P Ms; Neb ch, Natl Assn of P Ms, del to natl conv 1935-39; 4 years chmn Ohiowa municipal
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band; 4 years secy vol fire dept: Past secy Comml Club; 1935- secy AF&AM; KP, Milligan & Ohiowa; Luth Ch; hobby, music; res Ohiowa.
BARBUR, EDWARD J: Farmer; b Woodstock, Ill Nov 23, 1868; s of J K Barbur-Catherine Clarke; ed Exeter, HS; LBC; m Lillian M Horne Dec 20, 1893 Exeter (dec Mar 3, 1930); s John L, James B. Martin E (dec), George Howard, William Harold (dec); d Lucile (Mrs Carl Sole); came from Ill to Fillmore Co, 1870; 1890 started farming & stock raising in Fillmore Co, bought farm 1892; 1902-05 Fillmore Co clk; 1896 chmn Fillmore Co bd of supvrs; treas sch bd 14 years; helped org Farmers Co-op Assn of Exeter, dir several years; KP; Meth Ch, ch mbr Congl Ch; Rep, past mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; father homesteaded in Fillmore Co; was one of first Fillmore Co assessors & instrumental in locating co seat in Geneva; lived in dugout where first preaching & first SS in Fillmore Co were held; planted first maple tree seeds from which most maple trees in Exeter & Fillmore Co grew; res Exeter.
BARBUR, JAMES B: Florist; b Exeter, Neb June 22. 1897; s of Edward J Barbur-Lillian Horne; ed Fillmore Co; LBC; m Louisa M Volz July 17, 1918 Friend; s James V, Charles E; d Dolores Kathrine, Mary Lynn; 1918-23 farmer & stockman near Exeter; 1923-24 worked for Frey & Frey Florists, Lincoln: 1924 estab The Barbur Floral Co, Geneva; pres bd of edn 1928-34; 9 years mbr vol fire dept; Neb St Florists Soc; FTDA; Comm Club; AF&AM, past master; OES, past patron; IOOF, past noble grand; MWA; Meth Ch, steward; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Geneva.
BASHFORD, ALFRED F: Clergyman; b Tunbridge Wells, England Mar 17, 1872; s of Alfred Bashford-Susanna B Willie; ed England; coll work under priv tutor, England; special course in Bible Inst of Chicago, Ill; m Elizabeth J Joyce Jan 29, 1898 Mondamin Ia; s Frederick J; d Marguerite E (Mrs L J Klotz); came to U S in 1894; 1897-1899 pastor in Ia; 1899 entered pastoral work Thompson Ia & was ordained there; 1899-1904 pastor, Magnolia & Arlon Ia; 1904-20 pastor at Sargent, Long Pine, Beemer, Avoca, Arlington; 1920- pastor at Exeter; Past Pres C of C 5 years; IOOF, Past noble grand; Congl Ch, moderator Neb conference, 1933- state dir; secy & treas Blue Valley Assn since 1921; res Exeter.
BEDFORD, MERVIN V: Implement Dealer; b Bee, Neb Feb 14, 1902; s of Oliver C Bedford-Stella Mary Terwilliger; ed Geneva HS; Creighton U, PhG 1922; Kappa Psi; m Zelma W Willmore Sept 28, 1929 Hebron; d Mary Maude; 1922-23 pharm, Morrill; 1923-24 salesman for father, Santa Barbara, Calif; 1924-25 pharm Hebron; 1925-26 pharm, Broken Bow; 1926-30 with Bedford Whol Produce Co, Geneva; 1930-31 foreman Harbaugh Bros, Kearney; 1931-35 inspector, weights & measures dept for State of Neb, South Platte territory; 1936- impl dlr, Geneva; mbr bd of edn; dir Comm Club; AF&AM 79; Shrine; RAM: R&SM; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Geneva.
BEECHNER, SAMUEL: Clergyman: b Cameron Mo July 12 1873; s of Edward Beechner-Elizabeth Groh; ed Cameron MO; Central Wes Coll, Warrenton Mo, BA 1897, MA 1901; m Ida A Groebe Sept 15, 1897 Kansas City Mo; s Raymond L, Milton P, Ralph W; d Hazel Marie (Mrs Charles B Paine); 1897- Meth pastor; 1899 ordained deacon; 1901 ordained elder; 1897-1904 pastor Crosby, Mo; 1904-08 pastor, Sedalia Mo, also taught German 2 years, Sedalia Mo HS; 1908-12 pastor, Higginsville Mo; 1912-16 pastor, St Joseph Mo; 1916-24 pastor Second Meth Ch, Lincoln; 1924-26 Lincoln dist supt; 1926-33 pastor Salem Ch, Lincoln, chaplain Bryan Memorial Hosp 5 years, asst financial secy 2 years; 1933- pastor, Exeter; trustee Central Wesleyan Coll, Warrenton Mo, 20 years; dir Bryan Memorial Hosp 10 years; Meth Ch: Rep; hobbies, gardening, flowers, hiking; res Exeter.
BIXBY, JOSEPH: Physician & Surgeon; b Minonk, Ill June 27, 1875; s of Joseph Bixby-Sarah Todd; ed Diller Neb; U of N; Rush Med Coll, Chicago; Uni Med Coll, Kansas City Mo, MD 1900; grad work Presby Hosp, Chicago; m Josephine Pangle Sept 14, 1917 York (dec); s Joseph Jr, John Richard; m Edith Roby Nov 26, 1937 Valparaiso, Ind; 1900-03 prac med, Strang; 1903- prac med, Geneva; staff mbr St Elizabeth Hosp; mayor Geneva since 1933; mbr advisory bd & examining bd for Fillmore Co during World War, now life mbr Civil Legion; past mbr of 1st bd of Geneva lib commission; Fillmore Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn, past pres; AMA: Comm Club, past pres; AF&AM, past master; Scot Rite, Sesostris Shrine, Lincoln; KP; DOKK; OES, past patron; Uni Club, Lincoln; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, reading; res Geneva.
BOLLE, V F: Clergyman; b Meppen, Hanover, Germany Dec 3, 1872; s of William Bolle-Anna Witte; classical course, Germany; St Meinrad Seminary, St Meinrad Ind; St Marys Seminary, Baltimore, Md, STB 1896; ordained priest 1897, for Lincoln diocese; substitute pastor at McCook & Orleans short time; 1897-99 pastor, Elsie Missions; 1899-1900 pastor, Shelby; 1900-12 at Asumption, Adams CO; 1912-16 pastor at Beatrice; 1916- pastor St Stevens Ch, Exeter & dean of Exeter deanery; Cath Ch; res Exeter.
BOLTON, RALPH M: Lumber Merchant; b Davenport, Neb Aug 6. 1889; s of Monroe Bolton-Sarah S White; ed Davenport; Geneva HS; m Dora A Jewell Aug 5, 1912 Geneva, s Albert M, Earle J; d Alta M (Mrs Wayne Christiancy), Elsie F; 1912-20 farmer & stockman near Davenport; 1920- in lbr bus, Geneva; past mbr city coun; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Comm Club; Meth Ch; hobby, hunting; res Geneva.
BROWN, ALVA L: Auto Dealer; b Fairmont, Neb Oct 1, 1884; s of William S Brown-Kate Reardon, ed Fairmont HS; U of N, BSc 1908; one of first active mbrs of Acacia; m Grace King Dec 1, 1908 Council Bluffs Ia; s William King; d Phyllis Grace, Virginia Lee; 1908-09 electrical mechanic for Lincoln Traction Co, Lincoln; 1909 worked short time for Western Motor Co, Logansport Ind; 1909- opr a garage, first in Fairmont; 1919-28 Chevrolet & Buick dlr; 1933- mbr bd of edn; AF&AM 48, past master; Scot Rite, Tangier Shrine; Federated Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Fairmont.
BROWN, GUY A: Nurserymen; b Geneva, Neb Sept 30, 1898; s of Adoniram J Brown-Ella M Lee; ed Geneva HS; m Alta O Tomlin June 30, 1915 Geneva; s George G, Guy A Jr; 1900- in nursery bus; worked with father in nursery until 1908; 1908-16 foreman, 1916- owner & opr, Geneva Nurseries; 1929-30 mbr Neb legislature; mbr bd of edn; Neb Nursery Assn, past pres 2 years; Amer Assn of Nurserymen; past pres Fillmore Co Farm Bur; Comm Club, past pres; AF&AM 79, past master; past high priest, RAM; R&SM, past illustrous master, 1939 grand capt of the guard; OES, past patron: Congl Ch, trustee; Rep, mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; hobby, fishing; parents settled in Fillmore Co 1871, father estab Geneva Nurseries 1883; res Geneva.
CAMP, FRED H: Merchant; b Geneva, Neb Aug 22, 1874; s of C D Camp-Parmelia A Warner; ed Geneva HS; m Hattie L Elmore Sept 4, 1894 Clay Center (dec); s Clarence C; d Maybelle E (Mrs Lawrence Booker); 1894-97 oprd barber shop, Geneva; 1897-1904 oprd photograph bus, Geneva; 1904 groc; past mbr bd of edn 3 1/2 years; past mbr city coun 7 years; Comm Club; Past mbr Fillmore Co Fair bd; KP; Congl Ch; Rep, mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; res Geneva.
CHARVAT, VACLAV: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Czechoslovakia Sept 21, 1887; s of Vaclav Charvat-Anna Fronkova; ed Louny Czechoslovakia HS; LBC 1913-14; m Christine Bernaser Nov 24, 1924 Oklahoma City; d Venuse Christine; Dec 7, 1905 came to U S, worked in newspaper off, Hallisville Tex & farmed; 1907 worked on farm, managed saloon, David City 1914-16 bkkpr Valier Mont State Bank; 1916-17 bkkpr First Natl Bank, Spencer; 1917-22 asst cash Bank of Dorchester; 1922-26 pres Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Havelock; 1926- ins & real est dlr, Milligan; past twp commr; notary public, Milligan; during World War enl Mar 1918 in Lincoln, heavy arty regiment 77, battery D, AEF 9 mos, disch Apr 1919; Amer Leg, past comm; Czech Natl Alliance; Sokol; Dem, mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; hobbies, travel, planting trees, collecting rocks, flowers & Indian relics; res Milligan.
CORBITT, GRADY: Attorney; b Ozark, Ala May 11, 1890; s of Jesse W Corbitt-Sarah A Carter; ed Ozark Ala HS; U of Ala, BA 1911; U Of Mich; Kappa Sigma; m Ethel Sloan Jan 2, 1919 Washington, D C; s Charles W; d Margaret Anne; 1911-12 tchr, Ozark Ala HS: 1912-13 HS supt, Opp Ala; 1913-14 HS prin, Union Springs Ala; 1914-17 secy to US Congressman Henry B Steagall of Ala; asst librarian on floor of house of representatives, Washington D C; 1917-21 in U S consular service; 1921 adm to Neb bar, 1921- prac law mbr Sloan, Keenan & Corbitt, Geneva; VP Geneva State Bank; Fillmore Co & Neb St Bar Assns; AF&AM, Ozark Ala; Shrine, Birmingham Ala; BPOE; KP; IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting; res Geneva.
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CRAVEN, FRANK N: Lumber Dealer; b Exeter, Neb Oct 10, 1887; s of John A Craven-Mary E Newman; ed Exeter HS; m Gladys E Howard Sept 22, 1910 Exeter; d Doris Virginia, Alice Norma; 1904- with father in Craven Lbr Co, Exeter; 1932- active mgr, 1937- ptr; 1915-22 bridge contr, Fillmore Co; 1912 built first concrete silo in state, has built several hundred concrete stock watering tanks; 1935- cattle feeder; dir & VP First Natl Bank of Exeter; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; dir Debus Baking Co of Hastings; C of C, treas; res Exeter.
CRAVEN, JOHN A: Retired; b Cheshire, England Oct 31, 1854; s of George Craven-Esther Large; ed England; m Mary E Newman Sept 24, 1884 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; s George W, Frank N; d Nellie R, Esther A, Mary A (Mrs Charles Meacham); came to Canada in 1872; 1872-85 blacksmith in Canada; 1885-90 oprd blacksmith shop, Exeter; 1890-1935 owned & oprd lbr bus, Exeter; 1935- ret, still ptr in bus; dir Debus Baking Co, Hastings; Chris Set Ch. treas; res Exeter.
DAVIS, JOHN P: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Basco, Ill Feb 16, 1869; s of Joseph Davis-Emily J White; ed HS in Neb: Omaha Comml Coll; m Bertha A Alexander Oct 23, 1892 Fillmore Co; s Jay, J Howard: d Ruth E (Mrs ___ Wilkins), Clara Faye; 1885 settled with parents in Fillmore Co; 1890-91 sch tchr, Fillmore Co; 1891-97 oprd drug store, Ohiowa; 1897-1923 farmer & stockman, Fillmore Co, raised purebred Red Polled cattle; 1923- in real est & ins bus, Geneva; 1910 VP Bank of Commerce; 1923-24 mbr Neb legislature: past mbr bd of edn 9 years; pres Fillmore Co Purebred Livestock Breeders Assn; dir Neb Improved Livestock Breeders Assn; pres Fillmore Co Farm Dur; Comm Club; AF&AM 79; MWA; Chris Ch; Dem; res Geneva.
DELFS, CLAUS GILBERT: Physician & Surgeon; b Vinton, Ia Mar 15, 1893; s of Carl Delfs-Minnie Myrtle Dresser; ed Tilford Collegiate Acad, Vinton Ia; Drake U, 1908-10; Creighton U, MD 1913, org & coached first varsity basketball team; Phi Rho Sigma; m Nell Riesenberg Aug 21, 1912 Omaha; s Richard Carl; d Dorothy Dee; m Laura A Schmoker May 10, 1930 Lake Charles La; 1913-14 chief Interne Swedish Mission Hosp, Omaha; 1914-15 asst to Dr W K Loughridge, Omaha; 1915-28 phys & surg, Shickley; 1928-35 phys & surg Harlingen, Tex; 1935- phys & surg, Geneva; past staff mbr Valley Baptist Hosp, Harlingen Tex; past VP Texas Tri-County Med Soc of Lower Rio Grande Valley; past dir Kiwanis Club, Harlingen Tex; past dir Jr C of C. Harlingen, Tex; Comm Club; 1926-28 dir Izaak Walton; AF&AM 79, Scot Rite, Lincoln; Tehama Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; res Geneva.
DORRANCE, W ROSS: Merchant, b Fairmont, Neb Sept 16, 1888; s of William S Dorrance-Rena Bell; ed Fairmont HS: m Viola Spahr Nov 16, 1909 Fairmont; 1904-07 drayman, Fairmont; 1908-11 worked for L O Shirk in butcher shop; 1911-14 worked for P N Frame in gen merc store; 1914-15 mgr gen store for Dr Carr, Odell; 1915-18 mgr groc dept, Polk Merc Co, Polk; 1918-21 oprd gen store, Shelby; 1921-23 oprd stock farm, Stanton Co; 1923-24 mgr Farmers Union Store, Polk; 1924- owner & opr W R Dorrance Gen Store, Fairmont; past mbr city coun 3 years; past pres Comml Club 2 years; IOOF; Meth Ch; Rep; father came to Fairmont before Neb was a state & was one of early mchts of Fairmont; mother tchr in Fairmont; res Fairmont.
DOWDY, HERBERT T: Farmer & Stockman; b Hamburg, Ia May 12, 1875; s of Henry C Dowdy-Laura Hood; ed Hamburg Ia; Nebraska City; m Gertrude Frazier Oct 7, 1896 Hamburg Ia (dec); s Jesse LeRoy, Claude Henry, Charles LeRoy; d Ella Mae Elizabeth, Ruth Marie, Loretta Mae; m Lennie Leckenby Apr 10, 1919 Thayer Co; 1895-1903 farmer near Hamburg Ia; 1903- farmer & stock raiser in Thayer & Fillmore Cos; past mbr sch bd dist 83, Thayer Co & Fillmore Co dist 58; committeeman Fillmore Co AAA; Amer Natl Livestock Assn; past mbr KP, Hamburg Ia; Dem; hobby, fine livestock; res RFD 2, Carleton.
DVORAK, ROBERT C: Publisher; b Tabor, S D Apr 5, 1915; s of Joseph A Dvorak-Anna Riha; ed Tabor S D HS; m Viola B Kulish June 11, 1936 Yankton S D; s Robert Joseph; d Bonita Ann; 1934 linotype opr Aberdeen Idaho; 1935 lived in Los Angeles, also in newspaper work, Arcadia Neb; Jan 1936publisher of Milligan Review; NPA; Comm Club; ZCBJ; KP; Czech Natl Alliance; mbr NG in S D 4 years; hobbies, painting, music; parents came as children from Czechoslovakia to Chicago; father later was Tabor S D publisher; res Milligan.
DYER, ALBERT W: Retired; b Wallingford, England Mar 3, 1871; s of William Dyer-Jennie Sevelle; ed Fillmore Co: Exeter HS; m Pearl L Stevens Mar 4, 1920 Lincoln; with parents came from England to Lincoln July 4, 1871, homesteaded at Exeter; 1887-1900 farmer & stockman on home place; 1900-37 in impl bus, Exeter; 1937- ret; owns 160 A farm in Fillmore Co, 160 A farm in York Co & 640 A in Grant Co; dir First Natl Bank, Exeter; mayor several terms: KP; C of C; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep, mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; res Exeter.
EDGECOMBE, FRANK O: Newspaper Publisher: b Leipsic, Ohio Feb 18, 1864; s of Humphrey M Edgecombe-Clara Shaff; ed Rulo HS; Meth Coll, York, BSc 1884; m Hattie B Mengel Sept 15, 1887 Valparaiso; s Tyler; d Helen (Mrs Edward Hoyt); settled with parents on farm near Rulo 1865; 1886-90 bkkpr, asst cash & cash Bank of Rulo, later First Natl Bank; 1889 bought half int in Falls City Journal; 1890 moved to Falls City & became publisher of Falls City Journal; 1894 sold Falls City Journal, bought & consolidated two newspapers in Geneva, publisher since; during 46 years in Geneva has pur and consolidated 14 Fillmore Co newspapers under name Nebraska Signal; 1904 with two associates bought Neb Farmer; 1908 sold int in Neb Farmer, bought controlling int in Beatrice Daily Express, held until 1920; Neb Signal honored in professional editorial contest of Omaha Daily Bee, prize $50 Aug 1922; awarded $25 by Pres John C Brimblecom of the Natl Edit Assn at its conv in Saratoga Springs N Y July 1933 for editorial entitled "Editorial Responsibility"; won from Wallace Odell, pres of Natl Edit Assn, silver loving cup for best editorial page May 24, 1924 Okla City won Editor & Publisher award for greatest comm service, presentation made at Natl Edit Assn conv, Los Angeles July 1926; best editorial on Primary Livestock Market won $75 prize of Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, June 1933; mbr NPA since 1890, pres 1893-94, treas since 1916; mbr Natl Edit Assn since 1905, pres 1925-26, has been in nearly every state for conv sessions; has visited Canada 3 times, Hawaiian Islands, Panama Canal Zone, Mexico & Cuba; Dec 29, 1933 recd Lincoln Kiwanis Club medal for distinguished service to state and comm, 1892 while hunting prairie chicken, blinded by charge of shot from gun of companion, spent 23 days in an Omaha hosp, upon return home resumed work in newspaper off; gave address before the school of journalism of the U of N in Feb 1925; chmn Fillmore Co council of defense during World War; res Geneva.
EDGECOMBE, TYLER: Publisher; Rulo, Neb July 10, 1888; s of Frank O Edgecombe-Hattie M Mengel; ed Geneva HS; U of N, BSc 1911, 1907-11 assoc & managing editor Daily Nebraskan; m Gladys H Dingman Oct 11, 1913 Fairbury; s John F; d Arlene R (Mrs Don Ammon), Mary E (Mrs Jack White), Jean F; emp in fathers newspaper off, Geneva, while attending sch; 1911-13 managing editor Beatrice Daily Express; 1913- managing editor & co-publisher Neb Signal, Geneva; NPA; Comm Club, past secy; AF&AM 79, past master; RAM 41, scribe; R&SM 26, deputy master; OES, past patron: Meth Ch, steward; Rep, secy Fillmore Co Central Com; res Geneva.
FERGUSON, NELLE McBEE: Homemaker; b Bostwick, Neb Mar 4, 1892; d of Warren J McBee-Missouri Ann McBee; ed Franklin Acad, Franklin; KSTC 1915; U of N; Columbia U; m Richard Ferguson July 6, 1924 Haigler; s Gary Warren; 1909-13 tchr, Nuckolls Co; 1915-16 tchr of English & history at Naponee HS; 1916-18 tchr of English & history, Blue Hill HS; 1918-22 tchr of home economics, Gering HS; 1922-24 tchr of home economics, Hastings HS; 1928-31 tchr, Neb Sch of Agr, Curtis; mbr library bd; Amer Leg aux, 1 year mgr Natl News, 2 years Frontier Co pres; Womans club, past pres; Friends of the Library; OES, past matron; Meth Ch; hobby, reading; parents came from Missouri to Neb, settled at Bostwick 1885, now at Haigler, celebrated 54th wedding anniversary Nov 26, 1939; res Exeter.
FERGUSON, RICHARD: Publisher; b Garnett, Kans Oct 4, 1894; s of G W Ferguson-Bernice Wamsley; ed Holdrege HS; m Nelle McBee July 6, 1924 Haigler; s Gary Warren; 1913-16 with Holdrege Progress; 1916-17 publisher of Naponee Herald; 1917-18 editor, Holdrege Progress; 1919-25 in newspaper & printing work at Kansas City; 1925-26 newspaper work, Stockton Kas; 1926-27 publisher Haigler News, Haigler; 1927-31 mgr Curtis Enterprise; 1931-32 publisher Lyman Ledger; 1932-37 mgr Curtis Enter-
in Nebraska
prise; 1937- publisher Fillmore Co News, Exeter; during World War April-Dec 1918 in 164th depot brigade; Amer Leg, past comm; pres C of C; AF&AM; OES, past patron; NPA; Meth Ch; Rep, pres Neb Rep Editorial Assn; res Exeter.
FISCHER, ALBERT: Merchant; b Kenesaw, Neb Apr 5, 1887; s of John Fischer-Mary Mack; ed Holstein; m Bess M Curtiss Sept 16 1924 Geneva; d Pansy Rose, Ruby Jewel, Phyllis Alberta; 1909-15 mcht, Holstein; 1915- gen mcht, Shickley; mbr village board; IGA; past pres Comm Club; AF&AM 79; Meth Ch; Rep; res Shickley.
FITZGERALD, TOM: Farmer; b Chicago, Ill Apr 23, 1869; s of John J Fitzgerald-Mary Murphy; ed Grafton HS; m Marcella Halligan Nov 28, 1907 Sutton; s John T, Edward F; d Mary (Mrs Raymond Hoarty), 1880 came with parents to Neb, father farmed in Fillmore Co; 1920 with Grafton State Bank, now pres; also farmer & stockman; past mbr sch bd 30 years; Cath Ch; Dem; res Grafton.
FLORY, CHARLES W: Farmer; b Fillmore Co, Neb May 30, 1881; s of James A Flory-Elizabeth Adams; ed Fillmore Co; Shickley HS; U of N; m Mary Ethel Wagers Sept 21, 1904 Fillmore Co; s Donald LeRoy; d Wilma Dorothy (Mrs Oscar E Nelson); 1903- farmer & stock raiser, owner of 120 A SE of Shickley since 1908; owns farm in Canada; past mbr sch bd; past mbr Fillmore Co Farm Bur; past mbr state grain bd & county allotment com, AAA; Meth Ch, trustee & steward, past SS supt; Rep, mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; hobby, reading; parents came from Ind to Fillmore Co in 1870s; res Shickley.
FRAZIER, LOU W: Publisher; b Martins Ferry, O Dec 2, 1869; s of Joseph Frazier-Talitha Spence; ed Fairmont; m Anna Shoff Apr 7, 1892 Grafton; s Donald; came with family to Neb in 1871, lived in dugout on homestead until 1874, moved to Fairmont; 1883 studied newspaper trade in off of Fillmore County Chronicle which he has owned & published since July 1, 1885, longest period of continuous ownership & publication of any newspaper in state; advanced from worn-out hand press & rented office to modern fireproof bldg with modern equipment; 1903-09, secy state printing bd; 1909-13 P M, Fairmont; mbr NPA 40 years; Natl Edit Assn; Neb St Hist Soc; AF&AM 48; Scot Rite, Lincoln; Sesostris Shrine; Rep; hobby, travel, has traveled over all U S, Mexico, Cuba & Canada; res Fairmont.
FRIEDEN, AMOS: Postmaster; b Germany Aug 10, 1876; s of Bernard FrIeden-Anna Wietjes; ed Grafton; m Kate Leimbach Feb 11, 1899 Geneva; s Wilfred; d Lydia (Mrs Henry W Heller), Velma (Mrs Ralph Hubbell), Viola (Mrs Joe P Cunningham), Lodema; 1885 came to Grafton, farmed in Fillmore Co; 1897 homesteaded in Chase Co; 1898-1932 farmer & stockman, Fillmore Co; 1910-36 owner of 320 A farm near Drinkwater, Saskatchewan, Canada; oprd threshing machine 25 years; 1933- P M, Shickley; moderator sch bd dist 87 Fillmore Co 1903-04; dir sch bd dist 49 1912-15; twp assessor; 1928-30; past pres Comm Club; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Shickley.
GEWACKE, JOHN C: Attorney; b Fillmore Co, Neb Oct 30, 1907; s of William G Gewacke-Elizabeth Wernimont; ed Geneva HS; Neb Wes, BA 1928; U of N, LLB 1932; Phi Kappa Phi; Pi Kappa Delta; adm to Neb bar 1932; 1932- atty in Geneva; 1935- Fillmore Co atty; Fillmore Co, 7th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; Comm Club: Uni Club, Lincoln; AF&AM 79; KP; Meth Ch; Rep; res Geneva.
GEWACKE, WILLIAM G: Partner & Stockman; Kankakee Co, Ill Jan 28, 1871; s of Christ Gewacke-Minnie Silk; ed Fillmore Co; m Elizabeth Wernimont Mar 25, 1902 Fillmore Co; s Clyde W, John C; 1893- farmer & stockman, Fillmore Co, owns modern farm home & 240 A near Ohiowa; ptr of son Clyde since 1935; past mbr sch bd 9 years; Meth Ch, chmn bd of stewards; Rep; father came to Fillmore Co 1876, was farmer & stockman; res Ohiowa.
GILROY, REV JAMES F: Clergyman; b Co Sligo, Ireland Jan 17, 1876; s of Jeremiah Gilroy-Mary Leydon; ed Summer Hill Coll, Co Sligo, Ireland; Allhallows Coll, Dublin Ireland; ordained June 19, 1905; came to Lincoln 1905; 1905-08 asst pastor, Hastings; 1908 asst pastor St Mary's Cathedral, Lincoln; 1908-10 pastor, Burchard; 1910-18 pastor, Heartwell; 1918-28 pastor, Friend; 1928-36 pastor, Fairbury; 1936-39 pastor, Falls City; 1939- pastor, Geneva; KC; res Geneva.
GROTHE, CHARLES A: Manager Milling Co; b Dorchester, Neb May 27, 1915; s of John J Grothe-Josey May West; ed Geneva HS; m Beryl E Chestnut Sept 1, 1934 Geneva; s Charles F; 1928-32 worked summers for Geneva Milling Co; 1932-33 emp in off, Geneva Milling Co; 1933-85 traveling salesman for Geneva Milling Co; 1935- mgr Geneva Milling Co; pres Neb Millers' Assn; VP Comm Club; Meth Ch, steward; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Geneva.
GROTHE, JOHN J: Owner Milling Co; b Weeping Water, Neb Sept 12, 1885; s of Charles F Grothe-Etta Flunk; ed Weeping Water HS; m Josey May West Apr 1913 Lincoln; s Charles A, John E; d Alice M (Mrs John Knudsen), Mildred E, Gladys, Norma; in milling bus since 1900; 1914-29 ptr of brother W H in Pleasant Hill Mills; 1930-33 with brother owner & opr Geneva Milling Co; 1933- owner & opr Geneva Milling Co; mbr city coun; Neb Millers Assn; Comm Club; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, baseball; res Geneva.
HAMILTON, HOWARD W: Attorney; b Hoxie, Kas Feb 28, 1907; s of Herbert Hamilton-Daisy Myrtle Clements; ed Geneva HS 1926, 1924 mbr state champion debate team; Neb Wes, BA 1928; U of N; Delta Omega Phi, Pi Kappa Delta; m Thelma Johnson Aug 28, 1928 North Loup; s Robert Frank; d Georgia Grace; 1927-28 prin Friend Jr HS; 1928-29 tchr & debate coach, Geneva HS; 1929-30 prin Cedar Rapids HS; 1930-37 prin Geneva HS; 1937- Fillmore Co judge; adm to prac of law in Neb 1935; mbr lib bd; Neb St Bar Assn; mbr Neb Assn of Co Judges; NSTA, sec 1 year & treas 1 year of dist 1; Comm Club; KP; Meth Ch, dir; hobby, stamp collecting; res Geneva.
HAMILTON, GUY A: Attorney; b Geneva, Neb Dec 24, 1882; s of Joseph D Hamilton-Rowena J Edwards; ed Geneva HS, U of N; Columbia U, BA 1905, LLB 1907; 1907-17 with Chase Natl Bank, New York City; adm to Neb bar Nov 27, 1923; 1923- atty, Geneva; 1927-31 Fillmore Co atty; secy Fillmore Co Farmers Mutual Ins Co:, secy Geneva Cemetery Assn; pres lib bd; Fillmore Co & Neb St Bar Assns; KP; Rep; res Geneva.
HAMMOND, JAMES W: Attorney; b Exeter, Neb May 30, 1903; s of Henry G Hammond-Ada Bird, ed Hugo Colo HS; 1925-30 studied law in off of Waring & Waring, Geneva; m Rose L Peterson Dec 25, 1927 Geneva; s James W, David P; d Rosalie; 1916-24 worked as barber; 1925-27 dep clk, Fillmore Co; 1930 adm to Neb bar and U S dist court; 1930- prac law, Geneva; 1931-35 Fillmore Co atty; local supvr farm loan branch of Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co; lic real est broker; Fillmore Co, 7th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; pres Comm Club; com chmn BSA, Geneva; AF&AM 79, past secy; Scot Rite, Lincoln; OES, past patron; KP, Milligan; Congl Ch; Rep, chmn Fillmore Co Central Com; hobbies, hunting, fishing; grandfather, Henry Hammond, Civil War veteran, settled on soldiers homestead in Fillmore Co 1869; maternal grandfather, James Bird, Civil War veteran, lived at Nebraska City; res Geneva.
HARRINGTON, WAYNE W: Trucker & Oil Dealer; b York, Neb July 11, 1898; s of Harry M Harrington-Lela M Barber; ed York. Co: m Eunice H Kniss July 11, 1928 York; s Thomas Wayne; 1916-19 mechanic, David City & Polk; tractor mechanic, western Neb; 1919-28 garage opr at Lushton; 1923-25 mechanic in Cal, Ore & Wis; 1926-36 auto, impl & hdw dlr, also groc store opr, Lushton 1932 opr of truck line from Kas salt mines to Neb; Oct 1, 1936- in trucking bus, garage & oil bus: owner cafe & cabin camps; Apr 1, 1938 Inc bus under name W W Harrington, Inc, pres; mbr Lushton city coun 3 years; dir Neb ch US 6 Roosevelt Highway Assn; AF&AM 172, Fairmont; York Rite; RAM, York; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, out-board motor boating; Mrs Harrington ed York Coll & U of N; was sch tchr at Naper, Lushton & Sutton; secy-treas W W Harrington, Inc; mbr Fairmont bd of edn; OES; Meth Ch, trustee, pres Hastings dist WHMS, active worker with Queen Esthers; res Sutton.
HOAG, GLENN: Pharmacist; b Shickley, Neb Aug 15, 1891; s of L R Hoag-Minnie M Smith; ed Shickley HS; U of N, PhG 1913; m Aurella I Gates July 5, 1923 Hastings; 1913-15 pharm Colson Drug Store, Shickley, 1915-18 pharm & prop Theater Pharm, Chanute Kas; 1919-23 pharm Matthiesen Drug Co, Hastings; 1923- pharm & prop of Hoag Pharmacy, Shickley; past mbr of sch bd; during World War in hosp corps USN Apr 1918-Aug 1919, San Franciso (sic) & San Diego Cal; Amer Leg, past adjt; secy & treas Comm Club; AF&AM 79; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby, golf; res Shickley.
Who's Who
HUNKINS, LLOYD E: Superintendent of Schools; b Stratton, Neb Oct 17, 1898; s of Frank B Hunkins-Ida M Long; ed Stratton HS; U of N, BSc 1923, MA 1931; phi Delta Kappa; m Jennie Cleveland June 24, 1923 Trenton; s Lloyd Vaughn, Willis Dwain; 1916-17 rural sch tchr, Hitchcock Co; spring 1923 semester, tchr at WoIbach HS; 1923-26 tchr Exeter HS; 1926- supt of schs at Exeter, during World War in SATC; Amer Leg: NSTA; Neb Schoolmasters Club; C of C; AF&AM, past master; res Exeter.
HURLEY, GEORGE D: Mail Carrier; b Ohiowa, Neb Nov 23, 1899; s of Frank Hurley-Martha Seay; ed Ohiowa HS; m Myrtle M Moor July 26, 1919 Kearney; s Clifford D, F Alan, Gaylord J; 1919-21 farmer, Fillmore Co; 1921- RFD carrier; Meth Ch; hobbies, hunting, blue rock shooting, baseball; father came to comm in 1883, before Ohiowa was a town; res Ohiowa.
KEENAN, THOMAS J: Attorney: b chester (sic), N Y Dec 26, 1856; s of Thomas Keenan-Mary Perfield; ed New York; m Annie Prendergast May 23, 1887 Sutton; s John N, Thomas J, Peter P; Francis X, Leo W; d Mary G, Anna R, Irene A. Grace G; 1876 came to Neb, farmer near Grafton since; owns 487 A; mbr of com which obtained Fillmore Co courthouse; 25 years director sch dist 66; Cath Ch, past treas; Dem; parents came from Ireland to N Y; res Grafton.
KEENAN, THOMAS J: Attornely (sic); b Grafton, Neb Nov 20, 1890; s of Peter Keenan-Anna Prendergast; ed Grafton HS; Creighton U, BA 1912, LLB 1915; m Regene M Rock May 19, 1924 Geneva; adm to Neb bar 1915; 1915-18 prac law, Omaha; 1919- prac law with Sloan, Keenan & Corbitt, Geneva; 1917-18 Douglas Co supt of schs: 1922-26 Fillmore Co atty; during World War in personnel detachment, Camp Dodge Ia; Amer Leg, past comm; Neb St Bar Assn, mbr exec coun: Amer Bar Assn; Comm Club; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, reading; res Geneva
KLIMA, JOSEPH J: Bank Cashier; b Milligan, Neb Dec 27, 1895; s of Joseph Klima-Josephine Soufl; ed Milligan HS; PSTC; U of N; m Ada Stech June 2, 1921 Omaha; d Louise; 1915-16 supt of schs, Bristow; 1916-18 supt of schs, Shelby; 1919- with Farmers & Merchants Bank, Milligan, cashier since 1922; acting secy-treas Natl Farm Loan Assns at Milligan & Crete, secy bd of edn since 1924; during World War in USN Apr 1918-Feb 1919; Amer Leg; secy Fillmore Co Bankers Assn: past secy Milligan Comm Club; ZCBJ, Cedar Rapids Ia; AF&AM 149; hobbies, moving pictures, photography: parents came from Bohemia to Fillmore Co 1879; res Milligan.
KLOTZ, JOSEPH B: Pharmacist; b Ashland Neb Apr 10, 1882; s of William Klotz-Katharine Drabek; ed Ashland HS; Natl Inst of Pharm, Chicago Ill; became lic pharm in 1907, m Millie Winter 1902 Wahoo; s Lyell J; taught rural sch 3 years; supt Weston schs 3 years; during World War part time supervision of off pertaining to questionnaires; AF &AM 32o; Shrine; res Exeter.
KOEHLER, BEN G: Lumber & Grain Dealer; b Geneva, Neb Apr 17, 1900; s of Barthold Koehler-Clara Hoover; ed Geneva HS, grad US Naval Acad, Annapolis Md 1922; U of N; Phi Delta Theta; m Virginia Lee Garrett Nov 5, 1924 Dresden, Tenn; d Suzanne Marie, Virginia Elizabeth; 1923-26 with Standard Bridge Co at Omaha & Cottage Grove Ore; 1926 in sales off of Great Southern Lbr Co, Bogalusa La; 1927 VP of A Koehler Co, Inc, lbr, grain, coal & feed dirs, Geneva; past mbr bd of edn; past mbr city coun; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; past pres Comm Club; Navy Athletic Assn; Amer Leg; AF&AM 79; Congl Ch, trustee; Dem; res Geneva.
KOEHLER, JOHN H: Lumber & Grain Dealer; b Geneva, Neb Oct 1, 1897; s of Barthold Koehler-Clara E Hoover; ed Geneva HS; U of N, LLB 1920; Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; m Marguerite H Burke Oct 9, 1926 Lincoln; d Mary Louise, Nancy Jane; adm to Neb bar 1920, to Ill bar 1923; 1921-24 prac law with firm Judda, Willard, Wolfe & Reichman in Chicago; 1924- with A Koehler Co, Inc; 1926- secy & treas A Koehler Co, Inc; during World War in USN; Amer Leg; dir Fillmore Co Fair bd; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Neb Grain & Feed Dlrs Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; Comm Club; Uni Club, Lincoln; AF&AM 79; Congl Ch; Dem, chmn Fillmore Co Central Com, 1924; res Geneva.
KOTAS, JAMES V: Funeral Director & Jeweler; b Fillmore Co, Neb July 28, 1878: s of Joseph Kotas-Mary Kubicek; ed Milligan; m Frances Michel Feb 22, 1909 Geneva; s Ernest, Karl, Clarence: d Irene; learned jewelry trade 1892-95; 1895- jeweler in Milligan; 1918-26 oprd Milligan light plant; 1926- local mgr Ia-Neb Light & Power Co, 1908-18 groc; 1934- undertaker, funeral dir & furn dlr; mbr village bd 12 years; Comm Club; KP; Meth Ch, trustee; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; parents came from Europe to US in 1864, homesteaded Fillmore Co, later in creamery bus, Milligan; res Milligan.
KOTAS, WILLIAM H: Hardware Merchant: b Milligan, Neb Apr 1, 1898; s of Anton Kotas-Antone Volmut; ed Milligan HS; PSTC, BA 1925; U of N, 1933; m Irma D Essex June 22, 1926 Rockford; d Irma Beth, Willa Jean; 1919-22 supt of schs, Ohiowa; 1922-23 asst prin, Milligan HS; 1928-24 supt of schs,. Milligan: 1925-26 suprt of schs, Verona; 1926-82 supt of schs, Monroe; 1985-37 supt of schs, Prague; 1937- in hdw bus, Milligan; village clk, Milligan; mbr bd of edn; pres Comm Club; AV& AM 182; Indep; hobby, fishing; res Milligan.
LEWELLEN, CHESTER E: Physician & Surgeon; b Garland, Neb Apr 13, 1888; s of Joseph C Lewellen-Ella Trump; ed Lincoln HS; Cotner U; U of N; Loyola U, Chicago, MD 1912; Tau Alpha Epsilon; m Jeanette M Hugg Oct 24, 1912 Lincoln; foster d, Virginia Speake & Marjorie Speake; 1912-13 interne, Cook Co Hosp, Chicago: 1913-18 phys & surg, Lincoln; 1918-22, phys & surg, Bayard; 1922-29 phys & surg, Baxter Springs, Kas; 1929- phys & surg, Exeter; oprd priv hospitals in Lincoln & Bayard, also Baxter Springs Kas; chmn bd of edn 2 years; mayor of Exeter; mbr town bd 2 terms; past Ores Neb St Eclectic Med Assn; Neb St & AMA; past VP C of C; IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Exeter.
LINK, H M: Bank President; b Curtis, Neb Apr 11, 1886; s of Elijah E Link-Helen Kinney; ed Curtis HS; York Coll; m Mae Fisher June 28, 1910 Salina Kas; d Helen Carolyn (Mrs E L McCabe); 1906-08 clk for Wallace Co, bankers, Exeter; 1908-32 cash Exeter State Bank; 1932-34 VP Wallace Natl Bank; 1934- pres First Natl Bank; Rep; res Exeter.
LUTZ, ANTHONY J: Clergyman: b Bellenburg, Germany Sept 18, 1873; s of Oswald J Lutz-Thresa Zuern; ed Bellenburg Germany HS; Wertbein Coll and Tauberbiszhofsheim Coll, Germany; St Francis Seminary, Milwaukee Wis; 1897 ordained to priesthood, Milwaukee for diocese of Lincoln; 1897-1901 pastor at Center, 1901-04 at Indianola, 1904-09 at Orleans, 1909-11 at Shelby, 1911-13 at Luxemburg, 1918-16 at Assumption in Adams Co, 1916-85 at Turkey Creek, 1935- pastor at Grafton; hobby, reading; res Grafton.
LYNN, EDWARD J: Bank Cashier; Fillmore Co, Neb Dec 26, 1883; s of Andrew Lynn-Sarah Folden: ed Ohiowa HS; LBC; m Rose Ann Sieber Aug 17, 1910 Ohiowa, s Vincent S, Leland M; 1907-22 bkkpr Home Bank of Ohiowa, 1922- cashier & dir; sec bd of edn; Comm Club; AF&AM 182, past master; Scot Rite, Sesostris Shrine; OES; KP; MWA; Meth Ch: Rep; hobby, golf; parents came from Ill to Fillmore Co 1874; res Ohiowa.
MULLIGAN, HARRY J: Pharmacist;. b Shickley, Neb Dec 17, 1899; s of Lawrence L Mulligan-Mary McDonald; ed Shickley HS; U of N, BSc & PhG 1926; Kappa Pet; m Floy M Ayres Oct 30, 1922 Geneva; 1926- pharm for Picard Pharm at Geneva, mgr since 1936; 1937 Picard Pharm was selected as Master Merchant; during World War in supply co of 46th regiment, Camp Stuart Va; Amer Leg. past chaplain; Neb Pharm Assn, dist secy 1988; Comm Club, past dir; KC; Cath Ch; Vern; hobbies, baseball, football; res Geneva.
NICHOLS, CLARENCE B: Retired; b Leads, Wis May 7, 1877; s Of William H Nichols-Mary Bardon; ed Fillmore Co: m Nellie E Lashbrook Sept 27, 1904 Fillmore Co; s R Herbert, Francis W, S Gordon, Wilber R, C Donald; d Marian D; came with parents to Neb 1880, settled on farm in Fillmore Co; 1880-1904 farmed with father; 1904-37 farmer & stockman in Fillmore CO; owns 560 A farmed by sons, Francis & Donald; 1918-25 in construction bus, contracted & built bridges for state highway dept; bought & sold livestock many years; operated gasoline transport line; 1937- ret; mbr dist 18 sch bd 25 years; an org & dir Fairmont Farmers Co-op Assn; Meth Ch, past trustee; Rep; hobby, travel; Mrs Nichols b in Lincoln Neb. ed Fairmont HS; worked in Fairmont Creamery & Farmers State Bank; active in 4-H Club work; Womens Project Clubs; past mbr sch bd; Rep, mbr Fillmore Co Central Com 1918-37, first woman del from Geneva twp to state conv; treas of Fairmont Cemetery Assn; Meth Ch; hobby, travel; res Fairmont
in Nebraska
NICHOLS, HOWARD: Contractor; b Fillmore Co. Neb Jan 15, 1908; s of Edgar W Nichols-Lillie M Goodsell; ed Fairmont HS; Hastings Coll; m Ruth E McCabe Aug 26, 1938 Fairmont; s Donald A; d Rose A; 1930- with Nichols Construction Co of Geneva, 1936- ptr in firm wlth brothers, Jesse and Robert; contrs for state highway dept; Comm Club; AF&AM 79; Meth Ch; Rep; parents in Fillmore Co since 1880, father was farmer & contr; res Geneva.
OWENS, CLAIRE ESTELLE: Osteopath; b Fillmore Co, Neb Jan 31, 1876; d of Lewis D Owens-Harriet Totton; ed Neb Sch for the Blind, Nebraska City 1898; U. of N Conservatory of Music; Ginn Summer Sch of Music at Lake Forest Ill; grad work in pipe organ, piano & voice, Nebraska City; Still Coll of osteopathy Des Moines Ia, DO 1921; grad work Kirksville Coll of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo; lost sight at age of 8; 1898-1917 music supvr in public schs of Exeter, Fairmont & Geneva; 1921-23 osteopath, Geneva; 1923- osteopath, Exeter; mbr bd of edn 2 terms at Exeter, 1 term at Geneva; mbr state legislature 1931 & 1935; Neb Osteopathic Assn; Amer Osteopathic Assn, del to natl conv, Louisville Ky 1926; Osteopathic Womens Natl Assn, pres Neb branch; Neb Assn of Workers for the Blind, past pres, past treas, past del to natl conv; dir Amer Assn of Workers for the Blind; Exeter Womans Club, past pres; C of C; Presby Ch; hobby, travel; res Exeter.
PANGLE, CHARLES S: Stockman; b Fillmore Co, Neb Feb 5, 1880; s of Mordecai Pangle-Rebecca Carpenter; ed Fillmore Co; m Nellie Alice Price Sept 18, 1901 Madrid; d Helen Berniece (Mrs F P Burke), Lucy Bethene (Mrs George Cook); 1901-19 tenant farmer; 1918- farm owner & opr; 1918 pur 160 A; 1919 pur home place; 1931- stock raiser, buyer & feeder; treas tele co past 6 years; mbr twp bd 20 years; mbr sch bd 20 years; mbr Fillmore Co Fair bd 10 years; past dir Congl Ch 10 years; Rep, mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; hobby, travel; parents homesteaded in Fillmore Co, 1870, before town or RR was in neighborhood, father walked from Lincoln to homestead, lived in dugout first year; res Geneva.
PETERSON, FRED E: Farmer & Stockman; b Shickley, Neb Feb 29, 1880; s of Andrew W Peterson-Ida Maria Johnson; ed Fillmore Co; Augustana Coll, Rock Island Ill; 1901-03 asst purchasing agt for Betterdorf Axle Co, Davenport Ia; 1903-07 secy Amer Regalia Co, Rock Island Ill; 1907-10 vegetable farmer, lower Rio Grande Valley, Brownsville Tex; 1910- farmer & stockman near Shickley; banker in Shickley since 1926; 4 years committeeman Fillmore Co Agrl Conservation Program; past secy Farmers Elevator Co of Shickley; dir Fillmore Co, Farm Bur: chmn Swedish Cemetery Assn since 1922; AF&AM 79; Scot Rite, Hastings; IOOF, past noble grand; Luth Ch. treas 20 years; Rep; parents came from Sweden to U S, settled on farm, Fillmore Co; res Shickley.
PETERSON, WALFORD C: Oil Dealer; b Sweden Sept 23, 1866; s of John Peterson-Sara Issacson; ed Monmouth, Ill; Fillmore Co; m Rosalie Chaney Oct 21, 1896 Sidney Ia; s John C, Frank W, Paul L; d Leta Mae (Mrs T J Thomilson), Dazel (Mrs C C Camp), Minnie M (Mrs U F Stanard), Rose (Mrs J W Hammond), Marion (Mrs N D Calder), Helen (Mrs Fred Bibs); came with parents to U S 1868 lived in Ill; 1880 came with parents to a farm in Fillmore Co; 1889-1906 farmer & stockman, Fillmore. Co; 1906-08 Fillmore Co clk; 1908-19 in impl bus, Geneva; 1919- in oil bus, Geneva; mbr bd of edn 6 years; mbr city coun 4 years, pres 2 years; mbr Fillmore Co Fair bd 30 years; Comm Club; AF&AM 79, mbr 49 years; OES; MWA; Congl Ch, past trustee 6 years; Indep; res Geneva.
PHELPS, GUY J: Pharmacist; b Franklin Co, Neb Oct 6, 1886; s of Elbert S Phelps-Ellen Chrisholm; ed Bloomington; Holdrege HS; Creighton U, PhG 1911; m Josephine Cabeen June 25, 1913 Lincoln; s Thurston G; d Shirley Mae; 1911- pharm & prop Phelps Pharm, Exeter; dir First Natl Bank; 12 years mbr city coun, 3 years chmn; Neb Pharm Assn; past pres C of C; Uni Club, Lincoln; AF&AM 283, Scot Rite, Tehama Shrine, Hastings; Chris Ch; Dem; hobbles, hunting, golf; res Exeter.
PHILIPPI, WILLIAM A: Funeral Director; b Bruning, Neb Feb 14, 1886; s of G W Philippi-Sophia Middendorf; ed Bruning; m Lucia S Bruning Oct 24, 1911 Bruning; s Frank F W, William A Jr; d Gertrude H (Mrs Elmer Meyer), Ruth M, Erma, Esther C; farmer in Thayer Co until 1910; 1911-30 hdw dlr, Bruning; 1913-80 funeral dir, Bruning; 1930- hdw dlr & funeral dir, Ohiowa; chmn Ohiowa town bd 2 years; mbr sch bd 6 years; pres bd of edn 5 years; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; Ohiowa Comml Club, past chmn 3 years; Luth Ch; Rep; parents came to Thayer Co, 1885; res Ohiowa.
PORTER, GEORGE W: Implement Dealer; b Neosho, Mo Jan 7, 1869, s of Andrew J Porter-Matilda Stuckey; ed Fillmore Co: PSTC 1893; m Kathryn M Hafer Mar 8, 1904 Geneva; s John J, George LeRoy; came with parents to Lexington 1872, to Fillmore Co 1876; homesteaded in Dawson Co, later farmed in Fillmore Co; 1889-90 sch tchr, Fillmore Co; 1893-96 tchr at Diller & Sutton; 1896- 1907 farmer, Fillmore Co; 1907- impl dlr, Fairmont; handles John Deere tractors & farm impls; past mbr bd of edn; IOOF; MWA; Federated Ch. treas; Rep; father was Civil War veteran & mbr of GAR; res Fairmont.
ROSENAU, HAROLD A: Osteopath; b Franklin Co, Ia Feb 19, 1894; s of Rev J W Rosenau-Rebecca A Boell; ed Hastings HS; Hastings Coll, BSc 1917; Amer Sch of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo, DO 1923; Alpha Tau Sigma; Sigma Sigma Phi; m Blanche M Butler June 24, 1925 Hebron; s Ronald Butler, Harold Eugene; d Blanche Elizabeth; while in HS & coll worked in groc store; 1923-24 osteopath, asst to Dr J R Bancroft, Hebron; 1924- osteopath, Geneva; pres bd of edn; during World War ent U S army Apr 1917, sent to base hosp 114, Bordeaux France, as surgical asst in operating room, disch spring 1919; Amer Leg: Neb & Amer Osteopathic Assns; Comm Club; AF&AM 79; high priest RAM; R&SM 26; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, woodworking, camping, fishing; res Geneva.
RUSSELL, ALPHEUS ALVIN: Farmer & Stockman; b Fillmore Co, Neb May 10, 1881; s of Samuel Judd Russell-Mary Ann Wythers; ed Fillmore co; LBC 1899-1900; m Dorothea A Mau Mar 16, 1904 Martland; s Loyd C; d Lula May (Mrs Paul W Finch); on father's farm until 1890; after death of mother made home with uncle, James Wythers at Sawyer 1891-1902; 1902-07 with Nye-Schneider- Fowler Grain & Lbr Co of Fremont as elevator helper in Sawyer, also helper in Cornlea elevator & agt for firm at David City & Martland; 1907-26 farmed near Geneva; specialized in raising and feeding purebred Duroc Jersey hogs: owns 400 A in Fillmore Co; mbr Fillmore Co Fair bd since 1925, pres since 1927; mbr Neb St Fair bd since 1933, mbr bd of mgrs since 1936; mbr Fillmore Co bd of supvrs since 1924, chmn since 1930; VP Fillmore Co Farmers mutual Ins Co since 1928; mbr city coun 4 years; 1926- dir Geneva Cemetery Assn; Comm Club; AF&AM; Congl Ch, treas since 1931; Dem; hobby, fair bd work; res Geneva.
SIMON, HOLLIS B: Superintendent of Schools; b Bloomdale, Ohio; s of Moses W Simon-Sarah Fry; ed Bloomdale O HS; Otterbein Coll, Westerville O, BSc 1911; U of Wis; Chicago U; Columbia U. MA 1926; m Iris Eginton Aug 22, 1917 Westfield Ill; s Robert E; d Frances L; 1911-14 science tchr, Westfield Ill Coll; 1914-16 science tchr Norfolk HS; 1916-20 prin Norfolk HS, 1920-31 supt; 1931-32 representative in Neb for De Noyer Geppert Co, Chicago; 1932- supt of schs, Geneva; taught 2 sessions U of N summer sch; pres NSTA 1930, past mbr exec com, pres dist 1, 1939; NEA, dept of secondary sch prins; Amer Assn of Sch Administrators; Neb HS Activities Assn, mbr bd of control several years, pres 4 years; Neb Schoolmasters Club; Comm Club; AF&AM 79; Meth Ch; hobbies, golf, athletics; res Geneva.
SLOAN, CHARLES H: Attorney; b Monticello, Ia May 2, 1863; s of James W Sloan-Elizabeth Magee; ed Monticello Ia HS; Ia St Coll, BSc 1884; MSc in Agr 1985; Delta Tau Delta; m Emma M Porter Oct 1, 1889 Woodbine Ia; s Frank Blaine (dec in World War), Charles Porter, William McKinley; d Ethel (Mrs Grady Corbitt); came to Fillmore Co 1884; 1884-87 supt of schs, Fairmont; adm to Neb bar 1887, also adm to prac in fed & US supreme court; 1887-91 prac law, Fairmont; 1891- prac law, Geneva; 1887-90 city atty, Fairmont; 1891-95 Fillmore Co atty; 1891- dir Geneva State Bank, chmn of bd since 1933, pres 2 years; owns more than 4,000 A, Fillmore & adjoining cos; 1894-96 Neb sen from Fillmore & York Cos; author of first anti-oleomargarine law; introduced resolution naming Neb "the tree planters state"; chmn of com which submitted several amendments to the state constitution. most of which have been adopted; 1911-19 & 1929-31 US congressman from 4th congl dist, mbr ways & means com 4 years & only Neb Rep ever to serve on this com; mbr agrl com 4 years; in U S Congress led fight for eradication of hog cholera; eradication of tuberculosis in livestock; voted
Who's Who
against declaration of war; on floor of the house spoke in 1917 against offensive war & moved an amendment to make it a defensive war; author of one of the few biographies written in Neb, biography of his brother, Frank W Sloan; an original dir Geneva lib; Fillmore Co Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn, past chmn bd of examiners; Amer Bar Assn; Comm Club; AF&AM, past master, grand orator 1898; Scot Rite, Lincoln; Sesostris Shrine; Meth Ch; Rep; res Geneva.
SLOAN, WILLIAM M: Attorney; b Geneva, Neb July 28, 1898; s of Charles H Sloan-Emma Margaret Porter; ed Geneva HS; George Washington U, Wash D C; U of N, LLB 1922; Delta Tau Delta, vicepres 1922; Phi Delta Phi; m Esther M Marshall June 12, 1929 Omaha; s William Marshall; d Sarah Nancy; adm to Neb bar 1922; Fillmore Co Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; 1922 prac law as mbr of firm Sloan, Keenan & Corbitt, Geneva; past pres & past secy, Fillmore Co U of N Alumni Assn; during World War in George Washington U SATC; Amer Leg, past adjt 7 years;. AF&AM, past master; pres Templecraft Assn, Geneva since 1932; RAM, past high priest; R&SM, grand master, past illustrious master; hobbles, photography, gardening; res Geneva.
SMITH, CHARLES CARMAN: Index Manufacturer; b Junius, N Y Sept 29, 1866; s of Horace G Smith-Catharine A Carman; ed Dansville, N Y Seminary; Doane Acad, Crete 1883; Doane Coll BSc 1887; Eastman Bus Coll. Poughkeepsie N Y, MA 1888; m Mary D Rogers Oct 5, 1892 Syracuse; d Constance Carman, Ruth Dorothea, Lots Babcock, Miriam Rogers; 1888-89 cash Bank of Grover, Grover Colo; 1889-97 asst cash First Natl Bank, Exeter; 1896- mfr of index tags & steel. guides; 1911-12 Neb State sen; trustee Doane Coll, secy bd of dirs 1901-15, chmn bd of dirs 1914-15 & 1925-34; Natl Stationers Assn; dir Assoc Industries of Neb, pres 1921; during World War dir Neb War Work coun of YMCA 1917-18; 1917-23 state dir YMCA; pres Exeter ARC since 1916; Congl Ch, dir Neb conference 1918-26; Rep; res Exeter.
SMITH, CURTIS ADAMS: Merchant; b Flint, Ind Nov 8, 1857; s of Hiram L Smith-Phoebe A Williams; ed Orland Ind; U of N, 1880-84; m Anna S Ashton Feb 8, 1885 Geneva (dec Mar 27, 1937); came to Neb 1873; first emp as clk in Platt & Smith Store, Geneva; 1883 taught sch; 1885-93 farmed; 1890-93 oprd butcher shop, Geneva; 1893-94 in hdw bus, Geneva; 1894 traded hdw bus for 820 A of land; 1894-1909 sold feed, fruit, seeds. vegetables & notions; 1909-21 cared for invalid father; traveled over most of U S; 1931- in furn bus; Congl Ch; Indep; hobby, buying old furn; in 1869 father bought 960 A in Gage Co; 1870 pur 80 A near State Hosp in Lincoln; 1872 20 A at 27th & R; his estate later sold 4 lots between O & P on 15th to Hardy Bros for $210,000; also was interested in Cushman Motor Co, Lincoln Street Rwy Co & several residences, was mayor of Geneva, Neb senator, also was considered outstanding capitalist in early Geneva; res Geneva.
SMRHA, VACLAV V: Physician & Surgeon; b Kolinec, Bohemia Nov 7, 1878; s of Charles Smrha-Katerina Stulik; ed Exeter; Geneva; Milligan; Fremont Normal; Creighton U, MD 1905; Post Grad Med Sch, Chicago, degree in clinical diagnosis & opthalmology; Phi Rho Sigma; m Anna Rose Hamouz Jan 2, 1904 Exeter (dec July 18, 1933); s Charles Frank, James Albert; d Anna Rose, Marian Ruth, Rose Marie (dec); m Altie Lula Smith Dec 31, 1935 Exeter; 1884 settled in Fillmore, when a boy emp in father's harness shop; 1897-98 tchr, Fillmore Co, 1899-1901 tchr, Milligan; 1905- phys & surg, Milligan; 1933- pres Farmers & Mchts Bank; secy Milligan Lbr Co; village treas 29 years; 27 years supreme med examiner for ZCBJ; Sokol, gymnastic instr 25 years; recd medal of honor from Czechoslovakia for lending support in move for Independence 1918; Fillmore Co Med Soc, pres & secy 30 years; VP Neb St Med Assn 1938; AMA: pres Czech Natl Alliance of Milligan; KP; father oprd harness shop at Exeter, Geneva & Milligan; res Milligan.
STEELE, ISAAC CLINTON: Hardware Merchant; b Shelby Co, Ind Sept 20, 1862; s of Robert R Steele-Mary Ellen Croly; ed Fillmore Co; m Ora Belle Carter Oct 7, 1891 Friend (dec); m Elda N Dunn Oct 31, 1903 Fillmore Co; d Mary Vaunden (Mrs Nell Adams); came with parents to Fillmore Co 1871; 1880-82 farmed; 1882-83 oprd butcher shop; 1883-1907 in gen merc co; 1903- in furn & undertaking bus; 1986- in hdw bus; 1913-38 with Chester Tele Co; past coroner, Fillmore Co; past mbr city coun; AF&AM 182; Scot Rite; Sesostris Shrine; OES, past patron; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, stamp collecting; res Ohiowa.
STEWART, AUBREY P: Hardware Merchant, b Otoe Co, Neb May 23, 1883; s of Thomas L Stewart- Hannah M Porter; ed Otoe Co; Palmyra HS; U of N, BSc 1908; m Alma V Trimble Aug 25, 1911 Palmyra; s Aubrey P Jr; d Marjory Jean, Lots Marian; 1900-04 in impl & grain bus, Palmyra; 1908- 18 mgr Stewart Bros Co. impl bus; 1913-14 in engineering dept of Dempster Mill Mfg Co, Beatrice; 1914- in hdw, plumbing & electrical bus, Fairmont; mbr bd of edn 15 years; secy Comml Club; Meth Ch, chmn bd of trustees; Dem, past mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; hobbles, hunting, fishing; res Fairmont.
STRATTON, FRED N: Pharmacist; b Jerico Springs, Mo Aug 2, 1885; s of A B Stratton-Stella N Neumann; ed Exeter HS; Drake U, PhG 1906; m Rose Marie Soukup Jan 9, 1935 Wilbur; registered pharm since 1906; 1906-07 pharm for Polly Drug Co, Seward; 1907-11 owner & opr drug store, Benedict; 1912-17 owner & opr drug store, Bruning; 1920-27 owner & opr drug store, Rapelje Mont; 1927- owner & opr drug Store, Milligan; during World War ent Dec 1917 in U S army med corps, 3rd inf, disch Dec 1919; Amer Leg; Neb Pharm Assn; C of C; AF&AM 149; BPOE, York; Indep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Milligan.
SWANSON, HARRY E: County Treasurer; b Shickley, Neb Mar 3, 1883; s of Nils W Swanson-Mary J Johnson; ed Fillmore Co; Ong HS; LBC; m Minnie C Nelson Dec 18, 1907 Saronville; s Wallace; d Minette E (Mrs Wincel Nelson), Olive B (Mrs Leland Hultine), Helen Laverne; spent boyhood on father's farm; 1907-34 farmer & stockman, Fillmore and Clay Cos; 1935- Fillmore Co treas; past mbr sch & twp bds; Comm Club; KP; Congl Ch; Dem; parents came from Sweden in 1870s homesteaded Fillmore Co 1873; res Geneva.
THORNTON, ALBERT: Lumber Dealer; b Sheldon, Ill Apr 11, 1879; s of Benjamin H Thornton-Anna A Eastburn; ed Kearney HS; m Mary Ellen Wake June 17, 1903 Cozad; s Donald A; d Louise Ellen (Mrs J C White); 1895-1908 clk in stores, Gibbon, Cozad & Wymore; 1908-25 ptr of father-in-law in Wake & Thornton Lbr Co, Shickley; 1925- owner & opr Thornton Lbr Co, Shickley; 1930- owner Thornton Lbr Co, Ohiowa, managed by son, Donald; dir Shickley State Bank; past sec sch bd 15 years; chmn village bd; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; past pres Comm Club; AF&AM 179; Scot Rite, Hastings; OES, past patron; Meth Ch, treas; Rep; hobbies, gardening, home work; res Shickley.
TICE, FRANK B: Bank Cashier; b Geneva, Neb July 5, 1908; s of Bert A Tice-Ida M Kinrade; ed Geneva HS; LSC; m Clarice L Loghry Aug 15, 1932 Kearney; 1924-26 emp in Geneva State Bank, 1927-38 teller & bkkpr; 1938- cash & exec ofcr Shickley State Bank, 1938- opr of ins agcy: Comm Club, pres; IOOF, past noble grand, Geneva; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, coin collecting; res Shickley.
TUCKER, J GUY: Physician & Surgeon; b Glenwood, Ia June 18, 1903; s of Richard Tucker-Cora A Parker; ed York HS; U of N, BSc 1927, MD 1929; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Theta Nu; 1930-31 interne, Meth Hosp of Southern Cal, Los Angeles; 1931 phys & surg, Milligan; Fillmore Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; KP; Meth Ch; Rep; res Milligan.
UPTON, V L: Dentist; b Tobias, Neb Dec 10, 1898; s of Lewis K Upton-Millie A Welch; ed Lincoln HS; U of N, DDS 1922; Xi Psi Phi; m Naida M Roder June 14, 1922 Lincoln; s Verne Lewis, William Herbert, Robert Dean; d Ethelyn Virgene; 1922 dentist, Lincoln; 1922- dentist, Ohiowa; past mbr bd of edn; chmn twp bd since 1927; mbr vol fire dept 15 years; during World War in Co D, U of N SATC; Amer Leg, past vice-comm, comm, adjt, finance ofcr & chaplain: Fillmore Co Dental Soc, pres; Dist 7 Dental Soc; Neb St Dental Assn; past chmn Comml Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Ohiowa.
WARING, JOHN K: Attorney; b New York, N Y June 2, 1968; s of James Waring-Annie Fleming; ed New York City; Doane Coll; m Ella L Bennett Apr 3, 1890 Fairmont; s Robert B. James (dec); d Louise (dec); came to Fillmore Co, 1879; held various positions, studied law in off of John D Carson, Geneva; adm to Neb bar 1897; 1897- prac law, Geneva; 1919- ptr of son, Robert B; 2 terms Fillmore Co atty; Neb St Bar Assn; AF&AM 79; RAM 41; R&SM 42; Meth Ch; Dem; res Geneva.
WARING, ROBERT B: Attorney; b Geneva, Neb Sept 24, 1894; s of John K Waring-Ella L Bennett; ed Geneva HS; U of N, LLB 1917: Phi Sigma Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; m
in Nebraska
Vera Linstrom June 18, 1919 Edgar; s Robert; d Lila, Mary; adm to Neb bar 1917; 1919- prac law, as mbr firm Waring & Waring, Geneva; during World War enl May 1917, 1st OTC, Fort Snelling Minn, 1st lt, AEF 33rd div, disch May 23, 1919; Amer Leg, state comm 1938-39; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Uni Club, Lincoin; AF&AM 79; RAM 41; R&SM 26; Scot Rite 32o; Dem; res Geneva.
WEISS, WILLIAM H: Insurance & Real Estate Dealer; b Fontanelle, Neb Dec 29, 1895; s of Jacob Weiss-Theresa Kummer; ed Washington Co; Fremont Normal; m Ellen M McFarland June 9, 1922 Lincoln; 1919-28 in banking & ins bus, Ohiowa; 1928- in ins & real est bus; special agt New York Life Ins Co since 1923; land owner in Fillmore Co; mbr town bd & bd of edn; during World War enl Dec 13, 1917, detached service, sgt 1st class, QMC, disch Feb 28, 1919; Amer Leg, state vice-comm; AF&AM 182, past master; RAM 41, past high priest; R&SM 26; OES, past patron; Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, sports; res Ohiowa.
WIGGINS, WILLIAM S: Physician & Surgeon; b Manchester, Mich Aug 14, 1870; s of William Henry Wiggins-Ellen Shipman; ed Adrian Mich HS 1887; Adrian Mich Coll; Mich Coll of Med & Surgery MD 1895; m Anna M Ainsworth Feb 22, 1899 DeWitt; s Carryl W; d Frances Emily (Mrs Lowell Waldo); 1895-96 interne Emergency Hosp, Detroit Mich; 1896-1912 phys & surg, DeWitt; 1912- phys & surg, Exeter; staff mbr Lutheran Hosp, York; mbr Amer Assn of Railway Surgeons; surg for CB&Q RR since 1903; surg for C&NW RR since 1930; pres bd of edn, 19 years; past secy city coun; several years state treas Yeoman Ins Co; past pres Fillmore Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; C of C; AF&AM 283, past master; Scot Rite, Lincoln; Tehama Shrine, Hastings; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby, fishing; res Exeter.
WILKINS, EARL H: Bank President; b Geneva, Neb June 22, 1888; s of William S. Wilkins-Malina Head; ed Geneva HS; Brown's Bus Coll, Lincoln; m Grace I Walker Oct 22 1919 Douglas; s Hugh F, William W, Robert E; d Beth M; 1907 bkkpr Exeter State Bank & Grafton State Bank; 1908-11 asst cash, Farmer's State Bank, Fairmont; 1911 with Geneva State Bank; 1911-21 asst cash, 1921-33 cash, 1933- pres; 1927- pres Shickley State Bank; 1928- pres Fairfield State Bank; Comm Club, past pres; AF&AM 79; RAM 41; R&SM, treas; OES; Congl Ch, past trustee; Rep, treas Fillmore Co Central Com; hobby, landscape gardening; res Geneva.
WILLIAMS, GEORGE ARTHUR: Author & Lecturer; b Lafayette, Ill Aug 17, 1864: ed Galva Ill HS; bus training, Graysville Tenn; m Mabel Lucretia Grubb Oct 25, 1888 Galva, Ill; s Arthur Frederick, Lewis Victor (dec), Ross, George Aubrey; d Mary Ada (Mrs L R McIntyre), Estelle (Mrs R J Jackson), Mildred (Mrs R T Allen), Ada Lucine (Mrs H C Turner); 1888-1926 farmed near Fairmont except few years in merc bus in Tenn; 1926 moved to Fairmont; elec to Neb legislature 1919 & 1921, introduced glaring headlight bill; one of the introducers of Neb Capitol bill; strong leader in the framing & passage of highway legislation; leader in civil administrative code & many other measures; 1925-31 lt gov; has held mbrship & ofcl position in many civic bodies of state; during World War was mbr Fillmore Co coun of defense; mgr Fillmore Co 2nd ARC fund drive; SUV; Seventh-day Adventist Ch; res Fairmont.
WILSON, ROBERT B: Factory Manager; b Moore, Montana May 5, 1917; s of Clarence J Wilson-Bessie Butler; ed Geneva HS; m Naoma Luella Norgren Aug 22, 1935 Council Bluffs Ia; s Robert Butler Jr, Charles Stephen; came to Geneva 1921; 1926- emp by Economy Paint Mills, owned by father, 1935-37 asst mgr, 1937- gen mgr since father's death; in factory has studied paint from mfg, technical & research standpoints; Neb Petroleum Marketers Inc; Comm Club; KP; Congl Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing, paint research & study; res Geneva.
WOLFORD, CLAUDE D: Mortician & Funeral Director; b Syracuse, Neb Dec 18, 1886; s of J C Wolford-Anna Kenuff; ed Fairmont HS; U of N 1907-11; 1911 studied embalming under Carl Barnes, Chicago; m Charlotte M Kochendarfer April 4, 1917 Exeter; s Ken D, James C; d Lucille; 1911- undertaker & funeral dir, Fairmont; 1914 became lic undertaker in Neb; 1911- in furn bus, Fairmont; 1918- opr of dairy; Federated Ch; Dem; res Fairmont.
WOLTER, FRED: Service Station Operator; b Sangamon Co, Ill Sept 2, 1873; s of Henry Wolter- Elizabeth Tipka; ed Mason Co, Ill; Fillmore Co; m Alvena Kauth Feb 21, 1897 York (dec); s Ralph L; d Edna A (Mrs Clair Christiancy), Edith L, Alfreda M (Mrs Roy Dunker); m Anna Thee July 12, 1911 Beaver City; s Frederick J; d Catherine M; 1888 came to Fillmore Co; 1891-96 blacksmith, Fillmore Co; 1896-1907 blacksmith, Bruning; 1907-10 blacksmith, Ohiowa; 1910-11 traveling salesman for hdw co; 1911-14 with Lincoln Grain Co; 1914- 31 P M, Ohiowa; 1931-87 village clk, light & water commr; 1933-36 Fillmore Co, supvr; 1937- gas oil & tire dlr, Ohiowa; Comml Club; AF&AM; MWA; Dem; res Ohiowa.
WULLBRANDT, WILLIAM CHARLES: Merchant; b LaSalle Co, Ill May 18, 1868; s of Charles H Wullbrandt-Fredrickie Holoch; ed York Co; Crete HS; m Gertrude Hanson July 29, 1903 Seward; d Maxine (Mrs Ralph Thompson); came with parents to Neb 1869; 1869-88 lived in York Co; 1888-93 with father in gen mdse co, Exeter; 1893-1918 with J M Cox in gen mdse bus; 1918-26 stockholder & gen mgr J H Eller & Co; 1926- in shoe & furnishings bus; mayor of Exeter 2 years; C of C, past dir, past VP; AF&AM 283, past master; Rep, past mbr Fillmore Co Central Com; hobby, fishing; res Exeter.
ZISKA, ALICE H: Merchant; b Exeter, Neb Jan 23, 1879; d of Fred M Ziska-Frances Kucera; ed Exeter HS; 1904-19 worked in fathers store, Exeter; sold store after fathers death in 1919; 1921 with 2 sisters Anna J & Helen L re-estab the bus under name Ziska & Co; Alice gen mgr, Anna works in bus, Helen is silent ptr; C of C; Study Club; Cath Ch, organist 40 years, deanery pres, Natl Coun of Cath Women; hobby, reading; parents came to Neb in 1870's; mother came to US 1871; res Exeter.